Chinese Nationalism Vs Chinese Communism | Secrets of War | Timeline

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one of the great privileges of working at history here and making films together with our team at timeline is the access we get to extraordinary historical locations like this one stonehenge i'm right in the middle of the stone circle now it is an absolutely extraordinary place to visit if you want to watch the documentary like the one we're producing here go to history hit tv it's like netflix for history and if you use the code timeline when you check out you'll get a special introductory offer see you there [Music] for half a century the world's largest nation has been communist chairman mao tong created the people's republic in 1949 and since then tensions between china and the west have remained volatile but despite the strain between the west and red china there once was a time when some in america saw maozi tong as a natural ally [Music] when world war ii broke out nationalist chinese forces under chiang kai-shek received the goodwill and financial support of the allies [Music] but a secret mission of american operatives formed a partnership with the communist army of matsitung one of the great ironies of the war is that the united states unwittingly played a role in china's conversion to communism [Music] for 20 years two men dueled for the future of china marzipan led a battle-hardened band of gorillas fighting to create a communist china china's nationalist army was led by generalissimo chiang kai-shek whose name in the mandarin dialect is pronounced jeong kai-she by 1936 the civil war between the nationalists and the communists in china had been raging for nearly 10 years mao and john kashek clearly had a visceral hatred for each other it was often forgotten and mao never publicly discussed it very much but his second wife i believe it was was killed by zhang's troops in 1927. zhang also saw the communists as the single greatest threat to his vision of a united china under his rule and i think over time mao and zhang did see each other as symbols of what the other hated most and resented most but in 1936 china's decade-long civil war was being upstaged by a new threat japan the japanese invasion of manchuria in 1931 might well be considered the first act of the second world war eight years before war broke out in europe [Music] manchurian armies fled into china china's border provinces soon became targets of japanese expansion weakened by civil war china was right for invasion by japan [Music] many chinese felt there was only one hope a united front if the battling armies of mao's communists and chiang's nationalists could fight as one they might repel the invasion the only difficulty was that chiang kai-shek believed the internal threat to china from mao is a greater problem than the outside threat from japan i suppose the best way to characterize hajjang and mao saw each other was on aphorism that zhang once said he said the japanese and other foreigners are a disease of the skin the communists are a disease of the heart they were the ones that really threatened as he put it china meaning him and his rule of china thus the stage was set for one of the most bizarre acts of spycraft and subterfuge in the storied history of world war ii a hostage crisis that would unite the bitter enemies dueling over china's future as the japanese threatened to move into northern china in 1936 chang preferred to focus his armies on his final extermination campaign against the communists he ordered the army of general zhang juliang known as the young marshal to surround mao's stronghold in the city of yemen and lead in assault instead the young marshal quietly contacted the communist party headquarters in the ancient city of xi'an [Music] xi'an in the center of china was the capital for the ancient chinese dynasties two centuries before christ the first emperor of china built his palace and his tomb there it was a fitting place for the creation of a new china [Music] marshal zhang was a manchurian he wanted revenge on the japanese invader and it was clear he was not going to get it from chang he had to force chang's hand unaware of these secret meetings between the marshall and the communists chiang kai-shek impatiently headed to xi'an to personally lead the young marshals troops against mao upon arrival in xi'an the hunter became the hunted the young marshal placed chang under house arrest and sent word to mao his enemy was now detained [Music] hurried conferences of communist leaders debated whether to jail chang exile him or execute him [Music] but monsieur tong agreed with the young martial the real threat to china was not the long civil war but the invading japanese [Music] changing 10 years of communist policy mao then offered to join hands with his mortal enemy the offer to chiang kai-shek was simple renounce his attempts to destroy the communists and agree to combine forces as allies against their joint enemy japan in truth chang had little choice in the matter chiang kai-shek returned to his capital in nanking proclaiming the deal a triumph rather than a humiliating defeat the war for the future of china was put on hold for the time being the new alliance came none too soon within six months japan was poised to invade china itself [Music] the japanese turned their sights on shanghai then as now it was the financial heart of china a coastal city built by westerners [Music] an international metropolis once called the paris of asia it was shanghai that the japanese attacked in 1937 the great battle of shanghai was fought between august 13th 1937 and it ended november 25th it was a horrible battle in that period of really only about three months the nationalists lost about three hundred thousand men they lost eventually because the japanese were able to outflank them and make a landing at hangzhou bay to the south and come