Banoffee Pudding with Claire Saffitz | Dessert Person

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whisk that together what was that what great good there's a cat hi everyone I'm Claire staffords welcome to my home kitchen today I have one of my favorite recipes from what's for dessert this is my banoffee pudding it's a little bit of a play off of the idea of like a British pudding which kind of just means any dessert but it's a version of banoffee pie which is a British dessert that's like a tart of bananas and dulce de leche and in this case I'm putting it all together in a pudding and layering it in a trifle dish it's so delicious and I love banana flavored desserts and this is a really good one do [Music] do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do [Music] I first saw Chef April Bloomfield make banoffee pie on an episode of Mind of a chef on PBS which is a great show it's very simple sliced bananas dulce de leche which is basically like a milk caramel and then topped with whipped cream and that's pretty much it this version is kind of all of those flavors but in a pudding form think of it as a hybrid between like American southern style banana pudding and British banoffee pie so this is just banana coffee well okay so banoffee banoffee is a what's it called a portmanteau isn't that what that's called when it combines two words banoffee is a portmanteau of banana and toffee not coffee although it's not really toffee it's actually this it's actually Dosa de leche so that's what I have right here I love banana flavor desserts but I feel like banana needs to be balanced out by something else so in this case that combination of dulce de leche and banana is so so delicious and I cannot resist combining bananas with sour cream in some way it is just the most delicious combination and I also have here these are actually Biscoff cookies the recipe calls for either digestive biscuits to really kind of like play up that idea of it being a kind of spin on a British recipe or graham crackers but I thought why not do Biscoff because it's that same really light crispy texture it's just lightly sweet that kind of spice flavor is going to go really well with everything ingredients I have overripe banana could be a little riper but a large banana I don't have this is more of a medium so I have one and a half two thirds of a cup of store-bought Dosa de leche this just comes from the can corn starch a little bit of granulated sugar four egg yolks plus one whole egg two and a quarter cups whole milk then I have six tablespoons of unsalted butter divided two tablespoons in one and then four a couple teaspoons of vanilla extract some kosher salt then for assembly I have six ounces of in this case Biscoff cookies but again recipe calls for digestive biscuits which are delicious and very much like a graham cracker or you can use graham crackers I have four tablespoons of additional Dosa de leche for assembly and then my cream and my sour cream for whipping special equipment you'll need a couple things you'll need a saucepan which I have over here for cooking your pudding of course a couple bowls and a whisk and then for assembly I have a trifle bowl which I just like bought on eBay it was really inexpensive it's a sort of footed dessert dish you don't have to have this you could just assemble it in a glass bowl or you could assemble individually it's really up to you then I have a hand blender you could use a regular blender but hand blender is super convenient because I'm just going to blend everything right in the saucepan and that's it [Music] so the first step actually is to I'm going to caramelize the banana one thing I've noticed and while I was testing this recipe the proportions seemed really off in terms of flavor I was putting a lot of banana in and it was almost too banana-y and I was losing the other flavors so I decided to cut back on the banana a little bit and I actually added this step where I'm cooking the banana like in this in butter and it's caramelizing and getting really soft and not only does it help to soften the banana so that it Blends really smoothly into the pudding but it takes off some of that raw banana flavor which is not super appealing so the first thing I'm going to do is cut up my banana into just sort of like little rounds if you can use a more ripe banana than this you know the flavor of a green banana that's what I'm basically trying to get rid of through this cooking process that kind of like almost astringent flavor basically you want Speckles and no green on your banana I have a medium saucepan here try to cook any kind of pudding or Custard in a nice heavy saucepan I'm going to start on medium heat I'm going to add my butter this is just two tablespoons again I have the other four tablespoons reserved that's going to get stirred into the pudding at the end this butter is just getting nice and foamy now I'm going to add my banana pieces a really ripe banana might start to turn really mushy which is totally fine a slightly firmer banana will hold its shape a