See Cher’s Extended Interview With Jenna Bush Hager | TODAY

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congratulations on the share show I love it the review that I liked the most called it the whole shmore gas board which was a huge compliment yeah I guess I don't know if you're eating but yeah I think you know I it starts when I'm four you know and I wanted just the really important things also things that people don't know about me because everyone thinks they know everything but you know there are things there are even things that you don't like when I watch it sometimes and I see it I think did I really want to put this in there you know it's kind of personal but then I thought it's really important for people to know you know not what they think they know but to actually know that must be so interesting to have people think they know everything about you to know your life and and maybe it's just the highlight reel you know well it's the you know all of us you me there's things that are out there but mostly unless the paparazzi are at your doorstep there are things you don't want people to know you know but then I thought what good's a play if I don't show things that people don't know yeah and there are these moments that are tough and and vulnerable is it hard you watch today no I didn't I'm gonna come I'm gonna come on Tuesday okay but I didn't see it I came for the auction yes but but you've seen it Eurostat in the yard right and sometimes I've cried and it's been really uncomfortable and sometimes I I've looked at it and thought like the first time I saw Gregory the boy that plays Gregory I was sitting back here and he walked across the stage and I went oh my god Paulette and I looked at each other I went oh my god he had his walk he it was just like it was so you know it takes you back to a good bad place you know it's like a happy sad kind of thing and then of course jared is like whatever what is that you know my art the first time I heard him I thought oh this is so crazy and I thought boy Sonny is somewhere having the best time wonder what you think Sonny would think if he really liked it he'd be pissed off a little bit but he knows what he knows it's true so he'd be okay when you were part of this process and we're coming up with you know what really needed to be in there were there parts that were therapeutic and and hard yeah I mean you know there there were parts that were really hard and there parts that like were really painful like what Sonny is dead and he comes to talk to me I'm sobbing so every time you know and it and it but it's it makes the it makes it validates him so much because we go through some stuff that really happened but it's not exactly you know it doesn't paint him in the best light but then but it was he was such a weirdo he was so crazy he was so funny he had he was a funniest person ever and he had these things these moments these demons you know like we all have and and so it shows how like goddesses absorb so we were getting divorced and he was really pissed off and he took me to court about Chou's and said you know they were Hugh Hefner and there was live fornication and I went oh don't be ridiculous there was a peacock okay there was a peacock and we were in that we were in the in the underground swimming pool thing going on yeah so so we got a divorce I was really pissed off at him and we walked out on you know to make a statement and he grabbed me bent me backwards and stuck his tongue in my mouth and I started I was so hysterical that I could not be angry with him I could never be angry with him you know it's so interesting that you had this dynamic that was complicated you know there yeah and your music was so the two of you together it was magic it was kind of more than love you know it was more than love I don't know that makes sense to me makes perfect sense to me but it was if he came sitting right here now you would get Sonny and Cher you know it's just that's who we were the moment we met that's who we were the dynamic didn't change just because your romance was over so when you watch this and you see these three incredible women play you who are amazing amazing you know it takes the wave oh I have to say it takes three women to really get to one share well because it's been so long I mean who thought that who thought you know really who thought that I would still be here and so it starts when I was little because that's when I knew what I wanted to do you know that's when I told my mom I want to be this I want to be Dumbo and she went no no let's try for Cinderella that was the moment I think I was for and we went to Grumman Chinese and I mean everything that you see is really everything that happened and you say your mom Georgia has been this force in your life yes my mother was the one that kept saying you know like you say I'm gonna be famous I'm gonna be a singer I'm gonna be a movie star and everybody goes yeah yeah yeah right she run alone but but and you and when I've had people that friends that became huge stars but you just never expected my mom said this is who you're gonna be you're special and that's what she kept saying no matter what it seemed like you know no matter what the picture showed my mother said this is who you're gonna be you're special and she thinks she's like yeah she's great I mean she's I have I stole my mother's voice and do you feel like in some ways this career you know you're if you're did she did she ever have a career not really she had us instead so I have I had her career I I got a career for her what did she think what does she think she likes she thinks everything I do is amazing you know she just thinks like she was watching something the other day