around and cut them off from shanghai the invaders rapidly made their way to the capital japanese troops began a rampage of atrocities that has come to be known as the rape of nan king [Music] in a three-month period the japanese army killed over 200 000 civilians raped an estimated 20 000 women [Music] and then burned the city [Music] in the north japanese troops invaded the provinces of jehol and shanxi here they met a combined chinese force of nationalist and communist troops in pinching guan nationalist troops pretended to flee before the invaders leading them into a high mountain pass and a trap communist gorillas trained in mountain fighting descended upon the japanese wiping them out the battle of pinching guan was an enormous victory for china's new united front but it would be their last japan rapidly conquered the coastal cities and manufacturing centers chinese troops primarily trained in techniques of civil war were poorly armed and poorly fed they were no match for the disciplined well-equipped armies of the rising sun by the end of 1937 japan considered china a conquered nation but in the rural west chiang kai-shek still proclaimed himself generalissimo of free china and in the mountainous northwest mao zedong's communist stronghold remained unconquered now it was time for a different kind of war a war of gorillas a war of spies [Music] japan invaded china in the summer of 1937 and by year's end it occupied the major cities of china's east coast shanghai peking and canton all had fallen but one corner of shanghai had actually remained untouched [Music] here in this most western of asian cities the united states and european countries had settlements with the status of colonies settlements that the japanese dared not touch from 1937 to 1941 this european section of the city called itself island shanghai a neutral sanctuary in a sea of japanese occupation island shanghai soon became a home for spies shanghai was a perfect place for a city of intrigue to be located in because it really was four different cities the city was divided into an international settlement which was essentially run by the british a french concession a japanese section and then the chinese portion of the city someone could commit a crime or carry out an assassination raid in one part of the city step across the boundary into the international settlement and instantly find uh find asylum there there was the it was almost as though you were living on the border of four different countries the peace hotel still standing today became spy central in the late 1930s in its grand ballroom the communist underground watched japanese operatives while nationalist secret police tale british spies who were snooping on german agents [Music] in the bars of western hotels and in the back alleys of chinese slums deals were struck assassinations were planned and treachery was unmasked you know one of the hardest things to piece out if you look at this period carefully is who was working for whom people changed sides that was recognized i've interviewed people in china who had worked for one side or the other it was a it made vienna or berlin look like child's play far to the northwest of shanghai were the headquarters for the spies of the communists yanan was quite a contrast from the debauched pleasures of shanghai mao and his followers lived in caves dug out of sandstone mountains his soldiers were mostly peasants they followed a spartan egalitarian regimen a peasant lifestyle for a peasant regime traditional military strategy was futile against the much better equipped and more powerful japanese army so matsi tang turned to guerilla warfare with surprising results mao was an avid reader of the chinese classics many of whom featured these robin hood figures from the ming dynasty or are going way back that employed these tactics so you lure the enemy to penetrate into your base and then you spring on them mao's bible for guerrilla warfare was a 2500 year old book sun tzu's classic the art of war this ancient guide to military tactics is still used today by corporate strategists and military leaders sun tzu said the best military force has no constant formation as water has no constant shape the ability to gain victory by changing and adapting according to the opponent is called genius in his own textbook of guerrilla warfare written after reading sun tzu mao remarked the army lives among the peasants like the fish in the sea echoing the art of war mao said fluidity of battle lines leads to fluidity in the size of our base areas our base areas are constantly expanding and contracting as often as one base falls another arises fluidity of territory is entirely the result of the fluidity of the war [Music] mouse gorillas attacked japanese railroad tracks disrupted troop movements blew up arms caches and ammunition dumps then disappeared into the surrounding villages [Music] when chinese peasants were conscripted by force into the japanese occupation army mao's gorillas did a brisk business buying their japanese supplied guns and ammunition [Music] to the peasants of the northern provinces mao's gorillas were truly the robin hoods of china but monsieur tung had additional support in his campaign of secret warfare this was an espionage training camp created and funded by the soviet union based in mao's headquarters in yanan it was called the institute of oriental munich the institute of oriental munich was controlled by the soviets it trained hundreds of agents for asian communist parties and not include how to use secret ink how to penetrate into enemies tent for example and how to use code and those special skills were needed for any agents a time came when mao's spies could return the favor mao soon had trained spies in various places throughout china and even in europe in may 1941 one of mao's agents met a german military attache at an embassy party the german proudly bragged to