CHOOSE The SECRET PLURAL LUCKY BLOCK DOOR In Minecraft! - Lucky Block Doors Mini-Game

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hey what's up dudes it's pat and welcome back to another minecraft video and uh phorid okay Craner here's the deal let me win rock-paper-scissors I haven't won like one episode of this for some reason listen here pet the deal is that I'm gonna I'm okay listen I'm gonna be honest with you pet okay yeah yep I'm gonna throw out a rock first round okay okay okay so do what you want to do but I'm gonna throw out a rock okay all right here we go sister oh that's all that sisters yeah okay I just wanted to say key but I said scissors oh this is how it works guys whoever wins this gets to choose the first lucky door and I lose this game every single time remember I'm gonna throw up rock right now pet or am I Rock Paper Scissors shoot you did it I got it I told you I was gonna do it man and I believed you and I threw up paper and I actually won from once in my life you wonder you thought that I thought that you were really gonna throw a rock so that I would not throw out paper but I thought maybe I just felt that but you wanted to give you a free win well I think so I think someone on me so I know you want me to read um yes you're the best okay lucky block doors rock paper scissors to choose doors some doors are lucky some are unlucky make trades oh why do you put so many a summation box man is gonna make me shout a lot struggle if you're ever sick I've leave hey listen I can always do the reading voice bye equals pet loose equals Benji I told you not to call me Benji it's kind of mean cuz I'm very nice to you cos listen III added some grammar in this one it also would've sounded dumb I went some das some dass I'll lock you some doors are unlucky did you want me to read it the way that you want to describe some doors lucky so I'm unlucky no you have to say ah ah ah like a pirate look I'm really bad at saying are no you sour no you're embarrassing fourth for oh my god you did it I did it head I'm not falling anymore guys like you get my beast and finally I move in with pet alright yeah yeah you can move in you could live in classroom Oh sake okay sounds good be sure to smash that subscribe button also smash that like button as well and don't forget to hit that little bell you just picked on bottom I apples give it back alright just take it hey yo let's didn't work at all right over here then we must check out which has amazing stuff we're gonna need today for a very overpowered lucky block this one is the plural lucky block the plural alright cheerio so Ted for us has a plural Mike whoa okay so if you get that one you win the one below as well everything here's the thing though the armor is so powerful it won't instantly kill you are you sure about that pet yeah I am but once you break through the armor they're gonna die just keep at it yeah that kind of died real quick so beacon we get the plural amazing sword a very large number never start plural cast sword Dragon egg is this dirt be looking godly sword yeah what's wrong with that sword there's like crooked but then I was like a poison edge to it which is actually kind of cool yeah looks really I want that one no and wait is that the best one no the best one is the plural amazing sword yeah yeah I see that that one looks amazing wait look the armors look amazing Armour and missing it's gonna be really nice over here all right we have a super lucky block we got enchanted apples and enchantment table and Chuck Norris bazooka use this can't oh he must have shot the bazooka that's what kia did oh that's okay well what about the throwing star okay so we've got our normal Emerald trades over here for a sponge and for a frame for saddle and for cake we have throwing stars routine see we have it looks like a plural Apple for to enter chest we have a plural cast bazooka which is gonna be awesome and then we have the amazing bow it looks at measly okay where do you think he actually used to pursue go over there in that giant hole yeah he had to have been because we saw this and it says Keon hat accident here please ignore through one of all the stars by mistake okay what about the bazooka does that well that's what the throwing stars do that I don't want to know what the bazooka does all I know is I get to choose today which one to choose and I've got this are you ready I am ready for you to choose which one to choose yes I think it's this one all the way on the left you think that one is lucky I don't think it's ever been lucky boys today are you sure about that pet yeah maybe that could be good I hate myself yes say that pet you are a lovely person who gets really unlucky blocks but still somehow wins you know what you know what they say when you're when you're a nice person you don't always get lucky I don't know if they say that okay thank you I was really trying to like be nice to you but I don't think it worked oh it's horrible I have so many of them how much do you want to bet that I find the one that's really lucky no today what's gonna happen it's gonna be even you're in it to normal ones and I'm gonna get the super lucky one and the super Aleman that would be kinda not at all I'm gonna choose two right now we know which one it is pet it is this one right here wait I'm scared Wow oh hey cloud I am so scared a huge tire is running inside the Dodge and please kill him for me won't have a weapon oh okay these have normal lucky blocks some lucky oh I opened a normal one yeah none of these applause re pet gotta walk in in the way you're not okay some of them are unlucky yeah I didn't I didn't get the very lucky one oh I killed it wait my twin said there was an evil monster down here yeah that's just my teddy bear there is no monsters down here all right kill this teddy bear an accident then Oh Plus what Audrey a good one actually well that the very lucky one then I was that like a medium one I think that might be medium right that was