Chisel Sharpening for Beginners

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[Music] [Music] hello again now today I'm going back to basics on sharpening quite simply how do we shout in the chisel how do shout in the plane let's um well right at the beginning I'll do it actually sharpen a chisel or watching your paint very simple if your polymers basic steps that I will show you now you've seen a workshop there quite a lot of chisels and got all the cheese all over them and turning chisels mini sets in the other buildings so you need to be able to keep up to all these chisels so let's have a look now we're not talking buying very expensive chisels at the beginning you don't need any expensive chills get used to using them make sure you actually need them first when you find a need for good tools then you can invest in good sauce because you're gonna take you back took a straight outlay Roberts old beer from the radish when you don't need you go down the market think of something simple basic and a few little steps I'll show you or maybe it's just as sharp as an expensive one and it came from the Marquis each got their three pound ninety-nine so you know we can't say it is vented chisel that was making you believe was it cheaply it wasn't it's actually I'm making your belief expensive book by doing it it's got there no you can see okay and they don't in a factory so even a robot can get perfect now the very first thing you need to concern yourself with on a chisel is the back the back must always be absolutely beautifully flat and straight up to the end no curving you go any curving they each will give you another sharpening so before we took any cages to try and sharpen the tip we wanna hold that back up so I do put on these stones on this I'm using Diamond stones but you can use oil salt as well here on the edge I know I just booked it over a few times just to see what I'm going to get on it now you're late flat on the back you see so they're talking on the top they flat on the back 45 put a finger right on the chip well not exactly on the tip you'll cut your finger but on the best part of the thumb and then again on the last bit that's on the stone so that it's flat and help that you do not want any Rocky then slide it backwards and forwards like so and then pivot to face 45 and do the same again the other way okay now I don't know if the lady's gonna show you that let's see that now you can see that the edges have been caught up the two sides are getting caught by the storm the middle is not which means that back is ditched that's not good we need that five so you keep working this until that is black now it's a reasonably cold storm pretty quick now this can take a bit of time she needs a little bit patience but your slaughter salvage so that you get the rhythm and you get used to how it be able to find it and keep it absolutely flat geez getting better I so need them to dishes out of the way completely keep at it and then you go you see there is no dips or bumps in that now but it's not quite as shiny as I want it yet now I can turn to G for this storm which is much finer now these are water songs or their Diamond storms but they're treated the same with water so on a little bit of water underweight goes nice it's made sure all the time when you chisel there we go now at the tip that is national shinier there's no dips you not have to another finish you just want to make sure you've got no dips and hauls and places of not getting touched whether that's getting touched everywhere so now you'll get a good tip on that now you don't have to do that every time lots of things you do this once when you first get in long as you don't damage the chisel all you have to do is to build off of it are you shouting okay now I use these that Eclipse and I find them to be probably the best there's a lot on the market but these are simple robust and and they give you like the useful information on the side there we've got all the data you need on there of what angle on what measurements it is for Bob chisels and for planes now this bed here is for your plate ions and in there is for your chisels now as I said you get from wide scribe a chisel or go in the top there but generally in today it will tell you what chisels you want 30 millimeters for a 30-degree coat so I make a piece of wood that's 30 mils giving me 30 degrees all right on it what is then it also tell you you need 40 millimeters for a 25 degree cut so I'm making all that sport in them exactly 14 of not 41 exactly 1400 saying that if you get it 41 don't move it just always use the same one if you always use the same one you want in problem but if you change it then you'll have a lot of blinding to do to bring it to it we always start off with the biggest one that is giving you this big flat floor the steep slope that is what you're holding to anything you set it in your honing guide so that it is facing downwards and make sure it's sitting in correctly which it is then then put on your block and touch it on to you see just touching gives me exactly 40 mil lock it off you know when you lock it up make sure you do lock it up well and truly I like to use a slotted screwdriver and put it in a bit like a t-bar slot it in there and you can really give it some power to tighten it because you don't want that moving at all if it looks a little bit you've lost like now we're going to work on that biggest saw Southers on a medium grid just to find out what this bevel is like how they've done it this is