Chefs and Normals Review DIY Food Kits | Vol. 4 | Sorted Food

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- [Mike] We are Sorted. A group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food. From cooking battles, to gadget reviews... - Ben, it's not worth it! - [Mike] And cookbook challenges, to a midweek meal Packs app... - [Jamie] Crack your eggs, bake. - [Mike] We uncover the tools that will help us all cook and eat smarter. Join our community, where everything we do starts with you. (upbeat music) - Welcome to Fridge Cam. Now, you know we never get sick and tired of celebrating the amazing food businesses in our city. And today, we've picked three restaurants that are doing DIY food kits to be delivered, and Jamie, you're up first. - I'm already hugging this one and I don't know why, it just feels like huggable size. - I think that's fair, I think it's going to be a huggable dish. (cool clapping beat) - [Ben] Tada! - DIY shoryu (stutters) shoryu ganso tonkotsu ramen. Okay! - So the restaurant opened in 2012. This is their authentic tonkotsu ramen from Hakata in Japan. So in the kit, you should get everything you require for two portions, and you get the signature 12 hour tonkotsu soup stock, original ramen noodles, char sui pork belly, beni shoga red ginger, spring onion, and kikurage mushrooms. All you need to provide is the water. - Let's do it, right. Step one: add 400 ml of water to a small pan and bring to the boil. Pour my tonkotsu stock into the pan of water. Oh, that smells good. - [Mike] That is a visual. (Ben and Jamie snicker) - Tonkotsu stock is in the water. I've mixed the stock and water well to create my soup, I'm going to bring the soup to a gentle boil and simmer. While it's coming to the boil, we're gonna cut the char siu pork into six even slices, three for each ramen, and chop your spring onion. Right, in a nonstick frying pan, gently brown each side of the sliced char siu. This char siu pork is looking lovely and browned. - And to be honest with you, you know, you want that colour and that wonderful kind of caramelization, but the fact that it is already cooked, it would also heat through in the broth. - While the meat is browning, fill another small pan with water for the ramen noodles, bring to the boil. With your hands, gently loosen the ramen noodles, add to the water and boil for 45 seconds, stirring to separate them fully. - [Mike] Oh, they look amazing already. - [Jamie] They look like such good noodles. So we're gonna drain the ramen, divide between the two bowls, and then pour the soup evenly over both bowls of ramen. Yeah... It's a cloudy broth. - Yeah, so tonkotsu tends to be with the bones, and it's almost milky. When you squeezed out, you could feel how much gelatinous it was. It's got the kind of collagen almost, from the bones, that boils down over 12 hours, and that's what makes it cloudy, opaque, delicious. - Divide your spring onion, beni shoga red ginger, kikurage mushrooms, and char siu pork belly slices over top of each ramen. That was so easy. All of the hard work was already done because the best thing about ramen is that broth. And to know that that's already been created, a master has made that, and then given it to me just to reheat, essentially, that was it. It was so simple, but it smells incredible. - [Ben] It looks good too. (upbeat techno music) Dig in! I get a bowl too. - Yeah, soz Mike! (Ben chuckles) - [Mike] Yeah. (slurping noodles) - [Mike] Ugh... The noises are just the worst. - (laughs) - You know, you know, it's gotta be done. That is so good. - I cooked that pork for three minutes. How is it that good? - [Mike] 'Cause someone's done the real job beforehand! - Why can't that happen every time I cook? This fulfils everything that I want from a bowl of ramen, it's packed full of flavour. - It is so thick and rich and full of umami. It's just incredible. Ramen's one of those things you can go out and buy very affordably at really good restaurants, which brings us onto price. - It's like, 25, 25 pounds. Sorry, I don't want to interrupt. - I did that thing where I forgot we were filming, 'cause it's so good. - So the recipe kit, which gives you two bowls is 20 pounds. So it's a tenner a bowl, which is what you'd pay for a good bowl of ramen. And this is an excellent bowl of ramen. - I think 20 quid for two massive quality bowls of ramen is really good value. - I just want to add one more thing, which is a note from them. "We've always wanted to make this