Chef Reviews CROWDFUNDED Kitchen Gadgets

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(upbeat pop music) - Hello everyone. - Today, Chef Ben is going to put to the test some of the internet's most cutting edge crowdfunded kitchen gadgets. - And there's a competition winner with him today. Barry, welcome to the studio. - Brilliant, brilliant. (laughs) - [Mike] Okay, boys under the cloche are gadgets one. (Jamie laughs) - Oh, quite literally one. - [Barry] DeliOne. - DeliOne. - DeliOne. - Better taste in food, better taste in life. - There's no planet B, zero waste. - It's like a jellyfish. Oh. - Got me a lunchbox. - These are quite cool. - With a trampoline top. Is it one of these things? - It's Han Solo. - These look really cool. - Any idea what they are, boys? - Silicon Tupperware, basically. - [Mike] So these are from Red Dot Award winners, DeliOne. Ebbers, you have the bamboo seal sustainable food bag. "No more single use plastic. Stop disposing plastic bags and look for a more sustainable solution. The DeliOne food bag is 100% sustainable, made of non-fossil based silicon and can be repeatedly used over 5,000 times." It's a 100% platinum silicon, which is best quality ever. High purity, high transparency, high temperature tolerance, hence is completely safe for food contact. - It's a tight seal as well. - Try and squeeze the air out. (bag squeaking) - Pretty good, as in I don't think much would, well, it depends what you put in it. I wouldn't necessarily try soup, but even that would probably work. And then you've got the little tag to. - Would you like to have a look at the crowdfunded promo video? - Yes. - [Narrator] DeliOne food bag is designed to use for 1000 times or more. Imagine how many disposable plastic bags or boxes. - A smart Ziploc bag. - Yeah, for leftovers and or as they've demonstrated, even storing stuff in the fridge. - [Narrator] This bamboo seal bag. - This is the bit that interests me, - Ooh okay. - If it is heat proof, you've suddenly got boil in the bag options to reheat leftovers in hot water. Can freeze in it. - Microwave it. - Can microwave it. - [Barry] You can blend in it. You can just, you can just throw it. No, not throw it. - That's hot soup isn't it? - That's hot soup, your child. That's dangerous. - She might have swapped it out for orange juice with some fruit in it. - [Barry] Ah okay, cool. She wasn't boiling it. - She's slurping the bag. (upbeat jazz music) For me, I don't think the concept of them is anything new but I like the fact that because they're reusable and the seal is changed, that, I guess, is what makes them unique is more that bit. And again, going back to bamboo, so you're basically fast-growing sustainable grass rather than anything else. - The fact they're free-standing as well, usually with Ziploc bags you have to hold it open or prize it round a glass or something. Here, you'd happy pouring boiling hot water into that and not feel like you're gonna burn yourself. - But at the same time you can turn it into that so you don't get anything sticky round the rim. (cricket chirping) - Okay, so first off we're gonna test the boil in the bag feature. Baz, would you make some scrambled egg in the pouch in the boiling water please? Ebbers, - What? - If you could reheat some Biscoff pudding mixture, which is in front of you in the microwave, you're also then going to reheat some stew using the final bag in the oven. - Fab. (upbeat rock music) - I've got the eggs and butter in there, whisk it up. (upbeat rock music) - Baz, shall we have a chat about the gadget that you opened? This is the DeliOne flex'n fresh container. The patented stretchable lid can increase the volume by 50 percent. Not only that, but it also extends to 200 percent of its height. If you have something to store that's just a little wonky in size, this container can handle it. - This, I also admire. - I hate myself so much but you know when it's good Tupperware when it makes this noise. (lid clicking) That's not going anywhere. - Good air seal. Good air seal. - Oh, I broke it. - Oh instantly, there we go. - We're good, we're good, we're good. - We have some traditionally awkward shaped foods just for you to double check that these do what they claim. Half a chicken. - You know what, stuff it, I reckon you'd get a whole chicken in there. Other way round. - Like a jigsaw. (all laughing) - Oh they're really putting this to the test. - Oh no. This might be too much. Why's it not going on? I mean that's all right. - That is a small but whole chicken. - And I would imagine the same challenge with pineapple, ow. (laughing) I wouldn't do that but there we go. I'm looking to save pineapple. This is useful. - To me, that's an issue. One of the great things about Tupperware is that it is stackable in a fridge. - Once it's filled. - Once it's filled. - [Barry] Yeah, true. - Now actually it's not. - I would say that but they're stackable when they're not empty and how many bulbous things do you have in your fridge? 