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hey what's up dudes it's pat and welcome back to another rOBLOX video and i'm the following guy jumping on Pat's head I can't even feel it right now what's wrong with this oh whoa whoa wait and we always been able to do this it's like a boost wait someone get on your head yeah yeah on Creators head weak this could be amazing if we all jump at the same time you know that no one's gonna come over right yeah nobody's actually gonna do it I don't think yeah I think they're very confused as to what you meant right now but I mean we can still have played you want to try to be on my head maybe my head is too small all right I do it go just jump ha ha is it working it sort of is okay now it's we're here oh there it goes dude look at this teamwork oh my goodness it's working perfectly I know I'm just holding it down as how you're doing yeah I'm just only gotten we got it like perfectly timed I know it's amazing but today we are playing fishing simulator I've never fished in roblox before it looks like a really fun game and you're making me really dizzy right now sorry don't phone me man people do that all the circles and everything why does that make you shake just don't look at it dumb all right you want me to close my eyes or maybe the video I don't know do it close your eyes right now I'll do the rest of the intro sure Oh get my eyes are literally closed it's not you if you argue the channel be sure to smash that subscribe button also smash that like button don't forget to hit that little bear I know I can open my eyes now yeah yeah you can wait wait we've all filled out in the same spot all ran up a hill and now over here how do we both make the same choices with walking I don't know we're just that good of friends okay that's kind of like a beautiful moment all right we gotta go fishing so I looked at the stops there's like Roz there's bait I have fish twice we just go over here right uh-huh we draw our cast and then we can oh I got a salmon worth 64 I got a trout it's worth 21 oh gosh dang it it's like completely on you on the first fish howdy y'all but y'all like to catch some fish chase some salmon I got a friendly salmon that's the thing that we were looking at before so that we got yourself a friendly Sammy yeah why is my rod still out there not catching anything I got a normal salmon all right so this hour I got a cop all right a carp how much is that worth 45 I'm not doing too good maybe I'm not oh I got a trout this 16 okay I'm not doing too good I got a shower 20 it's all ready this actually makes it fun because you get like rare stock worth more I got a 15 trout that's awful ooh I got it 30 I guess maybe it's like if you get a fat fish you know you get more money for it cuz there's more meat on the boy it doesn't make sense but I think the friendly ones they must be fatter yeah they have to be wait how much did you get for the for them friendly it was over 100 for that one what 100 I'm already way ahead of you right now why haven't I gotten a single friendly one okay I'm fishing if I got another one with 20 I'm full all right I'm gonna go sell right how can you tell if it's a friendly salmon does it literally say friendly salmon yes his friendship salmon like on it so that's how you'll know oh okay 42 gold it says all right it says it at the top your speed for 43 and I'm level 5 well how come I've caught seven fishies and none of them have been my friendship Salmons I don't know I guess you just got a friendship cob yes what's worth Samedi that's not bad I would say until you smell bad and they're afraid of you okay you know what you know that I know that you know that you smell like fish okay so don't come here and tell me I smell bad okay and I do smell like fish that's where the fish think I'm one of them and that's why I catch so many case you told you did you stop help make everything good all right so you stop you got Ted now right so go do you sell it go over here this guy with the shining red so you can't miss it 301 is what I got all right so go over to the bait shop and get some more bait I bought 20 we won't be able to fish we have no bait okay wait what would you buy bait this guy oh sorry this is the bait shop right over here I can't afford this yet Pat it was like 1,500 weight over first ones 1,500 wait why am i buying bait so that you have bait to put out or you can't even catch anything Oh see okay I didn't know that I'm not a Fisher all right first what is 1,500 all right the race is on to be the first personally of that fishing rod you might I'm already fishing are you I don't see you I'm at the fishing place well I'm standing by the Shaw oh you made a fish fish fish by the fish Shaw this doesn't make any sense well I'm not do you want my name to be Fred oh my god I was once a friend Fred fish fish fish buy the fish or fish for fish short you have to it all has to be apps fish for cable I don't know how to do it okay I'm not I'm for add Fred fishes fish fish fry the fish floor oh that was actually pretty good but what's your fish floor though there's a Steven what's the fish fish you know what we're not doing too good no think about like this this dock is a fish floor Oh what's a fish fish you say the same Freddy fish is fish fish buy the fish floor yeah that's two fish fish fish my brain is like ruin now thinking about fish fish okay please don't ever bring it up again Mike use very hi I'm Steven figure that one out okay don't break your party bag space Oh is