Chia Seeds - 3 things that Chia Seeds are NOT

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Hi I am Dr Chan, today I am going to talk about ‘3 Things that Chia Seeds  are NOT' that everyone should know’   Hi guys, welcome back to my channel, If you are  new here, I am Dr Chan, I am a medical doctor from   Singapore. Many people call me The Habits Doctor  because of my passion and work in activating and   helping people unlock the power of lifestyle and  eating habits for health. In my medical practice   where I do a lot of work in teaching and coaching  people to make the necessary lifestyle habits   changes to better control and combat lifestyle and  diet-related chronic conditions such as diabetes,   hypertension, high cholesterol and cardiovascular  disease, I see many of my patients taking chia   seeds regularly. And when I ask them why, they  would tell me that they were taking chia seeds   to help improve the control of their medical  conditions or for better health in general   but what struck me the most about these patients  was that it seemed taking chia seeds was the only   thing that they do consistently, and that they are  more conscientious about taking chia seeds than   they are about making the changes to their dietary  habits that they do know are necessary to better   control and combat their diabetes, high blood pressure or  whatever other medical conditions they may have.   It was almost as if taking chia seeds had given  them misplaced confidence or had become an excuse   for them for not tackling the aspects of their  diets that needed changing or improving. This is   what inspired me to make this video. So let’s dive  straight into the topic of this video ‘3 Things that Chia Seeds are NOT that everyone should  know’ But before that, let’s do something. Let's add chia seeds into these foods in front of me. This is Char Kway Teow or fried noodles. Let’s put some chia seeds into it. What happens to this Char  Kway Teow when we put chia seeds into it, what would this Char Kway Teow become. This is a bowl of instant noodles,  ordinary instant noodles, Let’s put some chia seeds into it, let’s put some chia seeds  into it, what do you think would happen?   This is a bowl of sugar-laden cereals, the  typical breakfast cereals but full of sugar,   but let’s just put some chia seeds into it,  put more, let’s put lots and lots of chia   seeds into it, what do you think will happen?  Do you know the amount of sugar in most sugar   sweetened beverages? Even the ‘Healthier  Choice’ lower sugar sweetened beverages have   two teaspoons of sugar, two to three  teaspoons of sugar in them. And many   sweetened beverages have up to eight teaspoons  of sugar in them, about 30-40 grams of sugar.   So if this is the typical high sugar sweetened  beverage, what do you think will happen when we   put chia seeds into it, lots of chia seeds, two  teaspoons or more of chia seeds into it. What   do you think will happen to this high sugar  beverage when we put chia seeds into it?   What just happened? What do you think?  What happened when I added chia seeds   into all these foods in front of me? My answer?  Absolutely nothing, absolutely nothing happened.   This bowl of nutrient poor instant noodles  is still a bowl of nutrient-poor instant noodles   after adding chia seeds into it because Chia  Seeds are not some kind of Magic Dusts that   one can sprinkle onto nutrient poor foods and  magically turn them into nutritious superstars   because Chia Seeds are not Magic Dusts. Secondly, Chia Seeds are not Magic Erasers. We cannot expect  to be able to transform obviously unhealthy foods  into healthier choices just by adding chia seeds into them. Take this Char Kway Teow for example,  For those of you watching who do not know what   Char Kway Teow (or Chao Guo Tiao) is. it is a Fried  Flat Rice Noodles dish popular and very well loved   in Singapore and many parts of Asia but it is  also generally widely recognised as being quite   unhealthy. Sprinkling chia seeds into it would not  magically erase away the many unhealthy components   of this dish. Or this high sugar sweetened drink, or  this sugar laden cereal, adding chia seeds into   them would not make the sugar disappear because  Chia Seeds are not some kind of Magic Erasers.   As the interest in and the popularity of chia  seeds grow, we are beginning to see chia seeds   added to more and more food products. When  we go to the supermarkets, we can now find   chia seeds added to not just health foods but  increasingly we are also seeing chia seeds   added to all kinds of food products, including  sugar-laden, unhealthy or highly processed   food products. So when you are buying stuff  from the supermarkets, don’t be ‘impressed’ or   ‘distracted’ by the halo of ‘Chia Seeds’ inside  labels. Before you buy anything, look at the   whole ingredients listings because Chia Seeds  are not some kind of Magic dusts, adding chia   seeds will not magically transform nutrient-poor  food products into nutritious superstars. And   Chia Seeds are also not Magic Erasers, adding chia  seeds will not magically erase away the sugar or   any other unhealthy ingredients in any food products.  But don’t get me wrong, I am not against taking   chia seeds. I take them myself, I always have a  bottle of chia seeds in my pantry and I do use   chia seeds in my cooking and my beverages. But as  much as there are many health benefits to taking   chia seeds, it does not in any way take away the  need to learn and practise eating habits that are   critical in preventing, controlling and combating  diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol,   cardiovascular disease because the 3rd thing that  Chia Seeds are NOT that I would want to highlight   is that even with all the various potential  health benefits of taking chia seeds regularly,   Chia Seeds are not some kind of Magic Pills.  People with chronic lifestyle and diet-related   diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, high  cholesterol, cardiovascular disease cannot expect   to take away the need to make the critical changes  and improvement to their eating habits necessary   to better control and combat their conditions just  by adding chia seeds into their diet or buying   food products with chia seeds inside. Chia Seeds  are not Magic Pills. So these are the 3 things   about Chia Seeds that I want everyone to know. As  I said earlier, I am not saying that there are no   health benefits to taking chia seeds. I do enjoy  adding chia seeds in to my food, into my drinks,   I just want to highlight whilst chia seeds may  be nutrient dense and can be a useful healthy   addition to our food and beverages as part  of a healthy eating habit, taking Chia Seeds   should not become a license to continue to eat  badly. Chia Seeds are not some kind of Magic Dust,   they do not make nutrient poor foods nutritious,  Chia Seeds are not some kind of Magic Erasers,   they would not make the unhealthy components of  foods disappear. Lastly, Chia Seeds are not some   kind of Magic Pills, They do not replace or reduce  the need to make the changes and improvements   to our eating habits necessary to prevent,  control and combat such as diabetes, hypertension,   high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease  and other common lifestyle & eating habits   related chronic conditions. I hope you have found this video useful.   I am Dr Chan and thank you for watching. Let’s unlock the power of habits One Video, One Habit, One Dose at a time. Take care and have a blessed day.
Channel: The Habits Doctor
Views: 2,208,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chia seeds - 3 things that chia seeds are not, chia seeds benefits, how to use chia seeds, chia seeds uses, chia seeds information, how not to use chia seeds, chia seeds nutritional information, chia seeds diabetes, chia seeds hypertension, chia seeds high cholesterol, chia seeds cardiovascular disease, chia seeds benefits and side effects, chia seeds chronic diseases, chia seeds 3 things, chia seeds 3, chia seeds, how to eat chia seeds, chia seeds for weight loss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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