Chevaliers De Sangreal (From The Da Vinci Code Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
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Channel: Hans Zimmer - Topic
Views: 4,280,281
Rating: 4.5698056 out of 5
Keywords: Hans Zimmer, ハンスジマー, ハンス・ジマー, Ханс Циммер, Richard Harvey, リチャードハーヴィ, リチャード・ハーヴィ, The Da Vinci Code, ダヴィンチコード, ダヴィンチ・コード, Chevaliers De Sangreal, 聖杯の騎士
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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Your Majesty
Gravity main theme
Planet Earth II Suite
The Thin Red Line
Evey Reborn
Chevaliers de Sangreal was nothing short of masterpiece.
I have found "Freedom Fighters" from Two Steps from Hell to be similar in nature. It was used in one of the Star Trek 2009 trailers.
Basically any other Zimmer score. Inception, Dark Knight, Rush, Gladiator, and Pirates all have comparable material.
Check some Ramin Djawadi (Zimmer workshop prodigy) - Game of Thrones, Westworld. As mentioned above, Two Step from Hell and solo work by Thomas Bergersen and by Nick Phoenix.
Obligatory Zimmer mention: Interstellar