Chinese ex-president Hu Jintao escorted out of congress - BBC News

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now they've been some extraordinary scenes that China's ruling Communist Party congress with the former Chinese leader hujin Tao being led out of the closing ceremony in Beijing as you can see here Mr who was sitting beside president Xi Jinping in the Great Hall of the people when he was approached by officials who took him by the arm and led him away it's not clear what was behind the move during what's usually a highly choreographed event our correspondent Steve McDonald has more from Beijing incredible scenes there at the Great Hall of the people this morning and it's left a lot of people scratching their heads wondering what's going on I think to unpack this it's probably best to take it chronologically so the morning session initially was behind closed doors then the second part of the last day at the Congress some journalists were allowed into the Great Hall of the people who Jintao was sitting in the front row on stage and then in front of the cameras several officials came along and said to him well you could see the ushering you should go he looks like he doesn't want to leave uh but then he says something to Xi Jinping who nods he tapped his Protege Lika Chung on the shoulder and has helped off the stage now there are only two possibilities really one is that this is sort of Chinese power Politics on display with uh you know Xi Jinping out with the old in with him uh you know that there's something like that and that was people's initial you know feeling of the initial thought of what was going on really though I think what's much more likely is that it's something to do with his health because when you look at the the footage a little bit earlier when he's still sitting down to his left on stage other senior figures in the party you can see there turnington they look a bit worried about him and then when he stands up and the fact that he says something to Xi Jinping nods I think what's most likely is that he has some sort of a serious health problem and that's why China's former leader wasn't able to sit through the final session there at the Communist Party Congress
Channel: BBC News
Views: 1,502,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbc, bbc news, news
Id: BAwoZMvRirA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 14sec (134 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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