China 2018 Family Trip Video - Shanghai, Beijing, Xi'an, Chengdu, Yangshuo, Hong Kong, Disney!

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Nihao that means hello in android we've just come back from a whirlwind trip to China in July 2018 we spent two weeks traveling around the country we visited Shanghai Beijing xi'an chengdu yangshuo and hong kong we saw some amazing sights ate some delicious and sometimes downright weird food and even crossed to park saw our every Disney Park bucket list come with us as we travel Far East [Music] [Music] whoa - aah - she experienced [Applause] [Music] meet Jesse did Peter Pan's flight and it was great we now meet here we are into adventure on how to do story [Music] the camp Discovery challenge trails are definitely not to be missed at Shanghai do [Music] you are crazy doing that you are crazy [Music] you know this reminds me of this reminds me of the into Kabu zoom the shanghai version of Pirates of the Caribbean is every bit as spectacular as we had hurt [Music] [Music] [Applause] what's the best thing I do some of the desserts are pretty not Chinese [Music] [Music] for what it's worth we took a new poll at the end of the day and Tron won the prize for best ride at Shanghai Disneyland the next morning we went downtown to check out the Shanghai City skyline [Music] this mother and son that we ran into on the Bund wasted no time in arranging a photo op [Music] [Music] Liam and I were excited to try some authentic Shanghai soup dumplings we picked some up from a takeout food stall then bought tickets into you garden and went inside to eat [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we headed over to TMZ Fang a shopping and entertainment district in an old French Concession we have a special destination in line that we thought Mallory in particular might enjoy sports jersey pearl necklace and he's sitting on our table don't forget that part [Music] after we ate and played with the cats we had time for a bit of souvenir shopping before heading to the Shanghai railway station we had an overnight train to Beijing to catch everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is our third night in China two nights and Shanghai and one night you're on the train liam is already collected three pairs of stars already get three four we've only been to two I have to put six pairs of slippers in your suitcase do you really alright Chad what's on the menu on the sleeper train this is a pork floss I can't remember if it was Menaka or something like that it's very weird it's like it's pork of some kind a little bit of spice on it but it has the texture of cotton candy it's kind of very weird is it pork flavored cotton I am yours it actually meet good tell you so here I'm gonna zoom in on mine because I've got a pork floss also there we go that is the pork floss kind of weird our train pulled into Beijing the next morning and we set out for the mutianyu section of the Great Wall of China unfortunately the weather was not cooperating I'm glad we don't have to take up the whole mountain [Music] right here how's the Great Wall it is foggy it's slippery and how's the view you know that winding view of the Great Wall where you see winding over the grand of the Green Mountains I'm out of spot right now where I should be able to see that eventually we gave up on the Great Wall of China went back to Beijing to check into our hutong hotel and headed out to the chaoyang theater for their famous acrobat show [Music] [Applause] when we came out of the theater it was still pouring rain so we hopped on the subway and rode over to Wang through Jean snack Street where we went in search of our dinner [Music] Denis is beneath grace we gotta do it with our stomachs full of scorpion we decided to get out of the rain and call it a night the next morning after a hearty dumpling breakfast we set out for the temple of heaven but on the way there we got distracted by all of the activity at a nearby park [Music] this guy thought that he was going to have to teach them how to play badminton little does he know that Liam plays several racquet sports and he can hold his own this one's got the temple of heaven on it yeah and I'm watching the other side calming Jerry thank you tickets for the Temple of Heaven the highlight of the Temple of Heaven of course was the Hall of prayer for good harvests we went to the Forbidden City a huge complex that served as the Imperial Palace for 24 emperors [Music] across the road from the Forbidden City is jingshan park you can climb a hill to a pavillion overlooking the palace to get a sense of just how big it is the view is magnificent but some people still find the redheaded kids even more interesting [Music] we left the park and went across the road from our hotel to see Jim into one of Beijing's notable peeking Dutch specialty restaurants [Music] [Music] dr. scorpion last night thinking doctor very good Mallory there's something spreading of his cheek make it to the brain oh my god we went back to the hotel to pick up our luggage and headed for the train station we had another overnight train ride ahead of us next off she Cheyenne's big claim to fame is the thousands of terracotta warriors that were unearthed by a farmer digging a well in the 1970s I've ever seen hands missing hands memory lots of things do that [Music] [Music] the excavation of additional warriors continues to this day [Music] the ancient city of xi'an is surrounded by the old city wall you can climb up to the top of the wall and rent bikes to ride around the full loop around the city is about eight miles long it was a hot day but we made it the whole way [Music] all that banking made us work up an appetite for dinner we went to the Muslim Street Market and went in search of some unique local specialties no idea I don't like it we searched high and low through the market for this guy and we finally found him he's awesome cotton candy creations were worth the hunt [Music] here's Chad getting sucked in by a local vendor and starting what would become a trend for the rest of the trip [Music] we took the train to Chengdu the Panda capital of the world and the next morning we went to the research base of giant panda breeding [Music] we were so fortunate to be wandering through the Panda nursery at the exact moment that they opened for the day and for a brief time we had the baby panda cubs almost all to ourselves [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no I would guess it [Music] we went to Jin Li ancient street another famous market that's perhaps best known for its snack foods [Music] keep an eye on the girl in the white shirt she thought she was getting away with something but we were on to her [Music] I'm famous maybe those little things [Music] that's