I don't know she found YouTube he's dangerous but and she was watching something I can't remember what it was and she said honey I watched it 20 times and it was so great and you're so fabulous and you know and she's just one of those I mean not that we didn't fight like cats and dogs but she never came off of this you are going to be this special person because she said you won't be the funniest you won't be the prettiest you won't be the smartest you won't be the most talented but you're special you know in some ways do you feel like your litmus career you know she didn't get to have it she had you guys know do you feel like in some ways you're living this out yes well really because I made a show for her it was Mother's Day President was called dear mom love share and it was I started just make a little present for her 80th birthday and then it kind of turned into something else but it was just us talking about when she was young and she lived in the Bowery and you know she she had a rough life and and it was and so she managed to help me I mean like we were poor she managed to keep me going I had dyslexia and nobody knew that what that was they just thought I was dumb and my mother said you're not dumb and I went mom I don't even understand numbers I can't see them and she said when you grow up someone will do them for you so so she kind of kept me and even though we really fought she kind of kept me going in that place I'm gonna read son so I went from one mother to another who said you're special and you know do you know that now in you like when you see the show of your life and you hear your music can you say okay I am special this is remarkable what makes me feel most like it is the reaction of the people you know that that the reaction of the people to it makes me feel really special yeah we saw women and men all different ages like really a fabric of America leaving here and you came out on stage and surprised them and you should have heard their conversation I mean that must make you feel like all right I'm done something you know what I do feel like I feel real it sounds so crazy I was gonna say something I'm sure you'd have to bleep but you can say okay sound so but like both but I know when I walk on stage I am connected to every single person there I can't necessarily see them but when I see the ones I see I know that behind them are the ones that they are and I just know this my job is like a ministry in a strange way I'm there to make people forget if they're unhappy if they've lost their job if they couldn't make the car payment I'm there to make people happy for those two hours that's my job and that's my that's what I give back speaking of you're going on tour again please is embarrassing because I keep having these farewell tours because I honest to god think I am never coming back like I'm a hundred years old who's gonna come but you're not a hundred years old well I'm close my mom's 93 and my mom keeps going to share age is just a number if you don't bother it it won't bother you and I can go and mom you crazy you don't believe that necessarily but you love do you like being on tour well it's hard yeah it's really hard but I like doing the show I like doing this show because people are having a good time it's like having a party and everyone's really enjoying themselves and and that's the thing I can do you know that's what I know how to do I've read that you've said you're not really outgoing by nature although I've had a great conversation with you right now no I'm not I'm really not outgoing I mean this is work yeah I know I never have been I've always been really kind of like my friend Paulette doesn't want like all my friends are very outgoing I'm very interior you know until I get on the stage but um yeah I'm not very um I'm kind of shy you're kind of shy but when you step on that stage that goes away yeah but right before it I feel like I'm gonna pass out you're nervous still I couldn't even sing in front of sunny like in the middle of the night when he wrote I got you babe we only had we had furniture for one room and he had an old piano and so I'm sleeping and he goes cher cher come here Cher come here so I come there and he's alright sing this and he always was doing it to me and he started to play I got you babe and I ate and went I don't want to share it's only me just sing it so I did and then afterwards I said I don't think it's very good I'm going back to bed you didn't think it was good no it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong if you could turn back time and pun intended and tell your younger self something tell your younger self about how it would all turn out I wouldn't say that I would just say don't sweat the small stuff because sometimes something that is not you're not even gonna remember it's not gonna have any importance you just think oh this is the end of my life or the end of my romance or the end of whatever but if you keep going there's something you know if you're if you're a searcher something will happen and you just got the one thing I honestly live by I don't stop you know I don't stop if something is in my way I go round it or through it one of the things that is so awesome about the show is that it shows the vulnerability to it and I've heard you say you know you've had moments where you thought my career is over many many yeah I've had I've gone up so high and then fallen down so low when I did that I did witches and moonstruck and and suspect in a row that I made an album that I went on tour to publicize all of those things and then I came back and I just fell apart I was sick for two years I lost five movies and just my beautiful acting crew just kind of went down the toilet