CHINESE TIBETAN MASTIFF - The World's Most Expensive Dog

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hello and welcome to animal watch and this week we're talking Chinese Tibetan Mastiffs [Music] the Tibetan Mastiffs immense powerful regal originating with the nomadic cultures of Tibet China India Mongolia and Nepal it was bred to protect sheep from wolves leopards bears and tigers and to stand guard outside temples and houses the Tibetan Mastiff is a primitive breed and can survive in extreme temperatures and high altitudes originally weighing in at around 90 kilograms but now with selective breeding programs in China some dogs can reach well in excess of a hundred and fifteen kilograms so why is this breed so controversial rising to fame when one named big splash supposedly sold for over 1.5 million dollars in China to a coal Baron and others after him sold closer to two million dollars these dogs have cooked up their fair place in the world's media with some Asian kennels claiming that the red color and thick mane meant the dogs possessed real lion blood what are the breeders of the original smaller Tibetan Mastiff think of the new immense creations now surfacing from China and are these new larger more brightly coloured and apparently more courageous creations any better than the original ones that were bred to simply protect livestock and be home Guardians well I'm here to meet two beautiful Chinese Tibetan Mastiffs face-to-face and to unravel some of the truths and myths about the sustaining Li beautiful breed regardless of the controversy they are magnificent dogs and I am so excited to meet two of the unruly Chinese strain to have been imported to the UK this is Simba you're huge beautiful he's plumb like me would you like to come in well Dave I must admit he is huge we need to talk about the differences between Tibetan Mastiffs and Chinese Tibetan Mastiffs because there is quite a bit of difference isn't there between the two the cherries Tibetan Mastiff is a lot taller and a lot more bold a lot more wrinkled around the face and the main feature obviously is the air density the thickness of the coal and also the Chinese have put some lots of different colors in that weren't originally there because of course we've got the new red color which we can see in your female dogs where did this color come from it's called white it's more of a blonde attuned it's a relatively new clue there's only a handful of them in China the rarest color Obama to their Chinese Tibetan Mastiffs these animals are protected aren't they - doesn't agree with the sanctuary in the north of China where a lot of Tibetan Mastiffs have ended up I think they obviously was over produced and you know the puppet sales wasn't as good so even though they've been abandoned by a lot of people they haven't gone and cold them or anything have they they have literally just put them into this massive sanctuary yeah it's like a huge pack basically where hundreds and thousands of them yeah it's a shame but they've not like you say they've not been killed Tibetan Mastiffs where temple guardians were there yes originally and Caucasian shepherds were guards for flocks yeah of animals how do you find the guarding instinct differs yeah we have the Caucasian shepherds as well and the more alert the Caucasians these are a lot more calves you don't really get much until the nighttime and then switched under there unbelievable guard dogs I mean with people the no children other animals the fantastic I mean I have three young daughters self absolutely perfects the very very protective over the kids but if somebody comes now a stranger they don't know yeah they're unbelievably okay if that person came into your house and you weren't here do you think they would actually properly properly guard or as it all but no I well lying around to Fernando what yeah a walking along the roads how does this dog react to a dog that's coming in the opposite you much don't get any reaction out of him or the dogs did no aggression whatsoever Simba is ten months old and he's really big for a dog it's what sort of care do you need to give these dogs as they grow he's probably the best part of thirty five kilo at four month old they grow at such a rate that you've got to limit the exercise dramatic live just lead working basically no running around on fields just to set the way and the pressure off the joints and just watch the food intake that it takes probably about twelve months of age you find that you can let them do a bit more and he's got a lot of fold suddenly I mean he's got to close around his eyes he's got folds around his nose and the eyelashes I noticed yelling in slightly what do you do to help him with this basically just a weekly clean around the eyes but they need tacking as he grows so he's been done three times now an operation like an eye lift yeah it's just a lift on the eye and a little tap pull in that stays in for about three months because as they grow the weight of the fur and that comes over and they need lifting each so about 15 and this fur it's definitely more fleecy sort of like a Samoyed