Chicago Style Italian Beef Sandwich

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everybody i'm chef tom with and this is chicago style italian beef the italian beef has been a highly requested video from you guys out there in youtube land so i'm excited to be taking a crack at it today now what we're talking about if you're not familiar with this sandwich is a roast of beef that's wet roasted and beef juices shaved thin dunked back into those hot juices and piled on a bun with either sweet or hot peppers now there's stuff to unpack with every step of that process and that's what we're going to do today starting with those beef juices now for the cooking process you need a big roasting pan and the idea here is you want to cook your roast submerged at least partially submerged in juices that are collected from cooked roast so we can't do all of that with the juices that are come out of this roast so what we're going to do is we're going to create our own beef broth in the roasting pan using some beef bones some different vegetables and then we're going to create a stock while that roast is cooking so we're going to start by mixing up our seasonings here we're going to do equal parts of the yoder smokers beef rub and the cattleman's grill italiano and this is where we're going to get our seasoning base as far as dries go this is a great combination nice color just a little bit of that red paprika in there but you got a lot of great herbs and spices we're gonna need this in a couple of spots here today so let me move this aside now before we can start cooking the roast we've got to roast off our veggies and our beef bones that are going to create the stock so i've got some marrow bones here i've got some neck bones about a pound and a half total we're going to create basically a little beef stock in here so we'll need onions celery and carrots also got six cloves of garlic that have been crushed you don't have to worry about peeling them just crush them and then a quarter cup of tomato paste and we just kind of want to get this stuff coated in the tomato paste and then we're to roast this on the grill for about half an hour just to get things started before we even start the braising process just a few more ingredients we want to add once we've got this all coated i'm going to throw in some porcini mushrooms this is kind of a little impromptu i would say not necessarily something you're going to see in a stock all the time but a great addition for the umami herbs we've got rosemary we've got thyme and then we want a couple tablespoons of whole black peppercorns just like you would use when you're making a beef stock so let's take this over to the grill today we're cooking on the yoder smokers ys640s pellet grill we're running it at 425 degrees with hickory pellets before we throw this on the grill i just about forgot we want to add a little bit of seasoning right now as well so we're going to do three tablespoons of that seasoning that we mixed up the rest will actually go onto the roast so technically indirect heat here our fire source comes from the left side so we're going to be rotating the pan at times today this initial process is just about getting a little bit of roast just to deepen the flavors on the meat and on the veggies so we'll check back in about 20 to 30 minutes now the roast of beef that we're using today is the eye of round and this is a prime roast from creekstone farms it's got a lot of trimming done already there are some spots where we could do a little bit more but pretty much anywhere i just see some silver skin that i want to take off like that stuff's not fun to chew on we'll get rid of that but a little bit of fat on the surface i don't mind it it's not going to hurt anything to have a little bit of a fat layer right around the edge now it's this kind of silver skin stuff that i don't want on the outside of the roast because it's super chewy now granted we are going to slice this pretty thin so it would just be like one chewy strip around the edge but it's still a little bit annoying and unpleasant so now we're going to go ahead and season it up we'll hit the surface with a little worcestershire sauce as our binder save the rest of that to throw into the roasting pan then we're going to take our mixture here italian beef seasoning and just coat the outside in it choose a side that's going to go up and be exposed and give that a little bit more seasoning than the bottom side because the bottom side is going to get the seasoning from the roasting pan from the juices and it's just going to wash off the beef so you don't have to worry a lot about getting heavy seasoning on the bottom kind of all going to end up in the same place in the end but we are going to have the top side exposed so we want to make sure that there's some seasoning stuck to it all right that can sit there and rest until the veggies are done roasting all right we've given our veggies and our beef bones a good bit of time to roast forming some color a little caramelization on those carrots we're gonna deglaze the bottom of this pan with just a little bit of red wine again a little bit of extra flare here it doesn't take much a half cup to a cup just to loosen up what's stuck to the bottom of the pan and then once i'm satisfied that we've loosened all the fond from the bottom we'll go ahead and get our roast in here so right there on top of everything and then we need to get our liquid into our pan so i have some actual drippings some zhu from the last time i did this that i'm going to use again anytime you can save this and throw it in the freezer you never want to throw away this kind of stuff that'll be a great starter for us but that beautiful thick velvety stuff it all started from scratch just from a box of beef stock just like this one last time so once you get this started you can keep it going and it just keeps getting better you're gonna need about two to three quarts of stock right now we're a little shy of two i'll probably put another half in here and we'll just keep an eye on this to try and keep that liquid level up as it's cooking we'll get our probe in here down here in the deepest part we're going to aim for a pretty rare temperature because this again it's going to get dipped back into the hot liquid before it's served well the beef's been on for just shy of