What NOT to do in China - Learn Chinese Culture

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hello everyone welcome back to show show chinese shoshone i'm sure your chinese native speaking teacher living in bangkok thailand today we're going to talk about some of the cultural differences between china and other countries what are the social blunders the things that kind of violate the social norms or that are just gonna make you stand out but of course those things are just from my personal point of view what i've observed from my experience living in thailand or what i've heard from my students from other countries so feel free to comment down below if you have different opinions or different ideas also since china is such a big and special country there are so many things i want to mention so i separate this topic into two videos the next video will cover some daily etiquette something that you don't want to do at a restaurant or something that is related to chinese government so make sure you've subscribed and the notification bell is turned on in thailand and many other countries you dress up when attending a wedding with the taiwanese but in china if you're not a bright mate or a best man you really don't need to dress up or people will think you are still in the show also in china if you have been invited to let's say 10 weddings highly likely there are eight weddings there there are eight weddings eight weddings are four people who you barely know [Music] we call this kind of invitation and we feel obligated to go so the only temptation for you to go to those weddings is to eat eat as much as you can so you can get your money back as a result you couldn't care less about how you look at those weddings you would dress like this or this so next time if you get invited to a chinese wedding don't overly dress up here's what you should do means to modify the photo and yes we have an english letter in the word pitu also can you guess what does this p stand for bingo photoshop foreign is really like a magic once you've used it you would never want to go back to post the original photos ever again so even if you still appreciate the natural beauty of yourself at least ask your chinese friends if they want their faces to be modified or not sincere [Music] [Music] this has something to do with the system we call means adjust you may have heard of it in the word kong thiau air conditioner and sho as in the word shoshi to rest so means to adjust the days off or time in lieu but on a national basis in order to have a few days off in a row we need to work for extra days to make up so usually people need to work for seven days or more in a row after a long holiday as far as i know china might be the only country that has the tio show system you can let me know in comment if your country has this tio show system or not and i'm also pretty curious about your experiences in china have you ever experienced the tio show system share with us in the comments i'm not quite sure about other countries but in thailand peeing in public toilets it's a pleasure you never need to worry about not having toilet paper as a result i always forgot to bring toilet paper with me when i went back to china even though my girlfriends have told me a solution it was not a really nice experience it might be quite common and friendly to greet strangers on the street in elevators or convenience stores in your country but in china people may feel a bit uncomfortable or even scared if you try to make small talk with them doors opening guys when i was shooting this footage in the elevator there was a white guy came into the elevator and he was talking to me he was like oh you're going to be on tv and i literally panicked i should get this filmed this is a live example to show that chinese people got panicked when other people trying to do small talk with them so that's all i had on my list for today can you relate to them do you have any other examples or stories share with us in the comments maybe you can give me some new ideas and i will add them to my next video hello [Music]
Channel: ShuoshuoChinese说说中文
Views: 36,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chinese grammar, chinese lessons, chinese grammar structure, beginning chinese, intermediate chinese, study chinese, study mandarin, chinese 101, authentic chinese, hsk2, hsk3, hsk4, chinese exam, basic chinese grammar, hsk grammar, chinese grammar with examples, learn mandarin, chinese for beginners, elementary chinese, 学汉语, hsk1, 学中文, native chinese speakers, mistakes of chinese learners, slow and clear chinese, chinese course, learn chinese online, chinese listening practice
Id: n94UY2b9NFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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