Chinese Egg Tarts with very flaky puff pastry! - Marion's Kitchen

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flaky pastries silky soft eggy Center yes it is possible to make dim sum star custard tarts at home I am so obsessed with those custard tarts that you get the dim sum restaurant almost as much as the dumplings almost now I've got a few little tips and tricks and shortcuts for making these at home so I've got these muffin trays here they're about medium size about a 1/3 cup capacity now they are nonstick which is great but I'm gonna add a little bit of butter as well just to be sure [Music] okay so now we're gonna do the pastry and the dim sum tiles that you get at the restaurant pastry is really soft flaky and melt in your mouth but we're gonna take a little shortcut and get almost the same kind of texture so I'm gonna start off with some store-bought puff pastry and I want some flour on my bench top here peel off any wrapper and I just cut that sheet in half and then put the other side on top so what we've done here is taking the layers of puff pastry and doubled them up and then roll this up [Music] okay now cut this into four pieces now if you flip these up you can see we've got these rounds with loads of little layers of pastry there so take one of those a little bit more flour on top push down with your palm and then just roll it out to about three millimeters thick now by doing that you can see here that we've got almost like a roti style sort of circular pattern here and that's loads of different layers of puff pastry that's gonna give us that lovely flaky texture okay now I'm pretty loose and fast with the stuffing of these guys into the muffin tin I just kind of get them in push them right down and any kind of little folds I just press into the side I like them to look a little bit rustic okay and just continue on and you know what the great thing about this is that you're turning a square sheet of pastry into round and there's absolutely no waste I hate when you have to cut rounds out of square pastry but all those little bits and pieces left over [Music] okay so I know we're taking a shortcut here by using store-bought pastry but this next step trust me you cannot take a shortcut on so these need to go into the fridge for 30 minutes and that will mean they'll firm up and then they won't shrink so much in the oven don't skip this part so now let's do the filling and we're going to start off with some eggs and I'm going to do a mixture of yolks and whole eggs that'll give us a rich custard filling so just separate those eggs and then three whole eggs okay now some castor sugar and just a little dash of vanilla extract okay just whisk this together first now I don't want to incorporate too much air here I just want to whisk just a couple of minutes to the sugar dissolves a little bit now I'm gonna add in my milk and some cream [Music] and then just mix this until it all comes together [Music] now the easiest way to get the filling into your tart case is to get this into a jug first of all less mess [Music] and now we just patiently wait those tart shells to firm up in the fridge okay so these tart shells now are nice and firm and we're gonna go against a traditional baking wisdom here and I'm not gonna blind bake these I'm gonna pour my custard straight into them and get them into the oven now don't overfill because this eggy mixture is gonna puff up quite a bit now I'm gonna bake these in a hot oven for 10 minutes then I'm going to turn the heat down bake them for another 20 minutes all the times and temps are on my website so check out the recipe there okay and look at these beauties such a gorgeous color in that pastry and they're all puffy at the moment but they're going to start to deflate any second now okay so now time to get them out of the tin [Music] if you have a look at the bottom here you can see the round layers of flaky pastry we created by just doing that extra a little bit of rolling at the beginning mmm so good okay so if they cut one of these guys open you can see we've got just set custard a little wobbly through the middle and then that flaky flaky pastry and this is one little joyous pastry package now I'm very happy Oh No is that good if you've got any comments or questions pop them below and if you enjoyed the video why not hit that subscribe button plus the little Bell one and that way you'll get notified every time I release a new video thanks guys [Music]
Channel: Marion's Kitchen
Views: 133,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: egg tarts, custard tarts, marions kitchen, marion grasby, marion's kitchen, marion grasby recipes, marion kitchen, hong kong egg tart, dim sum custard tart, chinese custard tart, chinese egg tart, chinese egg tart recipe, chinese egg tart recipe with puff pastry, chinese egg tart (very flaky puff pastry ), dim sum, egg custard tart, how to make egg tarts, how to make chinese egg tarts
Id: 7jIJU6h1VTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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