so I imagine when they mole it comes out like count sheets yeah basically it's like one you know you can literally rub your hand down and you're gonna take hey let off grooming wise you look at about sense of 15 minutes a day and a good deep brush every four weeks they go to the groomers and have a bath yeah real good like this will get hot spots and hot spots if you don't know what it is they're like ex-marine nasty little rashes if they get a little bit too damp next to the skin and then what happens is you get this like eczema reaction and they get quite sore dough they they never let in it and it can get quite nasty so to really dry these dogs keep these dogs nice and driers is very important what sort of stuff do they all my dogs are fed on raw food so when chickie mince with a variety of vegetables in there you love tripe once a week they get a nice bone big bone with all the raw meat on and to keep the teeth clean you're looking about 2 to 3 kilos these dogs like a wolf will only come into estrus once a year because the the puppies have to be born at the warmest time of the year they have to be born in the spring in order for them to raise them throughout the summer and they're strong and they're big by wintertime at some point in these dogs evolution because of living in these extreme conditions and these mountainous conditions they have done the same thing as the wolf do they still have one estrus yes when I first brought them over to the UK I was expecting you know will it change with our climate and the way we keep and what know what oh man November December when you get that with wolf dog with wolf dogs yet I had met two very docile and laid-back Chinese Tibetan Mastiffs I felt that these were loyal and relaxed family pets it was clear that the larger more wrinkled lion types from China do come with their own set of health problems such as skin folding around the eyes from breathing issues and strain on their joints and bones the original Tibetan Mastiffs which frequents show rings across Europe look very different they are smaller shorter coated with far less wrinkles as you can see from these photos these newer heavy and longer coats would most certainly hold water in the mountains and would have meant these newer dogs would have perished the previous month I had spoken to some UK breeders who explained to me that to achieve the largest size a new coloration Chinese kennels may have added are the dog breeds to the mix and this is why now these newer dogs are not accepted in the show rings of Europe as their type has changed so much as for wolf killers these dogs to me would be far too slow and heavy to kill any wolf as a deterrent certainly yes but their heaviness and slowness would be no match for the fit and mentally charged wolf their long coat would be the only thing in their favor which would save them from being fatally wounded quickly by a wolf who was struggled to get a grasp around the neck bearing in mind that the ancient original Mastiffs would not have possessed this immense coat now being produced in China as for Lion blood well that is scientifically impossible but they do possess ancient Tibetan wolf blood helping them survive at high altitudes without sickness the aggressive photos online seem to all belong to chained up dogs who looked poorly socialized and baited to get a good photo however as with any potential guard dog raise it in this manner and man train it and it will guard an attack regardless I do really like these dogs and found their personality affectionate laid-back and easy in the house certainly not dangerous but fiercely loyal to one's family it needs to be noted that caution should be exercised around strangers and strangers children at all times as Dave mentioned in the interview as they are a guarding breed and will protect you and your property with their life Oh Dave it's been an absolute pleasure to see you today and your wonderful Tibetan Mastiff and if you'd like to find out more about Tibetan Mastiffs you can always contact day that I'm gonna put his websites at the bottom of the screen so you can look him up and you can ask him anything you want about these tiny special Mastiff and if you enjoyed this episode then please give us a big thumbs up and subscribe to the channel by clicking the button in the box of and corner and remember to tune it every week when we will be bringing you amazing episodes on dogs walls animal rescue wildlife and conservation bye for now [Music] [Music]
Channel: Animal Watch
Views: 4,278,689
Rating: 4.8534789 out of 5
Keywords: Tibetan Mastiff, Chinese Tibetan Mastiff, dog, dogs, Tibetan Mastiff dog, Chinese Tibetan Mastiff dog, most expensive dog, lion dog, lion, large dog, huge dog, Caucasian shepherd, Caucasian Ovcharka, Russian bear dog, herding dog, guard dog, big dog, red dog, chow chow, China, TIbet, mountain dog, wolf, wolves, wolf killer, wolf versus dog, lion blood, man training, bear dog, dog kills wolf, chinese dog, 藏獒, Cáng'áo, 看门狗, 狗, Animal Watch
Id: 7aIzWW0aP64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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