the right handle whoever works if it's like angle and what much if it isn't to go to the coffin and so so we stand there just a few shorts now when you're using a honing gauge the wheel sits on the storm like so from long do then gonna press that tip down I let it slide on it but you've got to make sure you don't get any of this you get this you're never gonna get a clean edge so you need to practice your technique of how to keep that from rocking sometimes it will go up a little bit and you'll want to put pressure on one side or the other to compensate that so what I like to do is add me to thumbs under the back there the pushes and to full moons there there the fall of Saigon the push and pull back now I've got full control it can't go anywhere some unfort because they're thanks of control then to stop movement you see sure they go on there will a each side means then you can press both sides evenly and you can feel where you're going and when you're going get to feel the pressure you're putting on with these two fingers that's what matters let's decide if it's sloping one way pesticide if it's over evenly if you've got no spot and you'll get used to pecking even later and you won't get afloat now as you'll see there that is your only bit is touching which means I've got to grind all that off because the angle is gone go to the court keep it level and away we go now what you're looking for is this line here you want to make sure that stays perfectly 90 with the side wall that will say you're running straight if it starts to tilt then your tip will be tilted and it won't sharpen public so keep that square don't worry about what the gauge look what is this grinding bit looks like because there's is office wrong so I'm squaring it up as well as Charmin yeah you can see showing itself bail how off it was my line is square there but this up the line it's flopping that's how crooked that grinding is okay know what say we I know they're nobodies right off the edge okay you want the burl off of that now check the Pearl you just simply press and keep it flat slide it a couple of times a slight angle to find it a couple of times and the bill behind you'll feel if the birds there one aiming they're doing now is that has got the angle I want but I want to polish it the shinier that is the cleaner caught you're gonna get okay onto the course one [Laughter] and the fine and then that's actually shiny now okay we can do a final one on this end ones which is an ultra fine [Laughter] and there we are passion nice and shiny now now you don't need to have this minute and obviously to get this many would be quite expensive from one go all these are double-sided you just need one with a course and a fine flipped over and get used to them and it's enough to give you to keep me going as you progress you can invest in more and more having to clean up Billa yeah don't okay right now that is all clean and ready for actual finals happening what we're doing now is we're going to set the angle to 30 degrees which is a smaller one 13 millimeters again on there just slide it down till it touches make sure everything's square nip it up nip don't fully now we taught one of the going through all this all all we want to do is take it be little tip over there just to give it that horndog fine h use call a final not the ultra fine on the fine one we do want to take some off and just give it a few shorts and there you'll see we now have a double tip but we have a double tip that is precise this time take the bill up a few times just a couple shots cut the short wipe off and have a feel see if the birds gone I'm still good at their pilot you can use a shop to do this but my leathers as good as a alright official and when you in the field or less tools you've got in your bag they're better okay right well that is now and perfect now you put your tip back on that put that in your tool bag that will do your grant as soon as he gets a little bit blunt keep up with menu metal but soon as he gets a little bit blunt you just run it through the 30-degree angle again they're short one the 30-degree run that through a couple times a you be able to get about three or four shoutings before you have to go back to the 25 mil and that is it well like I say finally because you're using waterstones you've got what when your best feel maybe if you wiped it off it's not all it is a quick special any oil or do as long as it gets the water off it repels water that's the aim of it so that is it that is to build down to work basic of how to sharpen a chisel on you if you've got some all those new ones there's a lot more to do to it but go out buy a cheap chisel be forward moving through his paces and then just see how good it can be if you look at it you keep that on and you don't go smacking it with steel Amazon still and you keep it with a metal you can adjust how much you should get out of that next time we're going to play names but for now I think that's give me a good staff okay right well if you got any comments pump in the bottom I'll get back to you soon as I can although eyes once again thanks for watching bye [Music]
Channel: David Gladden
Views: 12,506
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Keywords: how to sharpen a chisel, beginners chisel sharpening, tool sharpening, david gladden, fools guid to sharpen a chisel, chisel sharpening for beginners, chisel sharpening
Id: 2-Izp2qey9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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