Chinese Soup Dumplings Recipe! (Xiao Long Bao)

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hey guys Jeremy here from school of wok Covent Garden it's what Wednesday once again and this week we're making really intricate dumplings that's sealing about a soup dumpling so I've got two types of plain flour Chinese plain flour here this is a high gluten wheat flour and a medium gluten wheat flour and that's specifically for soup dumplings but if you wanted to change that out for plain flour that would work absolutely fine for any type of dumpling as well the high gluten wheat flour has slight difference it's got there's more elasticity to it so it'll kind of ping back on itself which is great for sort of holding its shape when I've got loads of liquid in the dumpling itself but with plain flour it will work absolutely fine - about 250 grams of my wheat flour and then this stuff here is a tapioca starch you can see how much whiter that is so just a small amount of tapioca starch just gives it that nice jelly-like and slightly translucent structure just give that a good mix and then we're gonna mix this with hot water nice and gradually just bring that mix together and this is the easy part of making your dumplings the dough just needs to get so nice it's a play dough consistency now it's just hot water from the kettle might look a little dry at the beginning and depending on a day you might need so 5 to 10 grams either side every day has a different sort of temperature or humidity depending on where you are in the world really don't know these days do you so I've got a nice sort of play dough consistency already I'm going to start to add a bit of oil to this just teaspoon of oil and then once you picked up or the flower from the edge of your bowl and take that out and start to knead it push in and the palms your hands here are good for kneading so push in roll over pushy and roll over because I've got that high gluten wheat flour which is similar to the Western strong bread flour it feels quite tight and it is quite elastic so it takes a little bit more pressure and really sort of go into it what you're doing when you're kneading is you're sort of really working that gluten so you're making this more and more elastic as you're working the dough you can see at the moment you've still got that grainy texture which means that it needs more kneading you know tired this is why dumplings are always good to wake with other people so when you get tired you can pass it on to someone else just chick that's nice and smooth roll it into a ball and then just push in with your thumbs it's still cracking quite quickly so needs a little bit more kneading now of course if you've got sort of a an electric mixer you can put the dough hook on and do that in the mixer it's nice to show you guys the texture of the dough and where it should be by hand a nice smooth feel now it's pretty warm as well shake the entered ball and then just check yep it's staying smooth and cracking later on so know that my dough is pretty much ready to rest huh oh it's good right onto your rolling and folding it needs so it needs a little bit of time to rest so just a dab of oil over the top of your dough I've got half the recipe here just so don't waste and then a wet cloth or some cling film over the top of that and let that rest for about five minutes now it should just let it relax before I show you how to roll your dough into nice round pastries so I often get this question what is a soup dumpling and how do you get soup inside a dumpling and actually it's not rocket science what we do is we take some stock soy chicken stock here it's homemade with some nice star anise cinnamon nutmeg you know those five-spice ingredients and then we jellify it so usually classically it would be pork fat or gelatine that's used to make a nice of jelly broth but we use agar agar so we put a car into it I did 1.5 times the amount of a guy that's recommended on a patch and then we've got a nice sort of film of jelly that we cut up into little sort of cubes sort of cubes of cubes once you've got your jelly you cut it up into nice chunks chunks by saying here's what you cut them so once the a guy's in you boil it let it sit and cool and then once it's cool we cut it into nice little cubes and we put that into the filling and when it steams into the dumpling that creates this sort of pool of soup inside your dumpling how cool is that right so my dose had time to rest it should be a little bit more relaxed now of course you can buy ready-made pastries but if you really want to be a true dim sum master then this is the way to make it traditionally the first thing you want to do is take a little bit of your dough and roll it into a nice sort of frankfurter shape when you're first starting you might want to go a little bit bigger when you get confident you can do nice sort of small pieces of dough I've got a little cutter here it's actually a paint stripper I think but you can use whatever you want you can just cut like so with a knife or cutter or you can take your thumb and index finger and just break pieces off however you wish up to you and once you've got your nice pieces of dough you're going to start to shape those into round shapes now the easiest way is just to take your index finger and thumb and then start twisting that round with my thumb and fingers from the other hand just holding that piece of dough in place nice simple round piece of pastry the more traditional way it's what we call pinchy pinchy twisty twisty and that's pushing in with one thumb and twisting and pinching around with your index finger and thumb and that circle there when you finish just close the gap at the tip of your dough whilst twisting round slightly then you get a nice ball of dough so here's the hard part rolling your pastry we take your pastry and just dust a surface take a little bit of flour on the palm of your hand and press into it once you've got a nice round pastry that pastry sits on your spokes which are your middle finger and thumb and your index finger is what creates the movement of that wheel of pastry practice that first and then your rolling pin goes in