his new chinese friend that hitler was about to turn the tables on stalin and invade russia the chinese agent excused himself and immediately radioed headquarters shocked by the news and pleased by his far-reaching spy network mao contacted stalin stalin wouldn't believe it starting thought this is oriental garbage and some kind of conspiratorial scheme and of course when barbarossa started in june 22nd 1941 stalin realized he had been mistaken [Music] mao's spies had stumbled under one of the biggest secrets of world war ii but they simply were not believed because they were chinese meanwhile both chang and mao found it mutually beneficial to begin spying not just in the japanese but on each other as well the head of chiang's intelligence network was an elusive figure whose brutal reputation still elicits fear in china today his name was daily a major general in chiang's komintang party he headed an organization with the innocuous name of bureau of statistics and investigation daily's intelligence force was at the time the largest in the world the estimates of the number of assets or agents ranged from 100 000 to 300 000 agents he had agents throughout china in japan throughout southeast asia in the south pacific and even in america he was a brilliant man he was a tough man in general but also he was a cutthroat precisely because of the image of being a cutthroat efficient military chief he attracts both admirations as well as hostility he was ultra loyal to jankaishi so he hated the communists and communists of course hated him [Music] interestingly enough daily's crack agents ran up against the same prejudice that mao's spies had earlier despite their proven ability their own allies did not take them seriously the crypto analysts that worked for daily managed to crack the japanese military codes and twice provided the united states with advance warning of the pearl harbor attack warning that was ignored by the the war department partly on the supposition that the chinese couldn't possibly have carried out this cryptoanalytic feat [Music] the situation in china was about to change the japanese unable to wipe out the resistance in china turned their sights on the pacific despite the warnings of daley's code breakers the americans were not prepared when japan attacked the naval fleet at pearl harbor a new player was about to enter the already confused field of wartime china and maoxi tong was about to acquire his strangest ally [Music] the japanese sneak attack on pearl harbor brought the united states into world war ii but pearl harbor had immense ramifications for china as well i ask that the congress declare a state of war has existed between the united states and the japanese empire china had now become america's partner in the war despite china's united front with mao's communists the united states only recognized the government of chiang kai-shek [Music] the americans began a massive campaign to support chiang kai-shek's nationalists not only with troops but with money equipment and arms as well the americans rapidly concluded that every japanese soldier tied down fighting in china was a japanese soldier who wouldn't be fighting in the philippines or hawaii or in san diego so the american priority was keeping china in the war everyone recognized its efficiency was low its success rate minimal but as long as china stayed in the war it tied down japan the japanese controlled all of the western pacific preventing any aid to china by sea so the allies came the other way sending supplies to india which were then flown 500 miles over the himalayas on a brutal mission known as flying the hump in exchange for arms and equipment the united states needed one thing from china information china was to become america's listening post with this in mind u.s naval intelligence contacted the most knowledgeable man in asia the nationalist spymaster daley lieutenant commander milton miles of the u.s navy became the point man in a joint operation with the nationalist intelligence men called naval group china this once classified film shot by u.s intelligence operatives is one of the few times the elusive daily allowed himself to be filmed the special forces trained by naval group china in 1942-43 in cooperation with dali were designed to achieve several goals some were to be guerrillas in demolition blow up bridges blow up tunnels harass the japanese some were to be weather groups to set up weather tracking stations in north china and manchuria other groups were designed to root out japanese collaborators in unoccupied china [Music] their espionage methods ranged from the highly technical like code breaking to the most simple such as the use of carrier pigeons for covert long-distance communication [Music] commander miles set up headquarters on a hill overlooking chiang kai-shek's capital of chongqing though many americans felt the real war was in europe lieutenant commander miles saw china is the ideal place for his military career [Music] miles saw this like many other people as his stake that if he could develop a relationship with daley and jean-caiche it would it would be a personal it would be a personal faith for himself as well as give the u.s navy operational opportunities in china daily and the chinese nationalists had their own ulterior motives in the exchange chinese nationalist leadership especially jiang and daily saw naval group china as a sort of back door to washington a way to curry influence a way to get supplies and a way to run around groups they didn't like but soon another group of spies would enter the picture general william wild bill donovan had just created the office of strategic services the oss a forerunner of the cia its creation in 1941 was controversial u.s army and navy intelligence resented yet another spy agency meddling in military matters especially with a civilian at the helm though the oss had many successful operations