Chicken with Mixed Vegetables

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[Music] hi guys I'm Laura Vitale and on this episode of Laura in the kitchen I want to do an updated chicken mixed vegetable stir-fry this is one of my husband's favorite favorite takeout dishes and we've been missing it since we haven't really been ordering takeout so I wanted to just recreate it and make it bigger and better than ever before and trust me when I tell you this rivals anything you'll get a takeout and it's just so delicious just you wait you're gonna get that sticky yummy sauce that coats your fried rice perfectly alongside it's just it's that good let me run you through the list of ingredients so we can get started because this comes together really fast once you prep everything I've got some chicken breasts here that I've cut into thin like thin slices you can also use thigh I've got an array of vegetables these just happen to be our favorite so I've got broccoli red onion bell pepper I've got some asparagus and I just cut into sort of like 2-inch pieces I've got some carrots I've got some baby corn this is a must for me and in there in a you know stir fry like this absolute must so make sure you get that that you can find in a can in like the can vegetable aisle you'll find that and then for the sauce you need soy sauce low-sodium always some water and I've got a little bit of sesame oil in there and then you need some sugar rice wine vinegar and some cornstarch and then for the chicken what kind of sort of not really marinated but we're gonna give it a coat I've done I've done this with just a sauce and without coating the chicken and there's no comparison and a difference when you're coating the chicken with a mixture of ginger and garlic and soy and corn starch a you're giving the chicken a lot of flavor but B you're creating a coat on it so that when you go ahead and add the sauce the sauce adheres to the coat I like a nice big hug you know what I'm saying and it made literally the world of a difference otherwise the sauce just sort of slides off the chicken I wouldn't want that I know I don't maybe you want that but I don't want that so just gonna take my ginger and my garlic along with some sweet mix that around first just to get incorporated and you can do this poi in this portion like the morning oh I'll wash my board don't worry you can do this portion earlier in the day and then before you go to cook it go ahead and sprinkle over some cornstarch just one tablespoon and this is two chicken breasts I do about two chicken one chicken breasts per person or one nice meaty thigh like mine and roughly about six cups of vegetables for two people so it's like three cups of vegetables per person so I'm just gonna go ahead and mix this around really nicely in the meantime I have a really nice big nonstick skillet with some neutral oil in it and I'm gonna go ahead and preheat that to about medium-high heat you're gonna want to cook everything really on high heat and quickly so make sure you have everything ready we're gonna go wash my hands clean up my board here and then get my oil and my skillet preheating and I'm also gonna get a spotter guard because ain't nobody got time to clean up swaddled oil everywhere you know I'm saying because it will splatter when you add your chicken my skillet is ready be prepared when you spot a guard because it is gonna splatter you want this on like I said pretty good heat switch to something that won't scratch your pants and go ahead and cook this until it's pretty much fully cooked through and since the chicken is quite thin it happens really quickly so you're gonna have to just keep an eye on it and flip you see how I'm sort of spacing out and flattening out each piece with my spatula make sure you do that otherwise you're not gonna get good color and then ice a waste because you'll be wasting a whole step here so just cook it until it's pretty much fully cooked through and then we move on to the next step all right the chicken is cooked I'm not gonna add any additional oil to my skillet and I also wanted to make something just to share something when I added the chicken they look like there's a lot of oil but when you have a really nonstick skillet as I do the oil just sort of like it basically trips to the side right so the center as you can see it's like there's nothing really there and then all the oil collects to the sign so when you're gonna add something it sort of collects to one side to the edge and it looks like there's a lot more oil than there is I only added two tablespoons of neutral oil to this and that was it and I don't even need to add anything any any more so I'm gonna go ahead and my veggies nothing at this point I'm gonna add my baby corn as well at this point everything happens really quickly you're gonna want to cook your veggies for two minutes your veggies should be quite crisp whenever we get chicken and mixed vegetables it's never like a soggy veggie it's always got a really good crunch so I'm gonna cook my veggies for two minutes and then we're gonna add the chicken back in with the sauce so while that's happening let's mix the sauce together really quick just look at it out of the way we've got the soy the water a pinch of sugar you can also do honey vinegar and cornstarch I'm also going to add oh I'm also going to add some hot pepper flakes to this because Joe likes his don't judge me for what's in there Caillou saw a whole lot of knives and forks and ice cream scoops um Joe likes it's quite spicy so that's Mia yes alright this is ready in about a minute or so we'll add the chicken in the sauce Mac please look great you see the veggies are so Christine up a bit I don't want to pick them any further by the way she's still on the other side of the glass the doors open she says she doesn't want to come in shouldn't one of my sous chef today excuse me this is why I like that she's right there's but we can see each other all right add your chicken back in hi she's lost too big your faces and I'm gonna add the song okay and I'm just going to go ahead and cook this for a couple minutes you just see the sauce is already thickening up beautiful and in about two minutes this is dine I'm gonna get some chopped up scallions and red pepper flakes and then we eat that looks where I'm gonna just turn off you're gonna see the sauce has thickened it only takes about three minutes or so the veggies still have plenty of crunch beautiful beautiful color hot pepper flakes Joe will always order it extra broccoli and have pepper flakes I like some scallions as well just cuz it's nice to have a little freshness you can do a little sesame seed if you want to I'm not even gonna go ahead and plate this I'm just gonna give this a bite on a piece of chicken and then what do I want what do I want this might have to be multiple bites a piece of broccoli that's me hot the broccoli the florets like the tops absorb the sauce and it makes it so good let me just remove this huh no it's only two of us for dinner I can go back in that rivals anything that you can get from a takeout I promise you mmm ha now the one thing that Joe would like that would really take this over-the-top or water chestnuts I didn't get mine in my grocery delivery but if you get yours add them in there really add beautiful crunch oh I just love this over fried rice over white rice over nothing and they will be absolutely outstanding and alarm in the kitchen for the recipe sauce is so good it's like it's a mixture of it's a perfect big sure I should say of tangy yet not been in green not too salty it is perfect the recipe is there hope you enjoy spending time with me make your own take you out I'll see you next time bye you [Music]
Channel: Laura in the Kitchen
Views: 286,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef vitale, chef laura vitale, laura vitale, chef laura, chicken with mixed vegetables, chicken and mixed vegetables, mixed vegetable recipe, stir fry, stir fried chicken, stir fried veggies, easy recipes, best recipe, cooking show, chicken recipes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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