Chevy 2500 in Lockhart Basin

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[Music] so this is the possibility of what can happen when you say we'll just go grab it in the morning and and here we are so we gotta gain elevation until we get right up here and we start dropping down in the bottom so we're hoping that once we get down to the bottom there's not as much snow but at the moment it's snowing and sticking and making the road very slidy very very slighty-ish all right so we got out here where we're gonna unload um truck is covered in road grime and nastiness but there is less snow here and it's quit snowing right over there so that's good we are we're gonna go right around the point of that mountain and around so this road um what is this lockhart basin road we gotta go about two and a half to three hours out to where the truck is and then bring it back and put it on the trailer and it is cold and we forgot the windows for the tow truck [Music] flying 89 [Music] so we are out here on lockhart basin road heading out and see this little ravine right here runs up cuts around over here and it goes into a pocket right there and that's where the utah monolith was um i'll put some pictures of us when we went and hung out and checked it out and seen it but we've been driving for about an hour let's see here's the road right there and it runs along and goes over there around the edge of that and way over to the truck but we got out of the snow yeah but this road is chewed up right here is nice but around the corner was pretty rocky and it gets worse as you go further all right so we just got here so such tiny tire rods let's see what we got under here yeah yeah driveway made like a taco and split alright i got nothing so looks like we're gonna have to do is come up through the wash right here and get up above this so we can pick the back up and swing it over here set it down we'll pull the driveline get it in front-wheel drive and get it started out of here [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's see what happens so [Music] [Music] try to back it up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one more one more pick ought to get it off [Music] [Music] [Music] so now it looks like we can get the rear drive line pulled out and then get the wrecker back in front of it and see we might need a little help getting down the hill but we'll do it a hair more controlled this time they kind of quack here pretty good right on this rock so the weakest part on these chevy trucks is the front suspension and it's a tie rod or the axle shaft that always gives almost always and we only have front wheel drive to get out of here so we're gonna see which gives first hopefully nothing it'll drive right out and it'll be amazing there won't be any problems we're going to tow it as much as possible no idea what i'm doing i get like sit up and see what i'm doing but my head is really comfortable on this rock so i'm just gonna stay and wrench by braille there went it's not two-piece traveling so there's it cardboard just for balancing or does that help structural integrity because that's some pretty thin aluminum now we got to see if we've got a that we can cut and make a cap for the transfer case because the slip yoke goes inside the transfer case for the driveline and if we don't cover it somehow then as we drive out oil is going to puke out and as we drive it faster oil will puke out and then we have a possibility of destroying a transfer case which we don't want to do square play ground hole so all right it's like it's meant to be we picked the right one yeah alrighty oh we should put this on so we can drain it at the shop i'm gonna jump in here and see if i can get it to come off of here in front wheel drive we stacked some rocks when we picked it up we got it lined up a little better so i think it'll go down [Music] the front cds are already making noise so i'm going to move so this jeep can come through and then i'll jump in front of you and we'll probably hook a strap up for most of it until we get past where the monolith was so it's all open road turned around and came back and he just didn't go high enough it looks like he hit this rock and the back end slid over and dropped his driveline right on that and it's an aluminum driveline so it just it's oh no kidding yeah it taco'd right in half so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] passenger straight right there so so backs dropping come down slow good job dude so so [Music] so easy keep going okay well um turn driver and back up a little okay straighten out okay that's that's between it you're clear on the bottom so go ahead and give her a run [Music] okay keep coming forward driver a little man the weather's a lot nicer here than when we left okay come back good that evened her out okay it's windy and it's cold outside so we jumped in the truck to do this anyway we got it it's on the trailer we're headed back to the shop so i guess we'll get it we'll order a driveline and get it fixed but there we are thanks for watching
Channel: Trail Mater
Views: 247,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uTvOphSl1RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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