little better but either way I'm just going to cook this initially to get some color on that banana to start to kind of caramelize it okay so this is starting to caramelize I'm going to turn the temperature down and they're kind of breaking down which is what you want is that frying butter it's both actually and it's also Browning starches on the bottom of the saucepan which will get kind of scraped up and incorporated into the pudding so that's lots of good flavor once that banana starts to soften I like to just kind of start to mash it against the sides of the saucepan I'm going to add my other pudding ingredients I'm going to add that salt the like caramelized banana plus adult loves salt plus the sour cream it's so good in here it's like a little bit salty then I'm going to add my dulce de leche then I'm going to add my milk so this is my base of my pudding and now I want this to very slowly come up to the point where it's just under a simmer but before I let that happen I'm going to blend it that just combines everything really really evenly so I'm just going to give it a little buzz and then that basically takes this kind of weird separated mixture and turns it into this beautiful super smooth caramel colored mixture so I still have this on medium-ish heat I'm going to let this continue to warm up I want it to be steaming and kind of just Rippling under the surface not quite at a simmer banana milk mixture is coming up I'm going to whisk my eggs plus my sugar and cornstarch so most of the sweetness from the recipe comes from the dulce de leche itself which obviously is caramel is you know made from sugar so I'm adding just a little bit of additional sugar to blend with the eggs and this is a step called blanching and tempering so I'm going to whisk my cornstarch which in addition to the eggs is going to provide thickening for the pudding I'm going to whisk This Together which actually does help to prevent clumping then I'll add those four yolks plus one whole egg generally you make pudding or Custard with yolks but I think adding a whole egg that includes the white helps to provide like a little bit of a lighter texture which I really like so I often do a combination of yolks and whole eggs in pudding and then just whisk slowly to incorporate and once you have the starches Incorporated you can whisk more vigorously I know you're like using your left hand just to be contrarian but I'm left-handed three out of the five members of my family are left-handed so growing up I was like everyone's left-handed this is done my milk mixture is just barely like I'm seeing some movement under the surface so this is at the point where I want it I am going to slowly stream this milk mixer into my eggs so once you've poured around two-thirds of that warm milk mixture into your eggs everything is going to go back into the saucepan working off the heat I mean I have it on the burner but I'm working on adduction so that it's not on you're going to whisk the egg mixture back into the saucepan and give it a little scrape now we're going to cook the pudding so eggs were tempered added back in so I'm cooking this on medium heat it's already pretty hot because we brought that milk mixture up to just under a simmer so it doesn't take very long to cook I'll take you a few minutes and I am whisking constantly so the constant whisking is to equalize the temperature throughout and to make sure that I'm not overcooking this mixture at the bottom or around the sides where it's going to be hotter so you don't want to walk away from this and the constant agitation is also ensuring that the eggs are going to cook evenly I can see that this is getting close it's thickening it's starting to hold the marks to the Whisk I'm going to pause whiskey just for a few seconds and check for bubbling underneath the surface and it's going to be slow bubbling because this mixture is so thick see how it's bubbling under there that means that I'm at a boil and so I'm going to whisk really vigorously for another 10 to 15 seconds I'm going to take it off the heat and I'm going to pour it into my medium bowl that I set aside when you're getting pudding out of a saucepan I often say you can scrape around the sides but don't scrape the bottom really well because that's where you might have some little overcooked areas this is a little bit overcooked so I'm not going to scrape that into the bowl see how it doesn't look quite so smooth there's some texture in there that's kind of like overcooked egg it only ends up being a couple tablespoons but I just leave that out if you do get some curdling and it gets into the bowl don't worry about it it's going to smooth out because we're going to whisk it really well with this butter so the final step for the pudding is to whisk in your reserved four tablespoons of butter and ideally it should be cold that just helps to chill down the pudding a little bit and cut into pieces if you had some of that curdling this will help to smooth it out if you find that your pudding is constantly kind of overcooking in places it