CHIANG MAI, Exploring One Of The BEST Cities in Thailand 2023

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[Music] thank you [Music] good morning so we are here in Chiang Mai now um we are just getting ready and about to go explore um I think we're gonna go around the old city so this is a room it's a twin room with an Oscar twin but it just came like that a nice little TV all the usual bits and bobs and then this is the bathroom pretty big bathroom to be fair shower to it's not really a wet room which is nice got a big double cupboard here this was a pretty reasonable price it was about 21 pounds per night and it's called The Wing Lana Hotel so we're just having a look at all the things that you can do in Chiang Mai there's a lot of the sort of elephant tracking kind of things so we're just gonna have a look through them because we're not sure this is one of our local parks and it's so well kept look at all these flowers got a nice little water feature there called yeah public park so here you can see some of the old walls that would have surrounded The Old City looking around the perimeter of it [Music] foreign [Music] Okay so we've got to the famous gate I'm not sure if that's how you pronounce it but is it the west gate also known as the Westgate sorry the east side oh the Eastgate so if you don't like pigeons then this is definitely not the place for you can see it is brilliant with pigeon like everywhere and it's a place where people try and get a really cool shot of pigeon slime you can see what's going on over there so I think the pigeons get fed and then they get scared by a loud noise and then try and get a shot of it well I guess this is the remaining part of the Wellness Around The Old City it just seems that most people are here simply to get a the pigeon thing a shot with pigeons flying in the photo yeah interestingly a lot of people just shouting ah just to try and get the pigeons to fly up yeah and you get a lot of people trying to sell you uh bird seeds and Salt Grass and so on and I guess it's more popular because there's no road going through this gate so it's a lot easier to walk through the other ones you have to cross a road so yeah it's pedestrianized and I guess that's why this pigeon thing is happening here it's wearing food the pigeons and these two are about to do it and then around you've just got like normal Western shops to be honest but McDonald's Starbucks even a decathlon um even boots so yeah it's a lot more kind of built up around here a lot more touristy I guess foreign [Music] so across this moat you'll see lots of these little Bridges it makes it a lot easier for us and some of them are decorated really nice to you as it's a little flowers pretty foreign [Applause] so Leo just got a what did you get America now it's pretty good though that coffee color and I just got a I got an almond latte but they also put coconut milk and coffee in it so it's usually a coconut milk latte with dairy milk but I just asked for that to be replaced with almond and then it also gave us these two which is around here the surroundings of it is just so nice you can sit on the floor there and just watch the world go by there's some sounds of trickling water as well it's just a really nice Vive thank you [Applause] this is cool to see it's a thrift store yeah free and stuff which is pretty cool this is where we're eating today for dinner it's pretty full in there so I've been giving a basically a token to wait in a queue so this is the menu all Thai food which looks incredible so this is our story but this is you must have when you're in China we've got a fresh coconut and Leo got a beer Singapore sorry it looks really good so this is my green curry tofu yeah these are just some fried turkey food pieces [Music] so we've got the mango sticky rice [Applause] mango so this was a bill 505 but good morning so today we are gonna go walk around the old city of Chiang Mai we are we are staying pretty much in the in the center of this of this old city so we're gonna go walk around check out some local temples I want to get a um a tux shirt sorted out so I'm going to go to a local tailor and see what they can do for me and then we are going to stop at I think it's called fun find Forest calf yeah apparently they do live jazz on a Sunday between one and three so we're gonna try and catch it it's meant to be quite busy though so yeah so it's meant to be quite busy and I'm guessing we'll be busier during the the live um band so we're gonna go there and we're gonna be prepared to queue up but it should be good so we've just come here for a quick coffee stop it's called Cafe De Sam so both Leo and I are big Cafe fans we both love coffee and we just love like chilling in a cafe watching the world go by and Chiang Mai is like one of the most perfect places to do that it is littered with all these kind of trendy cool cafes and so we're gonna visit a few and take you with us these are our coffees Leo got a cappuccino and I got a soy milk latte yeah this is how I