there a bad person because there has to be right do we didn't see yeah I think so maybe at the fishing rod shop there's another section we didn't notice I mean I definitely want a bigger bag but at the same time I'm like filling it up so slow already that is true oh but the faster I'm Roger probably gonna catch him way quicker oh I got a friendship salmon I got it almost was that worth my normal said 100 well yeah mine was worth sixty seven the friendship one was yeah for some reason you just get all the good fishies okay I am about to be filled with tan to get I am filled I'm going to go sell well you know what I can almost buy the fishing rod why would you man I'm at 650 700 only need like 900 something about 1030 for her what yeah that's right okay that is insane how did you do that already like I'm getting the most of it I'm an amazing fisherman you know how many hours I put into runescape fishing I got like the worst man all right well you know what I'm getting some really good fish too 70s in a row yeah I'm not I'm getting like the worst versions of every fish like if you get a friendship salmon it's like a thousand bucks and if I get one it's like 67.5 bucks all right well I just got a 17 trout if that makes you feel any better okay that makes me feel a lot better thank you I got a 45 Cobb I just got a 15 trout okay you know what you're beginning to feel the Craner luck and that's very good 16 trout I just got three less than 20 in a row that's what I'm talking about keep being unlucky pet wait what would happen if you spent all your money on a fishing rod and you didn't have any bait and you when you lose the game I don't know actually what do you even see how much bait you got left um it's on inventory right underneath it on the left oh I got 23 all right okay carp 50 they're not expensive so it's like easy to always have I really need to get like a big friendship fish on my last one okay are you gonna get it you think nope I got a trout we're 29 I'm gonna go sell right now I've actually gotten lucky this time so I think the next time I sell I'm gonna get quite a lot of money oh I'm at 1471 I just need to catch like one more fish and you can stand here with me buddy I'm out of bait I need to go bye babe ha loser Hey Hey I bought a lot of bait I bought like 30 bait when I was there last time all right I'm gonna go I probably buy a decent amount too because really cheap anyways like a 500 bucks for that turn okay okay so I only need to face one more time and get us luck yes I just did all right so what I need to do is just get a couple fish I've got 100 beat I just got a shrimp with 10 that's what I just got two that's gotta be like the worst in the game right I think so like I'm the worst I've seen is definitely ten I haven't seen below that but I'm only catching bad stuff right now Sam in 68 there we go okay just give me something that's why at the hundred I still haven't seen that No tuna 50 I'm gonna go starting at 1500 apartment Iran you think so um sell 1499 dollar from it really all right add a carpet worth 50 let's go Ian let's get that new right I'll let you know if it's like a lot better I'm really hoping to Liz oh I'm hoping that it's gonna boost me because I'm doing terribly bad all right okay let's see oh it probably makes things worth more money too right I think so hello fisherperson for some reason I can't contact them I mean it's got to do something you know it's got to be able to catch all the rare fish you know oh wait what is this over here backpacks I didn't see the backpack store it's all we have left I only need seven dollars now it's 20 to 50 for the first backpack just so you know what I cannot right now I cannot trade with the person oh that's really expensive why is it so expensive to get a backpack oh wait you go up to the rods to buy of my bad oh yeah yeah that's what you do wait you didn't know no I didn't know I was trying to talk to the person they're just staring at me I was an idiot are you a bad fisher man know who's on ahead of you and I'm here on and I'm gonna go catch fish right now okay well I'm getting the metal rod now and I'm equipping it and now I'm gonna be able to catch the ancient old fish this folk oh there's new fish we can cancer I just caught a catfish see I told you that was gonna happen I got a larger largemouth bass 66 not bad it's like it's a largemouth bass the carp oh my god they're catching fast too and they're worth more okay let me see I got the new rod oh it's sweet dude okay I only got something that's with 47 I don't like the cop okay I won't like those bad though they say good though I mean it's better than the other than the trout right the Trust's awful yeah I think so I just got the largemouth too and it was only worth 70 that's a lot but I still haven't seen anything fall under it you need to get a friendship fish gave me a friendship bash all right everything is worth like at least like 50 now with this new rod so I think it's gonna go away quicker at least why caching it way faster now right yeah they're catching faster and they're more valuable most of them I'm gonna stand on your head and fish all right see if that works for you you fishermen better go yep I can throw it out marker from operating it you moved no I got pushed by somebody oh they ruined our friendship moment okay let me just get on top of you okay what did you say nothing okay well I'm just fishing sorry I didn't hear anything so be honest also it's hard to hear what you're saying when you're up