Cherries Jubilee Recipe by Claire Saffitz | Dessert Person

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if you're in the kitchen with other people you're gonna set something on fire usage of phloem I'm going to set something on fire basically you announce it in culinary school at camera we're making we're making the Savory dish one person was like set on fire nothing happened it didn't ignite but then it got really hot and they guided like probably 15 seconds later there was someone next to the pot and it did send off her eyelashes hi everyone I'm Claire staffords welcome to my home kitchen today I have the quickest recipe and what's for dessert to show you it's my cherries jubilee this is a flambe dish so we're going to light it on fire this is like the perfect thing to entertain guests at a dinner party it's so much fun to make [Music] do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do so cherries jubilee is sort of an example of a category of desserts that are flambeid or like set on fire basically on the stovetop this dish was invented by very famous French chef named escoffier and I believe the story behind the Stitch is that he created it for Queen Victoria's like Jubilee celebration basically you take fruit you cook it down you concentrate all the juices and you add a little bit of like high proof alcohol and you literally set it on fire it all happens on the stovetop it's super super quick and if you're like having people over it makes like a fun sort of like afternoon activity just make sure that your head's tilted back so you don't burn off your eyebrows this recipe in a book is called old-fashioned cherries jubilee now the term old-fashioned it I'm not saying that like this is an old recipe I'm actually referring to old-fashioned the cocktail which has cherries in it so this sort of incorporates the flavors of an old-fashioned I have bourbon it's just inspired by that cocktail because obviously this Edition includes alcohol I have a 24 ounce jar of sour cherries and syrup normally I'm like always gonna go for fresh fruit or fresh frozen fruit but I'll talk about why this is really important and they come pit it so it really takes care of a lot of the work for you cocktail bitters it's kind of like adding soy sauce to a Savory recipe it's like adds a lot of complexity and kind of an aged flavor I have an orange I'm gonna juice some Demerara sugar three tablespoons of bourbon vanilla extract salt just for a pinch and then for serving vanilla ice cream so like really short ingredient list comes together so fast special equipment what you'll need is a 10 inch Skillet and I recommend that you use a stick lighter or a long match so I have actually searches like fireplace matches I'm going to use this fresh cherries especially like fresh in season ripe cherries pretty juicy and the kind of thing that is going to release a lot of liquid in in the pan the more liquid you have the less dramatic the flame you're going to get it I found that using jar cherries was really effective because they've already sort of been preserved and they're already swimming kind of in the juice this is not the same thing as maraschino cherries this is not like the cherries you're going to put with the stem on your ice cream sundae so it's in syrup but it's not really heavily sweetened and I'm using sour cherries because I just love that tart flavor so I just want to let this drain I have it in a mesh strainer set over a bowl I need a half cup of orange juice could just use like high quality store-bought orange juice is fine I love cocktails but I enjoy it more in like a I'm out at a restaurant and I want someone to make one for me like a really skilled person make one for me what I'm going for is like a really glossy kind of thick syrup so this little juicer has a strainer over it it catches most of the pulp the one drink I love is a um tonic or like a cure an old-fashioned is a very spirit-forward cocktail I'm more of like a spritz lighter kind of drink person but I love the flavors cow what's your favorite well let me guess yeah what is it yes but you can't just call like if you like drink whiskey and meat you can't call that a cocktail my favorite is a Sazerac that's very cow Harris what's your favorite cocktail oh my god really Harrison old-fashioned I've never ever been with you when you ordered an old fashioned tell us your favorite cocktail in the comments so I finally have a half cup I want to measure out one cup of the Cherry syrup so generally you see cherries in light syrup or I think I might say like thin syrup this just said syrup but you can see it's pretty liquid it's not a heavy syrup which is going to be like a really really sweetened mixture so I'm going to measure out a cup and this is going to kind of form the base of our sauce I'm gonna grab my skillet after this we're over at the stove the whole time so in my Skillet I'm going to combine the syrup my orange juice I have three tablespoons of Demerara sugar you could just use granulated but I like that sort of extra little complexity with Demerara sugar so just three tablespoons I'm not adding a lot of sugar just gonna add a pinch of salt just because I always add a pinch of salt and I'm going to add a tablespoon of I'm using angostura bitters you could use orange bitters that would be great there's a little bit of alcohol in there but it's basically like an extract of made from I think it's tree bark it is sort of this slightly bitter like flavor enhancer so I'll add it to pie filling that kind of thing especially if I want to temper a little bit of sweetness and this is like an important ingredient in cocktails especially in old fashioned so I'm going to add a full tablespoon what I have left vanilla extract which I'm going to wait to add until the end my bourbon three tablespoons that is for flambang so I'm going to hold that back for now and then my cherries so I'm going to bring everything over to the stove with me plus my matches thank you with flambang you want to be organized because you don't want to be scrambling at the last minute so especially when it comes time to do that flambe like you do not want to be like rummaging around in the junk drawer so you want everything ready to go and I have my Skillet over medium high heat and so the first thing I want to do is just kind of whisk this until the sugar dissolves which doesn't take very long and this is going to come up to a boil if you have a high volume of liquid in your Skillet you are not going to get dramatic Flames like that alcohol is going to very quickly dilute and disperse and you are not going to get this dramatic flaming moment that's just to say that we want to reduce this like crazy and we're gonna it's almost gonna look like there's nothing left in the skillet but just know that once you add the cherries they're going to release a little bit of additional moisture and in the end not only do we want lots of flames but we also want a nice thick