Canada vs. Cuba - Full Match | Men's Volleyball Tokyo Olympic Qualifier 2020

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Shane overtake life now GJ Sanders whoops been nursing a hurt back we'll see how he can pull that not the only change Ryan Slater into that opposite position also a different look for Canada and to get things going dan Jansen van Doorn and already an overpass on the first attack but Yant on the attack Canada Jansen transition Perrin can't finish it going the other way Lopez already back and forth we go this time pairing again middle blocker Daniel Jansen man Joran coming up with two big cheeks to keep Canada in that one and then Gork hair and it wasn't a perfect set it was a inside but he played it smart off the hand gets Canada on the board first jvd at home from Langley BC a Trinity Western product and Lopez cross-court that's a name we're going to be saying a lot Berto Rico bringing the power such a snap on that cross-court kill ties it up at one another youngster Marlin Gantt another one a young leader on this Cuban team last time these two teams met at the North Sica Championships last year in Winnipeg Cuba coming out victorious now pairing on the attack well it's a great pickup though and the set comes back to mega ray ho dan / incredible but incomes mere Garre ho-jin and I can't quite do it a second time and already some fireworks here in Vancouver major hustle plays by Canada to try and extend that rally but it was Marguerite all going fired off the hands to finish it up at the fans love it they are into this and Lopez who were big on the service line yesterday they were dallisa ting some ooze and ahhs from the crowd when they bring something fierce [Applause] that's so often from the service line it's all or nothing with them Yente and lopez as well as Margarito just have such huge serves and they really go for it and when it works it really works but that one landing far past the end line that the standings served but we returned forcefully and Cuba retakes the lead that was the captain of Soria in the middle with that quick attack he will go back to serve and that will bring in Robert Landy Simone the star just brought back into the Cuban lineup this summer six foot ten Robert Landy Samoan and the set to Slater the block is there it's Lopez well later going into the block the block could see where that was going and rolled up their calling I believe a net violation Cuba immediately calling for the challenge and it looked like potentially on the way up Robert Landy seemed on there was a vibration we will see the replay each team has two challenges they can use per set they get to keep the challenge if it's successful if it's unsuccessful they lose it and it is a they're usually a very quick fluid kind of challenge and they are gonna highlight it we're all gonna find out at the exact same time fans players coaches commentators everyone looking up to the screens here in Pacific Coliseum they immediately called for it so normally when a team is forcefully calling for it they think they're on to something but it's not always accurate [Music] there we are [Applause] but is it Canada's fault the Cuban blogger just grazing the net you cannot touch the net and he did with with this Jersey so Canada ties it up at three on the replay looks like there might have been a Canadian net touch but it was Cuba's first and now Perrin at the service line that one is handled America Reijo transition chance tomorrow pairing was pretty tight to the net there were all three blockers camco ready for that block by Marc knows that goes high off the hands and puts Canada by one Baron out of Creston BC now playing in Brazil when catches a piece of the tape similan on the quick set and it's in point goes back to Cuba simone paints the end line without a tack out of the middle and it's Lopez one of the strongest servers or this Cuban team who will go back to the end line and they've had four cases yesterday that one off a piece of the tape band gets to it well tomorrow don't think that caught any of the block that was straight off the net and out of bounds Marv trying to cut that very sharp cross-court and it doesn't make it over the tape [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we hear the news from the crowd and it's a joust at the net down on Canada's side and already Lopez showing what he can do from back there at 6:00 for some serious muscle behind that serve it was just too tight a point Graham virus going up for the joust but he gets muscle back on to Canada side that one again a piece of the tape quick set by grass without bounds in an unforced error now for Canada and there is some daylight for Cuba unfortunate error there by Graham by grass who normally has quite high efficiency out of the middle it will be important for Canada Canada to be able to establish that little attack to open things up for the outside hitters [Music] that one finally goes to an end service for Lopez comes to an end there and it's 75 Cuba what's it long but already some damage has been done to the Canadians one point away from the first technical timeout it is by grass is out of Calgary went to the University of Calgary floats that one joie de sex Tamara Garre ho is looking for when he knows he's got the trip Lovelock against him and he's had a couple times he's trying to go off that third blocker who's coming too close from the left side it's worked for him two times now here in the first set [Applause] Slater and Janssen be doing and up solo block it was just later against Margaery ho but he had his number reading exactly the angle he was going for that is what Canada really feeds off of his that block defensive game and we are tied at 8 Lopez and that brings us to the first technical timeout there's that elevation from the back row for Lopez well we know who to look for we know the ball's gonna be going to