you know for a long long time there's been so many times where I've had to start from the beginning yeah and you just think well I don't I would do something else but I don't know how to do anything else I mean I could learn however but this was what you always wanted to do it just was all I was meant to do so in those lows how did you pick yourself back up I'm stubborn I'm really really stubborn and I just and it's not in an obvious way it's not in an obvious way even to me but I just I just don't quit I and I'm not sure why I really like it's not like a conscious thing where I where I go I'm not gonna quit I'm not gonna quit it's just that I keep putting one foot in front of another so you I think are the only person that has had a number one hit for six decades well first of all when I heard that I was like the math has to be wrong I'm not great at math but when you hear that are you amazed I'm amazed I just think oh that's cool I didn't even I didn't know it for a long time somebody just read it off to me one year and I thought well that's cool so does that mean you're gonna put out more music so we can carry it on to the next well you know the Abba album that was not a single but the Abba album was number one all over the world which is something I did not expect it was kind of a little flukey thing you know I did the two songs and then my my producer Mark who did believe and a bunch of my songs I said how'd you like to do an Abba album I'd never thought of it but I liked the songs and it seems like it could be fun he came out to my house and we did the whole album in seven days and then it went out and I thought I was wondering if people who loved ABBA would not like I was infringing on this you know the sacredness of it but they seemed to like it people liked it people loved it yeah and so I think that's what I pack on tour because I wasn't planning this you weren't planning this here we go again to her no I mean that way it's called here we go again because it's kind of like when no because it's the movie Mamma Mia here we go in three hours right so yeah that's why it's called that because here we go yeah because I had absolutely no plans to do it but is it also kind of hilarious because it's as you said you've had a farewell tour yeah and then it's like I make I actually make a joke about it you know but I was gonna do I was long ago well if I ever do a farewell tour again then everybody laughs because I you know I'm I don't know I just but I mean I honest-to-god always think this is the end and I just don't even think this is the end because I can't do it anymore I kind of think this is the end because I'm older than glass and people just are gonna get tired of coming to see me do you really feel that way even after watching these people stand up no for this show do you really well because at some point I mean this is one of the reasons Barbra Streisand asked me once she said why are you still going out on the road and I said well because someday I won't be able to and I will wonder should I have done it will I be sad that I just I mean I can still do it and I do it well but will I be sad if I let that one chance go by and I know I can never do it again because it's diminishing returns you know so that's why I have done it because I don't want to have that feeling of oh I wish I'd been able to see the people again so you've said previously that this is your last tour do you stand by that oh yeah you really excuse me I am about to be 73 get a graphic no it's like you've got to go but do you feel 73 when I come my stage I do it well I don't even know what 73 is you know but I am but I when I come offstage I like I skip across the stage and then once I get around I think okay I'm walking from here when I was younger like in my forties I would come offstage and grab my sunglasses and go dancing so you know I'm now we do different things but life is still really good yeah I mean yeah it's great it's really it's great there are a few things in the United States that you know not so great but you know my and that's another thing I think that that's another one of my jobs I want to take people's preoccupation and fear and sadness out of the mix for those hours and it might last a little bit longer you know happiness has kind of a little half-life you actually write on your on your Twitter bio okay yes it's kind of a haunting one I think it it's still there but so it says stand and be counted or sit and be nothing and it ends with it doesn't matter there's only love and fear what is what does that mean well stand and be counted it means you have to stick up for something you have to put your ass on the line for something and if you do nothing do your coward sit down you know what I mean if you have the guts to stand up stand up and do something and if you don't sit down and get out of our way and you you are verbal about it on Twitter yeah they were they gonna do you you know legacy or your life story it's when you watch this show what do you hope that people take from it and take from your life and in your career I hope that they take to never give up to have a great time to try to enjoy your life and to never give up and to never let anybody tell you you can't do something it's like I think that's why all my stupid songs I was running over my song list the other day and I just said are you just what is it with you strong enough and and woman's world and you know you know there's always something about be tough be tough be tough but women need those anthem yeah but you know I'm not I'm not a tough woman truthfully I just I'm a strong woman I'm one of us the two of you have been working together for a long time since I was 19 well she was on The Carol