medium definitely because it was half lucky half unlucky okay well let's see you can choose the lucky one pet all the way right now that really doesn't look good I got it one of us got unlucky and super lucky are you okay yeah I couldn't even speak up so happy oh there's some right here pet you're missing these oh wait let me organize by him too I'm so happy right now I haven't gotten a super lucky money forever you're missing so many it's a good thing you got me with you I'm gonna get him look I talked him all out for you man I'm a good friend this one behind you to pet thank you maybe let me win it come on lost it at all wait does that mean there's only like a bad one left for me like a decent one it should be our normal two normal ones one super lucky everyone super unlucky okay that's nice are you ready yeah should be normal you know Oh looks cool looks very sick okay we need to destroy some stuff here you what be nice to have an ex wouldn't it thank you and these you know we've seen it before the most lucky one doesn't have to be lucky sometimes sometimes they're very boring wait look x marks the spot oh I knew it oh just normal once you kidding me I thought that was gonna be good for sure yeah you would be super lucky wasn't there there's nothing here right we got it all okay well I'm pretty happy with my outcome I'm actually happy with mine too I think we're pretty even um definitely except minor Oh I'm lucky and super I'm super lucky and yours are just all playing well at the end of the day it all comes down to randomness anyway alright yes that is true are you ready to see something epic come out of my super long look I got a squirrel Oh oh my goodness you already got lucky wait chocolate boots chocolate who says chocolate like that it smells wrong chocolate talk it's actually says like chocolate can I see it yeah it's definitely uh spelled properly I don't know how you were pronounced exactly what chocolate boots yeah actually want these I must put them on now so I feel I'm gonna get something better than this with all these super lucky oh look how much damage a hundred and thirty-eight oh no wait I got a plural stick what does that do oh maybe it's for make you like a plural sword or something all I know what you all my goodness you've gotta be flipping my benders one-hit wonder it must only last for one round Oh No there's so much damage I just got sick from that lucky block I got another one hit wonder okay yeah definitely the lead right now look enchanted opiate pearl apples I gotta give myself some milk because I am sick for eight minutes Ches plea protection 100 odd and 367 max elf sorry I'm distracted right now Pat I've been sick for eight minutes holy crap that took way too long alright what did you say sorry all right Chet has protection 100 and 367 max health yeah you definitely got some all pieced off right now peaceful a holy crab Pat you gotta stop the dead you know wait I got a beacon it's normal it's not part of a we're just sitting here okay so I can't I can't pick up mine at the will got a magnet over here you're a magnet look right there magnet oh that's a magnet looks like pants oh yeah I be pants I thought it looked like a magnet almost this oh this is sick I have so much good stuff I feel bad about this I haven't gotten lucky at all Oh lightning well anything else here is now gone okay well I'm sorry about that did you look did you lose your beak it no no no I already picked it up wait yeah I've got it no worries okay well I wanted you to lose it so I am kind of worried see I don't know what to do at this point because I don't have anything you know you do have some super lucky blocks though have you open them yet haunted plural sword oh my god this helmet I just put on weight what does this mean you won't win well I got a haunted plural sword what what did I do did I do this I think you did oh my goodness this thing is insane alright well we know now for the future um let me talk about you um yeah I'm definitely not gonna use that again how much did oh my goodness your health Bob head I know it's insane right look at all this damage I did but do you think this officer can't see oh gosh what's that congratulations pet I'm really happy for you have you gotten armor no have you got armor now no you want some chocolate no really I got tea look at this you see it wait wow it's a dark sonic II oh yeah got that too but this shovel hurts Oh an acid shovel Oh 1750 attack damage it's like massive - that's insane alright well I guess I got that which is nice I got a shovel do you see how many blocks later Scott oh my goodness I don't even let's do about it there's too many I'm not gonna be able open all these I'm not even open up you need to open them all 24 blocks what is happening over here I don't think I can let's not if we get this drop let's not open them okay okay well you probably did that before didn't you oh no I did not nothing like that I got 24 no 25 blocks plus all those it's like 35 blocks you want to see me open very unlucky blocks I do and I'm gonna throw away these blocks if you got the same drop please do the same so that we don't are you ready yeah I'm ready you kidding me yeah I got another one ready wait I got a bazooka and got another very unlucky one right here where are you at how many were you know what I'm tired of this unlucky one that's a bad thing bad fishing rod well now only got very lucky ones left so that's cool dream bow oh thank you just stop killing me randomly [Music] they're gonna be horrible well you've definitely been the most lucky that I've ever seen anybody being this do a bad series no up in waiting so I've been winning the mostest and you gotta get the speakin oh I already have like to begin so I think I'm good all right thank you I'll take it I can't take it are you sure steal someone's beacon okay well I wanted one you get one you just got one yeah what is this rabbit I didn't even get a beacon oh wait it disappeared yeah just kind of turned