lopez a lot of times during the game bring him out of the back row there he finds a little bit of room down the line and makes the most of it 87 first technical timeout Emily already living up to the hype oh my gosh are we only at the first technical exciting start to the game some great rallies with defense going back and forth run Hogue returning to the coaching ranks after the championship since 2008 TV puts Canada to a first Olympic coach four years ago left was replaced by Stefan Antigua from France but he left after the World Championship and hope step back Antigua was handpicked by hope just to be his successor he brought a lot of energy some new ideas to this program created and then we're really loving having him on board but due to some personal reasons and some family reasons was finding it too difficult to split his time between Europe and coaching Pro there and coaching the national team here and had to give up the spot as head coach halfway through the quad to try and keep things as consistent as possible instead of bringing in a new coach Glen hold stepped out a retirement to rejoin but yeah definitely a little bit of unrest comes with that straight out of balance no touch off the can of the block it's gonna call for a challenge on that one looking for a touch they have used one I believe already so far chances and Erick shaking his head he thing no it didn't although he trying to maybe throw things off somehow geez fade a little bit we will see we've got some Star Wars music cuddly okay here we go as we wait to find out which way this point will go and with a game that's tight these points are so important [Applause] [Music] look doesn't look like it was there the greys of the fingertip no touch come like that cheese steak Cuba how did challenges that were tied at eight that's right and not use any more challenges that's that Canada still has two challenges to you and Slater another one of the products of Trinity Western University he's also at home in the Lower Mainland Port Coquitlam now plying his trade in the South of France in Montpelier Bowie Dave C Mon ban is there on the pick up Slater back row can't finish good recovery by Perrin tomorrow yes the tippet it's out of bounds Canada is now arguing that it was owed they think they called it a lift unfortunate on that one it really error due to the set to tight and in sign from TJ Sanders making it very difficult for Marv to do much with that and what's the difference between a lift and a tip in that instance because it looked there was very difficulty in his hand for just a second too long C Mon what's it long and back and forth we go tied at 9:00 steam are one of the newcomers since last we saw this Canadian team added Olympics eight returning players from Rio 2016 gives it right back going into the net I put Cuba up by one that is sending Adrian Eduardo GUI Dave back to the line this later in the back row into a huge Cuban wall right into the waiting arms of Yente who was armpits over the net on that one look at that elevation yeah it's one on one essentially and another block and that's something that Canada needs to get on top of they need to get their middle attack going we have yet to see a kill out of the middle and when you can establish a strong middle attack it opens things up for your outside hitters as the blockers are not going to be just focused on releasing outside they're on the serve reception there and Cuba now up for Canada has some questions to ask as they call a timeout now Emily this Cuban team some faces who have been in the program went to go abroad are now welcomed back in absolutely there's been some big changes in Cuba over the last couple years for a very long time Cuba did not allow their players to go and play elsewhere and other pro league they like to keep them at home you had a very strange situation often of some of the top players looking to defect and they would be leaving to go and earn a good wage abroad by playing in Europe and Brazil and other leads but just recently in the last couple years Cuba has changed that allowing players to go and play overseas gain that competition perhaps elevating the level of their program but then also bringing back some of those stars they lost you know one or two cycles ago and that is the gates for Robert Langley Jim owns one of the top middle blockers in the world who who left Cuba and has come back now in the hopes of qualifying for the Tokyoites that one off the block got the point for Canada well it doesn't always have to be the big kill he's got to look to change things up when it needs it and norfair and saw there the block was not pressing pulley so he made the most of it pushing it into the arms and down and gets the point for Canada as they will try to claw their way back in the set Jamison Van Doren's serving he says his mom sold about 70 tickets to this event and right back yeah it is the one-two punch event and Lopez seems a large volume of the sets on cue beside Canada's block is going to need to find an answer for them is the aunt back to serve you can bring it band gets down for that one sets to my grass down the middle just as you said Canada needed to do Canada needs to do that and my grass is their top producing middle attacker so it's a good one to get it rolling with when the chance is there you want to try and push the middle Sanders stepping back out of London Ontario the standing serve again it's don't often see that and down the fight yeah it's almost had it good recovery but here comes parent and another pickup for Cuba forth we go banner folks that's a parody that one off the Canadian block and out of bounds and Cuba fired up for this one well both teams doing so much Canada looking kind of tired actually after that long rally as they were coming up with some big defensive plays but just not able to get too much through the block when they did