Chilling Details About Nicole Brown Simpson's Murder

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O.J. Simpson's murder trial  dominated headlines for months,   but who was Nicole Brown Simpson, the  woman O.J. was accused of killing? There's nothing quite like the love of  a dog, and on that June night in 1994,   it was the "melancholy" howling  of Nicole Brown Simpson's dog that   first alerted neighbors to the fact that  something terribly wrong had happened. Neighbors all heard the dog,  reported the Associated Press:   Steven Schwab took a break to walk his own  dog when he came across the white Akita,   and saw that the dog was splattered with  blood. Schwab's neighbor — also summoned   by the dog's wails — decided to take the dog and  walk it back in the direction it had come from. The dog ran up the path to a condo, where the  bloodied body of Nicole Brown Simpson lay. Later,   the Los Angeles Times reported  that the dog's actions allowed   authorities to pinpoint the time of the murders. The Washington Post reported that  the courtroom was uncomfortable on   the day that they were shown photos of the  crime scene and read descriptions from the   coroner's findings. Highlighting the brutality  of the killings was necessary to establish the   idea that the murders had been committed in  a fit of jealous rage. Los Angeles County   Coroner Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran  testified that Nicole Brown Simpson   had been lying on the ground, unable to fight  back against an attacker that stood over her,   as her throat was cut with such force  that the knife sliced into her spine. The New York Times reported that prosecutors  were also able to make strong cases for a   few other things based on the state of the  bodies. Although Nicole was covered in blood,   her feet were clean, which led police to  conclude that she had been killed first,   and that she had been restrained as it happened. Law enforcement testified that  Ron Goldman, on the other hand,   fought back. Marks in the dirt around  his body — and the fact that his shirt   was pulled up — seemed to indicate that a  struggle took place immediately after Nicole   was killed. Nicole was stabbed a total of 12  times, while Goldman was stabbed 25 times. "Mr. Simpson is a fugitive of justice right now." According to the Associated Press' timeline  of Nicole Brown Simpson's murder and the   following court case, the night started  with her daughter's dance recital. Her   children — Sydney and Justin — were just  eight and five years old when she was   killed at their home. Had their dog not alerted  neighbors and dragged them to the crime scene,   it's entirely possible they would have discovered  the bodies of their mother and Goldman. PennLive says that when law enforcement  first responded to the call from neighbors,   they found a tranquil scene inside the home. She  had drawn a bath and made a bowl of ice cream,   and the television was on. Her children were  sound asleep in their respective bedrooms,   unaware of what had happened  just outside their doorstep. Nicole's family has spoken about the struggle to  protect the children from the media circus that   followed, and their attempts at helping  them live as normal a life as possible. Regardless of whether one thinks O.J. Simpson  was guilty or innocent, there's no denying   that Nicole Brown Simpson's murder brought a  chilling history to light. During O.J.'s trial,   prosecutors pointed to an incident  that happened on January 1, 1989:   When police arrived at the Simpson home,  Nicole had injuries so extensive that she   was taken to the hospital for treatment. The  official police report quoted her as saying, "He's going to kill me! He's going to kill me!" According to The New York Times, it was  the ninth time officers had responded   to domestic violence-related calls at  the home. Four months after the call,   O.J. was sentenced to two years' probation,  120 hours of community service, a $200 fine,   and a court-ordered $500 donation to a women's  shelter. Officers recounted Nicole as saying, "You never do anything about  him. You talk to him and then   you leave. I want him arrested. I  want him out so I can get my kids." When questions were raised about  whether or not O.J had gotten   preferential treatment because of his  fame, Lucy Friedman of New York City's   Victim Services said that jail sentences  for domestic battery were rare, saying, "It's still not considered as serious  a crime as battering on the street." "Finally in 1992, Nicole woke up  to the reality of her situation." Nicole Brown Simpson's death came  about two years after she left   and divorced O.J. Simpson. They had  been married for about seven years,   and in the middle of their time together,  O.J. had been charged with spousal battery. According to the National Domestic Violence  Hotline, their relationship had started   with often-overlooked warning signs. That, they  say, included a courtship that progressed very,   very quickly, in which Nicole was showered  with gifts that O.J. often talked about:   The hotline says that a new partner might  be more willing to accept or overlook   hints of abusive behavior if they're also being  treated as if they are being put on a pedestal. There were also reports of intimidation,   and the hotline cites one incident where  police were called after O.J. smashed   her car's windshield with a baseball  bat. In the Fox television special,  O.J. Simpson: The Lost Confession?, domestic  violence commentator Rita Smith points out: "Subtle, and not so subtle, forms of violence  are used to continue to keep control over their   victim. So him just bouncing the bat off  the tire, initially, was a subtle message:" "I am in charge. I will determine  the framework for this relationship." O.J. recalled the incident and indicated there  was nothing wrong with what happened, saying, "I mean, it's my car, I paid for it, I  said, 'I pay for everything around here.'" During O.J. Simpson's trial for Simpson's murder,  prosecutors decided that they needed to establish   a motive. When they started interviewing those who  knew Nicole, they uncovered what they presented as   a pattern of stalking and harassment in the  months and years leading up to her death. One of the