into wall all right watch this I'm gonna do something horrible okay look where are you oh okay I see you all right is that the very unlucky ones you example ah I'm gonna open half of them in one go okay ready okay this is going to kill us all are you ready yep oh it's all gone what the heck how would I survive I blew up everything my jumping is really weird because of one of these things I'm wearing to be honest I can't jump properly I somehow managed to survive Pat so you're literally alive from whatever just happened yeah I'm just um chillin I need to get out of this hole did anything drop or did it all disappear in the explosion it all disappeared in the explosion just like you Patrick all right no I'm going to or I'm out of you okay I'm gonna open some very lucky ones now cuz I feel like I'm gonna get lucky how many you have you got six right yeah okay yeah well that's actually not that good another thing you could get Oh blue gems Jeff wait maybe I can make a pearl saw it you probably cooked your sticks right oh well potion - oh my god I have an unlucky potion hey I got some good oh well - nope cool did you die it just made me far the world automatically oh maybe oh wait I got it flied here okay try it again dude um a lot of sport eggs that Oh wha okay um some kind of pink napkin the magenta leaf you know what those you can't Rhydian oh you've got those so you can't open those right yeah was that me that was you that was you yeah cuz I didn't open anything I was just punching a crafting table okay yeah I don't want to open these like hundreds of them they keep spawning I know we can do drops like oh I got milky balls oh wait they're actually strong I hate you oh it last block how many times you gotta kill me today a hundred more blocks again alright I'm done I've completed everything I needed to complete I've opened all my blocks and I'm not gonna open those okay alright what do you have left I got cocoa beans from a very lucky block yeah I'm not doing good at all pass thank you for telling me how many more I'm opening last one now I think you gotta help it oh okay well I got six normal ones all right maybe those will be good melons stick hey oh right Oh No hey yeah I know it's just a charge plural sword all right that's good though that's good that's really good good some pant pants gasps dad ooh I don't have that how do I use it you probably just hold it back yeah cool that is probably not gonna help a lot but I'll take it cool all right well I think I'm ready to win all right let's see if you win today I'm gonna be very confused cuz I did very very good yeah you're definitely doing way better than me right now Pat but I'm the champion yes every time guys they're definitely gonna want to check the old videos to see can we maybe fly back oh no we're almost there okay oh this is violated now I keep stepping on fire and it hurts my foot pet I'm sorry you are a foot massage yes I never said I could I said do you want one yeah and I said yes no dang it we buy all these all right so I don't have that one I want to put on okay not these legs oh I can buy another very lucky block plural okay so I'll buy that and open it put this on I got another sword I got the one-hit wonder oh you got it Oh sick I got the one in wonder pad oh I think I do so I mean boots definitely I think this armors not as good as the stuff I got but I think these boots are probably better okay I'm going to wait do I even need extra so these are unbreakable so what do I get okay let me check okay so I think if I throw I'm not gonna be doing no wait no put the boots out again I was fine you killed all the sellers I'll be back they just respond okay good because I was not done all right sorry about that my mistake I don't even think I need to turn this gold into a golden apple but I think I will just so people could see I know how to craft okay well people are gonna be very impressed okay everyone's impressed they're like wow bet you can craft yeah before no one knew now you guys know and I am going to have I'm so overpowered like I don't know how I could even lose this oh wow oh gosh I kill everything right now okay we're gonna have to equip our armor far away from each other all right okay fair enough all right so I got this potion over here and you get this over there all right I'm trying to like organize things I have so many different weapons and stuff yeah I have a lot of stuff too all right not gonna need to go with an apple I bought I'm sure because I already have like cookies and other like unique things my worry is my armor right now cuz I think you got way better armor than me I'm pretty sure that I do oh no okay so I got these all here's the apples that I need all right there we go put those right there also that's a bazooka okay I'm standing ready to meet my Maker I'm not at full health but that's fine I don't think I need to get some arrows Unidos I don't think they require arrows the bows they don't yeah cuz I can shoot mine without any well I also have a lucky ball okay yeah lucky balls gonna require one I don't think I need ammo for any of the things I have I think I can just shoot them automatically okay well I'm ready to fight you pet I miss what we need five wins to win are you ready for this I am ready okay yeah let me I'm gonna put it all I just didn't want to like damage you before we start all right ready wait a second oh yeah okay I'm ready three two one go what are you doing up there I can fly I can't aim before my help are you boiling the whole stream with this okay we're going wait let me turn that volume down seventeen so that like it'll be able to hear you in the reporting all right here's the thing so I we could damage each other no like your armor it has unbreakable on it am i right yes so you aren't taking damage and it can't break yeah yeah yeah facing me yeah therefore we cannot hurt each other with the armor we are wearing okay let's write what lip we both have to take off one piece of armor right now which