'Cause you could always just have that on the top of several that aren't. - What are you doing? - So the cake's out the microwave, Ebbers is topping it off with some Biscoff. - Back in for another 30 seconds. - Egg is done. - [Mike] Oh Baz. - Looks like very nice eggs. - Thank you very much. (upbeat rock music) - Oh, missed. (upbeat rock music) - Interesting applications. Not sure I'd do the same at home but impressive. - And like anything you cook in the oven, you get some really gnarly bits around the outside, which are a bit of a pain to wash up unless its silicone and it wipes straight off so I can see how that is a benefit in that sense. (upbeat rock music) - Mm. - Good eggs? - Mm-hm. That is so hefty. (laughing) - Lovely microwaveable cake in a bag. - They do their job, they're airtight. I'm not sure reheating them in the oven or a boil in the bag is very realistic but the fact is they work for all three. - So boys, the DeliOne bamboo seal sustainable food bags raised £73,797 by 940 backers, of which we were one. How much do you think we paid for the set of three? - This is where it could come all tumbling down 'cause I don't think you'd want to spend much more than £18. - Hell no. I'd be surprised if these were more than 15 quid as a set. - Double that and a bit 'cause we paid £31 for the set of three. - I am surprised. - I would need four of those in my life so you end up with 12 for things to be in cycle and to freeze portions and to chill portions and to have granola in one and your fresh fruit salad in another. I can see lots of applications, I'm just worried at how quickly that price will add up when you need multiple of them. - Well the final question, boys, is the DeliOne bamboo seal sustainable food bags, will you back it or sack it off? - You'd just have to build them up over time. - I love 'em but I'm never gonna spend that much on Tupperware so sack it off. - So you've tested the stretchability and the store-ability. The final claim is the ability to trap smell. In front of you is a delicious fish stew. - Ooh, it is. - [Mike] Couple of final claims, tight seal, leak proof, smell anything? - Whoa whoa whoa whoa, I was not ready. - Also drop proof. - Yeah. - [Mike] Smell anything, Baz? Nope. - Go on, you're running for the bus, run for the bus. - [Mike] Run for the bus, yeah, yeah, is it leaking? Is it leaking? Quick, it's raining. - What? - Put it over Ebbers' head to give him shelter. Oh now he's dry and he's also dry 'cause there's no fish stew on his head. - I'm putting it out there, another pointless claim 'cause any food container that is sealing and air tight will do the same. - This raised £60,914 from 1,008 backers. How much do you think we paid to back it for the set of two? - 40 quid. - It's relatively standard Tupperware with a fancy lid. And I think, again, for those two, £15. - [Mike] We paid £25 for the set of two. - These also work, I think they're great, I think the flexible lid was a problem that they have solved that I'm not sure needed solving. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. - If I'd have seen this as a Kickstarter, I'd have gone, "That's interesting, that needs solving." But then you get it and go, "Pointless". - Just get a big Tupperware so it doesn't bulge. - So gadget 1B, the DeliOne flex'n fresh container, are you gonna back it or sack it off? - Sack it. - I was gonna sack this one. - [Mike] If you're enjoying this, there are some small things you can do that make a big difference to us. Like the video. Subscribe if you aren't. Click the notification bell and select all. Thanks. - Ready for gadget number two? - You had me at Tupperware. Oh here we go again, more Tupperware. - More Tupperware, ooh. We're doing it again, it's an egg bath. - [Jamie] Oh look at that. (all