Scary Sharp - The Cheapest Way to Get a Perfect Razor Sharp Edge

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today I want to talk about a type of sharpening that really is incredible and it's new to me I just learned about this a couple months ago and I love it the barrier to entry is so cheap I mean typical sharpening stones can be anywhere from two to three hundred bucks for a set that you need and for the average person starting they've never really experienced truly sharp or seen what needs to happen and so therefore they don't really know what kind of sharpening system is gonna work for them this is a system that can either be a short-term learning thing for you or a long-term part of your sharpening system the thing that's amazing about it is it really gets things perfectly perfectly sharp and it's very easy to do it uses a special lapping sandpaper that was developed by 3m for the electronics industry I believe and it's not like your regular sandpaper that you use for like sanding wood or anything like that it is electro statically charged aluminum oxide so you get these really perfect grits and really flat pieces of sandpaper and then it uses float glass which is actually the cheapest type of glass because it's the easiest kind of make so let me get into showing you this but I mean basically this is for under 50 bucks you can have a sharpening system that is gonna get things amazing and and be very long-lasting so all right let me kind of show you the components of this I pulled a no-no and left my chisel at a puddle of water on my bench like what a jerk I am so we've got to fix my nice chisel that I totally screwed up and I'm gonna show you how I do it and how easy and inexpensive this system is so really quickly just going over how cool this system is the large pack of sandpaper which i think is 25 bucks these sheets will last you six months to a year I mean and that's sharpening all the time these are really well designed the PSA adhesive super sticky so the one trick is you can't go back and forth when you're sharpen you can only pull towards you otherwise you can like rip the sandpaper but if you pull toward you every time these are gonna last forever because they don't clog up so the one thing to remember about these is they are not labeled on the back because they have these peeling back and the PSA adhesive on them so there's no way to label them so there's a sheet that comes with it when you order it that tells you the grits I'll run through them really quick they're measured in microns that doesn't really mean anything to us woodworkers so I'll tell you the equivalent grit I'm funny fact is a human blood cell is five microns in the finest one that this comes with is point three microns this white which is equivalent to 60,000 greater like sixteen seventeen times a human blood cells smaller but basically sixty thousand grant fourteen thousand grant eight thousand eighteen hundred twelve hundred six hundred three hundred and you're not gonna use these lower grits very often unless you're like redoing your micro bevel like we're gonna do here today and this one is going to be so fine that it's going to be you gonna be able to get a mirror finish on your stuff if you want to and that's gonna be way finer than a strop so if you want the company I got this from does sell a horse but strop which is the best kind of leather for that but honestly I don't use it with this system and then you can get float glass now you could buy this anywhere you can use anything that's flat you can even use like a granite plate if you wanted to but has a tendency to get dirty and and this stuff's so easy to clean and this pressure-sensitive adhesive sticks to it so well that I like to use this float glass benefit to this system like I said in the intro flow glasses that cheapest kind of glass out there cuz it's the easiest to make now very simply we're gonna take this sandpaper and stick it to our glass which is very easy to do you just need to clean it off and we're just gonna use water for this so make sure there's nothing on there because when you're wanting things to be very flat you don't want to I'm sure you've all had the experience of putting a screen protector on your phone and that dang little piece of dust in there you just like bothers you for the next year and a half I'm so to get this on there what we're gonna do just spray a little bit of water on this and what this allows you to do is get the bubbles out so it does have an adhesive on it but by spraying it by with water first this allows you to get the bubbles out and once the water starts to dry then the adhesive will take over it's a really good adhesive very easy to put down you could use like a roller so you peel off the back here and then you put it down and you want to just kind of work it in there and then what's great about the water is you can reset it and you just put it down and now you can see all the bubbles in here look you can see your bubble so you can just take something just like you would a phone screen and get all your bubbles out and this is important because you don't want it to dry with your bubbles in there and that squeezes out the water what's great about this is I'll use something like this for months I mean really it doesn't clog up you can always rinse it out with water and once it's on there it's on there I mean you really got to want to peel it off to get it out of there so we're gonna do that I'm gonna do that with all my grits here and we'll check back in when all of this has dried and we're ready to start sharpening one thing to keep in mind again like I said there's a there's no labeling of what great it is so sometimes I'll take like a little piece of blue tape and just put it on your glass that's not dry yet so let's do it when it's dry and then I'll just write what the the grit is so that I don't forget so I'll just write it on there and leave it stuck on all right let's get these attached and we'll check back in when we're ready to sharpen [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so I've got this setup and I basically set them up so that she's like hardcore sharpening is on one side and polishing is on the other I don't know that you would ever need to go to 60,000 grit but it's fun so why not I like to see myself in my chisels by the way I misspoke in the intro these are not half sheets these are 2/3 sheets pieces of glass this is the half sheet size and then this is the third sheet size I believe or quarter sheet but either way you could buy the float glass from these guys or you could get just a piece of float grass anywhere as long as it's flat I'm so now let's set up my nasty chisel that I did here when you're setting your chisel you can do it one of two ways I have it