there all right I was very high all right let me see how much I got this time so averaging almost 500 I think before for a full inventory yeah same fix a lot for 61 is all I got I'm sad yeah I don't think this fishing rod fit that much for us I really don't let me see the next one after this one is 25 you should have waited for that yeah we should have the black metal rod all right all right I'm coming back I'm gonna get some really good stuff okay I got 539 for that one okay carp about 510 she's still valuable though there's no really bad ones no okay you know I'm just gonna keep up this is kind of you know it's kind of a chill game and it takes you a long time to actually get something I guess yeah I know it does take a while I'm afraid but you could spend a long time playing this demon I probably would are you flying a helicopter in your room right now what's going on Pat ignore the person doing the lawn right now it's important it's just Pat he casually just has a helicopter in this room okay all right you know sometimes you have to do you have to do sometimes you don't know when you need a helicopter I might need one soon I'm gonna have to make this video I need to get to this story in a helicopter yeah you skip traffic that way that's actually pretty smart boy he gonna pocket though he can't just pocket in front of Walmart yeah have you seen the parking lot sighs oh yeah I guess you actually could just go to Walmart helicopter what's going on there wouldn't be that surprised probably cuz Walmart so weird half the time like that's normal helicopter again today I got almost a full inventory again I'm full all right let's see I think any friendship one so wait what do you go and fall next time I think I want to get the wrong the next Rob how much was that one 2500 2500 yeah how much I don't have any Robox let me see what I can buy what do you got wait what do you buy-in nothing I just was curious about you know nothing huh let me see what can be purchased how do we buy regular money I'm pretty sure I saw a thing before it before oh it's right over here well we can you know we can them you know because we made a mistake we should have got another rod before it's only 25 bucks for two thousand points wait where do you see that yeah I'm a sign mm foots 2500 bucks buying right now let's get those let's get two new round watch sign what are you talking about I'm not even with you right now you're the dog near the dock Oh mm together so we get two new rod okay I'm probably gonna get twenty five hundred thousand don't do that that's too much all right the met the one after the metal rod is 3500 let's go for the blue metal rod but we'll farm that out to only 500 more do you mean the black metal rod all the blue metal rod yeah we could form about another 500 we have to earn it too at the same time you know yeah I just need I just need five hundred more now all right so what inventory we're gonna double upgrade our rods it's gonna be so good okay okay here we go can we go it goes nothing race is on sorry base is on pet all right I'm spamming spam and spam and to buddy all right I just got two or thirty in a row I'm gonna cry come on you actually be really unlucky right now I like it all right this is bad I'm not even get 500 when I fill up well I'm at 500 don't think most I think oh my god how many how fools your inventory hey five all right my that's six though or at carper at 53 come on I need a friendship finish why call it a friendship bond how much hundred five okay I'm gonna go I'm gonna go oh no this is bad this is bad I'm gonna go sell I've gotta sell now all right come on give me a friendship bond I'm gonna fish all the fish fish before you face fish them at the fish floor yes and I'm getting it I got the blue rod oh no I don't think I've even have enough from selling right now yes all right and I still need 50 more and it's so sad dude I have only you die look at my fishing rod Pat look at it oh it's cool I like it all right let me go sell this one I have enough now let me know that is sick all right okay I just got a lot small fast okay come come oh I just got a rainbow trout 450 oh that's sick and that's not even a friendship one nope that was the red glow rainbow trout all right let me equip this thing all right with new blue ones oh I keep catching rainbow trouts right now worth like a hundred and forty with this so sick there's so much compared to what we were making before that is really insane I'm Donna the richest person in the world 137 just got it okay that's good right look look this fishing rod did so much for spare eel 130 I gotta be honest with you though I cheated a little bit did you yeah I bought the quick sell thing right now so every time you catch something it just sells it for you you know it's kind of nice just walk over the rainbow trout 154 well I'm lazy so I'm just gonna stand here and fish all right I am going to just catch all these beautiful fish and I'll bring them over them okay with that okay well the other one that's gonna lose ten buddy I gotta do we gotta do over here um but I understand I'm doing pretty good though these fish are so valuable they really are like but I already got $2,000 all right let me i see it's kind of exciting for me to sell them and then see how much i get at that point oh yeah yeah you know I just wanted to be honest with you and tell you that I was being lazy I'm just a fish boy all right you know I appreciate that you would tell me B you're cheating okay thank you that's that's