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[Music] [Music] baby i wanna get to know you better [Music] [Applause] [Music] now listen [Music] i'm [Applause] [Music] i love the winter weather cause christmas time is pulling us closer to each other now we can get together [Music] i'm gonna jingle with you wanna get baby know you better baby [Music] [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] come on i need to hear you now [Music] [Music] good morning [Applause] it is i was going to say august 17th it is august that it's one of those days you wanna jump at the pool before we go august 17th friday pizza night is it pizza night so it's pizza night we're doing salad pizza my pizza so we'll have to have my recipe and i'm linking it below so it's kind of like date night mm-hmm that's where you got these recipes that i had from like 100 years ago so i've put it on here before i'm gonna put it on again red bank mike is making a flat white for me we're gonna we're in our new espresso maker this is seoul nespresso i i put these up oh you want those yeah you know these are mine and these are yours that's what i was making okay i would never touch yours no i'm just saying because you have decaf with the little red dot and i don't think i thought you were drinking decaf this right here is the picture of the word in the dictionary called hen pect oh my god hold on let me get out the violin like margaret out in the chicken coop no connie no no the other one with no feathers uh angel but angel only gets the no whatever okay so here i push the button oh yeah thank goodness i ate three artichokes last night yeah so now tonight we'll have a lot of pizza everyone wants to know when you're opening the sourdough bread oh really i guess it's so good though somebody said to varnish it what does that mean you know you put preserve it on top of the varnish that makes it nice and shiny and hard and i'll put it right here just elevate it permanently someone said that yeah that's funny and a big good time now what i'm gonna do is run this and then give you another shot oh so it's really not a flat white well you because you use the extra-large luxury cup oh so you need two shots i don't like longboat because then you go i like strong coffee i don't remember scent using that face but now that you say it i'm gonna have to pay attention to my facial expressions from now on because i really don't think that's becoming of me and i don't think my mom would be proud of me if i made that face that you just made do you do you not say i like stronghold i like snapchat yeah see if i did that i don't even think anyone would watch the vlog i won't base anyone's watch anyway but yeah so okay so i will make our pizza crust here's your pizza a little bit this and i'm going to make um gretzky got a little treat he got um shredded chicken from whole foods yesterday he likes that um so that's really it for today pizza and shipping the whole day so about 15 minutes after i finished my pizza we will be shipping until tonight so expect no content during the day all our content is going to be making pizza tonight right bed and maybe a couple of flat whites in between i am so excited for the pizza i can't even tell you i gave up grapes yesterday did i tell you this was so funny oh is that a bag a day addiction no yeah hold up so she would always say to me like um we don't have any food you got a whole foods on the way and get grapes for me so i go and get these just so you know three bucks that you can tell everyone yeah i order the the groceries most of the time right i would say like 98 of the time i order it look at this now that's a flat white it's like half and half i mean that is yeah look at that that looks nice i feel like i'm in cafe nero in london across the street from harrods and just sitting outside no that's for me oh because i'm going to go make something i would like the no gum um almond milk yeah so what you what's the grape thing you said you'd give enough grapes yep i'm giving up grapes okay going to make our shake and some pizza dough and i'm double fisted from this morning i don't know which one to drink oh that's you gotta try it that's delicious is that not crazy really good really good by the way i forgot to show you all yesterday we got a new smeg um coffee pot so that arrived yesterday it looks just like the other looks like just like the other one except this one works and doesn't short out our scissors we just blew up we just you know i know i know i know everyone's gonna say why would you buy another one i agree the thing is is that i really like the look of it so oh what's that that's my flat white oh yours sounds frothier than mine i'll give you the foam out of there you know you could always get the job at starbucks learn the perks and then come home i actually i should you should right i'd probably get fired everybody you might you're not fast enough so anyway yes i know this coffee pot stinks but and the and the the pot drips when i it's like a terrible i have to say it's not the best coffee pot but it looks really good so it looks really good it does look good anyway i'm gonna have my flat white and make my shake see you soon so what i did was i took my teaspoon of yeast and i added warm water and now i'm covering it and what happens is when you add the warm water it will if you leave it for five minutes and the yeast is fresh which i keep my yeast in