Burnett Show as a guest with sunny you remember the first day she walked in well I expected a kind of a hulking sort of serious rock and roll you know it was it was like early goth almost and she came in and little pigtails and a little little mini dress and I thought wow she's really cute and what do you remember the first time you absolutely it was that place on whoa is it LaBrea or island island I always get it wrong and it was a Norman Scott right it was a costume house and so I was waiting you know and there was a three one of those three mirrors together and I was just waiting and looking and then I saw the door open and I saw this beautiful guy tozzoli no you'd be quite possibly blond hair suntanned looked like he was ten walked in and I said are you Bob Mackie he said yes and he knew who I was and he said oh my god you're so little I'm so happy what she had to be in a finale you know and she wore brought her own dress in her own red dress but she had to be in a finale that I designed the costumes and it had to be cute and ruffles and all that and I thought what am I gonna do with this this large girl and you thought she was large I just because I got to talk bigger than see I said oh they're actually they're the same height but she was she always looked taller because you wear heels probably I'm angular to your angular now you have created most of all of your really iconic yes looks all most of it oh oh yes I read somewhere that you know if you dress and kind of you know a dress down way and one of the big award shows that people are disappointed and so that you said to Bob okay Bob let's go big let's go bigger well you know that's true that's true because when she wore you know she wore like a sensible evening gown nobody was excited bring sensible shoes but then they say after she wears one of these get-ups you say well that's not fashion well of course it's not fashion [Laughter] where's she going to work in that yes she do but it certainly is now because everybody's copying Bob exactly and father you've just done the costumes for this I have magnificent show did you see the people stand up and give him a standing ovation for this cos they didn't stand up today's I mean I was shocked the first time but totally excited because as he was doing it at the end people just stood up and started screaming and I don't think any of us expected that nobody did so when you heard that when you saw that what well I loved it but I was sitting in the audience and Michael was up there with his blonde wig on dancer dancing in it it was good he made the mistake of going into the theater and right you know walking out and everybody jumped on him and said just sign this would you sign this would you sorry I hit more selfies taken of me that day it was really good it must feel really great that your work well it's good that I'm still working that's the good part no and it's great that you're still working and you're brilliant and it's also that people are finally giving you the respect that he deserves what is it been like working with share all these years well no she said she was stubborn remember that yeah yeah well okay she has a point of view when it comes to sometimes well the thing about share in the beginning I don't think she really knew who she was or what she knew who I was before I met you I would you didn't know what she could look like right and the producers that when the Sonny and Cher show came on the air the producers what are we gonna do with her what are we gonna do with her well who was she like well she's like Keely Smith was she's my cutie Smith I don't nobody even knows who that is anymore but but when you hear that that they thought thought you know who is she like as opposed to just like let's figure out because if you look at the Sonny and Cher show no one ever went on an American TV our you know looking like us you know we were kind of very different different and I had said and you forgot this when but when I did Carol Burnett no actually it was the first nine months okay so we did show and I said if I ever get a show I want you to do my close about that all right and so when we got the Sonny and Cher show I said I want Bob Mackie and they said we can't afford one I said well I don't care I was going on vacation I got this call from her and I didn't go on vacation and the first year we only had one dress that white dress we had we put a heart on it we put cherries on it they thought oh they usually go six weeks and nobody ever heard of it because they're on vacation I bet it was a hit you know it's a major hit so do you have a favorite look that you design no you don't well you know they're like my children I love them all well what are your favorite you have you have to have some favorite children of all I mean it was pretty exciting when she was on the cover of Time magazine and her see-through dress yeah it was banned on a lot of newsstands and sold out immediately it was it was shocking but then once I said to him no I said I want you to make me something and will you no matter what it is will you please make it for me and no matter what it smell second matter what it is and he said well I don't know and so I said okay well I want this thing with a gigantic big black feather headdress and I want nothing from here to here and I want a big cashmere so unsewn and he just took it he said ok and he just did it and I mean he he just overdid it and it was perfect for me he was like just what I wanted I said make it bigger because I was kind of pissed off because the Academy said I didn't dress properly and my boyfriends weren't proper and bla bla bla bla so I wore this thing and I came out and I said as you can see I got my pamphlet from the