Chia 2.0 GPU Plotting and Farming 2023: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE

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Chia 2.0 is out and this is the ultimate guide for you we're going to cover everything taking you step by step through the process of setting up a farm sizing doing calculations about things like how much you should earn and we're also going to look at how you can get high performance GPU plotting on windows with some scripts that I've got here that should be able to help you speed up your production of plots we're going to cover a lot of questions that you might have things like can I use 64 gigs of RAM can I use 32 gigs of RAM and we're going to also look at some questions that are a little bit bigger in scope like should I reply we've got an FAQ section that's going to answer all of those and more in this video we're also going to look at the math behind Chia how to do calculations and size out whatever it is you're scoping we're going to be building this thing from scratch and this has the capacity to go up to half a petabyte in this machine that's pretty insane and we're going to be doing all of this in this video for you today so be sure to hit like subscribe and ring the bell so that you get notified when more videos come out this ultimate Chia guide is underway now and while we're going to be using what we have here the that was easy and in a really big case which is a threadripper pro a pretty killer system could be something as simple as a b450 or even a b550 if you have an x570 or possibly one of the Intel counterparts with a couple of decent pcie slots that's what you really need here use the chapters below at any time to skip around to any of these topics video is not a recommendation to run out and build a threadripper pro however this case is a case that I had it is able to store a lot of hard drives so that's what we're using and it is a great case this is what it really starts to come down to though the availability to put in hbas this is an h310 available on eBay for very cheap check the links below and so you're going to need probably two to three slots in your case and this means you probably need an x570 or something like that motherboard and this is an h710 and this one's also a flash that I got off the eBay pretty cheap and so we're going to plug in the second card here also as well now both of these are called hbas they are going to present disks to the operating system in this case we're going to be installing Windows and so just tighten them down here really good and getting a motherboard that has at least three full size pcie slots will allow you to get these at least two extra hbas and each one of these hbas has two ports on it each one of those ports can break out into four SATA connections you see here with these Ford breakout cables and that's an 8087 to Ford breakout Sata cable that we're using and that gives us the capability to have 16 total disks in addition to what other SATA ports we might have on our motherboard so just go ahead and whenever you start running these into the system make sure that the little teeth on them grab down when you plug them and Slot them into these cards and the h310 is going to run a little bit cooler than the h710 so make sure that you've got some extra cooling or good Cooling in your case if you're going to be using h710s so we're going to need to move this panel if you have a fractal to find mesh5 XL2 you're going to know this and we're not actually able to do this like super simple so we need to move this panel here that is going to be holding on to the hard drive trays up to the front we need these three screws to be moved that hold this panel up to here and then we'll be able to mount our hard drives and their trays quite easily and there's a screw on the top here also that you need to make sure is adjusted over to the other side as well there's also a screw in the bottom of the tray that you will be using to attach it to the front and make sure that you get all of your drives off of this this needs to be bare so that we can slot in those extra hard drive trays here in just a few moments so fitting this in here yeah if you already have one and you've got a water cooler up front this was the moment where I realized that water cooler was just not going to work out and it is a huge water cooler so I had to take this out move it around and let me just save you some time if you are going to be using a 420 millimeter water cooler on something you're going to need to be putting that puppy up front it is not going to work any other way with the size it is and taking your time and making sure to dry fit things and test it out first before you actually go ahead and commit to attaching things in a spot we'll help you have less issues when it comes to clearances because there are just a few clearances and this is already a tremendously sized case so it is surprising but you will have to deal with those constraints when you're trying to fit this many discs so we got our panel appropriately tied in there this was where I started to see that the access to that top tray was definitely going to be impacted by the water cooling tubes so I decided to come up with a little bit of a twisting scenario here that kept it running a little bit higher up there but not all the way up there above where the inlet ports are so it is at a little bit of an angle that Slants Down Still towards the water cooler so the tapest part won't gather an air bubble is my hope and I went ahead and relocated the case fans back up onto the top here and this I hope is able to get move enough air out so far it does look like it's moving enough air the third fan yeah you can see here I run into this what is going on there and so this is what I ended up coming up with uh I didn't get there right away but uh here we're gonna take our 22 terabyte drives uh put them in their caddies and these caddies have little rubber grommets on them so make sure to use those so that they get Good Vibration isolation from the remainder of the case and whatever surface that it's on here so once you attach these in and you put your hard drive on it there's little screws on the bottom and there's some spacer screws that come with this and these are all available in the links below actually pretty decent prices right now on eBay for what they have been in the past per tray and once you get these attached in just go ahead tighten down the screws and you're going to do this over and over again as you get all of your hard drives attached and added into the system and while I'm demonstrating with 22 terabyte SATA drives that you can find on and they do have discounts that are available to channel members as well the this is not me telling you that you should use these this is just a guide that's showing how to put all this Hardware together whatever size SATA drives you have should work in this case as well but using 22s does allow me when we get to the effective size be able to say that we've hit a half petabyte capacity of potential in this system which for one system to hit half a petabyte that is pretty cool so once you get these dudes slotted in go ahead tighten down that little screw on the end there and that's it gonna do that over and over again for each one of these don't forget the trays that'll go in the base also those are going to hold two caddies each also and let's go ahead and just make it happen nice so there we go let's now take a look at some of the cable management that I'm doing here attaching up these 8087 to SATA port forward breakout cables make sure they are forward and not reverse breakout cables that will not work do a little bit of cable management spend some time on it make it look a little bit nice it'll be better for airflow as well and then we're going to attach up our power and you can see me bundling them up Loosely final part here which will be plugging up the power supplies to it so you see we got a pretty clean layout on the back of this as a result of it and feel free to hit pause if you are assembling it check these things out in detail this is not a bad way to go about setting up everything and that top tray you note there we're actually going to be able to fill that up by making that one adjustment that I showed you earlier put in our filters back in here and putting the case back together we are almost done with this build let's take a look at what this is looking like in the front and so while I've got a 3080 TI in there a 3060 TI would be just as good and don't do that janky thing with the fan at the top that I showed you there that's uh you can do better than that uh just put the fan up in the front and that actually will move a ton of air also once things are powered up those little cards are going to Blink green for you and I was able to fit an extra two drives in to this tray here I feel like I probably would have been able to get more had I planned that add a little bit more in advance so let's check out the release page really quick and hit on some of the high points that I think are really important for people that are interested in getting into Chia as well as Farmers that already are in Chia probably one of the biggest impacts that we've ever had as Farmers the 2.0 hard Fork this client introduces a hard folk into the Chia blockchain this is meant to combat of course GPU plotting being able to do something called grinding which becomes very problematic if a lot of people do it and if incredibly fast gpus are able to do it that definitely can impact the fairness of farming reward distributions so bladebit 3.0 has been released now and this can do the k-32 plots and this can do C1 through C7 of chia's official plots now if you want to do a full Ram plot then you need to be able to fit all the tables into the RAM for all of those operations that is of course the fastest way to go that is 256 gigabytes of RAM and we're going to evaluate what probably is some really good options if you're looking to reply and you are just going to be reusing a desktop or if you're just getting involved with Shia for the first time so you've got your definite need for a Cuda capable card this is a 10 something up now the only card that I can see that I can think of that's excluded is the six gigabyte 1060. so I don't think that's going to be able to plot every you're going to have to have an eight gigabyte of vram card so every 3060 I believe every 20 series card and most of the 10 series cards will be able to apply and we're actually going to check out what kind of performance you're able to get so this is cool because this allows you to effectively get smaller plot sizes so compression is one way to think of it but really it is trimming down the plot that is stored on your disk and that allows you to have significantly more plots on your disk so this is why effective netspace becomes substantially improved and with the C7 you've got a 30 improvement over where you were so you take your raw tib that is your Tibi bites times that by 1.3 and that is your new effective t-i-b-e your effective net space if you no longer have support for Windows 8 it's definitely time that you should have been updated by a way from Windows 8 by now but definitely Windows 10 support is still there for the farming side however if you want to be plotting this is one of the things that's currently a known issue you need to be on Windows 11. and that's something that also is going to play into your RAM limits so if you check out the differences between Windows home and Windows Pro for the 11. you can see there is 128 gigabyte limit for Ram on a Windows Home machine so you technically will be forced into split mode which will reduce performance of plotting you would not be able to do full GPU Ram plotting on Windows home because you would not be able to have enough RAM in your system and probably one of the biggest things that could impact a potential plotter is this one here you can run out of space on your drive when you run out of space on your drive instead of pausing gracefully it looks like bladebit's going to to do a crash and that will be something that you would have to restart your plotting process now there are some ways around that and we're going to talk about those today keep in mind also this is the last Chia release that will support the V1 full node database and so this is not the tutorial where we'll be covering every single other change that's happened in Chia because boy there are quite a few other changes that have happened to Chia in 2.0 but let's get to the downloading and the installation of chia 2.0 we're going to take you through the steps to set this up I'm going to tell you how you can get synced up really quick with the blockchain and after that we're going to go ahead and start our process of creating plots joining a pool then we should start earning and so we've got the Chia 2.0 setup executable down here I just downloaded that over here so let's go ahead and install that and you're going to notice this data directory here is the app data local directory in case you need to find anything remember that it's uh living inside there and go ahead and click next you can add a command line executable so that you can run Shia from the terminal window anywhere just by checking that box do that so you're going to have two modes to choose from the wallet mode is really if you just had a light transaction you wanted to have some nfts some cats and xeh balances this is going to be able to do the majority of your day-to-day stuff that you might be interested in however if you are a farmer in Chia then you probably want to go ahead and choose the farming mode here and we're going to choose that because this will actually start the synchronization of a blockchain for us so if you don't have a wallet yet you're going to click on this and this will create a new key and you can give this a