it was an easy pickup for the defense setting up Cuba's offense time and time again until they could put it away it's a Soria captain it's a difficult bump Iban you guys a chance to push the lead and they do that it's 16 to 10 as we head to the second technical timeout in Canada custom figuring out to do well Canada's strength is their block defense but right now it is Cuba putting up a huge defensive effort some big digs there from all the players in Cuba's backcourt making it difficult for Canada to score the Canadian players Glen Hogue having a word they're down by five in the first set well we knew this was not going to be a cakewalk for either team expecting that this game could go the distance so it's all about hanging in there try not to let us set get away from you if you're Canada and just improving and as we've mentioned before one of Canada's strengths is their depth so if something isn't working for a player expect them to go to the bench and add a different look like this where there is so much emotion you can feel it one or two points how much does that should have changed the complexion in a hurry well why don't you points it's really big when you are in a close match up like this so they need to focus on that one point not look at the end goal 25 but just on creeping back trying to close the lead which right now is sitting at a distance of five Cuba up 1611 it's a hill to climb it's not quite a mountain just yet my grass almost 21 and there you go you set up that middle block my grass had a lot of room to work with in the championships with Cruzeiro out of Brazil flag has prayed literally around the world off the tape day to see more and it's in Damone with the given go as he had to take the past normally the middle blocker trying to stay out of that play but with a coming short off the tape he takes it ready still for the quick attack he's very good at finding those deep corner angles a few lumps in the Canadian throats right now it's Lopez to serve it will be by bass going back to the service line Daniel Jansen Ben Jordan Jensen Van Doren probably the stronger blocker of the two but not as offensive we'll see if TJ Sanders can get things rolling with him as well needing to pick up a few points on serve the trouble there Guerrero rolls it over now transition for Canada out of system just at the net [Applause] Sanders Jensen van Doorn great work by samoan america Reijo and it's wrong to touch but guess why you're out of challenges cuba can't look for it and at the point to Canada they're fighting tooth and nail to get back in this they might have had a case but too bad so sad we're actually right near the people reviewing and I it was very close I don't think it was off the block seemed on the block is there another chance Lopez this time goes off the block but Canada on that serve pulling one back Canada looking a little bit sharper they're interesting you see Graham by grass he pulled out and it's been served now the first time going back to the service line I noticed that he went with a float a little bit easier perhaps she's making sure he got again but this time had a good run there with a couple of back to back strong spin serves its murder a hoe to serve and it's a nice for Cuba what a serve for Margaret Howe who a corner to corner just painting the sidelines very difficult to get a pass off of that one and we're gonna see Canadian coach going home calling a timeout as Cuba up by 5 1914 here in the first set it's it's a battle of heavyweights right now Emily and what is separating things well the the execution on the firepower really from the service line of Cuba we knew that was going to be a factor and it is early on here in the game but also they're just they're just making those plays coming up with the defense finishing where Canada is having a difficult time getting it past Cuba's defense often they got Canada started to get things going a little bit with the middle attack that's something they're gonna need to do but it can't just be with one middle when they go back through and have nothing going this time so he'll try and get things going with Daniel Danson bendure now as well 1914 Cuba we're going to 25 this is the first set of what could be five timeout pays off the ice the server you pick up the point long you can see he was looking for that same angle again trying to paint that same side line we are gonna see a little change up here as there will be no center on the court for Team Canada for this one play and bring in show on Bernie Evans instead of TJ Sanders this is for blocking purposes incredibly talented player Vernon Evans had a quiet day yesterday and he was he came out a little bit early to its later booming serve it's gonna be a free ball now they know there is no Center for Canada Vernon Evans on the attack agonizingly watching that slowly fall to the floor and that should have been picked up by Canada's defense it was a tight set over to Vernon he wasn't able to get it past the waiting block of Cuba but Kennedy's defense has to know that and be ready to pick up those kind of balls Jay blanket now he started yesterday the setter coming in off the bench today for Ryan Slater and it's Robert Len DeSimone all six foot ten of him and their times looking like he's about that as wide compared to some of his more slender colleagues he is a big strong man he's got a lot of muscles behind both his attacks and it serves usually puts in a slightly more conservative those spin serve just compared to some of his teammates he's gonna want to do that one all over again well Canada does have some ground to make up 16 but it'll be seed mark back at the service line Canada has three attackers in the front row J blackmail the center into the back row Tamar place for Dynamo Moscow but also a little business and don't into those pastures for Cuba it seems in the last at least few points