Cheesecake takes on Missouri! (SEMO Robot Smash, March 2024)

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with two years of combat experience cheesecake the antweight robot has become lean and mean he survived his last tournament with very little damage so as I prepared him for my next tournament I didn't make any significant upgrades the weapon is still hitting hard the drive motor holders are still holding up and the springy wheels are still absorbing shocks I did however bring some new parts just in case some titanium cleat wheels that can help save some weight if needed and some thicker weapon bars that I don't know might be stronger against vertical Spinners might be easier to control it's just nice to have options with everything packed up cheesecake and I flew to St Louis Missouri to attend the St Louis Comic-Con robot smash hosted by the newly formed Southeast Missouri combat robotics group and sponsored by Palm Beach Bots this tournament was the first one hosted by Southeast Missouri combat robotics or Simo and they're planning to host more of them in the future so if you're in the Midwest and you want to get into combat robotics you can check out their Facebook page to stay up to date as usual this tournament was a double elimination bracket which means if you lose once you move into the losers bracket and then if you lose again you're out of the tournament each fight is one-on-one with a time limit of Just 2 minutes you win a fight by disabling your opponent so they can no longer move and if both robots can still move at the end of the time limit then a panel of three judges declares the winner based on the damage each robot did the aggress they showed and the control they had over the fight my first opponent was as real a big scary undercutter with a well- armored nose this meant that I would need to use my cake slice attachment a small upside down wedge which is designed to deflect my opponent's weapon downward let's see if it still works 3 2 1 fight robots fight the floor is slicker than I [Music] expected oh unstick pause well that's unfortunate you can request one unstick per match if you get yourself stuck on the arena and cheesecake was really stuck so uh percussive maintenance to the rescue don't worry cheesecake is fine 3 2 1 robot [Music] fik okay that's not a good sign fortunately if two robots get stuck together they can be pulled apart and the match resumed and it doesn't count as one of your unsticks 3 2 1 fight robots fight dang it cheesecake what is it with you and getting stuck in the walls at this point for better or worse I could still wiggle back and forth just enough for the referee to consider it movement and then the time expired for the match because both robots were still moving technically the winner was chosen by a panel of three judges by a split two to1 decision the victory was given to Cheesecake honestly I don't feel too good about this win I followed the rules as they were given but in hindsight the polite thing to do would have been to tap out after that second stick getting stuck in the wall twice is not great sportsmanship even if it was an accident I did make sure to give my used weapon to the driver of azreal he deserved to win something for that fight fortunately he was just glad we got in some good hits but I'll try to be more mindful in the future to prevent this from happening again I switched to my thicker weapon which hopefully shouldn't dig into the walls like my regular weapon did and I decided to try on my cleat Wheels maybe just to get better traction on the floor we'll see if it helps my next fight was against Holy pokes this is a type of robot I've never seen before it's a kind of Jackhammer which quickly and repeatedly stabs a metal Spike at its opponent I wasn't sure how well it would work but it was definitely the cutest antweight at the tournament and I really hated to have to fight it but the driver of holy pokes specifically asked for no mercy in 2 1 fight robots fight robot [Music] [Applause] oh still got plenty of Jack H re action look at that the cheesecake can get back over there did cheesecake lose his weapon on that extage it doesn't look like it cheesecake a little bit of any damage on Z goes head on into the Jackhammer not sure cuz Jackhammer still has put motion [Music] cheesecake doing the dance ah looks like he doesn't need driving dirted we are still alive let's see what's left of holy pokes is almost still there holy pokes you do have the option tap on if You' like oh not cheesecake has the option just keep doing what he's doing oh oh cheesecake now the half of holy pokes stuck in the corner just a little bit holy pokes has still got some motion is his Jackhammer is his weapon still active looks like not cheesecake still giv it all he's got ah going to begin the countdown and no we still got some action here just deep in the corner looks like he St I know you hate the walls cheesecake but the arena is not your enemy only pokes you still going uh-oh something's up with my drive he's not he's not giving up he's going to go just getting getting a little bit of love tap at this point I didn't really want to keep beating him up and my drive was acting strangely so we both just kind of flopped around for the rest of the fight 3 2 one that is match let's hear a he's just he's just a little guy I'm sorry I made sure he had enough time to tap out if he wanted to but the No Mercy agreement stood and cheesecake got the win and the driver of holy pokes definitely got to learn more about his robot I did lose half my drive though which was kind of strange it turned out that the Hub of my wheel was loose on its axle because the set screw which clamps it onto the axle wiggled loose I really need to check all of my Fasteners between each fight I also nearly got stuck in the wall again but I think my thicker weapon saved me this time my next fight was against Fallen a one-pound fingertech beater bar robot I always dreaded the day I would have to fight a beater bar fortunately my chunky weapon was working well so far