friendly name here as well we're going to call ours uh Alpha t and click on next the process of synchronizing has now started in the background of the blockchain but it is very slow and it'll take a very long time so we want to jump start that process and I'm going to show you how to do that here in just a second one thing to do when you need to shut down your client is go ahead and click the log out button here and you can see that you can that's a good choice of emojis act just go ahead click file and click exit It'll ask you if it's if you're sure that you want to quit and go ahead click yes this will shut down the services this does take just a few seconds so don't be surprised if it is something that is not instantaneous all right and once that's finished let's go ahead and check out where we can get the fastest way to get up and running with our database here so if we go to and then we look for their downloads page and we scroll down here to the bottom it's going to give us a mainnet database checkpoint and this is as of June 30th 2023 so you're gonna need a BitTorrent client to download the Windows x64 executable here for the transmission BitTorrent client you're going to need to keep that and go ahead and install this onto your computer here this is a free client so that's nice compared to some of the others here click next and just go with the defaults on this through your firewall and this is of course a Windows guide so all these things should just work out and you can just drag it in here and that should get it going you can select whatever folder you want for this uh we're going to go ahead and not use the downloads folder we're going to go ahead and use those really Zippy little plot temp uh nvme that we've got over here so let's click a start on that and that should allow us to unzip it really quick also because excellent performance on that little dude and after the file is done downloading go ahead and use 7-Zip to extract this and you're going to extract it twice and then you can end up with a blockchain V2 mainnet sqlite file so we're going to copy this and take this down to a particular directory here and this is the user directory your username the dot Chia folder which may not be visible if you don't have let me go back here really quick if you go to view and you go to show you would need to have hidden items checked there so if you don't see it there go ahead and check the hidden items folder and that'll show you the dot folders that you've got here we're going to go to mainnet and DB so the download from the blockchain database was a couple of hours that that took and if we look here we can see we were only 18 megabytes into the synchronization of the blockchain if you want to synchronize the blockchain from scratch that's certainly an option but do be prepared for about a day to maybe two days depending upon the speed of your computer for that to take so what we're going to do here is go ahead and delete this and then go ahead and paste in our other blockchain file and that will allow us to way way more quickly get up and synchronized with the blockchain when you start back up your process it's going to synchronize and that should dramatically cut down the time that you need to sync because this is released quarterly onto the bit torrent from them officially do also check your checksums on that that's a shot 256 checksum takes a while to do that I didn't show that in the video but definitely make sure to do that so that you can be sure that you're getting the right file and once this copy process is done we can actually go ahead go back over here and delete these two files off of our other uh SSD card that we had here and we're going to delete the installer since we've already installed it and go ahead and run the Chia blockchain now to be expeditious I had already synced this up so that we could get on with this video it will take a little bit of time to catch up the sync you can find out where your node status is as far as synchronization by clicking the full node down here and when you go up to your phone load status up here it'll tell you how many piers you're connected to as they start to roll in it takes a little while for you to start your synchronization and you can see that my last transaction block time will be August 25th on this because we need the video to get done as fast as possible here and I'm not that far behind as far as blocks however when you actually roll the blockchain database backup you're going to be back in June but that's still much much closer and much much faster than starting the synchronization from the start of the blockchain and while we finish catching up here you can now click on the full node and see some of the peers that are connecting in the synchronization status starting to happen there let's go over really quick some of the interface options you have so on your tokens here you have your primary asset token which is xch the native currency of chia and you can see our balance is of course zero since this is a brand new wallet on the syntab you can send to an address and you specify an amount and whether or not you want a fee there is a fee suggesting estimator right here also you've got the option to claw back this is one of the things that's cool about Chia is if you both are running on a modern version of chia client you should check with the receiving party on that first make sure that you do check on the receiving party of that first you can specify a period of time and this would allow you to prove that you have funds if somebody was going to send you something you can also specify a small not big memo in the memo field here and that will go along with the transaction if you're looking with how you can receive xeh just grab the receive address that is here and that will basically be it you can share that out there use that for all sorts of things in the ecosystem if you notice the actions tab here you have a delete under unconfirmed transactions button here and this will allow you to actually go ahead and zero out anything that is in the pending status that might get stuck so if you're noticing that something's not happening and you're taking a long time to submit a payment maybe five minutes or something like that should not be five minutes it probably should happen in about one minute and do make sure that you put at least some sort of a little fee in there so that you can be guaranteed that that will process in that time frame then you could try the delete unconfirmed transactions restart your Chia client and you probably will be synchronized back up again as well we've got the create offer button here and offer files are one of the key components that make especially the security you get with the Chia blockchain also truly peer-to-peer decentralized whereas you have a lot of other blockchains out there that do not meet that criteria and offer files are one of the primary means of enabling this if you click on nfts there's certainly a lot of websites where you can actually go and buy nfts check out dexie that space and and mint Garden dot IO and those are some great places to check out some Collections and I'll actually show you once we get started here how to go to them and check them out and what some of the things look like there we do have an amm that's Tibet swap back here on the tokens page you see that we have a manage tokens list option here if you pull this up you can actually add a additional Chia asset token cat and of course be careful with cats uh the cats are aware a lot of things can happen in ecosystems kind of wildly especially you know there's no centralization on Chia so the ability for somebody to create something nefarious and just you know take people's money is a very real potential so be very careful exchanging xch for cats that's one of the things that um you may want to think twice about before you get involved with that right off the bat but we have space bucks Marmot stably usds uh which was actually something that I'm not sure what's going to happen with that they kind of went uh defunct when their primary backing agency uh went Belly Up recently here so I'm not sure what's going to happen with usds maybe they get replaced with something else and we also have the Chia holiday token 21 which when merchandise this was supposed to be used for merchandise discounts we still do not have the official Chia merchandise store so we are all waiting patiently to enable one of these you would just go ahead and click the button here and it'll toggle it on Marmot and spacebox were Community created but they were kind of the beta projects that were out there to test out the initial receptivity of the cat token so they are pretty fun projects I know space bucks has quite a large following and there's some things like Transformers selling for space bucks now Marmot is a very low issuance uh kind of uh token that was out there that basically contributed to a marmot recovery Foundation marmots are kind of a mean thing with the Chia blockchain so you may see quite a bit of banter around marmots don't be surprised they don't bite unless you're too close credentials are something that we're not going to really get into here that's a specific use case that most websites would walk you through when you need to get up and running with credentials offer files this one is really powerful offer files allow you to basically have truly peer-to-peer decentralized offering and solicitation for any asset that is bound to a token or a nft that's very cool because that allows you to create combinations that are very powerful of assets you own and request what you want for those and you can list them on decentralized marketplaces again offer pool and space scan which will allow you to actually interchange these things and see them but these are all dexes so these are basically permissionless things that you don't even have to go through those for very cool contacts allows you to add friendly names to specific people if you frequently transact with them that can be kind of Handy uh full node you can see we are getting closer here we're just 1 000 blocks out from the synchronization and it looks like our time is now in today and just a couple of hours ago so that'll be synchronized here in just a few more minutes the farming tab the farming tab has quite a bit in it when it comes to adding plots you're going to be using this button here and when it comes to adding a plot directory you're going to be using this button here so when we look at our plot directories and we take a look here at our computer you can see that we've got our 20 terabyte drive stacked up here so I'm going to illustrate the process that you would utilize on one of these so the first thing you're going to do is click on whatever your volume is and then you're going to create a plots folder inside it click on that plots folder and click select as plot directory you're going to do that for all of the additional drives as you add the pin you don't have to add them all up front or anything like that you can just add them as you get them and so once you do that you've started the process of telling the Harvester where to look for the plot files and once it is in there it's going to be able to say aha I found one and use that for the proof checking for the consensus formation which is what you're doing when you're farming and that allows you to participate and possibly get rewarded in xch if you form a block or if you're a member of a pool next we'll check the plots tab here and this will give you some really good summary of information about your actual plotting management so you'll see your Harvesters you can actually run multiple harvesting machines and that can be a good strategy for Distributing a workload in some scenarios especially when you get kind of big or if you're really small and you want to just have really low electricity footprint maybe you're running some stuff off Raspberry Pi 4S running some Harvesters can really work out pretty well for you there it's going to give you some statistics around your total plot size and that is going to be expressed in a couple of varieties here like a raw plot count like you have 10 plots and then the total plot size so that'll be a like measurement of space on hard disk it'll tell you if you have any Troublesome things like duplicate plots plots that are not opening or plots with missing Keys those are things that you should definitely pay attention to as well if you are following along with this guide and you are not new to the Chia blockchain maybe you already have the Chia client and you're looking to start up with your GPU I do think that there is a good option with backing up your config.yaml making sure you grab your keys and going ahead and reinstalling after you you know make a backup copy of your config yaml a new installation that should generate a new config.yaml there may be some settings in the config yaml that are not going to be showing up unless you do that and so when you do that that should allow you to have the most up-to-date settings for things like GPU decompression which is something that you definitely want to make sure that you have so we'll get to that here in just a second also over here on the left hand side you can look at your Harvester and your Harvester like I mentioned is basically doing most of this workload as far as collecting plots from various locations and being able to express that this is going to be expressed in effective netspace so again you're not actually having to store the whole plot to be able to have the computational power of the whole plot saved on a disk because you're solving a portion of it potentially with a CPU or a GPU up front and if you look at the number of plots it's going to give you that again and eligible eligible plots per signage point so if you look at the number of signage points that happen and how