in the european theater it was also in europe that donovan faced the most resistance from rival allied intelligence groups donovan looked for an arena where he could operate without interference he thought he'd found it in china donovan wanted to do one thing in the china theater more than anything else the independence with which it could operate his intelligence operations and that potential of being independent from the army control from the chinese control really was most delicious to him and he spent a lot of energy and time resources in the china theater donovan loosely allied his organization with the chinese-american joint operation the uss brought experience and resources to china that milton miles naval intelligence did not have the moral operation fake rumors make up stories and print fake documents to destabilize enemies will to fight for example they will say the emperor had criticized the occupation forces in china for their atrocities which of course is a fake story and they even made up stories say general tojo and hitler have some kind of homosexual relationships the arrival of donovan and the oss alarmed many of the americans in china milton miles now a captain saw donovan as encroaching on his turf donovan for his part chafed under the command of miles and naval intelligence donovan looked for an alliance that would give his spies free reign he soon turned his eyes northward to the other center of japanese resistance mao's communists [Music] mouse troops had already built a reputation as fearless guerrillas [Music] little was known about mao's intelligence operations but they were rumored to be reliable the fact that the communists were isolated geographically and militarily was not lost on william donovan who saw an opportunity for real independence in december 1943 donovan sent a discreet message to mao in his headquarters in yemen signaling that he might want to meet little did donovan know that his oss operation had already been penetrated by mao's spies the deputy director had a romantic obsession with his secretary and he could not do it in downtown chongqing so and he seek the help of one of the guys who he knew who spoke english very well so this guy arranged a serene house in the suburb so he could have some kind of balances with his secretary and in return he was very grateful to this person and this person happened to be yang bauhang and the top spy of the chinese communists [Music] unaware that the communist jian baohong had already infiltrated oss operations donovan sent word to mao of a possible alliance [Music] mao was intrigued overt american aid was possibly his best chance at gaining legitimacy and support he sent word back the chinese communist party would be quite happy to become america's ally [Music] under donovan's direction a unique team of american spies and diplomats quietly prepared to travel north to meet mount siton it was 1944 and in china the allies were not finding the support they so desperately needed despite millions of dollars and thousands of tons of arms and ammunition chiang kai-shek's nationalist forces were unable to make any headway against the japanese american general albert wedemeyer head of the army's headquarters in china could only express disgust at the military state of america's supposed ally he said china's army is ready for a general hospital rather than a general reserve the disorganization and model planning of the chinese is beyond comprehension part of the problem was that chiang kai-shek refused to use all his new allied resources against the japanese preferring instead to save his best troops and equipment to fight against mao once the war with japan was over in the nationalists eyes the real war was still against the communists in 1943 and early 1944 the military situation in china was so bleak with the chinese nationalist armies failing to fight effectively squandering aid squirreling it away for an expected civil war that roosevelt became intrigued by the advice of some embassy staffers that there was more than one horse to back in china there was another horse and that horse might be the chinese communist movement with a little aid with a little encouragement they could be induced to fight the japanese more effectively william donovan head of the oss had come to the same conclusion he began to put together a secret task force its goals were to coordinate guerrilla missions investigate the communist operations train chinese operatives and relay all significant information back to washington [Music] calling itself the dixie mission the group began to make its way to yemen mao's communist stronghold in northwest china the dixie mission consisted of two dozen men some were oss trainers and staff the arrest were members of the u.s foreign service diplomats not soldiers most of them young many of them fluent in chinese their arrival in yemen was captured in this once top secret oss film it was a diplomatic victory for their communists mao was very receptive of the dixie mission he gave them the nicest caves in yemen people lived in caves carved out of sandstone he invited them to dances in fact the half dozen or so american political officers in the dixie mission probably spent more time with mao and his close aides than any other foreigners did in the 1930s 40s or 50s [Music] colonel david barrett arrived with the dixie mission in june 1944. [Music] he found a hardened group of gorillas who were adept at conducting operations behind enemy lines soon shipments of weapons and explosives once meant for the nationalists were re-routed to the communists in yemen the communists found the oss equally useful what the chinese communists wanted from the os were three things cash with which to bribe the puppets for weapons secondly the communist one is arms equipment and thirdly i think it's most importantly that the chinese communists wanted from the oss and open military