syrup that's going to like coat the ice cream that we're going to serve it on top of you really want to reduce this quite a bit more than you might even think now this is at a boil you can see that I'm starting to get some of this kind of orangey foam and I'm going to skim that it's not like 100 necessary but by skimming that you are going to then at the end have this nice translucent glossy syrup and not something a little bit cloudy so I have a spoon I'm just going to do a little bit of skimming take that away in the classic cherries jubilee recipe the kind of original escoffier version it uses kirish which is a cherry liqueur you could really use any number of high proof alcohols here you could use just regular whiskey you could use ground Marnier that's a great one for successful flambang you just want to use something that's 80 proof or higher if it's less than 80 proof you're not really going to get a reliable flaming effect but again here I'm sort of mimicking the flavors of an Old-Fashioned cocktail so I'm using bourbon burn you if you touched it yeah for sure I mean boiling water will burn you and once you increase the sugar content will get hotter and then the sugar burn is terrible syrup is hot it's no longer looking liquid it's looking like I'm cooking a jam or something and so the sugar is concentrating it's getting super thick I'm gonna go back with my whisk just kind of make sure everything is combined I know that I am reduced enough when I'm getting these big bubbles and they're kind of like rising out of the skillet just know that once you get to this point there's really no stopping now so I'm going to add my cherries and these are of course room temp so this is going to reduce the temperature a little bit I'm gonna grab a spatula these are going to release a little bit of juice so it's going to thin out that mixture a little bit and I just want to get these hot a key to flambang is that the skillet has to be hot you really want to be at that boiling point and if you're not then you're not it's not going to be able to ignite I'm gonna get my match ready I'm gonna kind of move things out of the way you should warn people if you have guests not to peer over the skillet that's not what you want so you can sort of tilt your head back a little bit I'm going to grab one of these matches now I'm going to get this really at a vigorous bubbling there's just a little bit of liquid in that Skillet when I stir with a spatula I can see the skillet underneath so I know I have this really thick reduced mixture these are going to be like two foot tall flames you should know that in advance I'm going to turn this up to medium high because again it has to be hot I have pre-measured my alcohol you do not want to pour from the bottle don't risk it and also you want to be accurate about your measuring if I put more alcohol I'm going to get more Flames so three tablespoons I wouldn't do more I wouldn't really do less so I'm going to light my match have that ready then you want to do this quickly so I'm going to add my alcohol and immediately light it with a flat with a match and then hold my head back my mess just went out hold on hold on oh God is it over reducing hold on okay Jeff Long so there's my Flames maybe not quite two feet high but that's pretty tall and I'm gonna sit here and kind of shake until those Flames subside it doesn't take very long this is looking great we're basically done the Flames have gone out I'm going to take it off the heat smells so good and now this is super hot so I want to let it cool down a little bit before I top the ice cream because I don't want the ice cream to melt and I want the juices to thicken a little bit they'll thicken as they cool down so I'm going to now add my vanilla extract just a teaspoon and now I'm going to let this kind of cool off we're going to come back over to the countertop I'm going to scoot my ice cream and we'll put it all together [Music] just a couple things to mention initially we reduced the syrup down until it was super thick and almost like dancing across the skillet like there was you know very little in there but now from adding both the cherries and the bourbon it's thinned out a little bit you can see it's still really hot it's releasing some steam but the idea is to end up with an amount of liquid that you can you know distribute amongst sort of six servings so I have some vanilla ice cream here you want to still serve it warm I suppose there's no reason why you couldn't make the whole thing and then reheat it to serve but to me that a little bit defeats the purpose because like you want people to like see the you know setting their part on fire the cherries have lost a little bit of their volume but they have remained intact so you're gonna get like a whole bite of cherry they haven't kind of broken down you want to serve it quick enough that you'll get that hot cold contrast it's just so good I love sour cherries so much and this dessert is such a great way to show off their flavor because it's just like so complex with the bourbon it's not overly boozy we burned off all the alcohol so what you're really left with is like all of the kind of caramelly flavors of the bourbon which goes so well with the vanilla ice cream plus like the sort of just a hint in the background of the orange and the bitter is it's not too sweet at all so good truly it's really gives you like a kind of summertime feel but you can make it any time of the year because it's jar cherries buy a couple jars at a time and you can make it over and over again it happens entirely on the stovetop 15 minutes start to finish it's so good and just fun in any context in the kitchen if you have a fire that's not controlled if you have any kind of grease fire never ever ever put water on it that is just going to make it grow you can extinguish the Flames by basically suffocating it so put a lid on top have a lid nearby is really useful it's like it'll just go out right away or if you have something where you don't have a lid you can't cover it you can just put a sheet tray on top never ever water announce what you're doing tell people to kind of tilt their head back don't be looking over the skillet you'll be fine is there something you should yell because y'all [Music]
Channel: Claire Saffitz x Dessert Person
Views: 125,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cherries Jubilee, Claire Saffitz, Dessert Person, Dessert recipes, Gourmet desserts, Classic desserts, Cherry recipes, Old-fashioned cocktail, Bourbon, Showstopper desserts, Quick recipes, Easy desserts, 15-minute recipes, Delicious treats, Fruit desserts, Syrup, Flame recipe, Culinary delights, Foodie, Cooking techniques, Bon Appetit, NYT Cooking, Brad Leone, Gourmet Makes, Dessert, cherry, cherries, jubilee, how to make, dessert recipes, easy recipe, recipe, cherry recipes
Id: Mboq8IRzkkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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