measured with two one in five eighths on a board here and you can just tighten that down and that's 25 degrees or you can do 30 degrees which is one and three sixteenths the other way is if you set it on a flat piece of the float glass or a piece of wood you look at it from the side there and when it sits flat on the board you know that your micro bevel is at 25 degrees if you've got it just straight from the factory I'm sorry your main bevel is 25 degrees and then for the micro bevel you would just lift it up a little bit until the heel of the chisel comes off just a little bit and then you know you can get your micro bevel but I find this way is a really simple way I just keep this piece of scrap wood with my sharpening supplies and I get it kind of roughly tight and then I tap it to the line tighten it in and if it's your first time doing it and you're doing this site method then what you could do here is just lift it up without moving it and give it a little tap and that will give you a bench mark where you can put your chisel in but we've got this good and I'm just going to verify that it's right and it is and we are going to start sharpening now the great thing about this system is you can use any lubricant you want but I prefer water water seems to work really good makes it easy to clean up it doesn't leave blue stains on your bench which Windex can do ok sorry that wood was sliding all over I'm gonna make the same mistake I made in my other chisel sharpening video so just pulling towards you you can work the beginning of the chisel and the back and really what you want to see when you're sharpening is yeah there are people that'll spend an hour get in the back super shiny I just want to make sure that it's shiny on all the contact points so not shiny but you get scratch marks on all the contact points which is the edges about an inch up I mean I'm never using a chisel this decides to go more than an inch deep so I'm not ever worried about getting back to here but I'm just so that the cutting edge is flat and you know the edges are flat and that should be just plenty fine I think a lot of people put way too much emphasis on like super perfection when sharpening I think as long as it cuts paper and when you're done it's good to go because woodworking is not machining so you can see here I have scratch patterns all the way across there all the way to the edges I'm gonna do a little bit more to get rid of the rust stain there but that's what you're looking for you're looking for new scratch marks on every stone so when you go to a new stone the scratch marks will look different as you go up in grits so let's whip through these things real quick and then we'll go back to our honing guide which I just showed you how to do [Music] [Music] okay so that you can see is pretty shiny I mean I didn't get rid of all the scratch marks but again don't beat yourself up over that you'll see it's gonna be crazy sharp now as we set up our chisel here I'm gonna redo the whole bevel because it just got a little rusty and it's probably time to start over I've sharpened this probably I don't know last time I redid the bevel is probably two years ago and that's how often I redo that so I'm going to go through it 25 degrees and then do it that 30 degrees the 25 degrees I probably won't go over the 600 grit because it just doesn't matter because you're cutting edge is gonna be the 30 degrees so I'm gonna do the 25 real quick and the one thing I didn't say before is you want to wipe off your chisel to avoid cross-contamination between different grits but that back I mean that was like 30 seconds of sharpening that we got it to there and that was about all we need to do so you don't need to be doing this for an hour you just this is something that yeah as you get good at this you just go and touch up your bevel at 30 degrees and it should take you about 30 seconds per chisel or plain iron so let's do our main Belleville on a couple grits and then we'll do our 30-degree micro bevel on all the grits [Music] [Music] [Music] yo that is just crazy sharp and the mirror finish off this sixty thousand grid is crazy I sharpen all the time but you know I'm always impressed when I get stuff super sharp and it's like this thing could take little teeny shavings I mean it's unbelievable it's like you saw in the eye whatever I could do that all day I'm not gonna sit here and shave myself for your or my enjoyment I guess all right so when you're done it's real simple to clean them off just give them a little spray and let it like run down pat them dry with a cloth and just put them away to dry and you're good to go they're ready to take out next time like I said I misspoke and I those were the two third shoots so the half sheets are great because then you get two sheets per sheet of sandpaper but really for under fifty bucks you can't beat the system you really can't I'll link everything down below but it really it just works and these things are non messy and they're no maintenance I mean other than changing the paper it's not like you got a flat in your stone you know which is another tool you have to buy you gotta buy a stone flatness so if you're looking at just getting to sharpening and learn how to do it this is the way to go and don't stress out you know when I first started sharpening I would stress out and get my square out and I'd be like you know sticking feeler gauges in there but you know what get a chisel sharp if it's kind of a pretty flat back and it shaves paper you're gonna get great results I mean woodworking like I said earlier it's not machining and we know how to fix our mistakes good workers we know how to fix them it's not that we don't make them so guys I check these out really cool thanks for watching stay safe in the shop and have a wonderful day yo just you guys see how sharp this is this is white oak and grain and it just I mean it just razor-sharp set it's like a shaving and that shouldn't be a shaving I mean look at how easy it is to break that apart that is just crazy sharp unbelievable [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Jonathan Katz-Moses
Views: 384,003
Rating: 4.901998 out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, scary sharp, chisel, sharp, scary sharp system, chisel sharpening, how to sharpen a chisel, sharp chisel, budget scary sharp kit, how to sharpen chisels, sharpening chisels, how to get a scary sharp blade, chisels, scary sharp chisel, sharpen, scary sharp chisels, sharpening, scary sharp knife, sharpening a chisel, getting a chisel scary sharp, diy scary sharp, cheap scary sharp system, deadly sharp chisel, super sharp, jonathan katz moses
Id: eom0qu5YO94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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