‘Nurse Kamala’ saves Joe Biden from ‘wandering aimlessly’

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but first let's check in with the leader of the Free World the president who secured more votes than any other in history here he is talking about his Veep Kamala Harris you're elected the highest ranking black Indian with Indian background woman in American history to be vice president is there a ranking system now for Indians that's what he said here are the president's precise words you elected the highest ranking black Indian with Indian background woman in American history to be vice president now I'm not aware of this ranking system for black Indians with Indian background which seems to exist in Joe's head but the vice president was in this week used to good effect by the White House we've all seen clips of Biden regularly looking Dazed and Confused coming off stage we've even seen a giant bunny act as his Handler ordering him to move along when asked tricky questions about Afghanistan you know questions like why did you abandon Americans there but this week it wasn't a bunny as President Biden put it it was a highest ranking black Indian of Indian background who stepped into stop Joe wandering aimlessly after an appearance take it away nurse Kamala [Music] who knows perhaps it was Kamala in that bunny suit all along
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 6,378,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6314606941112, fb, fblink, msn, opinion, outsiders, ritapanahi, yt
Id: rNU8Ypk2hAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 39sec (99 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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