the fridge or the freezer um it will bubble so once it bubbles then it's showing it's active and i feel like that just kind of pushes the process so in my um not pan sorry in my bowl i have the two teaspoon salt and i have three cups of all-purpose flour bread flour whatever you use i like to use a higher content flower so um regular flower that i use is the hang on i'll show you all purpose king arthur and this is what i would use for baking etc um this has an 11.7 percent uh protein i think it is 11 and a half 11.7 protein so the one that we use from king arthur is like a professional grade and i think it's 14 or 15 i think it's called sir lancelot i'm not sure i can't remember but i'll link it so we have our yeast ready and three cups of flour one t two teaspoon salt and then i use an olive oil because i'm not cooking with it if i'm using regular olive oil i'll use like one like this but if i'm cooking with it i would never use one like this because it's a waste to cook with really expensive olive oil because you will never taste the flavor of the olive oil so because it's going in the bread i will use um a good olive oil so i think i'm going to use this one today and then i will put that in two tablespoons and a tea i mean i know you have to read the recipe but i've made this so many times that i kind of know i go by the feeling it's sort of about like when you're knitting and you see your stitches and you you know you know something's wrong so it's sort of similar to this where you know i know the texture and i know what it's supposed to look like so just waiting for five minutes for my yeast to bubble a little bit see the bubbles is it bubbling all right yeah so i want it to kind of bubble a little bit more you don't want to make the water too hot so i was checking with the thermometer because if it's too hot it won't it'll kill the yeast so you don't want to kill the yeast so anywhere around 105 is good so my tap water is like boy at boiling point you could just pour it out of the um faucet and it'll be like a boiling point in five minutes so um yeah we'll be back i'll show you [Music] [Music] okay take my water my mixture i'm going to throw it in here sometimes i have to say the weather does affect the way your stuff comes out it really does um i'm going to add a little bit more warm water and then one cup of water and then olive oil about a teaspoon and a little extra and three cups flour um see so i'm going to get it on my how cute is this did i show you guys this it says don't get your tinsel in a jangle in a tangle so fun okay so mixing it get a little little more water sorry hang on [Music] a little more a little more [Music] and i will put a little of my olive oil i may need a little more flour sometimes you have to adjust and alter so i'm doing just that and if i you know what it's supposed to rain tomorrow so i bet you that's why it's acting weird sometimes the weather really is strange in baking bread okay so we're good [Music] a little bit more [Music] i should be using my hook but i can't find it it's somewhere in the drawer and there we go and a bunch of you were asking about the blender i used i used the vitamix i don't know which one this is i know they sell it at william sonoma um i don't remember but that's what it looks like i don't remember the i had another one but the blade i used it so much it was old not old but they're supposed to last a lifetime the blade from i think we were making something i don't remember what we were making but the blade broke it was a little weird so i don't know if we ate the blade but so now i'm going to just take a little of our glue sorry ted um it's a little sticky i may add a little bit more flour a little flour there we go that's the right consistency perfect so i'm going to knead it not need it but fold it add a little bit more of the flour it's a little lumpy but once it rises it'll do its deed okay so that's what it looks like just a ball i'm putting it in this um bowl with olive oil wrapped all around it it's a little warm though it's perfect warm it's a little warm and i'm going to grab a dishcloth hang on a dishcloth um these are my favorite dish cloths from target the magnolia home ones the they're like flower sac ones they're great anyhow wrap it and what i do is i stick it in my um my microwave i turn on for like a minute and then i stick it in the microwave obviously not while it's cooking but i heat the microwave up you could also heat it in your um throw it in your oven uh so if it's warm in there it's perfect it just wants to be warm warm so you want to make sure a lot of the times red bank mic even with his dough and the sourdough sometimes if it's not the right temperature it won't rise so i really believe it likes to be warm just from experience i don't know if that's what it is but that's what works for us so so i put the microwave on for about a minute and now i just put it in the microwave it's warm and i shut the door and i'll stay in there until five o'clock usually it will double over so it will uh come out and then i will just pat it down and roll it out and we're ready for pizza some of you were also asking about the uni oven um why didn't we we i think we stopped using it last year for no other reason we were supposed to get the table to put it on and from lame sonoma and it never arrived so it kept saying six more months six more months six months and we were like