what friendships all about right this is so sick that we're getting so much we should get backpacks probably right well I don't need it but you know but yeah I guess I could you have no reason for a backpack now wait maybe I can turn it off the quick sell I regret it now walk back packs please game there's nothing you can do now I'm gonna get an awesome backpack you're not gonna have a backpack but it won't let me fish weight won't no it's not saying cast all right stand over here you good reset reset my character all right see now to worry who's getting ahead right now I have 3,300 bucks I told you have I do not have that much see there we go I'm back all right so the first one it was like already turned it off now I have to go sell okay I only cheated a little bit don't worry guys so I think it's 2,500 for the backpack pretty sure right hey yes okay like you go get it I'm gonna get it right after I throw up I'm at six right now and ten okay how much beat you have a 30 all right so about 50 left I can keep going for a little bit you know all right maybe we should operate the fishing rod instead friendship eel only 140 I haven't called any friendship stuff in a while man I just got a normal your 130 for a friendship one 140 if the hair ripped off really bad you really did it say about its supposed to be worth like double isn't it how come you can't use the friendship ones as pets that's what I want to know that feels unfair I know why can't we have them as pets like you know they swim around us on our shoulders yeah and maybe they could attract other fish because the fish are like look at those friendship fishes they're having so much fun I know that would make me very happy but sadly we cannot do that ever I'm going to get a backpack right now all right get in the back way I'm gonna check the next rod prices okay what is it okay I'm getting bait too so the next one is five thousand five hundred the one after is 8501 afters eleven thousand five hundred this is very expensive huh all right let me look at what we can purchase to like move it along a little bit well just get the auto fish look at this 7500 coins that will move us towards the 8501 no problem oh okay I feel like your cheat you're cheating more than I am no I'm asking you to do it too yeah but I'm just saying I feel like you know maybe maybe Auto selling is less cheating than buying coins you know I'm saying but you know to each his own okay wait so which rod did I want to get the green one don't buy it yeah save up your money so we get the one that's eleven thousand five hundred maybe so we could earn it but you lose towards it eleven thousand five hundred that's a big rod you see what I'm saying like that way we're working towards it but it's not taking ten hours for the video I get it I'm fishing I'm getting a lot of money right now fish is literally the thing that you shouldn't do when you're fishing key yeah probably not like I don't even fish so I don't even know what I would do but I'd probably be like it's a sensitive noise you make yeah when I throw out the fish I'm not about almost 11,000 dude are you visits to see these guys I got the auto sell on yeah no I just have to go sell ride hey I'll be good Fisher okay alright gotten out there alright ok about 8,000 but I do have a full inventory that's gonna put me at like a much higher number can somebody like make a song remix out of pet going please do not do that just like it like a song make a song out of it please oh are you realize you give the best fishing rods out of everybody yeah we actually do wait no accident like that guy over there has a really cool like all black one everyone has a default one though yeah but we also expert fisherman and we cheat a lot I'm gonna go get that thing now okay sardines I think that's the first time i Thirteen's oh yeah I haven't even gotten those I don't think oh yeah I'm at a thirteen thousand thirteen thousand okay I just bought the purple metal rod I'm coming to go buy mine your fault it I just saw two thousand coins will we be caught up with each other remember bait remember bait all right oh yeah that's important I got a hundred and seventy three bait I got this 11,500 well I got thirty baby should be fine wait oh look at this look at the rod shop where I am wait weary oh how does that even happen I don't know oh wait I got it for a second man wait thank you like climate that's so weird levena sure this is equip I didn't equip it alright I clipped it now I'm ready to go let's shop I mean fish I just want to be spider-man here we go alright I'm gonna tell you what these are worth the rod looks amazing by the way okay what's it give you 233 blue tang I just got but that's sick alright here well yeah I got a 229 blue tang on 227 blue tang all right come on how are the only catching blue tang from now on no there's gotta be other ones right oh yeah yeah so yeah I thought I'm only getting blue tang I got three blue tangs oh no I guess I got an Atlantic salmon and if I got a friendship for a soft fish home friendships oarfish 250 oh that's amazing the regular ones are like 170 like I'm actually I just got a flying fish worth 573 are you joking no flying fish bro I want that well get yourself some quick fishing and you'll get it too buddy I'm sorry I really really would like to get on friendship one of that and get thousands do you think that's possible it's gotta be you can get so much more in the friendship once if you have any luck which I'm not had lately that would be insane