An American Bald Eagle flies with a GoPro

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probably gonna have to have somebody hold [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is Scott McCorkle he's the co-owner of the alien reconditioning Center in Apopka although as a 25-year master falconer Scott normally handles Falcons and hawks but today he's working with an American bald eagle named Jean Scott rescued the injured immature bald eagle back in 2012 the Talon of his left thumb like toe had been mangled which left rescuers predicting the hunter would no longer be able to kill [Music] after his rehabilitation and learning to hunt with a missing Talon Jeep was released back into the wild in 2015 not long after the bird of prey was found emaciated in Lake County Scott took g-pen as a permanent resident of the avian reconditioning Center and now the healthy bald eagle is adapting to his new role as an educational ambassador jeep makes his debut appearance performing flight demonstrations at the 12th annual fall a love fest Jeep has come a long way but he's a tough bird and while he might not be able to return to the wild Jeeps resilience will continue to demonstrate why the bald eagle is the symbol of our nation [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Orlando Sentinel
Views: 681,820
Rating: 4.8623528 out of 5
Keywords: Orlando Sentinel (Newspaper), News (TV Genre), Newspaper (Website Category), Florida (US State), Orlando, bald eagle, gopro, eagle, photographer, wildlife, bird
Id: EzvT-vnu2HM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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