China vs. Japan 2021 Tokyo Men Volleyball Challenge Cup Game 2
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Channel: 越晟铭52ZT
Views: 1,106,895
Rating: 4.8101015 out of 5
Keywords: 越晟铭, Volleyball, Ran Takahashi, Yuji Nishida
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 35sec (8435 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
How tall is the undersized outside and what is his name?
Why are Yanagida and Ishikawa not there at the beginning?
That undersized power is pretty sick, he's got a massive vertical and has a nice swing.
Where do you guys watch these matches? Anywhere online that I could watch them after the fact?
Actually I am liking the Chinese men's team quite a bit. I think they need to be more discipline in terms how they defence and sometimes when they are taller they just forget placement or how to take on the block. This are the minor things that just make them less effective than team Japan. But it's interesting that Japan won against China because in the past few years, China has actually won a few games against Japan because of play style and size.