laughing) - Listen to the sigh, I live for that sigh. (upbeat dance music) - It's a cooking device and you're going to put probably in a microwave, possibly just pour boiling water over and let it do it residual but I don't think you'd cook the eggs enough, with a drainy thing so it's easy to drain afterwards. - [Jamie] Boys, this is the Eggbath. Our eggs deserve better. Easily cook delicious soft-boiled eggs every time. Eggbath is designed to produce an egg that will feature a soft and delicate texture, both for the whites and for the yolk because the process has the egg cooking until the exact point where the eggs just begin to solidify. You will notice that they will break with the force of cracking the egg and landing in your bowl or on your dish. This is perfectly normal and helps to maintain the rich flavour of the egg for both the whites and the yolks. So this is going to help you create what is quite a specialty in Malaysia and other South East Asian countries, - [Ben] I can understand how this method works. I'm just not convinced how accurate it will be because you have to rely on the temperature of the egg going into it. - They recommend room temperature eggs. You'll notice there are four lines on the side of the clear basket. Essentially that is where you fill the water up to and that will then have an impact on how firm the eggs are at the end of the cooking process. - So it will take a couple of tests. Do you wanna get an egg in there, have a play around. - Let's dip an egg. - I hate this one already so much. - Right, let's pour some boiling water on. I'm gonna go for the middle line. - They're quite big eggs as well, by the way. - Lid on to keep the residual. - [Mike] And by the time that's drained, you're gonna have a perfect half boiled egg. - Oh, more eggs on toast. - [Mike] Yeah, more eggs on toast. - Two more questions I have. How many eggs can you do? - It recommends two. - And does it specify a size of egg? 'Cause in the UK we have small, medium, large and extra large, and again, quite a difference. - On their frequently asked questions, they do say what can impact the firmness of your eggs, it is gonna be the temperature that your eggs are kept in, they recommend room temperature. - How hot's that room? - This room is 18 degrees at the moment but my room at home is sometimes much as 28. - What goes on there? - Ebbers lives in a sauna. - It's an old building made of wood, in the summer it gets really hot. And that's a 10 degree difference. - Temperature, egg size and how many eggs you put in the bath. You can fit up to four, they recommend cooking two at a time. - Let's be honest, four in a bath is a bit of a squeeze. (all laughing) - It depends how big the bath is. - Depends how big your mates are. (Barry laughing) - Even two's a bit awkward. I feel like it slows down as it gets lower, there's less water pushing the other water through. - So now the bottom half of those eggs will be more cooked. I may have mentioned this once or twice before but I own chickens. - Oh yeah. - Less than you started with though, right? - Yep, yep. And because of that, and because of Mr. Foxy, I've realised how precious eggs are and we don't get many anymore 'cause they got half of our chickens. - Here, you can have this one. - So you wanna make sure you treat them right. - And this one. - What are you doing? - This one. You can have as many eggs as you want from here. - Oh, are we done? - Yep. - We're done. - No. - [Mike] Spaff, what are we looking for? - So what we're looking for is the egg whites that are just set and have a custardy texture to them and the yolk remains really creamy. (drum roll) (sad fanfare music) (drum roll) (sad fanfare music) - Do you know what? That is exactly what I expected. - And the reason being, when you get those perfect eggs, you're cooking all the proteins to a very specific degree and you do it in a water bath, a sous vide, so that none of the proteins overcook. What you've got here is most of the egg stuck to the shell, these bits have cooked. And the rest haven't. - So given that we are testing this and maybe our eggs are slightly bigger, do we wanna go again and move it up to the top line rather than the middle line? - [Mike] So take two. - More water, more time. - [Barry] More time. - So it reckons between the lines you've got between four and seven minutes. - [Mike] Here we go. - Right, you've got one