many plots are passing the filter and this is one of the things that the Chia 2.0 hard Fort is baking in is there's a progressive step down of the plot filter so we will have next year a 256 plot filter and then a 128 several years after that and this allows us to have security around gpus not being able to launch grinding attacks and unfairly gather up rewards for people that are using those so next thing that we look at here is pooling and so pooling is going to be one of the things that we're going to do right away here so we're going to be joining a poll right off the bat because when we create our plots we want to have a contract attached to them and we're going to get that contract from a pool however this does not mean you are tied to a specific pool that contract is just something they're generating you can take your plots and that contract and you can move it around to other pools very easily there is no limitation on which pools you can go to unless you are specifically dealing with a very few small old Legacy closed Source uh kind of things which you should not be doing in my opinion you should also only use the methods for downloading the database that I showed you here in this video next we're going to do a quick overview of the settings tab so you can see that you can switch between your modes here we've got our farming and our wallet mode the appearance you can also change here in case you want to burn your retinas out with light mode I prefer dark mode myself language settings can happen here and you can check for updates derivation Index this is something that should typically auto adjust as you grow your database of things that you have in your blockchain wallet it should grow this number so if you have purchases for instance if you have a lot of spins this number will start to go up it should automatically adjust but this is one thing that you may want to adjust manually a little bit higher if at some point you're noticing that you're not seeing all of the things in your wallet keep that one in mind uh Auto login allows you to automatically log in to the specific address that you have so if we take a look at this page here there's nothing to stop us from having quite a few uh particular wallets here you can create a new one of course or you could even import existing ones here as as well and if you look here at some of the details on this you can see that you have your public key and this is something that is essentially identifier a farm or public key this is important when you're creating your plot nfts you also have pool public key now this is not what you need to use for the pool creation nft plots like I mentioned the contract and this is actually self pooling so keep that in mind do not use this for creating plots unless you wanted to just only be able to Solo in the future and there's no reason to do that because you can solo with the other type of plots as well you have an option of going with a pool or solo this you have no option you are just literally solo forever so don't do that uh secret key this is a hash that can be used to restore and steal your stuff so don't hand this out and of course your seed phrase that you have here make sure that you write this down keep it in some uh little separate locations uh make sure that you got a copy somewhere because this is an important one here you don't want to lose this you can recover your full wallet with this using that import tab that we just saw and certainly you can use like the tandem wallet and stuff like that for being able to have kind of a physical device that can be tied to a specific address so if we close this out here and click on this again we're going to go back into the wallet and back to our settings really quick here and check out this next tab so you can go to your custody Solutions here this is not something you're probably average person is going to be using right away but if you wanted to do a clawback solution then this is able to be done and this gives you a window of time in which you would be able to claim back a send that has happened and I've demonstrated in some videos in the past when they launch this how that looks so you can go back and check that out if you're interested in it profiles are important this is based upon something called a did a decentralized identity the decentralized identity aspect of this allows you to associate a provable on the blockchain ID with an association set and you can move things into that Association set like nfts which is very cool so you can create a profile but you need to get some mojos so the first thing that we're going to do also is grab some mojos from the Chia faucet because we also need to be on a pool so we're going to hit the the faucet here and it's already got our wallet address we're going to do our little let's see stairs this time uh that one's kind of hard all right and submit this and this will be processed in just a couple of minutes here and so when that is received you'll be able to use those xch for either creating a profile or also you could use those xch for joining a pool we're going to be using it to join a pool here if we check out nfts there are some information here that may be important if you start getting into degeneracy you might want to keep this in mind this is where your local folder for them will be stored you can clear the nft cache if you get like some you know images that don't load or something like that fitting the image to card will allow you to have a different display hiding objectionable content in case somebody decides that they want to send you something that you might not want nah it's not a bad idea to leave that one checked limiting the cache size so we've got one gigabyte that we're using here and that is for most people going to be more than enough data layer is a new technology and this one we don't have a ton of user facing applications for yet but those are being developed right now by people like Mark Taylor so keep an eye out for data layer and this is probably going to be one of the biggest ways that we see ancillary applications and dapps being deployed on Shia in the near-term future and the other cool thing about this is each one of these individual nodes of chia which you're now going to be a participant in is a unique part of the consensus and there are unique reward mechanisms other than just farming that can come out of that so things like being a local Hoster for a Dap that's based on the data layer could be something that's very real in the future and it has me excited our Harvester here so this one is important this is why I mentioned if you are brand new installing your config.yaml is going to have all the settings present in it and when I say config.yaml let me let me go ahead and actually show you what I mean with the config.yaml you'll see people talk about this every now and then and if somebody references it to you this is where it lives essentially so you would want to be very careful also with making any changes to this because this can be altered and you could lose your reward you can do all sorts of things with this so definitely don't make changes to this unless you know what you're doing and of course keep a backup so one of the things that we'll do right off the bat is we'll create a backup of our config yaml and we're going to call this and change that extension and then I'm going to actually show you some of the stuff inside here in notepad plus plus which is just a text editor so you can see that we've got a lot of settings inside here and some of the settings are going to be different as you've updated your client over time so this is where you're really seeing that you might be able to change some settings in here and have a significant impact on your operations some of the things that have been recently introduced like the ability in 2.0 to use gpus for compressed plot farming and harvesting is one of the things that could be a setting in there that you would be very careful around so some of the settings that we have here that we'll get into more when we start plotting we have the ability to do what's called recursive plot scanning this can make folder arrangements for large amounts of drives easier for Windows Farmers especially but this also can allow you to have subfolders within a folder structure and to find the plots inside there the plot refresh interval in seconds is how frequently you're going to scan so we have this set at a default right now two minutes to look for new plots so you may not need to uh go any lower than that unless you're doing some really intense plotting but going higher than that might be something that's beneficial if you're running some lower end systems because you probably don't need to have quite that interval for checking some of the other things to check out here is the ability to enable compressed plot support and we're going to go ahead and check this box to enable this and you'll note here it says that we need to restart our Harvester in order for this change to take effect uh it'll also give us a couple of values here and we're going to read through these and talk about what this means so this the parallel decompressor kempt so this is if you are using your CPU so you can use your CPU or a GPU to do the decompression the ability to scale at higher compression sizes with C7 being the current recommended highest compression size leaving it at one is good for most people if you want to have a setting of two or something like that then that would be essentially saying you have 2 two CPUs do you have two CPUs that's usually a server or some sort of a specialty workstation so you should know whether you have to most people should leave this at one decompressor thread count the number of threads for a decompressor context so this is like how many threads do you have on your computer so if we take a look here at this you can see that we have on this computer here on the CPU uh 32 total threads so got 32 16. you don't need anywhere near that much uh for the decompressing that we're going to be doing here but keep in mind if you start to run into things uh bogging down and you are CPU bound and you chose a high uh compression count this might be valid for some people that actually have you know not huge farms like 100 terabytes and you wanted to go with C7 or something like that you might want to check your decompressor thread count so I'm going to go ahead and just set ours to two here for that as well because we're going to be doing most of our stuff in the GPU and if you check here you've got your enabled GPU harvesting so when you click this this uh this is going to allow you to use a Cuda 10 series or greater with eight gigabytes of vram card for your farming if you are looking at what kind of a card you can have again I think a 1060 is excluded from this but most other cards are going to have eight gigabytes of vram all the way back so you know 30 60 great option for this to be able to do both plotting and farming at the same time and if you had multiple gpus you could specify which one you wanted working on this leaving this to zero we'll just go ahead and apply it to that one oh actually check this out here so we've got an option to just click this and to restart the local Harvester there so that's all we have to do give it a maybe a minute or something like that and you should be back up and running all right if we check out our Integrations so there's something called wallet connect and this is used on many websites that you can encounter where you might spend or buy something like an nft especially or maybe you wanted to swap on to bet swap you would be able to use your wallet connect integration to do that and that makes it much easier to purchase instead of having to copy out of it for files and accept offer files manually that's something that's pretty easy and you can see the apps that you've got connected here and you can disconnect them or you can reset your permissions completely right there if you look at your notifications this is something that I think is a really powerful function of the offers files is you can receive notifications of an offer so I can make an offer to somebody for something that they own in their wallet if I wanted it there's been a couple nfts I actually did that for and so if these are all checked here then you will be able to get the maximum amount of notifications I recommend just leaving those on for now because if somebody wants to send you an offer for something that could have appreciated over time and you can actually negotiate back and forth forth through peer-to-peer offer files really cool stuff if you look here you've got your signatures and signature Technologies pretty new we have a couple of things that are using that a few web applications but for the most part I think we're okay with not having to get into the weeds of that most places that you're going to encounter that will step you through that process also you've got a component here which is resyncing your wallet if you run into an issue where you get spinny circles on your wallet for just infinite amounts of time go ahead resync your wallet close your client maybe reboot your computer and you probably will be okay again if we check here back at our tokens you can see that we now have our mojo Mojo are the sub denomination of xch and so this is what we're going to use to join a pool Flex pool is possibly doing something pretty interesting here uh soon which is allowing farmers of xch to get paid out in Bitcoin which that's pretty cool I'm not sure what the fees are going to look like it's all very up in the air at the moment but I'm gonna go ahead and set myself up here for this demonstration so self pooling is an option when you want to have your rewards go 100 to you that is going to essentially be something you should do only if you have like a petabyte plus of storage to