and intelligence cooperation the openness of that would signal the american acquisitions of the political legitimacy of chinese communist government the leading member of the mission's diplomatic corps was john service who saw in yemen the future of free china jack services he was known to his friends had been born in china he was a missionary kid he had superb chinese not just regular mandarin chinese but also many dialects and was one of those inquisitive all-american heroes who was able to move through the back alleys of cities and and villages and pick up immense amounts of information he became convinced during the dixie mission that the communists were china's best hope the u.s was already allied with the soviet union but there was another precedent for supporting communist guerrillas a very successful president in yugoslavia under the suggestion of winston churchill allied support had been withdrawn from the corrupt regime of serbian general mikhailovic and given to a communist partisan leader marshall tito tito and his gorillas proved to be effective allies service informed the state department that a similar situation existed in china suggesting that a change in support from the corrupt nationalists to the hard fighting communists might help the war effort william donovan agreed sending his top agents from yugoslavia to the communist stronghold in yemen in late 1944 with the d-day invasion successfully behind them and the german armies in retreat the u.s began focusing even more on the war with japan william donovan began working with mao's brilliant general chuday on a daring plan designed to tip the entire balance of the war a normandy-style invasion of japanese occupied china on the beaches of shandong province shandong peninsula was under the japanese occupation but the chinese communists had several gorilla faces there and this would draw tremendous american troops and arms inflow with the chinese communists at this point the dixie mission was given a startling proposition [Music] maoxi tongue and his second in command joe enlai offered to go to washington mao asked the dixie mission to forward a message to president roosevelt that he and joe and ly would be willing to come either as private citizens or as chinese representatives they would go with or without publicity they would fly to washington and hope to meet president roosevelt and make a pitch in november 1944 john's service composed to communicate for the dixie mission sent by coded telegram to washington d.c it read the fact of our assistance to the communists would have profound and desirable political effects in china there is no question that such a policy would be greatly welcomed by the vast majority of the chinese people and that it would raise american prestige by such policy which we consider realistically accepts the facts in china we could expect to hold the communists to our side rather than throw them into the arms of russia mazitum prepared for an historic meeting with the american president [Music] but other forces were already plotting to prevent this alliance [Music] it was a conspiracy of spies that ironically came not from japan but from within the allied forces themselves in 1945 nazi germany was collapsing under the allied onslaught [Music] in the pacific american forces continued their island hopping campaign slowly recapturing japanese conquered territory but the allies knew that it would be a long hard fight japanese troops were fighting to the death instead of surrendering suicidal bonsai charges were causing severe allied losses while entrenched japanese troops were tying up allied forces a proposed plan to invade the chinese mainland was intended to cut off supply lines to the japanese and take some pressure off the brutal island by island campaign china and mao's gorillas would provide a critical launching pad for a final assault on the japanese home islands mountain prepared to fly to washington to present this concept to president roosevelt members of the dixie mission felt an alliance with the communists would have historic implications in asia for the rest of the century the mission sent a top-secret telegram to washington urging a profound shift in america's support [Music] it read we must not indefinitely underwrite a politically bankrupt regime we must make a determined effort to capture politically the chinese communists rather than allow them to go by default wholly to the russians if chang and the communists are irreconcilable then we shall have to decide which faction we're going to support we must keep in mind this basic consideration power in china is on the verge of shifting from chiang to the communists but the american efforts for a communist supported invasion were soon sabotaged not with the japanese but by daley's nationalist spies naval intelligence under milton miles saw donovan's plan for a chinese land invasion as another attempt to encroach on his turf miles and daley agreed that their enemy was not just the japanese but the oss and the dixie mission any time members of the dixie mission made proposals tried to forward ideas advanced by mao and joe for cooperative activities the naval group people would not only forward to washington these reports but almost certainly were a back channel that forwarded these messages to john kashak and daily chiang kai-shek and daily learned about it and even before roosevelt received the message had sent a strong protest denouncing this proposal ensuring its its rejection by authorities in washington [Music] yet another opponent of the plan was the new ambassador to china patrick hurley patrick hurley was one of the more ominous and ridiculous figures in american diplomatic history he had been a republican politician from oklahoma hurley was looking for a foreign assignment china was as far away from washington as you could find and roosevelt eager to in a sense rid himself of hurley to