more piece of bread, if it does the same we'll do the same, we microwaved it so we can use it. - So we microwaved the failed egg so we didn't waste the food. Come on. (drum roll) (gasping) (laughing) - That looks like a pretty perfect yolk potentially but by that I mean barely cooked still, slightly warm and all the white has cooked and stuck to the shell. - [Mike] Ebbers, before you crack yours, shall we take the dish up a notch? Here you have a delicious rice bowl. - [Jamie] Here you have a highly decorated rice bowl, cooked in a rice cooker, the proper way, with poached shrimp. - [Mike] The only thing that that's missing is a perfect half boiled egg in the centre. - Well it looks brilliant. Shall I pop an egg in the middle? The yolk has got that kind of warm, jammy close to a good egg yolk but you don't get any of the benefit of the white, which is all over cooked, as you would with a boiled egg, but you wouldn't normally crack a boiled egg, you'd peel it. The outside white is always, unless they've cheated the videos, always gonna cook above 64 degrees 'cause you're putting boiling water onto it and it's contact. - Boiling water. - So it doesn't work. If you don't want the other half of the egg, the yolk's really good. Cheers. - Cheers. Beautiful rice. Mm. - Nicely seasoned. The creaminess of the yolk is wonderful. - Whilst you're digging, let's chat about price. The Eggbath raised £14,543 from 486 backers, of which we were one. How much do you think we paid for the Eggbath? - 12 quid. - It's just a bit of plastic. That should not be priced more than £6. - We paid £19. - No comment. - Well there's not much of a video if there's no comment. - Just a summary of thoughts. - I get the gimmick of a timer, I quite like, but I don't get the cooking technique. I'd rather just use a poaching water or do it in a bowl. - If it's the very careful soft egg you want, the only way I think it can work is bringing it all up to that temperature and none of it above that temperature. By trying to do residual heat from a boiling kettle, I don't see how it's ever going to work. I'm confused by it, slightly annoyed by it and glad we had this tasty dish to cheer me up at the end. - Well in that case, are we gonna back it or sack it off? - Well it's bad in the office, I'm sacking it. - It doesn't work for me, sack it. - Final one, boys, lift the cloche on gadget three. We have already un-boxed this and set it up. - Open the flap Barry. Barry, Barry, Barry. - Barry, Barry, do you know how to open a box, Barry? - This does that. - Oh. Jo? - Jo Joto, Jo Plus O. - Oh Jo Plus O. Oh it is Joto. Is it like jotting things down? What the hell? - Printer that, oh it goes that way up, facing the label. - It suggests that it's a printer. - A digital printer based on your ability to scribble. - [Mike] Boys, this is Joto, the robotic drawing board. The robotic drawing board turns pixels into pen and ink, bring your doodles to life and watch as the pen works its magic. As soon as you send something to it, Joto's pen starts to move. It has an eraser and dock too so the pen doesn't dry out and when you're ready for something new it refreshes the surface and prepares itself for your next jot. Now you're gonna have to broaden your horizons when thinking of this as a kitchen gadget, but we thought wouldn't this by interesting as a wipe able, digital whiteboard in the kitchen for recipes, shopping lists, to do lists, writing menus. Would you like to have a watch of the promo video? - I would love to. - Yeah. (gentle chiming music) - Oh hello. - [Narrator] Say hello to Joto. The connected display that draws with a pen. (gentle acoustic guitar music) Just use the app to tell Joto what to draw. - They're using it as art work on their wall. - But imagine if it was in your kitchen and you quickly add things to a shopping list at the end of the week, that kind of thing. And you can do it remotely, so you can send your partner or family eerie notes when you're out. - That I like, that I like. I'll be home for story time, it says. - [Narrator] Priceless masterpiece to displaying the things that matter. - [Barry] Aw, yeah. - [Ben] Aw, that's fun. You get little drawings from your grandchildren. - Yeah, nice. It's a little bit of fun, I like it, I like it. Okay, just trying to import a little sketch to it first. - Send jot. - If this works this'll be impressive. - There was a craze