Canada has sort of weathered that storm and is now able to match it toe-to-toe well as we said we're not expecting this to necessarily be a three-set win for either team so regardless of whether Canada is able to catch up all the way they want to get that momentum that confidence back to carry into the second set no matter how the first that is determined we if you were listening earlier to Puerto Rico Mexico we were checking it on the Canadian women's team and Olympic qualifying this weekend in Santo Domingo Dominican Republic unfortunately for Canadian fans they went down to defeat today to the hosts from the Dominican Republic 3 sets to 1 that means the dream of an Olympics is over for another four years for that team Oh such a heartbreaking one nor secret zone such a strong one about the whip men's and women's side of the women's side between the u.s. and Dominican and other upstart teams like Puerto Rico it's never easy to take that qualifying spot [Applause] monitor clock is right some more clearance as he turns to the crowd to get them fired up feel that support Canada is never better than when they start rolling with their block so many players from BC from the Lower Mainland wanting family and friends to get loud mar putting them into trouble with another serve free ball blanket now to pour into the floor not a perfect set there for gorg Heron just try to do something with it but fortunately the block only one of them up there with him and he tips it straight down or was a tight set handed a chance to tie another booming serve but yant goes into the block Mexico another cracker Cuba another crack 20 Cuba's players looking like they're trying to figure it out amongst themselves Canada flying down 2015 a moment ago joie de tu y aunt launched immediately yeah big cross horsemen from yet Blair ban the Libero was there by moving a little bit to his left can't get his body to hide behind it to bring it back in the court that was a great serving run by Steve Martin within human now just down by one Bowie day to serve [Applause] take something off it and blanket now that serves spot out of his hands run and they're calling for hits on Canada well it was it was a very low pass first out of the hands of Stephen Marr and blank now trying to tee up I believe Janssen van Doorn with the attack and it ended up hitting him in the arm on the way out and we will see Janssen van Doorn taking a seat and Arthur Schwartz of a game for the first time jobs trying to get some of that offense going out of the middle a product of New York University now plays in Italy Joey de Cuba three points from taking what has been a memorable first set [Applause] blank it out to Peron right out [Applause] bandit is arguing I think there was a touch while the lines person calling and out of bounds was it off the Cuban coach let's look at the replay I think it was it was out of bounds but it was off Cuba's coach not sure about Cuba's coach standing so close to the court there to be honest have you ever seen anything like this well it's an interesting dynamic with Cuba having no challenges left Canada has both their challenges to use it doesn't look like they'll be using they are they are using a challenge here though they've got you to burn now it's it's interesting that there isn't a designated area for a coach to stand it just my view here because then stuff like this happens if you allow the coach to be a half a foot from the sidelines well the question may be did it touch the player before the coach from where we're standing we're behind the coach so hard to see whose other arms hands might have been involved but such a crucial point here in the final stretch of the first set an ad an assistant coach Dan Lewis former libero with the national team arguing with our second official while he's chatting with our second official I wouldn't say it was an argument by any stretch and it's going to be an interesting challenge because there was a player right near I don't think I've seen a challenge where the coach was involved in the actual play just a foot away now this is I don't believe there's an aerial camera where we could see this really difficult to see from the different camera angles what could have happened here now it might have been the coach and then the player [Applause] there might have been a deflection but was it coach player or player coach well this is a pretty big disturbance one way or another definitely stopping whatever flow is going for either team now either way I hope something has learned from this and there's some sort of message driven and it doesn't look like there is to do it so it is Cuba's point this wasn't the camera different camera angles are either showing the feet and what would have happened landing on the line but are not high enough of an angle to see their arms and then the other camera angles coming from behind the coach so nothing conclusive and will be Cuba's point back in action here Verne Evans not able to finish it Yente Anna this block is there now Bowl champs in transition blanket now really been a choice [Music] out of system but whether or not that was his first choice it was the right place there was room right in the pot there he makes the most of it the score now 23 to 21 for Cuba Arthur Schwartz will serve Cuba having a little check of their rotation making sure they're in the right spot all right here we go Cuba leads by to work handled by Yant Lopez Canada gets the dig in the sense to Peron back over to the Canadian side Peron again takes something off it third time not the charm blanket now [Applause] BIRT parent or guy it had been set three times in a row all of which the Cuban bloc knew where it was going but that one in transition right play right up to buy grass in the middle he's got the one on one block and it's the most of it it is a timeout for Cuba up 23 22 we don't know if this first