Academy on how to dress like a serious actress and that's in the show yes and I and and I came around the corner jump on de sel me and she got hysterical she said let me get my chair this is the best thing I want to be out there to see you come on but it was you know you get another letter no I didn't get another letter Academy Award no and she got a picture in every paper in the whole country they're still pretty picture saying whatever happened to this thing where people kind of took chances instead of just wore regular dresses so where are all those beautiful clothes Webb has them I have them you would copy them in the show Stephanie J block wears absolute copies of them all they're not you know because the fans know exactly what she wear you can't do anything different it has to be exactly that so when you got the call to do these costumes and extensive I mean there's lots yeah were you like oh gosh or were you thrilled I just okay yeah I can do that I mean you know it's just know who else is gonna do anything that goofy no and I pushed him she do it she's never she's never intimidated by anything she wears it just doesn't occur to her to feel like who do I look alright it's just you just wear it like a t-shirt like jeans you know it makes me think that when you said you were looking through your song list and there was strong all these adjectives maybe you are maybe you are a strapping kind of an a half-ass way because it doesn't seem to appear to me really I just I just try to do things you know what I mean it's not like I'm doing this I'm Baba it's just like I'm gonna do this but you don't ever feel self-conscious well I do now that I'm older but when I was young when he and I were working together I could wear two band-aids I didn't sometimes I would say no share yes one time know one time I did something and he said do not tell anyone I made this I will only do this I still have it which outfit I actually do to it yeah it's what outfit I wore on the battleship for turn back to all the sailors it's really okay no no I mean it was just like so in a twelve-year-old son playing bass so cheap and tawdry and everything you don't want to be but it was over do you have any what are your favorite looks that Bob's the same for you okay I have I mean I have so many but come on I had this beautiful one of my all-time favorites it's a it's a crop top and it it's kind of Indian and design it's yellow and it has gold beading on it and then the one that he made me the night I was angry and it was that huge leather hat I mean the feather felt really bad because I was presenting the award to Don Ameche who I loved but he just looked at me and it was like oh this is the good and the bad thing and and I'm like this is really sweet but I forgot what I look like but you know that that he was he said to people afterwards he said you know I never would have had my picture in the paper the next day because nobody cared about Don Ameche and they're right there he was next to share I mean they still print that picture no she was wonderful I loved him and the Myo than one that I won in that was a beautiful dress I loved that dress I've had so there been so many dresses that I loved and we look at we looked at one the other day and just they're like kind of friends or you know whatever it brings back these wonderful memories or memories yeah when when I hear you talk about the confidence that you have I mean to dress somebody like that that isn't afraid to take a risk well she's the only one really although when she became kind of very famous for those clothes I started getting calls from all kinds of actresses wanting the same kind of thing and I thought well that's ridiculous they can't wear that so did you say no oh well I didn't usually yeah say no absolutely and then she would loan it to them sometimes she says yeah here you can borrow it two dozen dresses new ones every week they really kind of squeeze them sweet how do you think you have that confidence it was that wasn't a matter of confidence at all I just was too stupid to be frightened I didn't it didn't occur to me that it was anything honestly I mean I was just dressing the way I should dress for the show and it was my job and it was just fabulous because every week as person when we started getting into beads she liked your beads I still do yes I still do but so when we started doing that it was so much fun you know but I I never was afraid I never was nothing to be afraid of the body nothing hung over anywhere it was just like us like a like a sculpture statue was a fabulous you know what else though it takes me back to that Twitter profile and so I assume you choose love over fear well sometimes fear Kruk creeps in you know and and you have to be a little afraid but you have to that's what I would have tell my young my younger self one of those girls that you know you have to work hard to to get through it because you'll always get to the other side and hurry up and get there instead of right you know you
Channel: TODAY
Views: 197,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lifestyle, Pop Culture, Jenna Bush Hager, The TODAY Show, TODAY Show, TODAY, NBC, NBC News, Celebrity Interviews, TODAY Show Interview, TODAY show news, The Cher Show, jenna bush hager today, jenna bush hager, cher, cher interview, the cher show, the cher show broadway, cher broadway, the cher show broadway 2019, the cher show 2019, cher today show, cher today, cher today show interview, costume designer bob mackie, bob mackie, cher and bob mackie
Id: tf06M-SS86M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 57sec (1977 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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