Chicken Thighs on a Weber Kettle Grill

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welcome neighbors today we're going to take a look at barbecuing some chicken thighs on a weber kettle grill so first we're gonna want to season these up i've washed and dried out these chicken thighs let's put on a little bit of olive oil and then sprinkle with your favorite rub I'm using a Montreal chicken rub apply it in mix it around make sure you get a good coating both sides of the chicken you want to take care to try to leave the skins intact for this during this process okay so now we're gonna go ahead and get the grill set up I've got the charcoal briquettes heating in the chimney they're all warm and ready to go they're glowing red gray we're gonna set the kettle grill up for an indirect grilling method in other words one half of the grill will be hot and the other half of the grill will be cooler in an area where we can allow the chicken to bake so we put the briquettes in spread them out on a fairly even layer covering half the base of the grill to make our hot zone and then we'll go ahead and place the grill back on getting ready to cook so with chicken what we're going to want to do here is we're gonna want to sear both sides of the chicken thighs but as soon as you put the chicken over top of those hot coals they're going to start to cook and flare up pretty quickly between the olive oil and the skin so what I like to do is I like to go ahead and get them set up on the cooler zone lay them all out that way they're all ready to go before I move them on to the hot zone of the grill so make room fitting them on one half of the grill now a technique that I like to use here is to put some barbecue sauce in underneath the skin you can use whatever barbecue sauce you enjoy this is a homemade variety that's in this squeeze bottle but one thing you do want to be careful of is that you don't contaminate the the bottle with the raw chicken so I'm taking care here not to contact the chicken with the tip of the bottle so go ahead get the barbecue sauce put in underneath the skin of all the thighs so now what we're gonna want to do is move these over onto the hot coals and get them seared on both sides I like to use my barbecue hook and actually rotate the entire grill kind of lifting when it gets snagged up and twist it around that way now we've quickly moved them all over the girls at the same time and they're starting to sear and the biggest thing you're going to need to watch for here is this will start to flare up fairly quickly if you don't pay close attention to these thighs well they're over the hot coals like this the exterior skin or the the bottom sides will burn very very quickly so you got to pay attention here what we're gonna end up doing is searing them on each side for I don't know two three minutes or so it depends entirely on how hot your coals are and how close the chicken is to the coals but you basically want to build up a sear but you don't want to char them or burn them as soon as you can see they start to flare pretty quickly so I can keep an eye feel free to move them around I do really enjoy using this barbecue hook when I'm doing chicken thighs like this allows me to grab them and manipulate them around pretty quickly and easily I'll go ahead and add a link to an affiliate link to eBay to where you can buy these hooks down in the description along with some of the other items that you see us using in these videos so I'm just moving the chicken around trying to make sure that we're not getting any charring happening moving them out of the way evaluating how seared they are these look like now after a couple of minutes they're ready to sear on this the other side now you really need to pay attention now because now we've got these now flipping them from flipping them over so that their skin side down which will release a lot of fat and and cause a lot of flare-ups so we do want to crisp these side so let's go ahead get them flipped over and manage them over top of these hot coals feel free to move them around you know this is a fine dance you do want to let them sit and see her for a little bit you don't want to move them too often but you certainly don't want them to burn and get charred on the outside and as you can see with the skin side down you do get a lot more flare-ups yes you can manage flare-ups by closing the lid that will help remove some of the oxygen going to the flames help reduce those flare-ups but this is such a fast process with these searing that I prefer just to move the chicken out of the way get them off the flare-ups the flare ups will die down quickly as you can see I had just rotated the entire grill moved the whole grill full of chicken out of the danger moved the stuff that wasn't over top to direct whole coals on top and just keep them moving the trick here is to get them as seared as much as you can without burning them and as you can see if you were to walk away from your grill for more than a couple of minutes you could quickly have a lot of charring to deal with them so pay attention to keep those chickens moving so these look now that they're seared enough so I'm gonna go ahead and flip them over