even consider it because your reward regularity is going to be really bad uh and you're going to get really worried and I've been there myself with much less than one petabyte and I I really don't recommend people go solo you have no feedback mechanisms that are really good and that's not going to be an enjoyable experience for most folks now if we connect to the pool here it's going to ask us for the pool URL so if we go here and we click this and we click Chia farming here and go to Chia over here you can basically select which type of farmer you want to set up here and so we're going to go with the Chia Farmer in the GUI click on The View farmer guide here we can select the closest pool to us which is xch hyphen us since I'm based in the US you should definitely make sure that you select the one that's located closer to you and it will be a new farmer setup that we're going to be going through here so if you forget these steps you can quickly refresh right here as well it gives you a pretty good way to get started so input that pool URL there it's going to ask us to verify we're going to send one Mojo that Mojo that we just got we're sending it that will allow us to join the pool which is something you have to do so following these steps pretty closely is what you need to do to get up and running because you don't want to be so low like I mentioned and you do want to be on a pool especially as you're growing even if you do intend to go solo later it's not a bad idea to go to a pool periodically and check your system make sure you're submitting things in time making sure that everything's looking good there are more tools built into chia's GUI now that give you feedback on whether everything's working or not but this is one of the things that it makes it easy it makes life easy when you go to a pool to start with so now that we have joined the pool here you can see Violet weasel is the name that's been Auto assigned to us here if you hover hover over this you can see where you've got your pool contract address again this does not live with the pool this can be moved around from pool to pool and if you see here this is starts with an xch and it's this address here you can click this if you need to plop in the CLI for instance this is where you want to grab that address if you check these three little dots here let's go over this you have add a plot of course this is going to allow us to add plots to this particular pool you also have wool view pool login link so let's go take a look at that really quick and if we copy this and then paste this into a browser this will take us here you'll get quite a few uh warnings definitely this one at the top though is important if you are new it'll take 20 minutes for your first share submission to actually start to show up so it'll be just backlogged a little bit there and if you look here you can see some statistics about your farm and we'll come back and refresh this after we've got it up and running that'll allow us to see some information populating inside here all right so let's go ahead and add a plot here to this and if you select from the drop down you can see that this is going to be the default one that we have here and you've got options so let's talk about these options for choosing a plotter so Chia proof of space 2.02 this is the OG version plotter and so OG version plotter is not something you should probably be using unless you wanted to create some bizarrely large case sizes in which case even there may be other options that are uh better than that and you should not be wanting to create those to be honest with you we have next the Cuda plot this is going to use an Nvidia card currently to be able to create a compressed plot this is compressed plot capable keep this in mind those words are important compress plot capable so need Nvidia card as of time of this publication for you to be able to create compressed plot that is true or you need to go with bladebit ram plot Ram plotting takes like 416 gigabytes of RAM so things like those servers in the past those eight quad socket servers that can have terabytes of ram inside each one of them those were capable of cranking out some pretty good uh blade bit Ram plot times disk plot this plot is kind of a evolution of some of the existing plotting technology but this one right now cannot create plots that are compressed so keep that in mind most likely Cuda plot will be the thing that gets you down to like a 16 gigabyte 32 64. 128 is already demonstrated I've seen it working it works it's in a publicly tagged Branch so it's going to probably be by the time you're watching this video something you can grab from one of the links that I'm going to show you here in just a second and in the future releases of the GUI I'm sure that that will be something that will be an option as well but for now Cuda plotting looks like the best way to go about creating plots that are compressed that you do need like I mentioned eight gigabytes vram for my knowledge that's a 1070 Plus card that would be able to do that and a 3060 really really a good idea to use don't alter this setup Keys manually this will mess up your plots so you don't want to do that choose your K value and we're going to of course only select k32 which is since we're compressing we're going to be at the lowest case eyes and that will be something that will be viable into the future here and we'll select our compression level zero would be no compression one would have actually a fair amount of compression seven would have significant amounts of compression we're going to go with a couple of sevens and a couple of fives and we'll be able to see the difference here in the size of them as we're creating them so let's select a final destination directory here for this we're going to go with this plot temp really fast uh Faizon nvme that you can check out on and sign up for the newsletter to grab yours whenever they become available uh link to all that in the description below or if you have an Enterprise in vme that would work here really well at the moment we're just going to leave this as one plot because that's going to be good enough for us here we're going to crank out one of these and we're just going to let this be GPU device zero here so that's pretty much all we've got to do to create this first plot so let's get this going and when you click create plot it's going to go ahead and fire this up and this is going to be the status queue for this and you can see that it's creating one if you click on these you can see the two options you've got view the log or delete if you click on Vlog you can watch along with it as it's going here and follow the progress of it this is something that you can keep an eye on to see how fast you're able to create a plot so you'll actually learn how to do this both through the GUI and through the command line before this is out if we look at the task manager we can see and we'll fire off this C7 we'll fire off a C5 and this will give us you know a really fast way to get some plots up there so that we can see those plots starting to happen and those partials starting to come in eventually and that will allow us to start visualizing the round trip of what it should look like on the pool and on our individual wallet until you do that you're really not going to get a full picture of all the fields populated and if we scroll away down here you can see that we've got our GPU and it's cranking out about 76 or so percent right now on a 3080 TI like I mentioned this is why uh if you're in Windows for sure a 3060 is going to be perfectly matched up to like what you're doing for the most part so you don't got to go overboard uh 3060 also runs pretty cheap right now on eBay probably 200 225 dollars um not much not much at all and you can see that we're creating the tables here and so nine seconds uh 16 seconds is what we're looking at 23 seconds it'll kind of grow up there until table seven and then the rest of the process is pretty darn fast after that and you can see that that first plot was created in 3.77 minutes 226 seconds handwritten to disk so we've written this to the temptis and that's one thing and that's not where we needed to live we needed to live on the final temp direct or the final directory so if we go over here and we check out our plot temp you can see that we've got our plot file here so we're going to cut this and we're going to move it over to our directory that we have and pop it in here and again we have that 120 second refresh interval so while we're waiting for that refresh interval to pick up here let me show you what it looks like if you go ahead and create a plot but just write it directly to a hard drive because this will actually pause your plotting process so this might not be something that is apparent to somebody right up front but this is something you need to consider so we're going to go ahead and create another second Cuda plot this one we're going to go ahead and choose a sea level of five on one and this way we can specify our final destination directory here of that D drive and the plots folder again and we're just going to do one and create and this will be a different file size so we can look at that as well also here and it should also demonstrate something about the right speed to hdds versus ssds and nvmes so there are different strategies if you are GPU plotting then you've probably experienced in the past because the need for buffering is going to be something that's fairly critical for both of these use cases now when you look at what is your options for having buffering there are ways to offset it but just keep it simple as the best recommendation since you're using Windows in the GUI I'm just going to assume that you're not like a power user or anything like that so let's let's keep it as easy as possible that way if you run into problems you can describe them to people easily and hopefully get some help pretty easily Chia has a Discord where you can do that fairly well let's check out this live and so when you see that kind of impact there where it starts talking about the command buffer being full that means that the underlying sub system storage is slow and that's slowing down the plotting process so that's a good indicator that you're going to slow things down when you start seeing that pop up here and see if we can see which disk it is here I think it's disk D there it is yeah so you can see it is starting the writing process already to the drive that does slow down your plotting process but it also speeds up the in eventual end copying process as well so it's kind of a double-edged sword if you were to be writing direct to hdds again this is a good reason why a 3060 uh 3060 TI great options for doing this kind of plotting if you've got something laying around also one of the best ways to bring down your costs with anything related to Chia is use what you got so you got some use storage uh not a bad option however when you're looking at the right activity to an nvme with the split mode that is one thing you probably don't want to have go slow so definitely make sure that you have a better nvme the consumer stuff that you're going to see out there is just it's not built for it and it's going to slow things down quite tremendously and so you can see the plot time now is five minutes five five minutes 5.31 minutes 318 seconds so for the C5 that did go up uh quite a bit there because also we're using this hard drive as the storage subsystem and it's also writing data to it now so you can see that that puts a pause on the starting of the next process out there so the next plot can't start cooking while this plot is still here waiting and so as you can see this is not an optimal way but it is certainly one way to get yourself running it's still going to impact you especially when you come to that final copy process over to your hard drive and so you can see here we've got 181 seconds to write the plot as well as 318 seconds to create the plot you're still looking at not a horrible plot plus right to disk time if that's all you got that's all you got and that does work and so when it comes to looking at your actual plot throughput I think one of the best things you can do is look at the amount of time that it takes to actually real world create them a set of three to five or something like that and how fast that can happen writing them to the disk as the final destination that gives you a very real world estimate of what your actual capacity for throughput will look like and you can use that to create some calculations about how long it will take to create each individual plot and then you can look at how much available space you have left on a drive and determine how much time it will take for each drive to get filled just got the final three plots there that were C7 plots created and if you check here you can see the timing and the interval between them looks like roughly nine minutes essentially was what we're passing between them so we're going to use that as an estimate there are 1440 minutes in a day let's get the calculator out here real quick and divide that by nine and that is 160 of these plots per day that we would be able to create and that is 81.8 it looks like gigabytes per each one so it's times 81.8 and that is roughly 13 terabytes or so a day that you would be able to fill of hard drives doing it like this but I'm pretty sure that you do not want to go slow so I'm going to show you how you can go much faster this is going to take a little bit of work and I want to throw a big shout out to somebody that I was able to find a script uh literally the first thing I searched for on our Chia was a Powershell mover script that had multi-destinations found this one uh the xch address that I'm leaving in there for this demonstration is this person's xch address so feel free to toss our plastic pirate uh a tip if this is