CHICKEN GIRLS | Season 7 | Ep. 15: “Attaway Day"

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i cant wait for season 8 the last episode was a big step that was unexpected i did not know that Junior is Rhyme's cousin

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Environmental-Wing92 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

This episode definitely was a step up from the other episodes of the season and the ending was unexpected

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Blastermind7890 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

It looks like Junior is Rhyme's first cousin once removed.

Oh, and why in the world were Rhyme, Quinn, and Ellie not hanging out all semester? That makes no sense considering how close they are and if they all still go to the same school.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tech157 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
- [Rooney] Dear Stephanie, you're off at college now but I wanted you to know that from the first time I saw you I held on to every first. From the first time I sat next to you in class. - Stephanie. - [Rooney] To the first time I made you laugh, like really laugh. And the first time we went to the arcade and I let you win. You were the first person to give me confidence, and the first person I truly trusted. The first time we held hands and the first time we said I love you. From the first time we kissed to the last time I saw you. I cherished every moment. Love always, Rooney. P.S. Here's something for your next adventure. - [Announcer] Give Extra. Get Extra. (casual music) - You guys ready to go? Where's Rhyme? - She went upstairs to change. Birdie kept beating her in "Just Dance '21". - What can I say? I'm just that good. - Why can't the application to Provincetown be just as fun as "Just Dance"? - I don't know, I'm just glad I finished my First Aid already. - Rhyme, we need to go in like minutes. I don't wanna be late. - That means we have just enough time to play another game. Let's play. - Fine, but you're on. - [Birdie] You ready for this? - [Harmony] Mm-hmm, I'm gonna beat you. - [Birdie] No, you're not. (singing in foreign language) - Wow, who knew? Harmony has moves. - Never doubted it for a second. - Okay, I'm ready to go to Attaway Day. - I've actually got to get to the Appeal. Birdie, wanna give me a ride? - You're chariot awaits. Let's go. (crowd chattering) - [Rhyme] You sure these look okay? - You just asked if your breath smelled. - Well, does it? - (sighs) If I didn't know better, I'd think you were nervous. - I'm not nervous. Okay, maybe I am. - Why? It's just Attaway Day. - I know it sounds silly, but Kayla's coming back into town today, and I haven't heard from Ellie or Quinn all semester. - So you're nervous to see your own friends? - Yeah, I know it sounds crazy. - Relax. You're gonna be fine. - How do you know that? - Just like you said when you gave me these, you'll always be the Chicken Girls. ♪ We fly so high, we fly together ♪ ♪ Fly together ♪ ♪ We are a girl gang like birds of a feather ♪ ♪ Birds of a feather ♪ ♪ We fly so high, we fly together ♪ ♪ Fly together ♪ ♪ We are a girl gang like birds of a feather ♪ ♪ Birds of a feather ♪ (bright catchy music) (casual music) - How's it looking? - Great. With this new update, people can upload their stuff on the website. - Amazing, thank you. (cell phone rings) (Rooney sighing) - What's wrong? - James got the stomach flu and can't make Attaway Day. Maybe I can get Billy. - I could do it. - Wait, really? - I mean, I'm not a writer, but I've read a million stories. - I mean, this is a big story for us. Are you sure you're up for it? - When have I ever let you down? Except for that time I deleted the website, I guess. - Okay, look, when I first started the Appeal, I was just a photographer, and now I'm the editor. You will get the hang of it. Just get as many quotes as you can, and have a first draft to me at the staff meeting on Monday. - The staff meeting? - Yeah, you can be our new cub reporter. - Wow, really? Thanks, Rooney. - Of course. Now go get that story. (casual music) - I don't see the resemblance. You're sure you're related to that guy? - Unfortunately, yes. - Still mad about the hearing? - It's just not right. The workers deserve the credit, not some jerk. - Kinda reminds me of someone else. - It's like nothing has changed. - I never thanked you, by the way. - For what? - Teaching us ballet. Our routine killed. - But I thought you lost? I'm starting to realize that winning isn't everything. - Not sure I'm