so I figured this was the best shot I'd have against a robot like Fallen let's see whose weapon wins 2 1 robot [Music] Oh I thought I did lose a piece there but it was actually from [Music] Fallen [Music] game [Music] wow [Music] there it is now that's a fight I wanted to go weapon on weapon with fallen and it did not disappoint I thought I'd be able to break his weapon eventually but it held up the entire time so the only way to win was to eat his wheels what can I say cheesecake is just a hungry little guy my fourth fight was was one I'd been looking forward to for years hor verical this is a robot which can be a horizontal spinner or a vertical spinner and it can change the angle of its weapon during a fight so if a vertical spinner isn't working it can try being a horizontal spinner instead really genius design and I'm really curious to see how cheesecake handles it 2 [Music] 1 [Music] [Applause] [Music] uhoh there goes half my [Music] drive cheesec hit oh [Music] oh it looks like [Music] wild lose the wheel still running she's still active I don't know if he keep G he is don't the F this is a [Music] fantastic I just can't deliver the weapon a little bit of draw on the that point it's defit a drop ability teamate more looking [Music] [Music] the drop on the deck and flop like a fish cheesecake this could be a one 15 seconds to [Music] go in 5 4 3 2 1 mat all right now that was fun by a split judge's decision the victory was given to cheesecake the first big hits made cheesecake lose his left side drive but I was able to even things up by taking off one of hor verical Wheels after that I was able to show more aggression and control by moving toward my opponent and getting a few more hits in which was barely enough to get cheesecake the win taking cheesecake apart I realized just how rattled the robot actually was my left side Drive motor went out because one of its wires fell off and my right side Drive motor holder got bent in one of those exchanges and the bushing on top of my weapon motor got so loose I'm surprised it didn't fall off not to mention the big bites taken out of my armor I ended up giving my rear armor to the driver of hor verical as a trophy and he was kind enough to give me his weapon disc which got bent really badly in one of our collisions because of all this damage I decided it was time to switch to my backup robot it's fairly common for teams at all different weight classes to have at least one fully built backup robot because sometimes the damage is just too severe or too widespread to be repaired in time fortunately my thick chunky weapon wasn't getting stuck in the walls or in the floor so I moved it over to the backup robot and I decided to go back to my springy wheels because the cleated Wheels were definitely putting too much force back into my drive Motors my next fight was against Dobby a second one-b beater bar robot with a previous first place finish on its record cheesecake isn't in Boston anymore this is where the beater bars come out to play so let's see see what happens now in 3 2 1 fight [Music] Rob you're winner Chief uh well I was trying to go weapon on weapon but I accidentally hit his wheel in exactly the right spot I gave the other driver some space to figure out his next move and he decided it was best to tap out and not risk a bigger repair job honestly a good move but I wish I'd been able to hit his weapon and really give the audience a good show like my previous fight against Fallen this Victory sent cheesecake into the antweight finals where he would fight the winner of the losers bracket the losers bracket was a brutal place to be and the final losers bracket fight was between Dobby and hor verical hor verical started out strong going weapon on weapon with Dobby's beater bar but then Dobby landed on top of hor verical and cut through his weapon wires leaving hor verical neither horizontal nor vertical for the rest of the fight when the time ran out the judges awarded the win to Dobby which meant that the antweight final was Dobby versus cheesecake round two we both agreed to make the fight entertaining this time so let's see if we can put on a show 3 2 [Music] 1 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh w [Music] [Applause] uh-oh something's wrong with my [Music] throttle I'm try hit the wall H the wall [Music] [Applause] we didn't hear no [Music] Bell 3 2 good I just want to no that was very good okay I think that makes up for our first fight which wasn't nearly as entertaining as you might expect Dobby needed some help getting back to the door it's over Alex we were able to get some big weapon on- weapon hits and after this big hit near the end cheesecake landed upside down and my throttle reverse wouldn't engage for some reason so instead I had to think backwards for the rest of the fight but in the end cheesecake still had a good meal by eating some Wheels with this final Victory cheesecake took first place in the antweight bracket with Dobby in second and hor verical in third this was a great first tournament for Simo combat Robotics and they could always use more Spectators and more Builders so check them out if you're in the midwest as for cheesecake there's really not much else I want to improve about the design cheesecake kind of feels complete you know now don't worry cheesecake is not going away and there's still the national championship coming up soon but after that tournament I'd like to take some time to design my 3B Beetle weight r OT and hopefully start my journey a new in the beetle weight class thanks to everyone for watching make sure to leave a like if you've had fun so far and stay tuned for more
Channel: Alex's Alchemy
Views: 57,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cheesecake, antweight, combat robot, antweight tournament, battlebots, 1lb, robot fight, Tombstone, robot wars, rc car, rc airplane, robot competition, fighting robots, radio controlled, HoriVertzical, SEMO
Id: scO7Um9gb9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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