Cheffins Vintage Auction April 27, 2019

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could try to harass Mylene you're done [Music] [Music] [Music] Ok Go plays on about six eighty feet story to know yeah ass beauty if beautiful Oh Lucille overlap are you at Marshall Goering he has like eight he's a direction yeah [Music] naso cornrows international yeah like this is gonna be the most awesome [Music] [Music] so you're more of your games [Laughter] I was a couple over there [Music] Alvin ofof Israeli [Music] oh yeah couple pair another rope [Music] almost talking to the coconuts [Music] [Music] no trouble - now upload this on the computer and size and say okay that window as well as the camera will pick up oh yeah oh yeah oh you're not talking yeah it's broken just now they all drove them at home yeah if you caught me good ones you big Phillips that way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] yeah same as always always a made-up [Music] [Music] [Music] please don't [Music] laughing what yeah [Music] [Music] another instance of the egg a day went by the theory three [Music] anything yeah you'll see money I'm about good but some states another month [Music] Oh [Music] yes yeah very solid walls [Music] Oh Arnold say you huh good boy even know what it up cars look [Music] [Music] well I was gonna Marcy that all line up the walk you know wynjym epochal [Music] oh these idioms in those egos all over there look [Music] what's the same no I thought not yeah just what everywhere I'm afraid you know there was a number zero and be truck [Music] [Music] before seven - over there beep ugh cries Debbie's running Oh is really a pollution catastrophe yeah the TDA the TVA working a bit of dust alike [Music] you always pull over there with a fancy cowboy look okay Malloy spoiler with a Fonzie table on ya brings back memories fries on it [Music] yeah well assisted walk to involve machinery shows the talking you know the general ones yeah in part like a tires touching to Jesus he jumped in when you started moving Wonder Woman I started yet I knit but one yeah ten o'clock is kicking off um you tell another international for their look another result [Music] [Laughter] that's our fun yeah on at a sex [Music] right on the road yeah [Music] yeah petrol engines [Music] [Music] well here's some memories free lucky for your cabin [Music] and also English shop [Music] you still might be [Music] [Music] they go banging them a necklace or [Music] [Music] for Fayette fools no no protect this pair [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Ross's attender bunnyville but Brian no one you told Keith tonight yeah another thing would yeah there's usually there in Southaven up over if I know [Music] [Laughter] yeah as all here's a setup for you look no trail cloud has the same so it's not completely coming per se was a lot than light [Music] was it [Music] cops definitely got a few tanks outside more like [Music] look at this see you a new plowing [Music] we're looking at differences lay combines but when you sat down low we're not Boger you something so tonight yeah we keep help us attract others seeking woman it's all true [Music] [Music] the Pharaoh petty face up on the woman [Music] as put of that convoy missing shorting home yeah most of our small shed the Putman you know baby when free woman yeah and pending under the guiding of prophetess now I'll think td8 not plays a nice pretty setup think I all combine or freeze agent [Music] yeah that is go for about 24 that horsemen [Music] I must have been someone to say to Manila rewards well then it because [Music] right on the nose heavy there's a big bloody but you wouldn't drop on your foot but in the only white either say you gonna live good of slab way to know [Music] [Music] we will not run away on the front of my truck or a mouse key ring I always known to look like a they you cold knew who sat out for tall ones never give away quit a job done what my company but if anything start [Music] so far things are spread I got with any prison you've been trying to go like you know [Music] for G option they know creating over this 5g are not a model suppose if that he battery rail for someone this is a big trailer owner not fertilizers but there is that one seems out of prison or somewhere like this and say yeah and you go see on the wing as well votes on the rotary 30:22 scrap oh dude he ain't listenin oh yeah look or cope with them you see ya [Music] oh yeah oh yeah oh there we go straight in 2012 only 2010 by Ricky well five it is - I have a two-up inhibitor to tube is number two I found the pi v an amplifier they found a pen they found eight now there they found I've been hit a rape now be passed that cells has now obtained attempted number to convert empower finding potential way Western power sandstorm in Cambridge me [Music] call Sonia wrote it knows even overnight I know dumb [Music] [Music] [Music] for stanky windows here in front of morning [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah so pitching back condition [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank You $333 classics [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good time running and driving over is 40 and very very fine chose me for his Thursday I did this okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah one horse getting stronger [Music] see on cutscene is tossed on original flavors [Music] [Music] [Music] lies all the time telling what we found it all in seven [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] then use to some yeah boom up goes in didn't look good just standing erect look a door look [Music] you know says here all together like this don't go close in the track yeah everybody then you're walking about Harlan going heizaburo if most of us know [Music] you
Channel: 1alsandy
Views: 359,373
Rating: 4.6292133 out of 5
Keywords: Agricultural, Auction, Cheffins, Farm implements, Tractors, Vintage
Id: M2wdUMtsjBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 7sec (3367 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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