when there were things like digital photo frames and you could link up an album or I could put a USB in the back and it rotates so your artwork changes. This, I feel like, is a similar approach but with a chalk board. - One dot, two dots. - So what's it drawing, Baz? - It's drawing one of our little chilli Ben. Oh yeah, this one. - Here it is, it's drawing that. - It's drawing that, which is a bold move. - It's pretty satisfying to watch, isn't it? - Yeah, it's kind of mesmerising to watch and it's getting quite a lot of accuracy. Has anyone downloaded it on Android? - Nope. - Doesn't exist. - So it's iPhone only? Is that true? - [Ben] No. It definitely says App Store and Google Play, doesn't exist. - Oh. - And I also had a thought 'cause there's a nice little thing on the back here which says, "Hashtag top of the jots". So you can see what everyone else has created. - Oh no, don't do it, Ebbers. - Just one person has uploaded three photos. - Aw. - The founder? - So I, probably, so I feel like while it's mesmerising and great, I'm not sure as a crowd funded operation it's taken off. All or nothing, it's definitely got to be for artwork 'cause if it's lists, I've got Evernote or Google Key for all the other apps that are digital and you can have multiple things saved so it's not for that, it can only be personalised art work that you want on a board momentarily. Very accurate. - It's pretty accurate isn't it? - It's done these bits. - Yeah. Ta-da. - There you go. - That's good. - It's a little chilli guy. - That is good. - It works. - Very satisfying to watch. But least kitchen-y gadget we've ever done. (laughing) - A little bit about the company, who are London based, they're a design studio called Those and they're on a mission to connect the digital world to real world, not through a screen but through pen and ink. Joto is also an award winner. It won the Beazley design of the year public vote at the Design Museum. So now what you doing, Baz? - Just writing a quick list. Ebbers, you've been out on a night out, you've gone, "Oh, that list, I mustn't forget it. I tell you what, I better write it on my board at home right now." - [Mike] Yes. Oh it writes it backwards. - [Barry] It's starting it from where I finished, which is less funny. (laughing) - [Jamie] Something quiche based. - Obviously. - This should be good, the perfect circle. - [Jamie] Oh. Oh. - Oh. - That is good. So what's on your list, Ebbers? - Uh, wash red shorts again, make more quiche and sow my seeds. - Very good. Well, boys, I can tell you that this raised £416,000 just on Indiegogo. It also raised £362,000 on another platform. So it's raised over £700,000. How much do you think we paid in the early bird special? - If I was buying it in a shop, I'd expect to pay between about £80 for it but because you've bought it through that, I reckon 200. - 140. - [Mike] Boys, we backed this at £339. - A lot of time these techy untraditional printers, they're usually a bit glitchy but this has worked really well. I'm not sure how I would use it at home honestly but as a fun toy I really like it. - It performed better than I thought it was after a bit of a clunky calibration and the results are pretty good. - Ebbers, back it or sack it? - I haven't got an Apple device so I'm gonna have to sack it. - Baz? - Oh, it's the first one today that I actually think I would back but it has nothing to do with food. (laughing) I'm backing it. - You're backing it? - I'm backing it. - Oh, we got one. We got one. - Well that's another bunch of crowd funded gadgets that we've put to the test but what do you think? Comment down below and let us know, would you be backing any of them or are you just gonna sack 'em off?
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 811,610
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Keywords: Sorted Food, Kitchen Gadgets, Review, kitchen gadgets, gadget review, sortedfood gadgets, chefs review kitchen gadgets, cool gadgets, best kitchen gadgets, taste test, sortedfood kitchen gadgets, best kitchen gadgets on amazon, new gadgets, cool gadgets on amazon, testing kitchen gadgets, useful kitchen gadgets, sorted food, reviewing kitchen gadgets, gadget reviews, kitchen gadgets put to the test, best tech, cool gadgets 2023, tech gadgets
Id: qCyrYMitReM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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