most intriguing testimonies came  from Keith Zlomsowitch, a name that might   not be instantly recognizable, but that is  forever tied to the tragic events of that   1994 night. Zlomsowitch was — in addition  to having dated Nicole — the owner of the   restaurant that Nicole had eaten dinner at on  the night of her death, and the employer of Ron   Goldman. Zlomsowitch testified to a series of  incidents where he said O.J. had spied on them,   kicked the door of her house in, and issued some  pretty serious threats. It was also Zlomsowitch   who asked Goldman to drop off a pair of  sunglasses that Nicole had left behind. Los Angeles police officer Ron Shipp  was in a bit of a unique position:   Not only was he a friend of the Simpsons, but he  was also one of the responding officers to her   phone calls to the police. He told Vanity Fair she  had told him she was being stalked, and recalled, "The Juice peeking through a window? Come on! I   didn't see that happening. [...]  I gave this guy so much leeway." Faye Resnick was most recently featured  on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,   but in the early 1990s, she was a friend of both  Nicole Brown Simpson and O.J. Simpson. Just a few   months after Nicole's murder, the release of her  book, Nicole Brown Simpson: The Private Diary of   a Life Interrupted brought the trial to a halt as  it was debated whether or not the contents would   have an influence. Still, Vulture says that the  book — described as tawdry and tragic — reads,   in part, as troublingly honest. That's  particularly evident in places where   Resnick not only accuses O.J. of some manipulative  behavior, but seems to reveal some of her own,   including an incident where she asks Nicole not to  leave O.J. until after a party she was planning. "He's just saying anything he can  without proof, without evidence." According to the Associated Press, Resnick  said that she had called Nicole just a   few hours before her death. She  also said that a few days prior,   she had told Nicole that she was afraid that  she was going to die. She recalled telling her, "Please, let's just get out  of here. Let's go to Europe." Nicole told her in response that the drugs she was  taking were making her paranoid. Needless to say,   Nicole didn't go to Europe, and  on the night she was murdered,   Resnick was in an addiction treatment facility. The year 2020 was the 25th anniversary of the  verdict in O.J. Simpson's criminal trial. On   that occasion, Investigation Discovery aired O.J.  and Nicole: An American Tragedy, with one of the   major reveals of the show being Nicole's diaries.  Her sister, Tanya Brown, was quoted as saying, "Maybe she knew this was her destiny, and  maybe subconsciously, she knew something   was going to happen. Maybe that's why  she kept real detailed diary entries." The diaries, it was revealed, were discovered  in a safe deposit box along with photos of   her injuries. The first entry went all  the way back to 1978, and she wrote, "1st time he beat me up [...] Threw me on  the floor, hit me, kicked me. We went to   the hotel where he continued to beat me for  hours and I continued crawling for the door." She also wrote about other incidents that sent her  to the hospital, and she detailed pretending that   she was in an accident of one sort or another.  In another entry, she wrote that he had pulled   a gun on her and demanded she have an abortion.  The diaries weren't allowed to be entered as   evidence during the murder trial, as it was  ruled they were hearsay and not admissible. "Subconsciously she knew  something was gonna happen." It's no secret that in many cases, the names of  the victims get overlooked and buried behind the   names of accused killers. And that, says some of  Nicole Brown Simpson's closest friends and family,   is the second part of the tragedy. As  a friend told the Los Angeles Times, "I feel that Nicole has gotten lost in all this." Even as the criminal court case of O.J.  Simpson dragged on, she was portrayed as   a victim of domestic abuse and, ultimately,  of murder. But those who knew her best argued   that so much more was lost in the courtroom.  They knew a Nicole who had spent all of her   adult life in a celebrity relationship — the  couple met when she was 18 years old — and   they also knew that she had been determined to  break away from that and forge her own path. They knew a Nicole who was, quote, "bubbly,  always happy and smiling," according to her   former teacher Bill Prestridge. They described  a girl who was ready to get out of high school,   who wanted to do big things, and for  a time, all appearances seemed to be   one of a happy and loving relationship.  However, one friend was quoted as saying, "The truth is, no one really knew her during her   marriage. [...] She was never free  to be herself or [to] have friends." While no killer ever served jail time for the  murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman,   something else did happen: It put  domestic violence on the nation's   radar as an issue that wasn't just  something that lurked behind closed   doors anymore. The statistics from a 2018  Violence Policy Center report were pretty   staggering. It's estimated that one in  four women will be victims of domestic   violence. The numbers were just as shocking  for men, with one in nine also being victims. Nicole Brown Simpson's death and ultimately her  letters, diaries, and photographs opened up a   conversation about domestic violence. In some  cases, it was in the context of Nicole's death   that people heard the term "domestic violence" for  the first time. That's true for Katie Ray-Jones,   who went on to become the CEO of the National  Domestic Violence Hotline. On the heels of the   trial came the Violence Against Women Act,  and Ray-Jones described the case as, quote, "exposure into this world of abuse, specifically  physical abuse and emotional abuse, and that   controlling behavior that we all started  hearing about as the trial unfolded."
Channel: Grunge
Views: 259,030
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Keywords: grunge, nicole brown simpson, murder, details, o.j. simpson
Id: 56b3URzvYp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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