sort of kit. They're a pretty big deal for ramen bars in Japan, but there's always been some other priority and it's got pushed to the end of the list. Not anymore." So interestingly, during lockdown, during COVID, it's actually given them an opportunity to do something they've always wanted to do. I quite like that, 'cause that's the point of supporting local. - Yeah, it is. (driving bass riffs) Over to you, Ebbers! - Pizza in the post. Pizza Pilgrims, one of my faves. Oh, and interestingly, this is, because I don't have a pizza oven, this is frying pan pizza. - Yes Ebbers, this is the frying pan pizza making kit. This kit contains everything the Pizza Pilgrim guys discovered on their pilgrimages to Naples, and we genuinely believe our frying pan method makes the best Neapolitan pizza possible at home without a massive pizza oven and three burly Italian pizza chefs. It's easy, quicker than a takeaway, and totally delicious. - So you get two dough to make two pizzas, your tomato sauce, different cheeses. ...we've got the mozzarella and the Parmesan, fresh basil, olive oil, and even some of their special Caputo 00 flour for dusting. - Unlike a lot of the others, This is actually really changing the cooking method from what you would get in the restaurant. So I'm interested to know what the comparison is between a Pizza Pilgrims oven baked pizza, and their frying pan. - Instructions in the box, lack, but there is a link to more detailed instructions, and then you get a PDF that is really easy to follow and the instructions are great. Let's do it! Straight off, a well floured surface, ready for your dough. Remember, that's enough for two. So this is what I particularly love about Pizza Pilgrims. It's their double fermented dough. - [Mike] That is stretchy AF. - So use your fingers to press it out. You kind of want the edges a little bit thicker than the rest. Stretch and fold, stretch and fold. So next up, heat the grill to its absolute hottest. Lay the pizza flat in a dry frying pan that's been on the heat and is screaming hot. - Aaaaaah! That's an "aaaaaah!" - Oh... I went a bit bigger than 10 inches. Not the best job I've ever done with that, but hey, you get two chances, right? Two pizzas. Again, half of the tomato and a pinch of Parmesan, basil leaves and a quarter of the mozzarella. - So, interesting point. Do you get to choose the toppings of your pizza? - No, it's margherita, it's their classic. It does point out that you can add a little bit more topping if you prefer, but they basically say less is more. Drizzle of olive oil, you can hear the sizzle, the pan's hot. You give it one to two minutes to brown on the bottom, bearing in mind, probably already been there a minute, then under a searingly hot grill. - So I know that we've discussed Pizza Pilgrims before on the channel, but as a little recap, they were born in the summer of 2011 in a pub in Shepherd's Bush, they bought a three wheeled Piaggio Ape van, collected her from the South of Italy and spent six weeks driving her home to the UK, and through that process of driving, basically spent six weeks learning everything there is to know about pizza from some of the most famous pizzaole in the world. (clattering) - Oh J, this is great! (snickering) Bubbling! - [Mike] I haven't seen you this excited for such a long time! - I don't get out much nowadays. Once a week, I come here - [Mike] No one does! - to film with you guys. Once a week, I come to film with you guys. - We're bubbling, bubbling, bubbling. - [Mike] It's a pizza starfish. (laughing) - Good pizza shouldn't need more than a few minutes cooking. That didn't take much more than a couple of minutes of cooking, and definitely quicker than if you get one delivered. - [Mike] I won't need to get sexies because that looks incredible. (driving rock beat) - Now for me, what is difficult to get a home without a pizza oven is a crispy bottom. (knife scraping against crust) That's what you want! - Oh, that looks so good! - The good thing about mozzarella, the cheese pull. - [Jamie] I have dreams about cheese pulls like that. - Okay, excitement over, couple things I want to talk about. - Oh, you've gone really serious. - Double fermented dough, look at that! You get these wonderful pockets of air and bubble in that dough, which is why that puffs up, blisters, and why that bit burns and goes crispy. - [Ben] (whispers) Excellent. - Regardless of what this tastes like, I've already enjoyed the process. - Cheers. Ooh. - Good