put them skin side up on the cooler zone of the grill getting prepared to basically bake these chicken thighs for the rest of the time we're going so we've we've been searing these for both two or three minutes on each side we're going to cook them probably a total of about 3540 minutes or so once again depending on the overall heat of the grill how about how hot your coals are how much airflow you've got but basically what I'm doing is I want to smoke these add some smoke flavor to it so I'm gonna go ahead and get some chunks of Applewood you'll find that fruit woods any of the fruit woods go very well with chicken and pork and things like that I certainly use just a plain some larger chunks of Applewood I don't soak these they're not little chips they're little wood chunks so we've gone ahead and put them through the grate and on top of the coals so they can provide the smoke setting up these thighs for a long bake on the cooler side of the grill so go ahead and close it off make sure that all our vents are wide open as you can see I playin the vents the open top vents above the food on the cooler side of the grill and away from the heat that way it draws the heat through and the smoke through the top of the food ok we've let those cook for about 20 minutes we're gonna check the temperature at this point we're just shooting for about you know somewhere in the neighborhood around a hundred and thirty degrees chicken needs to be cooked to at least 165 degrees but I'm going to be flipping these over so I've checked them for temperature they seem to be moving along well so I'm gonna go ahead and turn them over put them back skin side down onto the grill you can see that one of those wood chunks is still burning away they're providing some nice clean smoke however at this point the chicken really won't be picking up that much more smoke flavor so I'll go ahead and apply the barbecue sauce this is a homemade barbecue sauce primarily ketchup apple cider vinegar white vinegar brown sugar some cumin some chili powder some coarse black pepper and some kosher salt we make this up it stays good in the fridge for about it about a month or so so we'll cover the undersides making sure they're coated fully and we'll go ahead and cook these with skin side down basically baking them for another about another 10 minutes or so once again it's it's more about temperatures than time so another 10 minutes have come by we'll go ahead and flip them over once again they're starting to look and smell pretty good at this point and once again we'll apply the homemade barbecue sauce but once again whatever barbecue sauce you enjoy you like go ahead and use that if it's up to room temperature so it'll uh if it's a commercial one it'll flow a little bit easier either way I use a little silicone brush to spread it out so we're making sure that we get the barbecue sauce over the entire chicken thigh and then once quick coated we'll put them back maybe for another 10 minutes or so getting ready for our final checks for temperature all right so that time has gone by we'll get the instant-read thermometer once again you're looking for at least 165 degrees make sure you're not contacting the bone inside the chicken in the air in the fleshy ER part of the thigh and that'll give you a more accurate reading personally I like to run it up to closer to 170 to make sure that it's cooked close to the bone so these look like they're all ready to go so we'll go ahead and pull them off the grill I've washed my barbecue hook and partway through the process between when it was cooked and when the chicken was raw you want to be careful not to cross contaminate if you're using tongs to lift these on and put them off make sure that you either use different tongs or you wash them thoroughly you definitely don't want cross-contamination between the chicken when it was raw and when it was cooked so that's it these thighs are ready to go they smell good they certainly gonna taste good but I still have some hot coals here on the grill and what I like to do whenever I've got some hot coals left over I go ahead and grab some sausages or some hot dogs throw them on there cook them up throw them in the fridge for the family to grab some later when they want and that way it's not a good way waste of stuff so with that I want to thank you for you you're watching these videos we're a small Channel every single subscription is very important to us so if you like what you see please subscribe you remember to get out there grill learn from your mistakes but have fun
Channel: BigStuBBQ
Views: 152,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Barbeque, barbeque chicken, Bar-B-Q, bbq, bbq chicken, bbq chicken thighs, brisket, burger, charcoal, charcoal grill, chicken, cook, grill, grilled chicken, grilled chicken thighs, grilled thighs, grilling, how to cook, how to make barbeque chicken, how to make bbq chicken, Kettle, Pork Ribs, recipe, recipes, rib, sausage, smoked chicken thighs, smoker, steak, thighs, Weber, weber grill, weber kettle, weber kettle grill, weber smokey mountain, WSM
Id: FpZB2UvJ0js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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