set is going to come to a close anytime soon we both have to catch our breath unfortunately we have to still keep going here I've seen just about everything so far this percent yeah what a way to start off this match a barnburner trailing by one there's just no room for those unforced errors now you know they're feeling the pressure every time they go back to the service line we saw it yesterday against Mexico Canada had slow the first two sets kind of similar case this time where they've had to rally late Swart again to serve he plays in Italy yeah it gets to it and gets the set back the block is there but it's down on the Canadian side Acadian blog was set up in the right spot but it's not enough penetration the strong attack makes its way through and creeps down and aside it will be set point for Cuba and Yance is back to serving up your Cuba and not a bad guy to have back there a couple of aces last night too much on that blanket out so parent Cuba can finish this set here mehrgarh a ho and it finds its way in Cuba takes the first set 25 22 set by Cuba just able to finish with those last few points it'll be interesting to see if Canada tries to change up any of their lineup they finished with a double sub in of Jay Blanc now and Vernon Evans in the opposition not sure if they're going to start the way they did the first set or try and make those changes right off the bat we're gonna take a break the team switch ends we'll be back in literally just a couple minutes for the second set [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] brand-new game here in Vancouver Cuba took very to close sets in the first two sets Canada rallied in impressive fashion and here we are set five well these fans are getting their money come back roaring with a vengeance from the third set and then Cuba answering again can expect this to be a tight one but so much of it comes down to what kind of starts each team can get when a game is just a 15 points you don't have the room to let it to go up and then try and come back it's very difficult four years ago in Edmonton it was Cuba dominating over a Canadian team at that point it was really considered an upset as Canada favoured at home this time the Cuban program is growing back once again but this one has been a barn burner and it's Marlin Yant once injured a moment not too long ago back to serve to get things going in the fifth set as Emily said we go to 15 [Applause] and Canada still has my grass Mar Sanders Hogue Slater and band and here we go just about everybody on their feet well maybe not everybody but a lot of people are [Music] and strap in everybody and hold the first point going Cuba's way no touch on the block it's one nothing Cuba on top of it bound aunt once again you noticed a little fatigue earlier he found out that rest in between the sets another booming serve from him just later cross-court out-of-bounds no touch and Ana's potentially wanting to challenge looks like Canada is gonna call for a challenge on this one here we go potentially decisive moment on just the second point of this set either Cuba has a little bit of daylight or you're tied and it is in point Canada ties it up in one also just gives that energy to Canada they get fired up with that one TJ Sanders will go back to serve felt a little shaky and now with a point in the bank and it has a chance to go on the offensive now mehrgarh a ho van can't do much with that and it's back up to one to Cuba jump out to those leads in the third and fourth set and it is Oh Soria won't bring much to this he'll float it right at Hoag to the pipe Simone is there more drifting Oh to the pipe we haven't seen the pipe used as much as the C ball out of the right side or Slater has been so effective long arm Samoan worth waiting for that one and a Soria is going to get another one at it they lead by two and the tip by Slater very smart play there by Ryan Slater hadn't gone to the tip in a while and the block was waiting he goes just over those arms Canada pulls within one Cuba leading three to two home influential at the service line in previous games Cuba is actually decided to challenge it they're calling a center line fault isn't stepping over the line into the Cuban side [Music] now you are allowed to have your foot on the line it's whether or not the foot goes all the way over the line without any part of the foot touching that it would be a fault and it is very close and it's just a matter of is it if the ball hits the floor first before the foot or where it where's the call here [Music] yeah it does have to do with bringing the ball lands let's have a look how much and is there any daylight between the foot and the line and it is a fault so point goes to Cuba and now Canada is arguing something though and that's a big point for Cuba a difference of being up for to one both sides are looking for a rotation check to make sure they've got the next right server and Canada definitely some wind taken out of their sails here in the good sub they will need to put that behind them and it's a Soria still going the momentum has tipped back in Cuba's favor [Applause] quick set my graphs response from Canada now with some work to do sir from home the set to Lopez candidate there at the block and seem on their finishes but he's over top of the net reaching over playing it while it was Canada gets the point they trail by one and that's one and hold again almost finds the sidelines they're in trouble Cuba Canada transitions to Slater can't finish [Music] mehrgarh a ho [Applause] can he get there it's gonna be a free ball to Canada and Tamar on the tip yes he can we are tied at four already and a night filled of drama this fifth set brings some more to Lopez and it's off the antenna out of bounds [Applause] here in the pit set in Cuba is gonna call for it the players are urging them to continue bringing it on Cuba after taking