dough. It is the simplest of cheese and tomato pizzas, but it is the best of cheese and tomato pizzas. It is decent cheese, simple, clean tomato, and the dough is just as I remember from Pizza Pilgrim. - That is smashing. The only thing it misses is the slight smokiness you would get in a wood oven, but you're not going to get that at home unless you've got a barbecue that you cook it on or a specific pizza oven. - You can probably make it, start to finish, in five minutes, and that includes pressing it out because you don't even roll it out, you just press it, into a pan and away you go. That's good. - Right Ebbers, let's talk dough. How much do you think it costs for the Pizza Pilgrim kit? You get two pizzas worth of margherita pizza. - 18 quid, I'm gonna say nine quid a pizza, which is probably on par with the same as you pay in the restaurant. - [Jamie] 15 pounds. - [Ben] That is excellent. - Comparing that to a takeaway... - Better. Like, no, there is no comparison. I like it a lot. (percussion beat) - So far, so good. Mike, I've got one for you. - Ohh! Okay, This is from Passyunk Avenue. Authentic Philadelphia Steaks, Wiz, wings. - Yep, This is the love bundle from Passyunk Avenue. This is all about Buffalo wings, and then the ultimate Philly cheesesteak. In the spirit of brotherly love, these products are designed to bring comfort and reassurance to our friends and neighbours during this challenging time. Our ingredients, your kitchen. - [Mike] Brilliant. This is great! Okay, oh wow! Hello! I've got subs, I've got chicken wings, (gasp) I think that's Buffalo sauce. Diced onion, no chopping required. - [Ben] What goes with your Buffalo wings? - Is that some sort of blue cheese dip? I've got cheese and steak. I have to go onto the app, and then I will have a series of instructions. I'm gonna start with the Buffalo wings. Preheat your oven to 200°C, line a large baking tray in greaseproof paper, place wings evenly spaced on the baking tray, leaving a small space between each wing so heat can circulate. - All the meat come from a butcher in Smithfield market, both the steak and the wings. And it's the same butcher they use for their restaurant, their venues, so you know you're getting that restaurant quality stuff. - I'm very excited for this. When the oven comes to temperature, bake the wings for 15 minutes. Rotate each wing so the side touching the baking tray brown when they are ready. Right, hoagie rolls on a lined baking tray. I'm going to rub them with water, and then they go into the oven for three to four minutes at 220. - They say that they can't import official Italian hoagies. However, they have spent three years perfecting this recipe to get what they think is perfect. - So these are also going in the oven. Cheesesteaks. If you want onions in your steak, preheat a large frying pan over medium heat and lightly coat in vegetable oil. Sauté your onions until they're soft. Then, while your onions are cooking, add your Wiz sauce. Put in a small saucepan and warm it up 'til the temperature's at least 73°C. - Yeah, it does say "at least", it's more just out of the danger zone and they're being super safe there. - ♪ Danger zone ♪ This kind of cheese divides people. - I'm gonna tell you, I love that, because what they have done is sourced the best British Cheddars from the best suppliers to ensure they can match a Philly taste, but make sure it is all natural ingredients and artisanal products. - Okay, three minutes, bread comes out. I'm gonna leave those there to cool. Right, chicken wings need a flip. Tell you what, they're browned on the other side. - Presume they were already cooked. - Yeah, I think they were, they looked like they'd been sous vide. - So they are succulent, juicy all the way through, and then all you're doing is crisping them up. - They go back in for 15 minutes. Okay, find the vacuum packed bag containing your ribeye steak. - (whispers) Ribeye, yes! - [Mike] We'd recommend using a knife to cut up the steak into smaller pieces before griddling. That goes into a pan and cook it until medium. Slice your rolls carefully with a serrated knife by running the knife lengthways along the middle of the side of the roll. So steak's looking good, so in with onions. Season: salt, pepper. It's looking good to me. It's smelling excellent. Okay, steak goes into the roll, and it actually says that the roll wants to soak up all those amazing steaky juices. Okay, let's put that there 'cause it's wings time. - So you're gonna