something that's useful to you especially if you're a Windows user I think there's a very good chance this will be useful to you because multiple destination paths being able to be spanned from a buffer to multiple right destinations at the same time is not something that we have the ability to do until right now let's take a look at this adaptation that I came up here with and so let's start by talking a little bit about the layout that we've got going into this so that we can understand how this is going to happen so we're going to have bladebit plotting to three different directories and each one of those directories is going to be on the same uh high endurance in vme if you have some Enterprise nvme or if you have one of these new uh bladebit capable like Faison disks that I've got these are all things that will work out really well for you and if you look here we've got plate plots B and plot C now each one of these is going to be a final destination and bladebit now you may have this ability when we have other modes coming up I'm sure that there will be more videos on that so make sure to hit like And subscribe so I've created on the desktop a folder and I've got some scripts in it and if you're a Windows user using Chia I think like I said uh many times Linux is actually pretty much a lot easier for a lot of the things that you might be doing but in Windows here we're going to go through this and take a look at what is in each one of these so if we go down here we've got our plotter script here and do you remember when I said install this path and make sure to have that little check box uh checked when you installed your Chia client so that's going to allow us to do something whenever we pull up a terminal window so you can actually uh check that out really quick if we just take this command here and we go to a terminal window and we do that then it's going to actually allow us to run Chia commands from wherever we're at which is very helpful so if we look here we've got our Chia plotters blade bit Cuda plot commands we have R this is thread specified as eight I think you can go lower than that I mean I just have so many in this computer I was like whatever we're going to do in one so that's one plot each time and then we've given it our farmer key which is here and the farmer key you can find inside your client by clicking on this and going to your details and your farmer public key lives right here and the next thing that we have is our contract from our pool and so if you click this and this one always move slowly there we go uh you can take that and that is The Hyphen lowercase C that we've got right here then we have hyphen hyphen device zero this is saying I mean we only do have one Nvidia GPU in here I do have the Nvidia driver 525 installed on or I'm sorry 535 installed on here if you run into weird issues you might revert back to 535 because that's known working uh I've got the device specified to zero so it's explicitly saying this Nvidia GPU in here we have hyphen hyphen compress this is our compression level we're going to be doing seven for this we have hyphen D this is our final destination and this is each of these plots a plots B and plot C so we have one corresponding for each of these three folders and so it's going to count each time it gets through with this grouping of three and loop back and then it's gonna after the first time be 999 left so that's going to count down and so we're going to get a total of three thousand plots generated from the script right here and of of course you can adjust this up or down based upon how many temp directories you want and I mean this is something that's easy to manipulate now let's take a look at our mover scripts also because we've got one two three mover scripts here as well and let me know what your favorite mover scripts are because I literally just searched for one and adapted it here as fast as I could this evening and definitely if you uh want to throw some rubberized our plastic pirate if they're still at GF armor this was two years ago that they posted this uh then you might throw them some xeh or something like that so if they're still around you might want to check the xeh address and see if it's done anything in a while I have no idea uh if you look here we've got our plots destination this is one thing that I changed to plot a and plate here and I wrote a little note about that and you would need to change your path like X to if you're not using X for your uh nvme or something then you would need to change that I changed the interval here to 15 seconds this is how fast it's going to rescan for new plots and say okay there's a new plot let's move it now and I just gave each one of these scripts two endpoints because from what I was checking here it looks like I can move and the plot timing and Cadence that we're going to expect two is going to be perfectly fine for me to fill up you can of course split your drives into you know divide by three divide by four however many of these you want to create however many empty directories you want to create also for your plot directory out on your Tip Drive and you could you know come up with whatever number is going to make sense for you to maximize your entire operation and then you can adjust the iterations here so that you hit that number also and then you pretty much set it and forget it that's very nice right and so it's getting checked for remaining space this number should be adjusted because that's probably too big I'm very lazy so I'm not going to do that but you should do that yourself because I think it's going to leave enough space for an extra plot there on every single one of these drives and if we check here we've also got plot a for this one also and that matches up here with this plots a that's it that's the only changes that I've made if you look here we've got our e directory and our directory both of them are going to have the plots reside in the for the backslash plots folder same for B the only things that are different between these two really are I have plot B is the folder here and I've got f and g and then of course C over here I've got plots C and plots H and I so that should be pretty explicit also down here we've got C it should be pretty explicit as far as what we're doing here and uh I think it's it it should start to make sense when you see it in operation so make sure you saved all your scripts here and then you can go over here and you can just fire one up so we're going to start off with our plotter and this is cool because I'm going to go over here to plots because we'll see them start to like funnel in here as we're doing this so we'll go with run as Powershell and the next thing that we're going to do is open up three additional tabs here and in these tabs we're going to uh let's see here F2 copy that now come over here and dot backslash and paste that in now after you run a Powershell script the first time if it gives you a warning about error exemption then check the description below I've got a link to an article that can help you exempt your computer from running powershells this is a security feature on Windows 11 and like I said you should be plotting on Windows 11 not Windows 10 looks like there could be some issues there uh so yeah keep that in mind well we're actually going to copy oh you know what that's one thing I forgot to do we got to go to the desktop first here so let me go to the desktop here as well and here this we will CD to the desktop first and now we should be that we're in the folder able to run that command again that's dot backslash tool on that and it's going to tell you that it hasn't found any yet and if we look over here we can see that we're just starting the generation of these plot files this thing's going to turn into like an automation machine which is really cool you're going to like this it's going to make your life way way easier all right and so let me go ahead and paste in this and just change the A to B and our DOT backslash here as well and then dot backslash and C and you can just leave these running when they find a file that's a new plot file like actually I must have left one in the C directory here but it's a bad one I can tell because I was messing around earlier and this one we don't want it to have complete so I'm going to hit the break on this really quick this is a C1 and I did not create valid C ones earlier so I'm going to actually go over and delete that here really quick but that's okay it'll take a while to catch up with that one so let's see our X temp directory plots C that is an invalid file that we've gotten in there I'll delete that okay and now we can run that script again and it should start looking for actual plots that will be coming in valid here so there may be some updates that come from the Chia GitHub repository on bladebit 2.1 that is probably when we'll see the 128 for the masses arrive but that does look like from what we're seeing there could be a 128 support for Windows there's already 128 support out there for Linux but a 128 support for Windows that is in the pipeline pretty soon and I think the other thing that's really cool about this uh little script that we've come up here with here is that at this point we can pretty much walk away now let's talk about a couple things you do need to make sure you have set on your Windows computer so it doesn't just shut off on you and so if you go to your power settings here and edit your power plan you can see that putting the computer to sleep in 10 minutes is going to be catastrophic for a Windows machine that is doing this we can leave the monitor to go ahead and go idle there so that's pretty much the biggest thing that we need to change I have it set to Ultimate performance uh which is you don't need to set it to that just put it in high performance mode you're going to be fine there and then if we check for updates this one's risky sometimes when you hit the updates page it's like oh hi I'm going to update for you Windows is in control you're not in control anymore uh so let's go to the updates here and adjust the settings so we're going to pause this for four weeks here and you know there's not a ton of really great things that you can do so you should probably start setting reminders to reboot when you are paying attention to what's going on because it does look like they're probably going to force this down your throat no matter what you want if you know ways to update security policies make sure to toss them into the chat below so that folks that are reading along with this guide cannot have their computer reboot because when it reboots you're usually going to be down on your Chia Farm again or if it just turns off that's sometimes unfortunately what happens also it just turns off okay so you can see that we completed the first plot and over here we now have this plot seen and it is already grabbed this plot and it is moving it from the plot a folder here and it is moving it over to the plots D folder I believe I think it's moving into plot C should be moving into a lot of C I think uh so if we look at our disk activity we should see that ramping up here as it's moving along moving that plot go to Performance yeah there it is on our D drive it's starting the copy process over so this is cool this is really cool and it's going to do this kind of sequentially and even with just a 300 gigabyte in vme we don't run out of space I ran this and tested it to just make sure that wasn't going to happen and on Windows due to the pcie bus limitations and it may have something to do with the speed of your RAM so your speed of your RAM if you're higher than 2400 may actually put you a little bit over but I didn't run into any situation where like I ran out of space it was able to keep up with this by having this three directory layout that then spools to two different drives off of each one of those thereby giving us essentially six extra right Mount points and also three different primary right Mount points from the uh from the bladebit site so that is pretty cool let me know what you guys think about this uh I want you guys to get repotted here as soon as you can but if you go in C7 if you go in C5 if you're going C1 like there's decisions to make and I want to know what it is that's factoring into your decision so sound off in the comments below and let me know what it is you're choosing for your compression level and why because I think that's one of the biggest part important things that people that have waited this long are going to be thinking about and I think a lot of people are thinking about the electrical efficiency of what they're doing and how that could impact them and they want to make sure that they have as low electricity as they possibly can because that is something that's on the rise somebody just the other day commented they had 87 and a half cents per kilowatt hour of electric rate and I mean that makes life hard that's that's a very very high electric rate for that individual so they're probably thinking to themselves can I compress even uh and the first step into compression shouldn't be a problem for almost anybody because the extra workload is super duper nominal and this is cool you actually save the most by doing that first compression level so incrementally your electric usage if you're going to compress at C1 it makes a lot of sense if you have an incred High electric ray and you don't have gpus or you just have CPUs around you probably even get by going like with a C3 or a C4 without having any longevity issues just depends again on what kind of electric rate you have oh I like it I like it when these are just spool off I like watching this time so this is cool also if we're checking out the time here we're at 233 seconds on that first plot and you can see there that that was written to the plots a directory and then here we've got the plots B