whatever so we just wound up canceling it and then i never got it again so we kind of didn't have a table out there and i don't want to put it on my nice table so we just were like okay so i will get another table i think i see that they're in stock again um and then we could we could put it out here and then it'll be easy we do have a pizza stone that i've been using for oh my god so many years so we just have a pizza stone um i like it in the grill yeah that we put on the grill heat up the stone throw the pizza right on there and it really comes out good or in the oven so depending on yeah and that's it and we will this is a little crooked but off to ship and we'll see you later what are we putting on the pizza i don't know hi um doing the same thing i've been doing gretzky thinks someone's here all right gretzky um doing the same thing we've been doing since we left which was shipping we are shipping everything shipping and that's our uh that's so far the third run the third run and he is just sitting there yeah with the bags on the floor see [Music] let's go outside we can't hang out on the beach without freezing okay finished um shipping it is 5 30. been doing it since way this morning so only a few left i am going to roll out the dough and yeah the dough and get the um toppings on i was going to look at the ingredients from the book that um linda got me last week but i didn't have time to go to the store today so i'm gonna take notes and then we're going to do it next week but usually i have a lot of the stuff in but we'll see so we're gonna try this for next week um i'm gonna roll it out now and that's that so see how it looks looks awesome and then just a little flower on the bottom so it doesn't stick [Music] usually i like to use like a semolina but i was just really lazy just now when i forgot so i'll go in and use regular flour but suddenly it's really good to use and also a marble rolling pin when i didn't have a rolling pin when we first got married i used a wine bottle so you could really use anything regular rolling pin works too in the summer sometimes it's really nice the consistency of the dough is especially when the weather is really nice it's great so yeah i'm gonna get this rolled out red bank mike has the grill on [Music] [Music] so we changed it up we are using a recipe from zipper because my son found this one and he said this is what he wants to eat but we don't we're not doing it in the pan because i already rolled it out but i do want to do the pan i want to try the large pan uh pizza so i do want to try that too we're gonna we don't have pepperoni yeah we do but we have peppered salon and we have ground beef and we have mozzarella and we have red onions so it's going to be sort of like it but they don't want the green pepper on it so all right all good i'm a big fan of green pepper luna we do need our med saloon would you look at that really good is that not beautiful onion and mushrooms really we didn't put the turkey [Music] [Music] so red bank mike opened this and i didn't press record so you missed it so he got a bc boys sticker and the beastie boy and the blowpop is going on the computer yes i'm sorry i did not you're really kind of fuzz killed it because i did i let it be known that i was ready to fight right so we're going to switch it up today okay what are you switching up i don't know let's see oh i like that this is all like a worsted weight oh yeah like worsted in oh yeah do you know what that means yeah oh you do sure really i've shipped it out though okay so today's the 16th 17th well how come i didn't remember yesterday was 16 and then we were talking about well there's only one two three four five six almost over seven eight eight more days is that crazy whoa [Music] what are you doing at 26 when you don't have to do anything oh this looks good i might use this now what is it skin repairing system oh yeah throw that on oh so this looks good can i peek in the other days [Music] as a mask for a plumper oh yeah you gotta put it on tighter i bet you something good in here is the 25th maybe we should just look nope okay no no okay let's see [Music] we have did you see it you make your face plumper wait the 17th right 17th 17th and the 17th [Music] did i say i'm going to make my face plumper did you grasp yeah plumper and tighter no you need to go to a dermatologist for that oh look at that it's so pretty [Music] that's so fun that was suburban stitcher and then we have festival of lights from sweet skin of mine isn't that so fun so fun and then we have the indie dire swap oh look at that how fun that is that matches and this is from sunshine die works in florida saint petersburg florida so look at today [Music] isn't that fun all right gretzky i think after i edit the vlog tonight i'm going to why are you so cute i'm going to um knit the rest of my sleeve [Music] red bank mike was in the cookies earlier so i have my lights on and we shipped everything in here today so [Music] let's get 17 is mint [Music] tea so mint tea so we'll go sorry packages we will go and put it here because i have they're not in order so i have to fix it because i didn't have time to put them in order today but that's i would move on this side but i can't because those are all packaging foreign [Music]
Channel: Chelsea Yarns
Views: 4,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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