an early advantage Canada looking shaky in those first three points and now in the span of a second they found themselves down four to one they have answered back five for now the score and as we've seen so many times before when everything's in Cuba's favor they're there they're elite and this is perhaps is this a microcosm or a moment where they are now faced with that little bit of adversity still a one-point game [Applause] first team to eight they will switch five so that you use will continue playing but they will switch sides on the court still Nick hope that the big serve force and Cuba system America Reijo the wall is there it's out of bounds it's now six for Canada [Applause] we were just told attendance here in Pacific Coliseum 4580 and they're bringing their a games tonight as well America Reijo as they stick in the arm out by home never a hole again hope chases it down right at the Nets in on oh and there's a net violation on Marv as he went one-on-one with C Mon but then fell into the net now look who is back at the service line Miguel Lopez Canada has done a great job of at least nullifying a bit of his sting and that time into the next you will take all of those gimme points up by 275 is more its grand my grass my grass of the former Dino cross 4-h and they will switch sides Canada rolling once again - five score here at the switch [Applause] and Cuba has to find a way to rally quickly there's not a chance to get back together or Soria the captain trying to urge his team C Mon they're drawing just get something out of his teammates Glen home on the Canadian side lines you'll rarely see expression on his face and he is showing nothing right now [Applause] emotional comes out after the game one way or another and by grass we've got some of the net offense to C Mon and he puts it down we're going to the veteran-owned when things get tight and it will be mercurial back to serve he's got a big serve often cutting it and I just saw over in the crowd Brett Walsh who we spoke to pregame the reserve player he's standing in the aisle he had his hands on his knees and jumped up and applauded when that went into the net Slater Canada six points away from an improbable comeback he puts that one long though and Cuba now has a chance to rebuild some of the momentum would seem on in the line and we've seen how he conserved has brought out his strongest sir [Applause] taking something off it with the roll and Marv shot anything [Applause] just perfectly placed roll shot dropping in front of the Cuban defense and it will be Marv who goes back to Sir Alan Campbell eats ten to seven this game this set goes to 15 Mar handled by the aunt to Lopez and get mark gets down on it the tip from home and that one goes off the block and in not showing their strongest block get too much room for gas on that swing two points between these two teams now Boyd a zero margin for error to hold off the block and out it's about ready to come back in strategically bring in burning ovens into the front row [Applause] with burning evans out there on the outside it's Arthur Ashe work one of the players who's come into the program within the last cycle into the net an error kind of server been a bit battered as well he rolled an ankle from the looks of things earlier he took the ball off the nose earlier lettering yesterday to get a bloody nose like analysis to hold the block out of bounds three points away [Applause] great job by Canada to get behind what was a very top sir from Yente stop any kind of service run he could have gone on flanking out coming back out with Slater going back in back at the service line name we really haven't said much he's at a quiet weekend Sean Vernon Evans well and they are leaving him in for his serve instead of putting Sanders back into the game but that doesn't mean there's no setter on the court for this point for Canada calling a timeout the comeback so merely complete for Canada not there yet though time out trying to regroup and find the things that Cuba does so well between those tough Serbs and their big swings but Canada is feeling all the energy right now it will be Vernon Evans back again at the service line he dropped in an easier one with his first go at it just a few years ago Vernon Evans playing high school volleyball now here is with his country two points away from an impressive and almost decisive win when it comes to Olympic qualifying I say almost run and Evans out of Scarborough [Applause] okay they are within one point not too long ago it looked unlikely nigh on impossible but it wasn't over yet now look at that emotion from Olga do not see that often and she was calling for a replay of something and is it too late [Applause] it's been granted they're giving a net violation maybe they love bridges this might be a case we're trying to use this at the time out trying to freeze the server try to look over the shoulder of the technicians here and from this going difference I can't see so I'm just gonna wait until we all get showing the same thing here we are No [Music] [Applause] please an improbable comeback can they do it right now [Applause] second crack at it for Cuba is there a touch no sir [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: Volleyball World
Views: 178,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FIVB, FIVB International Volleyball FederationVolleyball Match, FIVB International Volleyball Federation, volleyball, Volleyball, Volleyball World, Volleyball full match, PLArchive, volleyball full game, Volley, كرة الطائرة, 排球, バレーボール, 배구, Voleibol, Волейбол, mens volleyball, cuba volleyball, canada volleyball, Men's Volleyball Tokyo Olympic Qualifier 2020, tokyo 2021 volleyball
Id: h7eojXOXago
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 30sec (3330 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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