do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so our coffees were 130 Baht which is three pounds in total [Music] so we are at what pricing and this was constructed by King fayu look at the detail [Music] thank you [Music] so we're just approaching one that is just next to what pressing so there there's so many around you literally walk from one and then you can see another one straight away beautiful see the level of detail The Carving it's just beautiful so this is what pricing behind me and just learned that it was built in 1344 and ever since it's undergone a series of sort of restoration so we're just walking past the main Temple to go and look at one of these stupas which is a big gold structure it's behind what pricing you can see it just peeping out there look at the detail on that beautiful red color with the gold wow not expect this structure to be so big which is a huge golden stupa [Music] thank you [Music] so you'll notice when you come to these temples that you'll see one and then around the corner you'll see another one so they're all in this this kind of little small complexes which are just beautiful and you've got these kind of Market stalls within the complexes okay Just A really lovely peaceful environment foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thing loads of massive fans really nice it's been kind of environment we've just ordered some juices and fresh we're gonna be okay with that and the coffee shop actually began from a coffee plantation really nice okay so there's supposed to be live jazz from one to three on a Sunday there's no sign of it just share but we're hoping that it happens so one thing you should know about Leo is he absolutely loves desserts mainly pastries But Cakes are definitely up there so we're gonna go for I'm gonna go for this one here which is the coconut cream pie I mean the pictures looked amazing online so this place is a little bit pricier for a cafe here in Chiang Mai we've ordered two cold pressed juices and they're about three pounds each and then Leo's gonna order a coconut cream bun which is also on so we just asked the waitress and she said that there's no gels today which is the whole reason we came there so well and she said that the musicians weren't feeling well so yeah not today unfortunately which is a shame because it's the only Sunday that we're here but I'm sure the dessert is going to be really good for Leo so [Music] our juices I went for pineapple green apple and passion fruit and then went for carrot green apples let's coconut cream pie has arrived and that looks very bougie that's uh over here okay crust at the bottom cream on top oh [Music] that's nice that's a good reaction from a harsh critic that was really good do you know what it reminds me of the Friends episode where they have that cheesecake so good it's very light so this is our Bell it's 315 if I bought so we are at what rajamatian I think that's how you pronounce it and it's got this beautiful maroon exterior marine and gold sweet to the entrance it's stunning laughs [Music] what's really beautiful about a lot of these temples here in Chiang Mai is that they're actually really quiet very few tourists and you can sometimes just have a whole Temple to yourself [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign black and white exterior and inside is all beautifully wooden it's just so in the back there you've got I think one of the oldest stupas in Chiang Mai and you can see that it's made out of the The Brick [Music] oh [Music] thank you [Music] the colors on this one it's like beautiful gold and green really intricate and detailed this one [Music] so this is the menu here we call Cafe so because we're in Chiang Mai I am probably going to get the cars away but this Cafe is on top of a Guest House Guest House called tiger guest house really cute put your baby and they do loads of different things cakes and also main meals as well so this is like our soy vegan cowboy foreign so the Moment of Truth does it compare to the non-vegan one Incredibly Close yeah what I tasted yesterday with the chicken in there pretty close yeah so this is our bill it is 300 Thai baht [Music] okay so in about a month we are meeting my family and going to the Philippines where my brother is getting married before we left so my parents are bringing all of our wedding stuff traveling at the moment but we didn't manage to find a tux shirt for Leo and also plans changed and he now need to do Thai a different color Thai so much me um so we're gonna go on the hunt for that we know that southeast Asia is really good for Tailoring and try and find him a few bits for the wedding Okay so we're attempting this one now Thai custom tailors is mine okay different material yeah Escape money smell like okay so that place um we asked how much he charged for a tie and it was 1000 Thai baht which is about 25 pounds then we asked how much a tux shirt would be and it was 2 000 Thai baht which was like 50 pounds 50 60 pounds and then a whole suit a whole tuck suit was 6 000 Thai baht which is like custom soup