directory holding that second plot so it's already doing its thing working and spooling them off to each one of these independently and then the little mover scripts are going to be picking it up like we're seeing over here we already have a plot here it is 71.5 percent moved now so there's a little bit of overlap and this is a great way to speed things up because if we look at our total throughput versus what we were doing earlier we just greatly reduced what we would have had as a significant lag in our ability to reply I'm going to say that it was actually probably going to be a 2X speed up that we're going to see here by doing it this way and as it's giving you this countdown here before it's able to grab onto some plots it's counting down how much free space is in this directory so you can see there's right now 173 gigabytes of free space left in this directory it still should be fine because this plot's a bat done and then you'll see that number go back up so as soon as this gets done free space happens and that's the magic of moving a plot off is keeping that empty space available for that next plot that's coming down the pipeline and you can see here we're actually really quick uh on plot B coming down here so I'm going to guess that plot B is going to get grabbed up here in just a second because this nvme writes incredibly fast like five seconds it'll have this plot written to the disk so there it is and it's picked up there and you can see that speed up going on there as it starts the move process really really fast and if we go back here we can see that it does look like we had our plot move over so our total of files that were copied was one so we've got that moved over there very cool very cool and it'll just sit here and patiently wait until it finds that next one and we can check the progress here is it's moving along and we don't have one here yet but one will eventually arrive there as well we could end our X drive we can watch that just uh very minimal read speed impact on this incredibly fast in BME drive so it's not even stressing it out if we check our Ram allocation you can see that it is C7 with our 256 gigs of RAM we have in this system at 2400 speed that we're using about 236 that looks like currently which got plenty of extra space there NOAA 128 mode is very important to a lot of Windows users especially and if we look at our GPU here we can see that it's really sailing along working on doing the phase one computations and so as you're copying plots it will fail to open them sometimes so keep that in mind if it's in the process of moving a plot when it doesn't scan it will show that as a plot that has failed to open because it doesn't have the exclusive handle on that plot file yet if it shows is missing Keys you've got a really bad problem or if it shows as duplicate plots check to see whether or not you have uh messed up maybe one of the drive letters or something like that yeah and at 228 seconds very good times and we're not bottlenecking it now like we were before when we were sitting there waiting for an extra 130 seconds at least 130 seconds who knows how long it really was we were waiting quite a while for that plot to finish writing to disk and the incremental slowdown that it incurred during the actual plotting process because once you hit phase three you actually do start right activity to the disc if it's a really fast Envy I mean it's super minimal but if it's actually a platter based hard drive then it can be kind of slow and so it's just uh starting it's phase three here and that's where you start to get some table right activity to the disc so if we look at our mvme over here it'll start to spike up here with writing activity you can see that right speed is about 2.2 to 1.4 gigabytes per burst and I think if you do have questions that are not answered in this frequently asked questions little segment that I'm about to do toss them into the comments and I'll try to comment or include them in a future video talking about that topic look at that GPU utilization yeah 95 there it yeah like it we've got our mover scripts moving along and it just picked up that plot file there it looks like as well and this one is next to complete and you can see it filling up with plots that's very satisfying very very satisfying that is what it needs to do because this keeps the directory not full you don't want to write your drive all the way full that's not something you want to do with nand all right I got to stop watching this as we're looking at uh the next morning since I started applauding last night what kind of progress we made overnight here with the plotting script and the movers I did have to stop the plotting process right now so I could actually use OBS because utilizing your GPU to 100 utilization makes it pretty ineffective for doing most other things out there so we can see here that we have accumulated so far about 216 plots yes 216 plots on our Harvester we're farming away we have four plots that have failed to open and so we're gonna probably go track these down see what's up with them uh they look like they're on different drives so there is a chance that they just I have not been picked up yet by the Harvester maybe they were the last plots to get moved sometimes if you're moving plots and you stop your plotting process in the moving process and you can see that the moving process has just finished up over here with these uh drives then it's a possibility that they were handled by the window system and not be able to be farmed at that moment in time until they're finished moving so we'll give it a little bit and then we'll check back and see whether or not those need to actually be removed or not that number's gone down that was six and now it's four and so this basically gives us a at 216 plots and of course we would keep on plotting away here some information you can see that we've got plots that are passing the filter here and the challenge so the challenges issue issued by something called a Time Lord the time lord is a unrewarded function and it's about to be managed by Asics on the Chia ecosystem this is something that spaces Out The Chain through something called verifiable delay functions and IT issues out these challenges to prevent people from doing things like grinding because it creates Randomness and unpredictability in the challenge distribution and this is an important concept because you don't have to go out and run a Time Lord even though that is possible to do on this software that is not part of this guide and you should not be out there trying to think that you need to do that that's actually something that's pretty complicated this however is important here so if you look here we've got our plot filter challenges and we can see that we have 584 000 ish of those that have happened and our thoughts that have passed the filter challenges and that is 1190 as of this moment and you can see that our plot pass ratio is exactly what it should be which is 1 in 5 12 as of the time of this video because the plot filter is 1 in 512. now this like I mentioned uh earlier this is the reality of what will change in about seven eight months sometime like that we will go from 1 and 512 to 1 and 256 so that will be double the workload that you will have so when you're sizing your plotting now don't go bananas on going extreme and then chinsing out on your GPU that you're using that could backfire so don't get a 1070 and plot a petabyte with it and then be surprised when that workload doubles and it has problems farming now at 30 60 there's a good reason I'm recommending that over and over again you should be okay for most average Farmers up to that size so I think that's a solid recommendation to keep but let's add let's get to into some of the frequently asked questions here so can I do this with 128 64 and 32 gigabytes of RAM maybe even 16 gigabytes of RAM here in the future So currently in Linux you can use 128 mode that does exist I did see on James screen the other day him testing 64 mode so obviously that's in the pipeline of testing as well but when you're looking at can you do it today on Windows no windows is 256 as of this exact moment but probably by the time this is published I would not be surprised at all if 128 mode is not available to people and so where will you go to find that so there may be a couple of places that you can go to find that but the most likely place that you're going to find that is the Shia GitHub itself in their releases and if you look at the releases that they have here they'll probably be a 2.1 release that will incorporate this and you would be able to use the same plotting command structure then that I showed you there may be some other ways that you would be able to do this and if you're following Along on this channel hit like And subscribe also so you get notified when we decide to get into these things because I'm sure that whenever they come about we will then uh there may be other ways to run your plotter uh as a separate kind of script that doesn't necessarily have to go through the Chia gui's software that it's got and so there could be a separate binary that they produce ahead of time in a beta program or something like that that we're able to utilize that would probably get YouTube 128 for Windows however in Linux you can go 128 mode right now as of today and let's jump on to the next thing can I use Windows yes you can use Windows but like mentioned you're going to be at a ram limit today that is higher and so that probably comes down quite a bit when we see advancements in the 2.1 branch and and future branches it looks like they're in a refinement period of getting Ram targeting to lower levels I think that's a priority for them they will probably not have performance like you are hoping for at those lower levels but you will be able to have compressed plots which is what everybody's really after here so I think that that's just a short matter of time for those things to come out should you use Windows now here's a really that's a much better question your performance can be substantially better plotting if you're not on Windows but that's again you're substantially faster plots if you're not on Windows as well you can get free operating systems you don't have to buy a Windows Home license you don't have to buy a Windows Pro license because the difference between Windows home and pro home goes up to 128 gigabytes of RAM Pro goes up to 256 gigabytes brand you can run Ubuntu for free so you save yourself any upgrade costs that you might run into with licenses there uh what kind of performance increase can you get in Linux I will say that it's actually pretty substantial on something like even a 3060 it's going to depend more on your RAM speed when you get into that class and if we just check out like in a few seconds here like some some things I think you're going to see that there's good Alternatives that are cheap if you're looking for a dedicated plotting machine or a dedicated Chia machine so can I use a desktop to get started so as we've just demonstrated here I mean we're in a fractal defined meshify XL2 it is a great case I really do like this case I am not typically a desktop user I am it's kind of a user servers and Terminals and stuff like that but I mean desktop wise the fractal to find master Pi XL2 is great the guts that are inside it are what's important and while I have a threadripper pro that can hit 256 gigs of ram in there I mean you can actually go much higher you could definitely put something like even a 5950x or something like that on a x570 board that has maybe two or three full-sized pcie slots and be able to run quite a few uh hbas off of it in addition to a GPU at the same time is it going to impact your performance possibly so you might see that your number of pcie lanes is not big enough and so you might see some switching down the Tai Chi boards uh for the new 7000 series uh ryzens are very very attractive for this and I believe you get some extra pcie Lanes there so I I would suggest that if you're looking at you want just a desktop build you go with that check the links in the description below for some ideas on that but definitely you can do this with that if you want to have 128 gigabyte mode that is going to be something that will be empowered by either a Enterprise nvme or a high endurance nvme and definitely hit the link for that I'm dropping where I'm I've got a newsletter sign up if you're interested in getting in on the Faison nvme batch order put your email in there I'll email you when those things become available and that way we can make sure that everybody gets one of those that's interested in one for their plotting as demonstrated those things have wickedly fast performance and Incredibly high endurance they're Built For This they're SLC they're not you know TLC which is going to also reduce light and see if you want to use them after the fact these are great drives for anything else photo editing video editing amazing drives do you need jbods or servers I went to tremendous effort here today to show you that you do not need jpods or servers uh as a matter of fact you can use one of these fractal to find meshify xl2s with great effect I would argue though that the cost of going the for Apple to find mesh5 XL2 route and I've got a written guide check out this written guide we've priced out everything in it the cost of going with a freckle defined mesh Pi XL2 and the associated trays which are even today still quite expensive for one of these units is going to be higher than what you're looking for are looking at if you look at the comparable workstation offering and jbots now is jbods for everybody no is it the lowest cost way to go yes arguably it is is it the lowest wattage way to go per disk it is incredibly low wattage and I'm at 9.12 watts per drive on a j-bod and that jbod is not not that bad that is the