I would say definitely turn your heat down that's part of it and make sure that you have like a decent quality saucepan it could be the the kitchen equipment that's causing you some issues so I've added all the butter and it has melted into the pudding the last thing my vanilla extract is two teaspoons go ahead and whisk that in we have this like beautiful glossy super smooth silky pudding but it's really really hot so we want to cool this down this whole dessert is assembled almost like a trifle often like Southern style banana pudding you assemble everything hot and it's served warm and it's baked this is a chilled dessert so it has something in common with Southern style banana pudding but not really the same thing at all I'm just going to give the walls a little bit of a scrape you can transfer this to a lidded container to chill it or you can just take a piece of plastic wrap and press it directly onto the surface of the pudding you just want to make sure that the surface is covered because it will develop a little bit of a skin as it chills so I'm going to get this into the fridge this should ideally have four hours minimum to chill down so the whole thing can get cold before we assemble so I'm going to get this in the fridge I have a version that I made last night that's chilled and totally set this will firm up quite a bit as it as it cools down and in the meantime I am going to whip my sour cream and heavy cream so I'm ready for assembly and I'll pull out the pudding and we're gonna put this in together [Music] I did not call this out under special equipment but a hand mixer will be very helpful in whipping the cream plus sour cream you could do it by hand especially if you had a big whisk and a big bowl but it's a combined total of about two cups of cream so I'll take a little while I'm working a large bowl so then the sour cream goes in and I'm not sweetening this the pudding plus the cream plus the cookies get layered with a little bit of Dosa de leche so it's it's you know there's plenty of Sweetness in here but I like having that contrast between unsweetened cream and a sweeter component you'll probably notice that like most of the recipes that have whipped cream are it's not sweetened at all start on low and you can kind of gradually increase the speed as the mixture thickens Don't Go full blast because you'll splatter it everywhere if you have a nice big bowl to work in that's really helpful this is probably actually bigger than it's necessary but you don't want to work on anything small because you really will splatter it everywhere the sour cream is a culture dairy product which is what gives it that sour flavor and that helps to stabilize the entire whipped cream mixture so just plain heavy cream when whipped will eventually deflate those little air bubbles will collapse and it will become liquidy again and when you add sour cream to it it helps to just stabilize everything when you layer this together it can hang out in the fridge and that cream stays nice and Light [Applause] once you start to see the beaters leave a sharp Trail that's really defined and the mixture doesn't just kind of like settle back onto itself that's how you know you're getting toward medium or stiff peaks I'm going to keep going a little bit I looked at the recipe it does say stiff peaks so I'm going to go a little bit firmer the timing if you're on high speed between medium and stiff peaks is very short so just FYI you don't want to over beat it here is this pudding that I made last night I'm gonna grab my whisk you can see it's set up really nicely this is just the Whisk from cooking that more recent batch of pudding so it's set and I want to whisk it just to smooth out the consistency this will make it a little bit easier to assemble so I'm going to start by layering about a quarter of the pudding into the bottom of my trifold dish the recipe just calls for any two quart dish so it could be an actual trifle dish it could even be a shallow baking dish and you're just going to do thinner layers it's really up to you obviously something with glass walls is going to look really nice so then I want us to spread this in an even layer did you make a bunch of minis oh yeah you could definitely actually the first couple times I tested this recipe I assembled them individually you just do them in like water glasses whether you're using digestive biscuits or Biscoff or graham crackers you'll just have to break those into smaller pieces but that's really it okay so the pudding goes down then about a quarter of the whipped cream mixture right on top now I'm going to put down a layer of my cookies you can break them to fit if you'd like if you want perfect even layers I suppose you could get a weight of the all of your components and then like scale out measure out a quarter exactly by weight and then do all the assembly but who has that kind of time so now I have a quarter cup or four tablespoons of additional Dosa de leche I'm going to take about a tablespoon it doesn't really drizzle because it's very thick but I'm