a tie for that much and a shirt for that much yeah we're a bit confused we're not sure if it's just this place or if everywhere is going to be like that but he was really useful he was showing us like the different types of material and what's good and what's bad um so we're going to take the information find some other Tailors and see what they say and yeah take it from there okay so this is stop number two called the pride of this book Taylor so let's give it a go yeah it is so yeah something yeah something like this um I guess okay so that place was a little bit more reasonable the Prague so he is saying that he can make a shirt for Leo for a plane shot um for a thousand but but yeah he seems the most reasonable so far so we're gonna keep looking um and then make a decision [Music] Tempo is a man only Temple [Music] so Leo's just gonna go and have a look [Music] foreign [Music] and just behind me here is a man only Temple so it's believed that women aren't allowed in since they menstruate and that kind of is said to disrupt and ruin the sanctity of the city pillar so yeah we're not allowed in but Leo's gone to check it out [Music] hello hello how was your visit it was good so actually it's a very nice Temple some really good artwork on the walls Gold Everywhere really really nice Temple but I've got some recordings for you on the DL thank you thank you thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] Elephant Structures there at the top and as you can tell this is a much older Temple this is a really nice angle all the elephants on top [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign monks around here um and Sam reap we didn't see too many but yeah there's definitely a lot more around here so here see a beautiful golden reclining Buddha you can see lots of small details like a gold chicken here you've got the dog here and the pig at the end here so this is mostly it for Chiang Mai um loads of Temple complexes and loads of coffee shops and places to eat it's a really cool place really chill place and these Temple complexes just come in here sit down just admire everything it's really nice it's really really nice um five very peaceful it's incredibly hot though and humid very humid like if you looked outside you wouldn't think it was that warm but it is also known for several night markets we've just walking through one now um during all the setup they're all getting ready [Music] so we are now at what panto what's it made out of okay I think it's made out of mainly teak yeah so it's made of teak wood oh I just did a fatigue with temple and monastery I like that it looks much older than the other temples yeah you can see in the wood a bit older we've got a beautiful God it's super just here as well these stupas look amazing in the Sun and we've come when the sun is just lowering and it's gonna set soon so looking really really lovely [Music] [Music] thank you so we are currently on Chiang Mai's walking state it is a Sunday today so there's a night market and it is amazing there's so many stores we've just walked through it through the setup and we're going to take you there tonight [Music] so there's so many stores in this market there's food there's arts and crafts there's clothing you name it they have it here and it's such a nice atmosphere so in all of this area you can see that there's um some seating for people to sit down because all of this is like food and like you say they're just setting up at the moment and then there's things like clothing fresh juices these lovely jingly things there's absolutely everything and it's all very very cheap as well so super hot and we're really thirsty so this store is [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] so good you know yeah yeah maybe [Music] I think small yeah I think it's more yeah Market even goes into like the 10 perplexes which just makes it even cooler [Music] [Music] thank you so I'm gonna get some sugar cane juice I just saw the man getting the juice out juicing it oh so excited we did just have orange juice but it's so hot got the goods delicious let me just in this little seating bit of an hour so much variety just uh when it comes to food generally this massive yeah many options literally you turn a corner and it just continues it's so big [Music] thank you [Music] thank you sitting on these teeny little shoes hey look at the size of them so what we got here we've got five vegetables with some soy sauce and sesame seeds sprinkles on top thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] for hot and fresh off the market [Music] crispier than the previous one different sort of filling hmm
Channel: Aleesha & Leo
Views: 15,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chiang mai, thailand, couple travel, backpacking, asia, south east asia, thai food, street food, muay thai, thai boxing, elephant sanctuary
Id: bz0xK2jqkKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 14sec (2474 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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