ds4246 something that this channel has reviewed quite a bit of times uh there's even probably another video in the works on that maybe I know people like those j-bots so you don't have to use jclogs in terms that's one thing that you can keep in mind if you if you have a very small environment then you don't want a j-bod sitting next to you then yes a desktop system makes a lot of sense and the fractal to find meshify XL2 you can cram a ton of drives in there you can get USB expansion Bays do it cheap that way also there's a lot of options that you can grow a chiafr uh when you're looking at the cost effectiveness of it and that becomes a little bit harder to say that it is cost effective as simply going with a rack jbods and a like sub 500 workstation that can be an all-in-one plotter and farmer and full Ram in that and yes those specs are going to be covered here just in a few seconds What GPU can I use I strongly recommend that most people just go with a 3060. it is a great option and a great choice now I am noticing that I'm running into when I'm plotting full speed uh some stuttering and jittering on things like Brave so if you're planning on doing this on your desktop while you're doing work or gaming or something like that uh I don't know ways to limit the GPU utilization so if you do sound off in the comments below let people know uh be sure to check those comments uh if you're interested in that I don't know of a way to limit the GPU impact from plotting on windows so it looks like you're going to be kind of to the wall on it and so I was noticing my Brave was stuttering really bad I had to close this before I could run OBS I would not imagine that you could video game at the same time that you're plotting again you're plotting GPU is using 100 of its GPU resources to produce the plot as fast as possible so that's one thing if you're trying to multi-use a desktop you might need to kind of have it pause during periods of time where you're working because that that could impact you and you can just hit Ctrl C to break the process of the plotter and it'll close the window and then you can go back and run that process again to start it up you can leave your script movers even running if you want in the background just minimize the window and that way you should be good to go whenever you come back and start plotting again maybe you do that at night or something uh 30 60 30 60 TI great options what are some good ways to do this on the cheap so definitely workstations are good ways to do this on cheap using what you have is a good way to do this on the cheap but let me warn you you may in buying additional parts and components end up spending more than you would have had you just gone with a cheap workstation so do be mindful of pricing out things before you jump in if you just have what you have and maybe you got 32 gigs of RAM eventually the plotter will get there for Windows uh it'll probably get there faster for Linux so you might want to keep in mind that you could potentially be saving performance and also getting there faster if you had a Linux system most Windows users aren't going to be happy with you know having only a Linux system so you could consider a dual boot scenario or using proximox with pass-through this channel has tutorials on such things you can check the history of the videos for those but definitely price it out before you jump especially with your farm size your farm size considerations should probably dictate quite a bit of it but I mean when we're talking should I do it there's one thing I would say that is a concrete fact this is a small farm currently it's been plotting for about 14 hours now it's made 206 219 plots it looks like it did find those plots uh yeah the failed to open plots are slowly being rediscovered and brought into the process here it just that last scan it didn't have them and uh but yeah I mean we're looking at an effective increase of net space of 29.7 so that's an extra just on what we've got so far 4.9 almost five Tibby bytes of space that is five terabytes Tippy bites are going to be like 0.91 or something of terabytes uh so that is actually not bad uh if you look at the gain that we got from that that boosted uh space so you can see the total space in reality is 16.725 Tippy bytes the effective space is 21.686 Tippy bytes effective and that is what your actual reward distribution comes off of is the effective space not the raw space the savings you get is that raw space and that's of course the reason that you would consider and should be considering replying yourself and so now let's get to the interesting part of this what does it cost and what can it make and there's some pretty specific ways that are really good to approach this I'm going to walk you through two spreadsheets here these spreadsheets will let you help see some sizing and illustrate some things that even today with the build that we just accomplished there's better much better that can be done and I'll illustrate the price points and the reasons why also we're going to talk about what I mentioned early on which is the incremental cost of additional units going down as you scale at a Chia farm so when we look at the spreadsheet that we've got here this is an Associated cost for desktop and workstation based Chia plotting and farming rigs not servers themselves however workstations are pretty close to servers if you want to think of them like that and we indeed will be evaluating a couple of various high-end desktops workstation and regular desktop builds here all right so if we look at the storage costs these are some fields that you can actually go ahead and input and I'll just toss a border around those and you can take a copy of this by going to file make a copy keep that copy for yourself and you can make edits to it for these fields here and the rest of this sheet will update you can also remove certain things here and there but that'll require a little bit more working on your side to get accurate numbers at the other end but let's take a look at a couple of things here in the build that we just assembled here so we have a per drive cost of 277 and that's at we have 18 drives 22 terabytes in size raw space is 396 terabytes in Tibi bytes and that is 360. total cost would be 4986 dollars for those or if you're a member of the digital Spaceport Channel at a five percent discount four thousand seven hundred and thirty six dollars now let's take a look at what the associated size gains are that you get with ac1 ac2 AC3 AC4 C5 C6 and C7 and we'll even talk a little bit about C8 here and this is the storage effective size and so with chia's solution you're looking at 418 effective Tippy bytes of storage space with gigahorse you're looking at 432 effective storage Tibi bites so that is a difference of 14 that Delta and you can see as you move along here the Delta kind of normalizes right around this curve band and so a C4 between the two Chia C4 is probably not a bad idea if you're looking to maximize your impact now if you go up to C5 it does start scaling and the Delta grows a little bit of course C7 and also C8 grow quite significantly especially C8 we don't have a C8 from GA yet so we can't evaluate that but I'm going to guess that it's going to be somewhere around 25 to 25.5 something like that for that value of delta between the two and you can see that indeed if you did go with a gigahorse C8 size you would be able to hit 511 Tippy bytes that is half a petabyte of storage space and let's take a look at the rig build costs and some other recommended rig build costs we'll actually be taking a look at some of these setups as well in future videos so we did this build in a threadripper pro high-end desktop and this did have quite a bit of beefiness to it it's closer to this High spec but it's also kind of in between because the ram that I have is this lower spec Ram but the CPU is a higher spec CPU and a higher spec GPU but I didn't actually factor that in because it doesn't really make that much difference if you look at the associated costs that are with this you can see that we are at two thousand three hundred and seven dollars for a threadripper pro this is the cost without the hard drives this is just the rig itself for plotting and this illustrates one of the key Concepts in Chia that is important for everybody if you're new or if you've been in Chia for a while spend money as wisely as possible on what is going to earn for you is typically decent advice although none of this is actually Financial advice that is typically a good recommendation because a plotter is I mean granite a threadripper pro but do you need a threadripper pro I mean there's questions to ask yourself there I suppose but I'm going to assume that the answer is no to that if you look at a more high end closer to kind of what I've got spec it's about 2 681 dollars I have it because I'm a YouTuber of course making some YouTube videos and editing and doing other things on it now if you look at an HP z420 workstation you might be thinking isn't that old well yeah it actually is kind of old uh but if you also look here we're including a lot of things that are really good in this because we've got a jbot an HBA and an 8088 qsfp cable so you can house 24 drives in this workstation and I also added that to the 128 desktop build and the 64 gigabyte desktop build so those things do add up to be quite a bit extra but you're still looking for 24 drives of capacity which is even greater than the capacity that we have over here uh you're looking at 923 dollars which is not bad compared to what you're looking at here and that is with a whole freaking jbot associated with it 128 and 64 gigabytes you can see that the cost kind of scale up a little bit here as you grow however I think your performance difference between this on a ddr4 system and an HP z420 with a full Ram plotter are not going to be wildly different so that is one thing to keep in mind when you're looking at a full Ram plot or a split mode Ram plot your performance is probably going to be pretty close between a PCI E4 and a pcie 3 generation system and of course that cost of RAM is probably one of the main costs that you would have and a desktop card like a 3060 TI you may already have so you may be able to remove that cost and that might bring that down 200 you might be able to remove that from a 64 gigabyte build you might be able to remove that from any one of these builds so do a little bit of customization this is really just to teach you guys how to think about this if you're new to it because this is one of the critical things when you're doing your evaluation is where is my money going and down here at the bottom we really start to look at that specifically so if you look we've got our rig names we have five different rigs that we have here and if you look at the total rig cost those are here and if you look at the total storage costs and this is assuming you're not a digital Spaceport remember that is the raw cost of 4986 the total of these two together if there is no discount on the storage is 7293 dollars if you do have a five percent discount that's seven thousand dollars and that puts your effective price per terabyte raw with no discount at 18.42 cents or with discount at 17.79 and so you can see as you move down the tree here the workstation considering you would have a standalone unit is not a bad option and that would allow you to do things like shut your desktop off but you can also see the difference between a 64 gigabyte desktop and a 128 gigabyte desktop and the HP z420 is not that great of a difference if you're looking at either the raw terabyte cost or the actual 10 terabyte discount cost that you would get with a five percent discount so that is an important concept and it illustrates also something that we're just about to explore next the scale out cost with jbots and the effectiveness of scaling out with jbods versus scaling out with other types of units a ds4246 and assuming you need five of those at 350 each is seventeen hundred and fifty dollars in cost qsfp to qsfp cables you're going to need four of those at 15 and that is going to be sixty dollars cost 124 you half rack is about 275 bucks and 120 hard drives at 277 would be 33 240 that would be without a discount or 31 578 with a discount it gives us these two Associated subtotals here so these items here Plus either this or this for these two now if you have a raw terabyte price you can see that that is 13.38 per terabyte wrong or 12.75 per terabyte wrong so you can see that your cost with either of these two are lower than even your primary unit build out cost for this that's an important concept that I wanted to communicate as effectively as possible to anybody who might be new also I did this so that you would be able to if you wanted to take these numbers and play with them it's the number of J bot so this is what you had addressed so that should automatically update the rest of this sheet for you and you can see your sizes here at various c sizes so you could be at 3.062 at the lowest side or 3.749 and now let's take this information and put it into practice on the next sheet because this is a two sheet combo that you need to have here so you're going to take and put in some of your own information on this sheet here so your cost per kilowatt hour I'm at 9.875 cents per kilowatt hour that's reflected here the Tibi by Farm size so let's go back here really quick and take one of these uh numbers from up here and let's assume that we're going to do some c7s of chia for 468 Tippy bytes so we pop pop in 468 right there we have our 18 drives here we have one instead of jbot it could also be a workstation so we're going to call this one workstation that idle wattage not including the drives is about probably I'm gonna guess 100 and so we'll plug in there 100 Watts for that as well and our clock the cost for this