my mule and house with sticks of admiration we're going try what now take abuser [Music] [Applause] some sort of pandas in some yeah right now [Music] [Laughter] otherwise I would get a bunch [Music] watch your scanners may be the one that's your brother we flew from chengdu to guilin and the next morning we set out for the long shan rice terraces [Music] the local specialty here is bamboo rice [Music] after they cook it banana banana barbecues [Music] while waiting in line as girls kept snapping the secret selfies with us but eventually they worked up the nerve to say hello doesn't slow down [Music] with a flat note the land in steps and then you can plant one flat flat parts of hers we didn't have the spice we build the doorways in here [Music] [Music] [Music] we left the long shank rice terraces and drove to the yangshuo mountain retreat where we checked in for a three-night state but we would have to wait until the morning light to see just how impressive the scenery was a cook family let's breakfast going with rafting officially open for the day we walked up River to find the launch location and hire some rafts of our own [Music] [Applause] [Music] after a rafting trip we walked back upriver and quickly found another way to get out on the water [Music] by this time there was a whole army of rafts coming down the river at us and Liam and Mallory took it upon themselves to entertain the passing rafters many of whom found them just as worthy of recording for posterity as the passing scenery [Music] [Music] that does look good [Music] but you got there pineapple [Music] after dinner we went into town to watch a traditional cormorant fishing demonstration the fisherman ties a string around the birds necks so that when they catch a fish they can't swallow it and instead have to spit out into his basket [Music] the next morning we hopped on some bikes and rode over to moon Hill [Music] so you're hiking Moon Hill and I came across this sign narrow road would be careful on empty not really sure how to interpret that but it's pretty common for the signs we see around here where's Moon Hill there's moving hell I made it hmm mr. mountain goat here is still skipping get out of here you're rubbing it in now where you off to dad over yonder moon Hill the other side okay get along lock up after Leakey let's do some wintry subway lady stuff windy Sally oh wow they're tired I bet you're tired that's a long way to come lady Lady Tiger tada you look bigger topper okay thank you a lot you're cold are you cold how's the water al deserve it why do I could feel good now you're beautiful oh my goodness this is so cool I was sweaty are you that is disgusting with our climb done we rode back to yangshuo mountain retreat and the kids took a break in our room which thankfully had very strong air conditioning in the meantime Chad and I had his back out on the bikes to see a bit more of the countryside [Music] [Applause] and when we got back from our ride we were all ready to jump in the river again to cool off that was the tubing just went down the rapids did you get I didn't see that how was it fun yeah did you flip was it dangerous yes would you do it again yes would you me a scooter just to start a fun thing to do though get in line with the rafts and go down the rapids with them I didn't see you guys do that [Music] [Music] we had another fantastic dinner before heading back into yangshuo for our last night we had tickets to impression in sanji Lu a nightly show could on in a natural amphitheater on the water this is the theater for impressionist Angie [Music] [Music] the next morning we drove to shing ping and went looking for a landmark location gell-mann Mike oh joy are we at the right thigh it's Curtis over at the right spot for this one iron the poll we went to lose I he'll where you can hike up to a scenic overlook this was another incredibly hot and steep hike that was a lot more intense than we were expecting notice the sheer vertical here booter how is that one worth today there is the money shot it's beautiful here [Music] finally we made our way to the shing ping train station so that we could catch a train to shenzhen Shenzhen is a border city and the last point on mainland China before entering Hong Kong [Music] we cross the border by private vehicle and entered Hong Kong we made our way to Disney's Explorers Lodge where we'd be spending the next three nights [Music] we spent a day exploring Hong Kong starting off on the MTR - Tung Chung station and then taking a cable car to the village of Nong pain home of the famous Tian tan Buddha [Music] we left non ping and rode the train to Hong Kong Island where we made a stop for some lunch sweet spicy number one ingredient is stab afternoon we braved the crowd at the Victoria Peak Tram station and caught a list to the top of the city [Music] we couldn't leave Hong Kong without trying a traditional bottle waffle leaf on second thought maybe those aren't so traditional after all in order to get back to Kowloon we chose to ride the star ferry across Victoria Harbour [Music] [Music] we hung around the waterfront until the nightly Symphony of Lights show began though in hindsight I'm not sure why we bothered it was a bit of a letdown leave it to Mallory to make the most of the situation that was a mistake sweet dirty back on Disney property we took advantage of some distinctly Asian experiences including a Tai Chi class with master goofy and ordering some adorable character dim sum then it was time to cross park number five off our every Disney park bucket list [Music] we'd heard that mystic Manor is one of the highlights of Hong Kong Disneyland and it did not disappoint [Music] [Music] [Music] Jungle Cruise is done here in three languages [Music] one of my mine cars is awesome [Music] we unexpectedly came across a big pin trading event and that was a ton of fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] I didn't realize it was a tiara for style it is that's cool [Music] good press [Music]
Channel: CarrieCook
Views: 587,721
Rating: 4.9012427 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, china, shanghai, beijing, xi'an, chengdu, yangshuo, hong kong, shanghai disneyland, hong kong disneyland, pudong, the bund, old shanghai, yu garden, tianzifang, cat cafe, tono's palace, great wall, mutianyu, chaoyang, wangfujing, temple of heaven, forbidden city, siji minfu, jingshan park, terra cotta warrior, muslim street, pandas, yangshuo mountain retreat, impression sanjie liu, xingping, laozhai hill, moon hill, tian tan buddha, ngong ping, victoria peak
Id: JSKf2pFZlj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 2sec (2342 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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