one you want it to be m-my chest plate all right chest plates are going off and the round will continue there how's that sound fair I'm ready all right here we go three two what whatever let's go I'm stuck in a hole that's good I'm coming okay far away this is so weird this is really odd dude I'm hitting you right yeah oh and I don't think we're gonna die well it's because we have the ultimate stuff on that's what makes it unable to die into the end I have to come out oh yeah can you please take off the lightning you does that mean doing that to you yeah it is can't took it off alright what did you do wrong no it's still happening when I go close to you whether you bit rate nothing I'm not wearing anything No okay what okay why don't we get away it's enough my pants we do helmet and boots and just wear that no because my helmet is the ultimate one which you won't be able to kill me with is it impossible plural helmet is that the one you're wearing ultimate plural helmet okay much more impossible Claire I'll have it what's your tampon it protection why 100 unbreaking 100 try boots and we'll try helmet anyways I think it'll be okay so boots on and helmet yeah boots in helmet that's it okay I'm fine I'm ready who needs to be in the arena yeah one annoying beau I got to tell you just your armor ever break Oh No see this very loud nope yeah we can't dive Han I'm telling you what the issue is you're not listening yeah but we can't dye pet Oh Oh boots on me okay boots only do you have a really good boot oh no not really better terrible what do we do well okay so what do you want for boots right now just plural anything armor oh isn't that the one that does the lightning I don't know is it all right I didn't have it almond that when the lightning happened Laurie I'm completely naked now I'm gonna go close to you oh all right we're gonna do helmet only oh it is my food but you're not good gotta kill me if I have my helmet on yeah you are gonna die I'm gonna show you right now that's your stupid boots pretty sure okay I'm ready oh wow you're really doing a lot of damage to me Pat right in your assumption no I'm snow I don't take any damage tat yeah nothing's happening it's definitely the boots that are the issue pet Steph definitely one Sherlock how is this even a possibility that we can't kill each other at all get over this you know this literally I almost even take damage I don't know I think the issue is as soon as it goes to the impossible amazing stuff you know all right so we'll just wear boots and that's that's that's it okay okay just boots all right I'm ready now all right for once we can actually battle reasonably three let's do it two one go I can't even see you oh I'm gonna buy you all I can't even see you I hate you too far away I don't even know where I am I'm flying oh you're in the sky I am still flying nom dropping and I'm dead yes finally around is over oh my foot ever yeah well lightning on you I think I'm gonna slash till I'm up 1-0 let's continue on boots only fights I believe is the way to go okay I got my boots on all right I need to climb back up to the arena well I'm gonna keep dying but no it won't work I'll just keep dying but I have buck moves on I don't know how we're gonna buy pad this is like a possible no right no but as soon as we get close to each other they're gonna kill me use your apples I don't have any do you want to fight naked but that's not gonna work very well um no you know let's just fight are you ready yep three we're just gonna do three wins today because I'm thinking this is very difficult this is definitely not working go no camp dad but you killed yourself oh you hit me am i thornstowe what killed you I don't know man this mod is so weird I'm up two to zero right now we're just playing to three today because five doesn't make sense in this battle this is like too overpowering like I don't know what they did it's insane like I know I have no idea bored working okay so you tied to my bow - okay take a lightning random me again oh it's because of your boots yeah we have the same boots up okay all right ready for Italy arranged battle three two one go you die um nope I'm fine bye I'm a little nervous my friend yeah I'm not your friend oh sorry dad there we go all right fellas this will be the most insane lucky block mod I've ever been upon off like I have no idea what's going on what are you saying well I am naked how do I get a peaceful matter man yes we will be friends come on come over here come over here come here let me pick out that one's not peace bow I really wanted to use that the whole battle didn't work for this battle the coolest one way where are you right now what's my haunted sword where are you I used my what hit kill was it they wouldn't work because your armor was too good look you're invisible but look when they used the hot sword stuff just happens in melons oh that's cool I like that so when I hate you I think it does something unlucky basically we're just like you my lucky block it's pretty cool I like that one yeah it's really cool today I am the winner I barely ever wear - very proud of myself I'm proud of you too pet this was definitely the most Opie mod like the world is destroyed my confidence is destroyed and quite frankly I don't know what's going on so please hit that subscribe button ya guys know to see more insane videos like this definitely smash the subscribe button and the like button and don't forget to hit that little bell and ietters hope you have an amazing day we will see you next time
Channel: Pat & Friends
Views: 1,144,413
Rating: 4.9012671 out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, family friendly, child friendly, games, game, minecraft, gaming, funny, moments, minigames, mini games, mini-games, lucky, block, lucky block, plural, overpowered, secret, challenge, minecraft mods, minecraft mod, lucky block doors, 1.14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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