China Shocked : (June 11, 2021) The US Navy Deployed New Ship killer Missile to South China Sea

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u.s. Navy deploys new ship killer missile to  South China Sea USS gabrielle giffords it can   travel more than 100 nautical miles passively  detect an enemy through imaging stored in its   computer brain and can kill a target so  precisely that an operator can tell it to   aim for a specific point on a ship the engine  room or the bridge for example and it's heading   to China's stomping grounds the US Navy littoral  combat ship gabrielle giffords deployed Tuesday   from San Diego California packing the services new  naval strike missile transforming the LCS from an   under gun concept ship gone awry to a legitimate  threat to Chinese warships at significant ranges   Giffords is the second LCS to deploy this year  the LCS Montgomery also deployed from San Diego   in June after a 19 month lapse and LCS deployments  as the Navy reworked the way it mans and trains   cruise for the ship's Pacific Fleet spokesman  Captain John gay confirmed Giffords deployment   saying the ship got underway September 3rd  equipped with the naval strike missile and   the newly mission capable mq8 sea fire scout  drone the fire scout and over-the-horizon   surveillance and targeting platform achieved  its initial operational capability in June a   naval officer speaking on condition of anonymity  said the ship was deploying to the Indo Pacific   Theater the official did not elaborate  on the ship's schedule Gifford sistership   the Montgomery is currently operating in the  Gulf of Thailand according to a navy website when equipped with the Raytheon Kongsberg  made naval strike missile or an SM and   Northrop Grumman s Fire Scout for surveillance  over the horizon and LCS sitting off the coast   of Virginia Beach Virginia could destroy a ship  sitting off Cape Hatteras North Carolina that's   more than 30 miles further than the published  range of the current anti-ship missile the   harpoon which is an excess of 67 miles the Navy  is signaled it will also install an SM on its   next small service combatant FFG X the deployment  is the latest sign that the US Navy is gradually   upping its game in the Pacific which during  the past decade is seen rising tension over   expansive Chinese maritime claims decried by the  international community but enforced by China's   Navy Coast Guard and maritime militias the US  Navy has made a dedicated push to improve the   ranges of its systems from its missiles and  sensors to its air wing with the development   of the NQ 25 stingray unmanned aerial refueling  drone and new conformal fuel tanks for the f-18   Super Hornets that increase the speed and  range of these services mainstay aircraft but it's awesome a sign that despite a steady  drumbeat inside the Pentagon to move faster to   get new capabilities to the fleet the Navy's  process is still moving painfully slow the   NSM partially answers the bell for a joint  urgent operational need issued by former US   Pacific Command head admiral robert willard  from early in president barack obama's first   term who identified the need for longer  range anti-ship missiles in the pacific   it's great that the Navy is doing these  improvements but it's very incremental   said Brian Clark a retired submarine officer  and analyst with the Center for Strategic and   budgetary assessments it's been a decade since  the Navy said hey we need to start an unmanned   aircraft program of some kind and we need to  put better anti-ship missiles on our ships and here we are 10 years later and the MQ 25  is still making its way toward fielding which   won't happen for several years and we're finally  deploying a ship with a better anti-ship cruise   missile Clark added so kudos to the Navy for  doing it but this is emblematic of the problem   the Department of Defense has and making the shift  toward new ways of fighting it just can't get   out of its own way to field a new capability in  under a decade the surface Navy has signaled its   intention to maintain a steady forward presence  of littoral combat ships in the region for the   foreseeable future Giffords is the second LCS to  deploy under the newly reorganized LCS program in an August 28 teen interview Navy Surface  Warfare boss Admiral Richard Brown told defense   news that once the deployment started they  weren't going to stop we are on track with   the 2016 Chief of Naval Operations review of the  LCS and I think we'll see the first deployments   next year and then happening continuously after  that said Brown who heads the naval surface for   specific the trimarans Montgomery and Giffords  would deploy first from the Pacific then the   mano hold Detroit and Little Rock on the East  Coast Brown said getting a more deadly LCS up   and running is critical for the surface Navy which  has been rocked by a string of engineering mishaps   with the new littoral combat ships some caused  by crew errors and by the 2017 accidents that   claimed the lives of 17 sailors in the Pacific in  two separate collisions the Navy is on track to   take delivery of thirty-five littoral combat ships  total a major chunk of the surface fleet the Navy   sought to keep up a consistent presence in the  South China Sea something that will be made easier   once more littoral combat ships are regularly  deploying in its 2016 reorganization the Navy   switched from an arcane three crew for two hulls  system to a more traditional blue-and-gold crewing   model where two cruise men one hull and switch off  at various periods in the ship's deployment cycle that maintains a high operational tempo for  the ship without burning out any one crew   member meaning more time forward for the  Navy's only small service combatant under   the trump administration the Navy stepped up its  freedom of navigation patrols of Chinese claims   in the South China Sea a type of patrol where  a Navy ship sails within 12 nautical miles of   a Chinese claimed features to demonstrate  that the US has a right to pass peacefully   and freely without any preconditions and  waters China claims as its territory some   have argued that using the Japan based cruisers  and destroyers for such missions is a waste of   high-end assets and could instead be accomplished  more cheaply and just as effectively with an LCS   freeing up destroyers and cruisers for missions  involving their advanced sensors and weaponry   the Navy just took delivery of the 17th LCS the  Indianapolis in June the monohull LCS is made   by Lockheed Martin with VIN can Thierry  in Marinette Wisconsin and all of those   variants will be stationed in Mayport Florida  where LCS squadron 2 is based the trimaran   version is made by Austal USA and all of those  variants will be stationed on the west coast
Channel: US Military
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Id: ji9ErCZm2mc
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Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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