feel like a right diner master now. Chicken wings into a metal bowl, a dollop of your Buffalo sauce, a little goes a long way, and give it a toss. - [Mike] They look fantastic. They're definitely crispy. - You got the blue cheese to balance it out, of course. With celery, it's excellent. - [Jamie] Yeah, who provided the celery? Did that come in your box? - No, I got that out of the fridge. - I'm hoping if I leave it there long enough, it will disappear. - I'll eat it. So that's a double portion of wings with one hoagie. - That is phenomenal. We're all waiting for it. (Jamie moans) - [Deep Voice] Oh yeah. - And you're right Ebbers, it does need some greenery. So, I mean, look at it. It looks fantastic, I'm really excited to eat it. And what is incredible about this is there's another whole one of those to be made. So, it looks good to me. I guess now it's just all about how it tastes. (upbeat trumpet music) Right, I'm going in. It looks amazing, it smells amazing. - [Ben] So much steaky juice and onion and deliciousness, and nothing dribbling or squeezing out of that hoagie. - It's phenomenal. That delicious, really well sourced and well-made rubbish cheese is delicious. It's really just peppery, oozy, fatty. The roll is just mega soft and then crusty on the outside. It's just brilliant. The steak is really juicy and peppery. - [Ben] Did you notice, when we did the ramen, we got a bowl each? And the pizza... - Yeah, tables have turned now (beep). (boys laughing) I'm going to try a Buff wing. I don't think I could ever create those inside my house. It's just fantastic. Delicious food that I wouldn't usually eat at home. Cheers. - Cheers. - Oh, you went straight away for the... - It's gotta be done. - Oh, how good is that? - I think where the quality of this kit comes from is where they get their ingredients and how carefully they source them, and the fact they spent three years perfecting the bread recipe and all of that, because you can do that at home. Anyone could pick up a steak and onion, melt some cheese, like, anyone could do that, but you can't do this. Okay there Mike, how much? You're gonna get two of these cheese steaks, that whole pile of wings, and the blue cheese, and enough Buffalo sauce to last you a month because of how strong it is. - 25 pounds. Oh, there's steak involved. 30. - [Ben] 29.99. And you're right, because about half of that is on the steak. - Yeah. Pretty easy to follow, great ingredients, loads when it comes to portion. 30 pounds for me is well worth it, and especially, as you're helping support that restaurant and the great stuff that they're doing. - Okay, so shoryu ramen, Pizza Pilgrim margherita, and Passyunk Philly cheese steak with wings, Buffalo sauce. What do we think? - Really high quality of ingredients in all of them. Really amazing expertise in prepping those ingredients to a place where all we have to do is reheat them. Decent value for money, nice and easy to follow. So, I'd say a full house of passes. They were absolutely brilliant and we'd highly recommend them. I've had a very good day. Thank you very much. - I know there is another Philly cheesesteak in that kitchen, so this has been a great day, but I'll see you a little bit later. - You better get in there quick. We've also built the Sorted Club, where you can get tonnes of foodie inspo using using the Packs midweek meal app, discover and share restaurant recommendations using the Eat app, listen and contribute to our Feast Your Ears podcast, and send us ideas for new cookbooks you'll receive throughout the year. Check it all out by heading to And now a blooper. (beep) These are fantastic portion sizes. There's a man to my left, who doesn't answer to the name of Ebbers, who would be very happy with this portion. - That's half a portion really.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 1,117,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sortedfood gadgets, sorted food, sortedfood, restaurant diy kits, sorted chef review, diy food kits, sorted food reviews, diy food kit, meal kit reviews, meal kit boxes, sorted food pizza, pizza, pizza pilgrims, pizza pilgrims frying pan pizza, sorted food ramen, ramen recipe, Shoryu ramen, chef reviews ramen, philly cheese steak, Passyunk Avenue, Passyunk Avenue cheese steak, cheesesteak, cheesesteak recipe, chicken wings, chicken wings recipe, london restaurants
Id: B-oIOeg1UfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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