Cheesecake Ninja - Song 1 (Multiple Spins Recovery)
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Channel: Cheesecake Ninja
Views: 911,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cessna, Spin, 152, Air, St-laurent, plane, aero, acrobatie, air show, demo, alm par avion, practicing, c152, training, upside, down, instruction, awesome, aerobat, hd, quality, pilot, francis boutin, julien poirier, 172, cessna 172, hot, instructor, show, how to, stalling, vrille, stall, decrochage, full, gopro, spin, acrobatics, manoeuvre, manoeuvres, commercial training, avion, aircraft, recovery
Id: uvHbasB_DNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 31sec (91 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2016
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