getting 1,000 from one fish like the money would be coming in so quick if we get to that point I mean I'm already at 8,500 right now what does it have exactly what do you buy this making this tester so quick I got you know I got the quick sell and I may have gotten the Otto Fisher if you look like you got the autofit quick up doing it I'm like hey kid what is the Otto Fisher it's a at the very bottom when I'm not inside the boosts is it catch all fish instantly is that you have yes I think so I mean it's just called Otto fish on the thing it's not instant caps that you bought Oh fish is right there automatically cast and fish for you but you think catch all fish instantly as well uh-huh you have that one yes and that I have quick sell so it's selling them for me bro I'm not even gonna do that I just feel like it's too much well just watch me whip/nae nae then I guess all right come on dude not like what I had a 904 fish oh my goodness okay you've got the best one I think it wasn't even a friendship one that is insane all right so no I caught a salt fish 4007 so we needed like 15,000 for the next one yeah I'm at I'm at 17 I'm just gonna go buy twenty five thousand coins before we finish the video what about fifty thousand coins are you kidding me cool you've ruined my ability to look cool bro I need to show off some of the cool stuff alright let's see what there is 50,000 well at least I got the red metal rod alright twenty two thousand thirty five thousand fifty thousand the black neon rod that's the one you were talking about it fake latest ed like the last one no it's not there is just a lot after that one still oh my goodness there's a lot oh man it's crazy gold abroad it's like a billion alright let me get a little bit more a bit less than a million one two three four five six seven all no it's a hundred million dollars for the golden rod so this game is never-ending I didn't even realize that yeah it really is just like our friendship alright that is beautiful with magical trout mm what oh my god wait which one do you have the more expensive one than me no I have the red one the one that we were supposed to get before you got all jealous oh okay sorry about that what are you catching right now well not that I'm getting over a thousand for fish yeah I'm getting like eight hundred nine hundred six hundred oh I got a friendship brain ball salmon for 1247 oh that's really good oh yeah I'm already at eleven thousand wait this is actually ridiculous with this rod yeah this is insane magical trout 1911 tube we're making cash right now oh wait let me keep going all right that one's only worth eighty two but still I'm getting magical fish right now who would have thought you can make that much money on fishing I know this is amazing this is like the good salmon that they catch in like the place Alaska oh my goodness all like where's she going with this oh my god Alaska I don't like this blue guy standing in front of me he looks very creepy a little bit what's up with this face why are you shoving a fishing rod over there when it gets caught in the hair well do you want me to leave oh you can you want to be alone with that blue guy we got bald people now I considered it for a moment I was like really he's not a girl that's a guy I'm pretty sure they just got closer to me when I moved wait let me show you maybe watch this two videos oh my god they got closer again alright yeah they definitely watch the videos hey blue guy you look kind of weird I'm selling a little guy for 20,000 oh my goodness okay well you know what I guess you win bro okay I try to cheat but then I felt bad and I wanted to tell you what I do is doing and then you got all jealous and you know I get jealous that much that much why can't you fish from up here in the tree okay look I'm fishing from the tree wait how do you get up there I need to do this know my spot how did you get up there my spot okay well tree how did you well you run up there love the the would jump oh I'm on the tree jump up to this tree oh this is actually amazing TV thank you right I found it myself yes wait I'm close I'm still not close enough I guess I'm closer than you oh you're gonna be pushing me down in a second wait I'm like so how is this not close enough I guess you had like the perfect spot I found do you want to try hey I'm trying I literally am NOT boosted off from here all right no you need to go a little bit closer oh my god I got it there you go man you did it i fo how did you already fall off when I caught the face it like threw me off or something the fish is so strong the fish just pulled you into the ocean but uh yeah it is I hope you enjoyed this video if you did definitely smash that subscribe button also smash the like button as well but do not forget to hit that little fish perfect that best one we ever did that was good that was absolutely amazing we were trying to do that for like a month yeah I don't know why we're so dumb and can't do it but apparently it's very hard for us to count to three and then do it at the same time I know but it worked that time but yeah guys hope you have an amazing day and we'll see you next time I'm the best Fisher I am Bai I am
Channel: Pat & Friends
Views: 738,830
Rating: 4.9155397 out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, family friendly, child friendly, popularmmos, roblox, fishing, simulator, challenge, games
Id: dkeB0ELbSaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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