is going to be if we go back down here and look at the total cost with assuming that we had the discount seven thousand forty four dollars so we'll plug in that seven thousand and forty four dollars and you can see the cost to farm daily is about 48 cents the cost of farm monthly 14.50 the cost to farm yearly about 173.82 cents and the associated uh average pool Farm earnings per day would be right around 4.44 and that comes out to about 3.97 of earnings per day 120 per month or 1449 dollars is roughly 1450 per year now let's do the break even since people like to look at things as break even the break even is 17 75 days that's 58 months or 4.86 years so you can see high cost going in much longer break-even time period And if we look at our internal rate of return over a four year period you can see that that spans down to a negative seven now certainly going with 22 terabyte drives and a threadripper pro is literally pushing everything to the highest end that you would probably want to avoid so let's actually take a look at this on a lower end so we've got our HP z420 workstation here and let's take the online cost with the HP z420 workstation and you can see that that's at 5659 dollars that we'll be using for that and so we come over here we put in 5659 and we can see that that changes down to 3.9 years on that so certainly when you're looking at what you want to do as far as optimizing your return on investment or looking at what size drives you would want to get for an Endeavor that is something that should factor in now let's take a look at it if we look at your 64 gigabyte desktop and so that will come out to roughly five thousand five hundred and thirty two dollars and so we plug and 5532 dollars and you can see that is 3.817 years now and so when does looking at the highest cost drives out there per terabyte the 22 terabytes are without a doubt some of the highest density also but when would it actually make sense asides from if we assume everything else stays like it is right now which we're gonna just make that assumption at the moment uh if you take a look at just what we're actually looking at as far as 3.749 heavy bytes of effective farmable space with a C8 giggler so let's toss that in we'll toss in 3.749 and that comes in over here at 3749 and if we come over here and we look at what we could get that at as far as a cost and we toss that in here for our Associated costs update that to 120 drives and four units five units then it starts looking a little bit more reasonable as far as what your actual period is with 2.8 and your earnings daily being at 32 about a thousand dollars a month and about twelve thousand dollars a year and you can see your irr increases there to 16 over a four year span again these are static State numbers that would be looking at this finite moment in time nobody can predict the future not even Chia cat can predict the future and anybody that shows you charts and tells you that they can well they're lying to you but this does explain why optimizing your cost going in looking at things like scale factor with things like jbots makes a lot of difference as far as when Roi as far as optimizing your internal rate of return and I urge people to think of things in terms of their internal rate of return When Roi is always going to be a finite number and if you're taking this like a business then you should probably be evaluating it from an internal rate of return standpoint and so there will be written guides and documents that you can use to help yourself build this out exactly on and so my wife just also let me know that she got the links in there so that you can follow along with these builds individually uh every single part every single component of it is in here now let's take a look at how we scale out things with different prices of different size hard drives and what kind of impact that has on what your earnings look like so instead of looking at 277 which is the base price that I have right now on 22 terabyte drives we're going to look at 225 which is the base price that I have on 20 terabyte drives so we'll toss in 225 there and that base price is on 20 terabyte drives and that of course in this sheet automatically updates all the rest of the fields and variables for you as far as the cost and the scale that you would be able to have so if we go down here we can see that we have reduced the max size of the C8 in our jbot arrangement to 3.408 so let's take that number and go back over here and 3408 3408 and the next thing that we're going to do is adjust the price that that would be so if we look over here at the cost uh with discount that's 27735 so 27735 and you can see what kind of impacts these things have on changing your internal rate of return and also changing your break even period so you can see the break-even period now is it 2.557 years so you see this trend as you optimize cost per tear by going in as you optimize your inputs going in to leading you towards a better higher return on your investment and a shortening of the period that it would take for you to recapture that so you can see now your internal rate of return is up at 21 and your earnings per day are 29.70 that 903 dollars a month and about uh 10 847 per year now this is in a half rack of course if you're scaling you can look at full racks also you can look at greater density of J bonds things this channel covers a lot and these are ways that you can become much more efficient in your Chia farming operations so make sure you hit like And subscribe because we did we dive deep on these kind of things quite frequently and the links to these sheets and again how you use them go to file make a copy of each one of these sheets file make a copy put it in your own Google Drive then follow the same pattern that I just used here and you'll be able to get the same kind of results same kind of information for your specific setup so this is a really good tool to help you evaluate and think about what you're doing another thing to keep in mind here is if you were to go with and factor in the cost of one of these workstations with this half rack these workstations already include a jbod in this price over here this includes a jbod as well as the drives not enough drives to fill it though I think it's 18 that it includes so you need to add in like uh six more drives there also but that does include one there so you would actually go over here and reduce the quantity from five to four if you were pricing in that scenario to fill up the jbot and like I said I've got some old guides but there's going to be a brand new guide that will be a template that you will have out there for rack scale out of a Chia Farm it'll have have the diagram all the parts that you would need and most of these parts are actually pretty cheap as far as racking and scaling things out and the footprint that you are looking at for a chiaf arm scale out in a half rack is not tremendously large either so I hope that is illustrating some points that are important about what you should be evaluating before you make a purchasing or investing decision or whatever you want to view this decision as into a cryptocurrency you should always do this level of analysis but I'm giving you tools here to help you do that really easy what I mean when I say the cost of incremental scaling in your setup is going to be related to the inputs that you put in as far as cost as well as the electricity the optimization of the system you have as a head-in node and so when you are actually looking at it should you build a threadripper pro with 22 terabyte drives in it absolutely not that is not a system that makes sense for most people but if you're looking at what you should do for a system that can plot fast I think we came up with with a pretty decent idea of one and that HP z420 is indeed not a bad system there are some also Lenovo systems like I mentioned check the written guide on the website for more and so I hope you've enjoyed that tutorial there on how you can go about evaluating uh the money you spend and the investment you might put into a Chia farm and do some analysis on it to optimize things for your scenario of course your wattage your other things dictate a lot and what you have on hand existing is some of the best stuff to use because that saves the most cost let's move on to the next FAQ item here should I reply so I can't tell you you should but in my opinion you should definitely consider because this is extra I mean like I said 100 terabytes of raw space is going to give you 130 terabytes of rough space essentially here so I mean your effective space gain is going to be 30 if you go with a C7 that's not small 200 terabytes 60 terabytes 300 terabytes 90 terabytes like you see that there's a lot of actual Farmers out there of chia have in these in these ranges so that should be something that you're considering if you're bigger than that in my opinion it makes a hell of a lot of sense I I don't know why I wouldn't if I was larger than 300 I would definitely be doing it myself some top tips here to take away as you're evaluating what to do next this one is important so if you are a Windows user be patient we are close we are like really close to getting all the modes most likely for the windows full plotting capabilities as well go to Linux if you want it you can even pull out a drive put in an SSD that's formatted with Linux do what you need to do on that and then pull that out and then go back to Windows if you want that's a good way to get replied it and it'll have better performance it's not a bad idea now you only need 128 gigs with Linux versus 256 with windows so that all of a sudden for a desktop class system becomes more viable next get a kilowatt measure what your wattages are know what your waters are use the spreadsheets that I gave you those are all in the links below make sure you hit subscribe to this channel also because this is probably one of the best places to get tips to optimize your Chia farming experience and I don't know anybody else doing full-blown tutorials like this the amount of time that I have spent on this one has been a complete three-day cycle nothing but this and it is a lot of work to do this and so make sure you hit that like make sure you share this out there and I appreciate all the support that I get from the channel members as well if you're looking at what you do next you're the only person at the end of the day that can evaluate it but I think there's some real reasons to spend some serious consideration time doing that evaluation and so now that we've gotten to the end of this tutorial three days worth of work here on my part let me just say there probably is some section of the audience that might be thinking to themselves that's too much damn work I just want to play something CH instead so uh you can check okay you can check oh boy you can check uh coin X you may have to use a VPN for some of these places I'm not telling you you should or shouldn't but it depends on where your residency is but you might just opt for buying xch also and that is not a bad option now what else can you do with your xeh once you get it let me say that one of the places you probably want to visit first is dexy space and this is where you can buy a ton of different nfts you can also trade in their markets you can provide liquidity even and you can earn ducksy bucks for that if you read their FAQs up here that'll tell you how to get started on that and there are a lot of fun things to do here and the next thing that you would want to check out in my opinion is probably Tibet swap where you can do amm like activities again you see that wallet connect feature and function up there so that's another place where you can actually purchase provide liquidity and yield uh earn yield off of basically providing that liquidity on cat token Pairs and other valuable pairs in the ecosystem so those are some fun things that you can do in the ecosystem real easy right off the bat is mint Garden dot IO and mint Garden does a great job of giving you detailed information about different projects different uh exposure to those projects and who owns what and it's probably one of the easiest ways to see what kind of collections have the most volume and traction and again let's check out space and this has a blockchain Explorer built into it which can be very helpful and useful for you if you are looking at what you can find out about a transaction okay so be sure to ask any questions you've got in the comments below and so this has been a fun journey into Chia how to set up a farm from scratch how to build things out how to evaluate how to get started plotting scripts to get you up and running how to grow a farm and of course some great information tips and tricks along the way that are meant to help you out on your progress and your journey with xch everybody be sure to hit like subscribe ring the bell get notified we have live streams coming up for you guys that'll be talking about some of the earnings at the end of the month and that is coming up shortly and I want you guys to be in on that one everybody have a great rest of your day see you guys next time
Channel: Digital Spaceport
Views: 17,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chia farming, chia plotting, chia coin, chia xch, chia farming rig, chia mining, hard drive mining, chia farming update, chia 2.0, chia guide, chia tutorial, chia rig build guide, chia farming pool, chia roi, chia network, gpu, gpu mining, chia gpu mining, chia gpu plotting, chia gpu farming, gpu plotter, mining rig, mining rig build, xch, how to chia farm, hdd mining, hdd crypto, chia crypto, how to gpu plot chia, chia farming 2023, chia gpu, chia blockchain
Id: KahZ24qEWws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 0sec (6600 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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