going to just kind of dollop it over the cookies I like that it makes like little pockets of caramelly areas you can kind of spread it around the cookies if you want with the back of a spoon so that it gets on more areas so I'm going to repeat that layering process using the same quantities of everything and I end up with four layers of cream and pudding separated by three layers of cookies so what I end with a nice beautiful cream on top [Music] obviously this trifle dish has a bigger capacity than what I really need the capacity if you want to filter the top will be about two quarts so that's a common size for a lot of bowls but it looks pretty good I have my final layer of cream on top and now I just have a little bit of that dulce de leche left over and the final step is to swirl it onto the surface of the cream so just kind of do your dollops swirl isn't really coming in like like it's supposed to like it did maybe it was a different brand of dual circulation that it used don't tell anyone but I'm gonna cheat it a little bit water bath it no add a little milk you could thin it out but I've when I try to thin out dulce de leche it requires so much to thin that's like you added so much liquid it's almost not worth it the banoffee pudding is fully assembled the next step is to just let everything chill out and those cookies will hydrate the cream and the pudding will both get really cold and set and you'll be able to spoon into it so I just want to cover this and get it in the fridge and it should take around I think the recipe says like either three or four hours so you want to do this a little bit ahead of time which is really nice so if you're having company over you can get this done in the morning or even the night before and it can just kind of hang out so I'm going to cover it and get it into the fridge does it looks stupid that it's like half full no okay good it is missing Oreos more cookies on top missing Oreos or worms missing worms no worms all right this is the plastic wrap that was on the pudding let's see if I can reuse this have you ever made gummy worms what would you no thank you wasn't there like a kid's toy where that you where you made gummy worms am I making this up Creepy Crawlers right oh my God but you couldn't eat them or you did eat no no they were not edible they were not edible I see you just made like a toy good blintzes right blintzes sweet cheese blintzes actually glimpses are such a good food appropriate for breakfast but also definitely feels like dessert back to banoffee action how many hours would was this in there three yeah about maybe okay so the pudding has been sitting hydrating softening all those flavors are melding I think the best way to serve this is just to spoon it into bowls so I'm gonna spoon from the side and you don't have to necessarily go all the way down because I'm repeating a lot of layers but you definitely want to get at least a few layers of cookie and pudding so I can tell by the way the spoon goes through that this is at a nice texture time to taste the mouth is watering foreign I think that this is a dessert that's going to convince people who think they don't like banana flavor give it to Market to enjoy a banana dessert banana can be such a strong flavor but here it's so well matched by the dolce de leche by the the cookies by that sour cream they go together so seamlessly it's a perfect amount of sweetness I feel like the first thing you get is all those caramelly notes then you get the banana then you get the Tang from the sour cream smooth dense pudding light Tangy whipped cream the cookies retain a little bit of their texture incredibly delicious um I just want to eat it I just really like sour cream I like sour cream so much obviously this feeds a crowd this would easily feed 12 I think it's so tasty this is really a banana dessert to suit everyone you know Dosa de leche it's so good and also I think kind of impressive looking when all assembled together thank you so much for watching it's so fun to bring you recipes from what's for dessert this is from the stovetop desserts chapter which is one of my favorites hope you enjoy you can make it all year long really kind of emblematic of the simple but super delicious recipes in the book Thank you so much for watching and don't forget to like And subscribe right on lunch today [Music]
Channel: Claire Saffitz x Dessert Person
Views: 266,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: banoffee pie, banoffee, how to make banoffee pie, love actually, hugh grant, keira knightly, easy desserts, easy dessert recipes, banoffee pie recipe, romcom, love actually banoffee pie, love actually banoffee pie scene, banoffee pie how to make, banoffee pudding, pie, pie recipe, banana, caramel, dessert recipes, dessert, how to make, toffee, easy recipes, cooking, banana dessert, easy dessert recipe, nyt cooking, food52, bon appetit, gourmet makes, dessert person, claire saffitz
Id: 3aUjdnDEhME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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