ready to give in just yet. (casual music) - What do you keep looking for? - No one, I mean, nothing. - This is so lame. How long do we have to be here for? - I told you, my dad can't pick us up until this afternoon. - My dad can't pick us up 'cause he's moving Simone and her mom in. - They're moving in? - It's like I got a new sister. - This is so boring. It's like going to school on the weekend. - What happened to the new Eggie who loves books and reading? - I thought girls would appreciate me for my mind, but it turns out they can't handle my swagger or my smarts. - Sometimes I think you're from another planet. - Whatever, dude. Just wake me up when this whole museum day is over. (bright music) - Hi, TK. - Hi, PK. - We really need to stop doing that. - Happy Attaway Day, y'all. - Spoken like a true Texan. - Can I get some quotes? - Leyla? - I'm writing my first story for the Attaway Appeal. - Wow, I'm having major flashbacks. - What can you guys tell me about Attaway? - I'd say your home is wherever (cell phone rings) your family and friends are. That's Attaway in a nutshell. - Perfect. - Has anyone seen Ellie, Quinn, or Kayla? They just texted me. - Come on, I'll help you find them. - Oh, thanks. - I need to get some more quotes. Do you guys wanna come? - Sorry, I have to meet someone. - Let me guess. Jordan? - If you must know, yes, but are you free later? I was hoping we could all go to Junior's. - Sure, I'm in. - Cool. - Let's go get some more quotes. - [PK] Lead the way. - You sure this is a good idea? - No, but it's the right idea. - Why do I feel like we're going to get detention again? - Honestly, detention was the most fun I had all year. - Good point. All right, ready when you are. (gentle music) - Wow, I never thought I'd see the day. - What do you mean? - Usually whenever I see you, you've got something else to do or one of your friends needs you right away. - The thing is you're right. I haven't been that fair to you this year because all of the girl group thing. - You mean the Chicken Girls? - You know about that? - I may be a weirdo who loves backgammon, but I don't live under a rock. - Right. So my sister and her friends had so much drama and I didn't want it to be a distraction, but at Halloween and school, and even at the dance competition, you're really always there for me. - I wasn't even at the dance competition. - You didn't have to send me flowers. Anyways, the point is is that I thought about it, and if you're still interested, I thought we could work it out, I mean, us work. - Really? - Harmony and Tinman, sitting in a tree! - Shut it, Eggie. - Or what? (intense music) (mic screeches) - Is this thing on? Pardon the interruption, but it has come to my attention that this exhibit is false and misleading. - Hurry, are you getting this? This is great for my story. - I'm still writing the last note. - My ancestor, Freddy Fitzroy, did not save Attaway. He was just a man who happened to have power and money. You're celebrating an imposter. The real hero is Celia Atkins, and the workers who kept the factory alive. - She serious? Boo! Who cares about a bunch of dead people? Go away! - Be quiet, Eggie! You're just as bad as Freddy and we demand that this exhibit be fixed. Who's with us? (soft bright music) - Keep my notepad safe. - I know I promised not to run away again, but. - It's okay. Go. (bright music crescendos) - Girls, you can't block the exhibit like this. - [Group] Attaway. Attaway. Attaway! Attaway! Attaway! Attaway! - Oh boy, what's going on here? - Looks like they're taking a stand. Kinda reminds me of when we stayed up all night trying to save the arcade. - You were half asleep all night. - I was not! - [Group] Attaway. Attaway! Attaway! - This is so lame. Let's get outta here. You coming, new kid? - Leyla told me to hold her notepad. - It's us or them. You gotta choose. - [Group] Attaway. Attaway. Attaway! Attaway! Attaway! Attaway! Attaway! Attaway! Attaway! Attaway! Attaway! Attaway! Attaway! Attaway! Attaway! Attaway! - Finally. I've been looking for you guys everywhere. - There you are. - You made it. - It's my fault. I was totally late. - No, it's my fault. My mom kept introducing me to people. - Well, we're here now. Tuesday Tea? - We're just missing Rhyme. - It was great, Rooney. I got quotes from the mayor and the historian. Hey, I'll call you back. (gentle melancholic music) Hey. Where's Eggie and Gus? - They went skating, but I didn't really wanna go. - I would invite you to Junior's, but I'm meeting with the girls. - I don't get it, Leyla. Is this about you coming out? I