a degree while giving him a prestigious post dispatched him as a representative to china hurley had a passionate dislike of communism in any form chiang kai-shek and ailee whined and dined their potential new ally dazzling him with displays of the cracked troops and new arms they had deliberately kept out of the war [Music] hurley became convinced that his new friend chiang kai-shek was china's only hope [Music] in the spring of 1945 one of the few remaining critics the u.s embassy a junior foreign service officer wrote a memo mildly critical of chinese nationalist policy patrick j hurley the ambassador called him into his office had him sit in front of the desk hurley opened the desk draw pulled out a gun put it in his face and said change that report or i'm going to shoot you the man promptly changed the report not surprisingly [Music] patrick hurley learned about the planned invasion of china from daley's spies he publicly denounced john service and the dixie mission saying their support for mao and the communists even in wartime was tantamount to treason at the same time chiang kai-shek protested the american support of mao even going so far as to threaten to make a separate peace with japan under this kind of pressure all official support for the invasion plan was dropped mao's trip to washington was abandoned and the members of the dixie mission were sent home in disgrace mountain was no longer america's ally in august 1945 the japanese signed an unconditional surrender the world rejoiced at the end of world war ii but in the mountains of northwest china maoxi tong knew that his war was far from over the civil war placed on hold while china fought japan was about to be renewed mao's spies informed him that american guns and tanks were again being sent to chiang kai-shek's capital and american planes were flying nationalist troops to strategic points throughout china mao's would-be american allies had turned against him one of the last reporters in yemen found mao to be surprisingly calm about this new and potentially devastating development mao confidently told the reporter if i can fight japan with these few rusty rifles i can fight america too billions of dollars in usaid were sent to chiang kai-shek yet the nationalist forces collapsed before mao's armies corruption and fraud had bankrupted the entire country [Music] many of chiang's best troops defected to join the communists [Music] chiang kai-shek fled mainland china in 1949 to join the final remnant of his army on the island of taiwan [Music] on october 1st 1949 mao xi tong declared the birth of the people's republic of china [Music] it was a china that was now violently anti-western and anti-american within a year mao's soldiers would be shooting at american soldiers on the korean peninsula in the aftermath of the communist victory many americans asked who lost china the first culprits to be blamed were the members of the dixie mission senators like joseph mccarthy claimed the dixie mission undermined chang's pro-western nationalists leading to a communist victory this ended the diplomatic careers of most of the members of the dixie mission at the height of the red scare of the 40s and 50s john service was even arrested for espionage but members of the dixie mission were not the only suspects accused of losing china in 1949 the republicans in opposition raised the charge who lost china they had their answer it was harry truman george marshall dean atchison little delivered democrats who coddled communists that seemed all the explanation that was necessary other americans pointed out china was never ours to lose i don't think anyone lost china i think the chinese had to find their own way but i think the whole notion that anyone or any american or any american group lost china is the height of arrogance as if the most populous country in the world was a puppet on our street nobody lost china the communists won a victory the nationalists lost the war and the that that dispute remains unresolved to this day the fate of those who served in china in world war ii was often bitter john service was cleared of all espionage charges but he never again held a diplomatic post captain milton miles suffered a nervous breakdown in chongqing near the end of the war and was sent home effectively ending naval group china daily died in a mysterious plane crash in 1946 just before the chinese civil war resumed persistent rumors said the accident was actually an assassination engineered by the communists [Music] chiang kai-shek led the nationalist government in taiwan until his death in 1975 insisting to the end that he alone was the rightful leader of china matsutung led the people's republic from 1949 to his death in 1976. in 1972 mao officially welcomed richard nixon to china re-establishing ties with the west for the first time since the communist nation's founding three decades after his first attempt mao xitong finally met the american president the chinese civil war is still not over missiles and threats continue to fly over the strait of taiwan more than half a century after the beginning of mao and shang's duel for china with roots in the second world war it's a stalemate that lasts to this day a stalemate kept in place by time lost opportunities and the legacy of mao's secrets
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 595,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: History, Full Documentary, Documentaries, Full length Documentaries, Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, 2017 documentary, BBC documentary, Channel 4 documentary, history documentary, documentary history, chinese communism, chinese nationalists, taiwan, mao tse-tung, chiang kai-shek, china ww2, pacific war
Id: 6FHHT_O-Khk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 26sec (3086 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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