just from your knuckles towards your palm and then when it come back out just relax push in relax all the while you're twisting your pastry around once you've gone once around your pastry it with a little bit more force on the palm of your rolling pin hand once you've finished you should almost be able to see the table through the pastry what we've got here with that traditional rolling method is this little hump in the middle of the pastry so when you're making liquidy fillings like your soup dumplings that protects your pastry from breaking apart right so I've actually got some leftover dumpling mix from a class that it's very very simple here I've got some garlic sand Chinese chive some prawns being sort of cleaned and mashed into a mixer and some tofu you can use whatever you want for your filling absolutely fine you know we don't want to waste so I've got some leftover what's more important is your jelly so that's been set in the fridge now it's my chicken stock and agar and that's been set in the fridge for a few hours and I'm just sort of gonna cut into the jelly and then make ruff cubes and then just sort of getting roughly cut that to go into the filling just take that jelly and place that into the filling of course the more jelly you have the more soup you're having the dumplings but be careful because if you put too much in especially at the beginning you might struggle to close your dumplings and then you'll just have mush folding your dumplings make sure your hands are nice and dry the flour helps of that and then just sort of give that jelly rough mix into your filling I forgot to say I've got a little bit of cornflour in that filling just to keep it nice and dry and I've seasoned it with salt white pepper and sesame oil it's gonna take get them out my filling and place that into the center of my dumpling and then make sure I've got plenty of jelly and this is what I call the crane and it's a crane because my index finger and thumb from my right hand my dominant hand come in from the top not from the sides don't allow those to droop so you can see the dumpling itself is sitting in the cup of my left hand fingertips my index finger and thumb from my right come in and you just pick up the pastry and I'm gonna push one index finger towards the other to make a pleat once I've made the first pleat I pick up my index finger pinch and give it a little tug push in pick up pinch and pull push in pick up pinch and pull trying to keep the pastry at the same level all the way around and that pulling of the pastry just allows a little bit more space to maneuver once you've just gone sort of half way then you sit the pastry into the cup of your hand like so and then continue to twist in pick up pull up and till you get to the end of your pastry and at this point you're going to start to twist and gather and then just at the end you finish by picking that last tip of the dumpling pinching that together and just pushing in you can see then when I shake my pastry you get a nice round finish on the dumpling and you can see every individual pleat right so that's the hard part done but your dumplings are made and I place them into a steam basket we've got our own little silicon steam mats here if you did want to get the right equipment traditionally would use a wholly greaseproof paper but you do have to buy those in Chinese supermarkets and they come in the hundreds so if you're only gonna use one then this is probably a better bet we don't need any oil with this you can use things like like ends of a carrot or rounds of carrot courgette banana leaf however you want to present it most importantly you don't want it to stick on what you're cooking it with so my steam is ready look at that war boiling away now I've already got prawns and tofu in here so it probably only take me about six minutes maximum to steamed away if you've got minced pork or mincemeat in there maybe push it to seven or eight minutes when you steam your dumplings don't be tempted to lift your lid off and have a little check or poke around you've got to leave that steam in the basket to cook it through properly alright so whilst they're steaming away just a quick dipping sauce I've got some finely chopped ginger here a little bit of light soy sauce and some yang black vinegar I'll just cut through that dumpling leave my dumplings are done so it's nice with your Xiao long bao to give him a minute or so just to relax into themselves before you open the lid what happens then is they cool a little bit and the liquid in the soup dumplings falls to the bottom so that a couple of minutes and you can see that soup just sitting at the base of those dumplings that's when you know you've made a serious soup dumpling the reason why we have this little tip on the end of the dumpling it's because it's very delicate and you should be able to just lift it off carefully get your spoon ready it's a bit of an art to eating this and plonk that on your spoon it's got really really hot soup inside so there's an art to eating this even at this point you just break a little hole and then you can see the soup dropping out of that dumpling look at that drink your soup oh that is lovely and then take care when eating dumpling mmm great stuff a good bite from the dumpling pastry you've got all the soup inside and that beautiful fresh filling there's prawn and tofu fantastic if you can get it like this show us your pictures send them over and give us a good thumbs up [Music]
Channel: School of Wok
Views: 144,762
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Keywords: school of wok, xiao long bao, soup dumplings, chinese soup dumplings recipe, xiao long bao recipe, chinese food recipes, dumpling recipe, dumpling recipe tasty, steamed dumplings recipe, steamed dumplings, how do you make dumplings from scratch, soup dumplings recipe, how to make soup dumplings, soup dumpling recipe, how to make xiao long bao, how to make dumplings, chinese dumplings recipe, #wokwednesdays, make soup dumplings, xiaolongbao, dumpling soup recipe, soup dumpling
Id: nZ8uxg4neLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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