I Cheesed 22 Escape Rooms in 12 Minutes

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I recently found a list of hundreds of Escape rooms that were made by fans of a YouTuber named Canadian the problem is 3% of them are for the version I play because nobody cares about Bedrock Edition so I downloaded them all and decide to see how fast I could speedrun these Escape rooms spoiler alert these Escape rooms didn't stand much of a chance by the end of this video you will learn how to escape this room that has four block thick walls with a dirt block and an item [Music] frame in this escape room I gathered all the dried kelp blocks from the first room and moved on to the second room through this water fun fact you can collect dispensers with your bare hands I pillared up to the third room with the dispenser and the previous blocks if I break this glass then I lose because this Observer gets powered fun fact observers don't power anything if they don't exist for some reason there was a hole past the Observer so I just slipped through to escape I don't think I need to explain anything here don't give me boats in rooms with one block thick walls I gave myself haste 10 to mind the obsidian faster cuz I didn't feel like wasting 5 minutes of my life now I have 11 planks four for a crafting table one for a button five for boat what did I just say about boats in this room I was given a log five coal a string two Cobblestone two weed a rotten flesh four apples and a golden apple I used a log with a couple other log scattered around to craft a boat stop letting me make boats the next escape room learned from the previous mistake of giving me a boat and instead gave me ender pearls the only crime worse than giving me a boat in this escape room I'm presented with a chest with a in this room I was given an infinite supply of drowns two loyalty books and three pieces of dripstone from afar I made a loyalty Trident throughout the dripstone killed some drowns and then picked up the drip stone with the dripstone I collected a crafting table and crafted a copper Rod instead of waiting an hour to get all the copper to climb out I used the dripstone to enter crawl mode and Escape in this room I was given a bucket four Cobblestone four Cobble deep slate a blaze rod a gunpowder a blaze powder two logs a bottle and the chest cauldron with powdered snow I took the two logs and made a fence gate in this room I am given 16 Cobblestone 11 planks five Redstone two quartz and an iron to the left there are deny blocks but also one block thick walls so I can't place blocks immediately to boat through instead I push slabs over and then boat through I then clip myself into a piston and perform a clip disconnect glitch pause you're probably a bit confused right now about how I CLI through the Bedrock well because I'm clipped inside of this piston and all other directions are blocked by other blocks I remain clipped if I try it without the other blocks you'll see that I get forced out when I relog the game's number one priority is to get me out of the Piston head and the closest location that does not have the Piston head is the Bedrock once I'm in the Bedrock the game pushes me towards the air got all that good to stop me from taking damage I disconnect and reconnect again to reset fall damage the next room is an upgrade version of the previous room and it is called the unable escape room I proceeded to do the exact same thing as before to cheese the [Music] room in this room I have a bed and two dirt I can get myself into crawl mode and take the bed beds don't care if you place them on top of you yourself so I can clip myself into it all other directions are blocked so I clip through the Bedrock this room is an upgrade version of the last room the crawl tunnel is gone and I don't have enough blocks so I need to complete this room legit in the next room there is a shulker because there's a block three blocks above the shulker I can clip into the shulker and perform per the clip disconnect glitch in this room I complete the puzzle as normal in the Next Room I'm given a sand block I place a block behind me and place a sand on top of me to clip into the sand block one disconnect later and I'm through the walls and I can break through the rest of the prison by going under the Bedrock walls in this escape room I'm not given any regular clipping block so I can't clip into them or so you think if I place a regular block at just the right time after breaking a block I get clipped into that block one disconnect later and I'm out I have a theory on why this works in Minecraft there is a client and a server the client is what controls the player and the server is where the the world is processed imagine there is a block in front of the player once it gets destroyed the client immediately updates but the server still thinks there's a block there before the server tells the client that there is no block another block gets placed there is a check from the client to see if the block can be placed then the server tells the client that there is no block and the client updates if the player gets into the place where the block was placed before the server corrects the client the player will get stuck and clip into the block this escape room had the good idea of eliminating the amount of blocks I could have on me at once I had to speedrun to the third room to get more than one block to do the glitch with I use the 2x1 hallway because it will be the easiest place to keep my myself clip the pot is insta minable so the timing is a lot easier one disconnect later and I out this room has one part of it that has one block thick walls so I got a block and clipped into it one disconnect and I'm through this escape room is hovering over the void with a crawl tunnel going to the ending platform if I try to glitch out I will be sent into the void I went through the first two rooms or so conserving at least three blocks to perform a glitch every time before now I have clipped my feet into a block but this time I'm going to do it to my head if my head is clipped but my feet aren't then Minecraft forces me into crawl mode and crawl mode is all I need need to escapee this room this escape room has two block thick walls which seemed like a huge problem because then I can't perform the clip disconnect glitch but that's not true to show you why I have a setup if I disconnect well on the right side of the white block the game finds the closest place that isn't the white block which is the left side of that black block when I'm clipped inside of a block the hitbox of that block does not apply to the player so I can move from the left to right another disconnect will put me into the next block over I can repeat this process until I suffocate you remember these two block thick walls from earlier they are no match for the spam disconnect glitch just like like before I get to the first location where I can get three blocks clip and disconnect in this escape room the walls are way too thick to spam disconnect remember a wall is only as strong as its weakest point and that weakest point is here there's another problem this Bedrock ring at spawn makes it impossible for me to get to that corner but not if I have friends I use the power of friendship to jump over the ring you can continue minding Cobblestone for me thank you I haven't been paid yet and I'm I'm I'm actually really mad I went through the escape room as fast as possible to get to this corner a couple disconnects later and I'm falling I spam disconnect even more so I wouldn't take as much fall damage you think that 12 block thck walls can stop me well this escape room thinks so they also made the mistake of putting the world on Peaceful so I can regenerate faster than I suffocate now when I spam disconnect my health does not drop no amount of Bedrock will be enough to keep me contained there is one final escape room one that is claimed as humanly impossible good thing I not a human I came up with an extremely sophisticated Escape strategy a strategy more complex than all my escapes combined I walked forward and spam sneak to suffocate at the start of the video I showed you a room with four block thick walls and all you get is a piece of dirt and an item frame now you know how to escape clip into the dirt with very precise timings and spam disconnect at some point in this video you may have realized that these Escape rooms aren't garbage they just didn't account for a very obscure mechanic many of these Escape rooms are well made and I learned many cool things from them and that's what's cool about these Escape rooms whether you're making them playing them or breaking them we all learn many things about this block game
Channel: RedstoneSlime11
Views: 11,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AbShMtqjiUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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