Chili Garlic Noodles: How it should be!

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welcome to hot thai kitchen so in thailand  there's a dish where spaghetti noodles are   cooked with dried chilies garlic and thai basil  and that sounds really good right right except   whenever i would order this it would be kind of  like me so i decided to come up with a recipe   that i think this dish should be what it really  wants to be deep down inside and that's what we're   gonna make today let's get started so this recipe  goes very quickly so i'm gonna drop my pasta which   i have changed from spaghetti to linguine because  i have determined that it is a better shape for   this kind of sauce my pasta water is salted  obviously and because linguine is a little bit   flat you want to be here and give it a good stir  until the water comes back to a full boil before   you walk away and let it go with spaghetti  it's round they don't stick together   so you don't have to worry about that now i'm  going to set my timer for one minute less than   what the instructions call for because i want to  finish cooking in this pan now a little bit of   oil lots and lots of garlic and i'm gonna turn the  heat on low just low for now because i don't want   the garlic to burn i want to give it lots of time  to infuse okay oh more oil definitely more oil while the garlic is going we're going to come back  and do our secret ingredient which is anchovies   i'm going to just mince them and if you're  thinking now i don't do anchovies just   trust me on this because we're mincing it  it's going to just like melt and dissolve   into the pasta and it'll add incredible umami  it'll just integrate into the dish there we go   now anchovies gonna also go into the wok and i'm  gonna slowly and gently cook this give it like   three four minutes for the garlic to really soften  and infuse its flavor in thailand what they would   do is they use pieces of salted fish or bacon  crispy bacon bits but i want to use anchovies   because i kind of want that umami to like coat  all the noodles not just pieces in separate places   now that's going to give the pasta a quick  stir just to make sure nothing is sticking   that's looking good and as the anchovies dry  out they're going to start to like fry and pop   that's actually a really good sign that we are  ready to go i'm looking for the garlic to turn   ever so slightly golden not brown because that'll  be bitter and then i'm gonna go in with my ground   dried chilies and this right here is gonna make  this dish sing you can buy ground chilies if you   want but what i did is actually took whole dried  chilies i removed some of the seeds and i ground   it myself because i want to be able to add a ton  of chili flavor without it being too spicy but if   you just add store-bought chili flakes it could be  too spicy and you can't have too much of it right   so i'm just gonna wait till i start to smell  a little bit of smokiness which is what i like   and i've turned off the heat because at this point  i'm just gonna wait for my pasta now which still   has four minutes and 50 seconds see you can relax  okay i've got golden crispy garlic nice and smoky   chilies in goes a little bit of butter because  this is not traditional but i have found that it   just adds a nice creaminess that really adds to  this pasta which really doesn't have much else   to it and then the other secret ingredient oyster  sauce yes oyster sauce is going to add it's not   really secret you add oyster sauce and thai pasta  all the time but in this dish i chose oyster sauce   as opposed to say soy sauce because oyster sauce  has that sort of sweetness that will balance the   saltiness of the anchovies it's also quite thick  and it'll add to the body and the lusciousness   of the sauce and that's pretty much our sauce now  you can just go relax while you wait for the pasta   before we move on i want to tell you about one  of my favorite things audible so i go to bed   literally every night with audible in my ears i've  been doing it for years so audible is the place to   go for spoken word entertainment that's audiobooks  of course but also podcasts and comedy and so much   more now i'm a slow reader so when i listen i can  get in way more reading because i can be listening   while i'm doing dishes grocery shopping or as  a bedtime wind down routine my current favorite   title is called atomic habits by james clear which  is all about building good habits and breaking   bad ones it's all science-based but also very  inspirational so if you're thinking about building   a new habit for the new year i highly recommend  it how audible works is every month you get one   credit for any title best sellers new releases  you name it and it's yours to keep forever   and you also get unlimited access to the plus  catalog which has thousands of titles including   classics like sherlock holmes and also original  shows by top celebrities if you've always wanted   to read more but never seem to have the time trust  me 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out of all the chilies  only some of them and i'm just hoping that   oh nice so this is like one hefty portion  if you're just gonna eat it by itself but   this is a two portion if you're gonna  serve it like with a side of protein which   like a side of pan-fried fish goes incredibly  well with this and once all the sauce has been   absorbed i'm gonna turn this off and then our kind  of optional but highly recommended ingredient is   some thai basil you can stop here like this is  delicious but adding just a handful thai basil   not too much like that's it just brings a little  bit of freshness and herbaceousness to this dish   it kind of helps lightens it up a bit and i only  want to add a little bit because i don't want   this to like taste like thai basil stir-fry  you know nothing wrong with that but that's   not the flavor that i'm going for i just need  a touch of freshness you could go with cilantro   or something like that if you'd like and that  is it you guys look how delicious that looks wow   oh my goodness just look at that who needs  anything else but a pile of chili garlicky noodles   some bits in the wok that shall  not be wasted garnish of thai basil   look how cute that is let's eat because  this is too much too much temptation   now that we're done with the garnish  it can go over there oh my god   just i'm telling you you cook that dried  chilies just so that it's a little bit smoky that is one of the best things i've ever put in  my mouth it is perfectly spicy like instantly as   soon as it touches your tongue you get that umami  because of the anchovies it's like mixed in there   and oyster sauce slight smokiness from the chili  super garlicky i mean like a side of protein would   probably be nice but really like a bowl of this  and you are guaranteed satisfied so the recipe   as always will be on hot you  definitely want to try this out if you are a   noodle fan garlic fan chili fan this is the best  of all of those things combined and special thanks   to our patreon members who help support the show  if you want to watch the videos ad free like a   patreon members you want to know how to do that  check it out i'll put the link in the description   below thank you as always for watching and i  will see you next time for your next delicious
Channel: Pailin's Kitchen
Views: 677,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hot Thai Kitchen, Thai food, Thai cuisine, Thai cooking, Thai, Thailand, Bangkok, street food, Southeast Asia, Asian cooking, Asian food, Asian cuisine, Asian recipe, Thai recipe, cooking show, how to cook thai food, chili garlic noodles, garlic noodles, chili noodles, Thai fusion recipe, สปาเก็ตตี้ผัดพริกแห้ง, Asian pasta recipe, spicy noodle recipe
Id: C_gjglqGglY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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