Chemical Part 1 - Skier Task Guide - Escape From Tarkov

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hey guys and welcome to a skier task guide chemical part one for this house you're gonna need to obtain the information about the deputies chief past life on customs obtain the items to help in the investigation survive an extract and then hand the information and items over to skier don't forget to leave a like on this video if you find this guide useful so when it does come to collecting the dorm room 220 key it does actually spawn directly next to the task that we're gonna be doing for chemical part one but there is a few other ways of actually obtaining this key it does spawn in jackets as well as in the pockets and bags of scabs and filing cabinets the drawers it also spawns in but like i said we are going to head over to custom now and i'm going to show you the hard spawn for this key you can also get it off the flea market as well as it doesn't need to be found in raid and now where to collect the key and the item as you can see on this map we are over by the boiler side on customs so once you're here you can see that we got the two towers right there the 1986 towers right there sniper building just down over that wall you see the gap right here that is the old gas station and the zb 011 extract is just down here now this tank car is the area that we're going to be checking out right there is the jump over we're going to start off with the key first now ironically the key spawns right next to this spot which is just underneath this um trousers i think yeah just underneath the trousers right here now when it comes to collecting the item this is a absolute the best thing that you can do is lie down crouch and try and grab it with the white dots and that's how you grab it you do need to survive an extract the best thing for you to do is take the two to a zero key and stick it up your bum and it doesn't actually need to be fine and ready for this task but when it comes to the item that you picked up you do need to survive an extra if you do not survive and you die when you have that item on you you do need to come back over and collect the item again if you are struggling with this task or just in general wanting to find people to play with head over to piranha discord we do have a decently large looking for group community as well as a sherpa system so if you just need a bit more help than normal then we are there to help you hopefully you guys found this guide useful if you did don't forget to leave a like and subscribe or possibly consider joining the channel membership where you can unlock early videos as well as a few custom rewards don't forget to check out as well that's a one stop shop for all of your guides tasks keys all those kind of things in one location hopefully you guys found this guide useful and i'll see you in the next video and a big thank you to all of my patreons supporting me over on piranha tv and a huge thank you to j damn freddy and beanzee without this kind of support i would be able to do what i do [Music]
Channel: Piranha
Views: 358,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chemical part 1, skier task chemical part 1, chemical part 1 quest guide, skier chemical, chemical part 1 eft, chemical part 1 escape from tarkov, chemical 1, chemicals part 1, chemical skier, chemical p.1, escape from tarkov chemical part 1, escape from tarkov customs, task guide, tarkov chemical part 1, part 1, skier task, chemical part 1 tarkov, chemical part 1 find items that can help the investigation, chemical part 1 obtain information, skier chemical part 1
Id: 76tAwH9Rdb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 15sec (195 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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