three hours now we've reached our target internal temperature of 125 degrees and all this time that just been bubbling away building big time flavor for this broth that we're going to be dipping the slices in so this is ready to come off we need the beef to chill down so we can slice it thin so i'm going to transfer the roast to a wire rack and then we'll strain off our beef stock so we have just nice smooth ju for dipping slices now while the roast is chilling down we want to separate the liquid from the solid so we can heat that liquid back up for dipping our sandwiches and for dipping our meat into taking out some of the really big chunks just gonna strain off the rest of these veggies so now we've got this flavor-packed jew and this honestly like this is where the beef is going to get a lot of its flavor that tastes like beef gravy goddang that's good so we're going to put the juice back on the grill i've taken the diffuser door out so we can get some direct heat we're running at 450 degrees now we're also going to fire off our sweet peppers so once we've got these peppers kind of blackened all around that skin's blistered and releasing from the flesh we can take these off the grill and place them into our zip top bag to steam for the next five to ten minutes and then we'll peel the skins off get rid of the seeds and dice the flesh the roast has cooled down and firmed up it's going to make it easy for us to get really nice thin slices out of it you can see we've got a nice pink center here that's what we get for pulling it at 125 and that's exactly what we're looking for so we're going to fire up the slicer you can try and do this by hand but honestly you're just never going to get it paper thin by hand so if you got access to a slicer that's ideal otherwise just do your best with a knife to shape it as thin as you can all right peppers have steamed we should be able to get the skins off fairly easily now [Music] just going to cut this guy open ideally the flesh of the pepper should now have still have a bit of texture to it shouldn't be completely softened but it's definitely softened a bit from the roasting and now we've got this kind of smoky fire roasted flavor worked into it as well typically when you're ordering your italian beef you're gonna get it with sweeter hot peppers right when they say sweet peppers this is what they mean bell peppers you might see green sometimes you might see red mixed in that's why we're going to do a little bit of both i love the sweetness of a red bell pepper green are fine but that sweetness that comes out of the red when it's fully ripe just makes sense to me all right so sweet peppers there you go now when we're talking about hot peppers this is what we mean a chicago style giardiniera which is a mixture it's largely serrano peppers but there's some cauliflower there's some sport peppers mixed up in here and it's all soaking in a mixture of vinegar olive oil a chili oil but it's been sitting there for a couple days but i'll definitely give you guys the recipe for this at the link to the blog in the video description now the only thing that we're missing here is the roll and to be honest with you where i'm located i'm never going to get the right kind of roll unless i want to buy like 144 of them online and have them shipped here which i considered but we're not going to do that today if you're in the chicago area you're looking for toronto or ganella rolls basically french rolls with italian names that's what you want uh unfortunately we got to make do with what we've got here i get a sweet italian roll that'll have to work in its place we're going to split those knot all the way through even got a bolillo which is of course a mexican style probably won't hold up as well to the wet style which we're going to get into right now the gravy is hot so let's dunk the beef this is why we want that beef just a little bit pink when it comes off because it's sitting in this hot hot zoo it's gonna come right out of there though and onto the bun load it up now if you're doing this wet style the whole thing's going back in and this is where it's so key to have a good bun because you got to be able to keep it together now since we've got them both i'll add both sweet peppers and our hot peppers and that thing's ready to go dripping what a mess what a delicious mess hold on guys yes the secret is the shoe hold on let me tell off look the beef on its own it's good but without that jew that we created those neck bones and the marrow bones all those veggies even the mushrooms the herbs all of that stuff comes through in that gravy and when you give it the dip it adds all the extra flavor you need now you got to try the wet style but it would be great even without it you can always ladle just a little bit over the top but what really sets it off on top of all that is that hot pepper so many flavors going on you've got your herbs in there as well that olive oil that bite from the vinegar and it's got just a little bit of kick to it as well the sport peppers are great in there the serranos bring the heat there's so many wonderful flavors all existing in the same place so thank you thank you thank you everyone that requested this sandwich i should have done it a long time ago but i appreciate that you guys are watching you're getting involved i want to hear more of it be sure to check out for all the products featured in today's video if you enjoyed the recipe hit that subscribe button if you have any questions or comments if there's anything you'd like to see me cook let me know in the comment section down below and let's be good to one another for more recipes tips and techniques head over to sauce things barbecue where barbecue legends are made
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 125,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atbbq, allthingsbbq, all things bbq, all things barbecue, bbq, barbecue, chicago, chicago style, Italian, beef, Italian beef, roast beef, sandwich, giardiniera, dip, jus, gravy, stock, broth, bone broth, yoder, yoder smokers, ys640, ys640s, pellet grill, pellet, smoker, smoked, roast, roasted, smoke roasted, wet roast, wet roasted, eye of round, creekstone farms, chef tom, the sauce
Id: ll7pZN3GnDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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