told you we're all cool about it. - It has nothing to do with that. You're totally fine, it's just Eggie's being a jerk and nobody's standing up to him. I need a group of friends who can have each other's back and correct each other when somebody's going down the wrong path. I think I finally found that. - So you're out of the group? - You will always be my friend, Walker. - Wait, can I tell you something, but you have to promise not to say anything. You know the flowers that Harmony got at the dance? - The ones Jordan sent her? - Those weren't from Jordan. They were from me. - Why don't you tell her? - Because she's with Jordan now. - Right. I'm sorry, Walker. - [Group] Rhyme! - Reporting for Tuesday Tea. I have been looking for you guys everywhere. I could not find you guys. - It was a mob scene in there. - Civil disobedience. Literally like the time you boycotted Home Ec. - Oh my god, I forgot about the flour babies. - I didn't. I still have nightmares about the makeover Harmony gave mine. - Rhyme, I was looking for you. - Hey, what's up? - I found this at Grandma's house. - Is that? - Grandma and Grandpa. But look, there's a note on the back. - Oh, whoa. Looks like this is from their neighbor, Bobby. Grandma and Grandpa couldn't have kids, so our moms are. - [Astrid] Test tube babies! - Wait, so this guy Bobby guy is our? - Biological grandpa. Yeah! - Which makes us Atkins too? - Yeah. - Like the founding family of Attaway? - Who knew we were in the presence of royalty? - Shut up, I'm still the same old Rhyme. - And it feels like we're the same old Chicken Girls. - Old is right, especially with the new Chicken Girls in town. - There are? - Yeah. - Haven't you seen? (door bell rings) - And then Ms. Sharp said they would change the exhibit to honor Claire and the workers. We did it! - Is that why you're so happy? You and PK were holding hands? - We were all holding hands. Plus, I wasn't the one spotted hugging Jordan. - (sighs) It's not that big of a deal. - So you like him? - Can we not make it awkward or I'm taking these back. - Taking what back? - So I brought these to school on the very first day and it might have been because of my sister and how she's so good with friendships, but they're really hard, like really hard. Claire, you and I rubbed each other the wrong way, but you taught me to stand up for what's right. Leyla, you shared your secrets with me when you didn't have to, and I learned to trust somebody. Bel, I thought we were rivals, but all along we were just becoming friends. And I know we're not the best of friends yet, but we're on our way. - I think so too. - Me three. - Oh, just give us the bracelets already. - Stop rushing me. (soft uplifting music) (all laughing) (students chattering) (students cheering) - So then I said, "You hang up first", but PK wouldn't do it. - You guys are so cute, but it makes me wanna puke. Do you guys wanna go to the Parlor after school? - Can't. I have a new assignment. I'm interviewing the gym teacher. - Can you ask him if we can play volleyball this semester? (group giggling) - [Simone] Hey, ladies. - Simone? What are you doing here? - Haven't you heard? My mom and I are moving to Attaway. - Oh no, I didn't. Sorry, this is- - I'm familiar with the Chicken Heads. - Chicken Heads? - You heard her. - Since you guys bailed on the dance team, we're starting our own. - You can't do that. - Sure we can. We're holding auditions for our new squad. Power Surge. Come on, girls. (dramatic music) Oh, and one more thing, stay away from my new boyfriend. (upbeat music) ♪ It's a brand new start ♪ ♪ It's a new beginning ♪ ♪ Open up my heart to the sweetest feeling ♪ ♪ I never thought you and I'd be so right ♪ ♪ We were meant to be, you're my ride or die ♪ ♪ I never thought you and I'd be so right ♪ ♪ We were meant to be, you're my ride or die ♪ ♪ We're so meant to be, and we'll fly so high ♪ ♪ Fly so high ♪ ♪ That's a wrap ♪ (casual catchy music)
Channel: Brat TV
Views: 2,302,785
Rating: 4.9515381 out of 5
Keywords: brat, chicken girls, chicken girls trailer, chicken girls the movie, official trailer, chicken girls new episode, annie leblanc, bratayley, annie hayden, indiana massara, total eclipse, mani, crown lake, zoe valentine, chicken girls marathon, chicken girls season 6, cg season 6, cgs6, hayden summerall, hayden and annie, hannie, tk and rhyme, stephanie and rooney, stooney moments, stooney edit, thyme edit, brat tv, brat shows, hayley leblanc, Season 7, Season 8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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