Cheese Scones | Traditional Scottish Recipe :)

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[Music] well good morning folks good afternoon or good evening depending on whereabouts in the world you are a very warm welcome as usual back to what's for tina it's lovely to see you again and i do say that every time but it is lovely to see you because i've gotten to know so many of you and i recognize a lot of the you know the same names that come back video after video so it's very much appreciated and this was the one that you'd asked to see i'd asked you whether you wanted to see the cheese scones or the macaroni cheese so this one gets slightly more votes but i'm going to be doing the macaroni cheese as well in the next couple of weeks because it was quite close so this was everything that i used here but as usual all of these ingredients with their quantities or weights will be in the description box underneath the video just in case you want to make these for yourself it's such a simple recipe and we would typically have these with some tomato soup you know because they are savory scones but i think you might call them biscuits in the states but they are lovely i use the wee butter mustard powder just for a bit of extra flavor and color so you want to put all of your dry ingredients through a sieve so i start with my flour and then my wee teaspoon each of the baking powder the paprika the mustard powder some salt and also some sugar so just pop everything through the sieve just to make sure you know you catch any lumps that there might be in there so this is just self-raising flour so it'll look something like this i'll be nice and smooth and lump free and now i'm going to add in my cheese now i'm using a for blend but you can use any cheese you like i recommend a nice strong cheddar because you do want to taste the cheese and i'm going to add an aweber a grated parmesan as well just to make it extra cheesy because parmesan you know parmesan's get quite a strong flavor and i've grated some ice cold butter and i'm going to pop my butter in here as well it just makes it easier to incorporate into your flour you know it just it spreads out a lot more evenly instead of trying to do it with wheat chunks of butter it just sort of disappears into your flour so i start off my fork just to make sure it's nice and even and then i go in with my milk so this is 110 ml of milk and you just want to mix this in again i'm just going to use my fork and then once i can't go any further with my fork i'm going to get in with my hands and just lightly shape this into a sort of dough that you're going to be able to roll but don't overwork your mixture because you don't want to end up with tough scones so just do this just until it starts coming together and don't worry if you think it's looking dry because it is quite a dry dough this shouldn't be sticky at all and you will be able to roll it out fine but you might be a bit worried that it's looking dry so flour your surface and then get your dough onto your surface just give it away sort of squish together with your hands just to bring all those weed dry loose ends and grab your rolling pin and you don't want to roll this out too much because you do want your scones to be quite chunky you know probably between two and three centimeters thick and that's going to give you a nice tall scone the thinner you roll these out you know you don't want them like cookies so you do want to leave your dough quite thick and this will mean that you need to re-roll it probably a couple of times but rather that then you know getting really really thin scones so i'm using quite a large cutter here so i'm going to end up with four good scones with some extra dough to get a wee scraggy extra scone at the end because we're going to be having these today for lunch with tomato soup so one is more than enough you know because they are quite heavy but they are delicious as well so just keep going use whatever size cutter you prefer obviously the smaller cutter you use the more scones you're going to get so it just depends how big you want them like i said i was going for four so i did get four with a an extra wee one and i'll show you that when we get there so yeah just keep going and when you're pressing your cutter through you know don't keep wiggling it from side to side or you will end up with lopsided scones just go straight into your cutter and straight out there's no need for wiggling so grab your oven tray i've popped some greaseproof paper on the top pop your scones on and then we're just going to glaze the top with some milk you could use some egg if you prefer but we don't want too much color on these they are you know they're quite pale you're going to get a wee bit of color from the cheese as it bakes but you don't want these super brown so just a wee light coating of milk on there is good enough so give these between 20 and 25 minutes that's your temperatures there now your your time will vary obviously and how big your scones are mine's took just over 20 minutes because they are quite large but if you're making smaller scones they might not take as long so pop them onto a wire rack to cool and this was them done and don't they look fantastic the two at the front are the most impressive so i put those ones at the front you can see the scraggy one there but it's just going to be as delicious now i'm not going to be able to cut these through because i made these last night and we are having them today for the you know with tomato soup for lunch so i didn't want them to dry out but that's them there and they're lovely and fluffy inside just before i leave you i wanted to say as usual a massive thank you to the supporters of the channel over on my patreon page and to the channel members here on youtube as well it's very much appreciated guys and thank you all for watching and leaving your lovely comments and if you haven't done yet please give the video a like because it does help the channel i am trying to grow my wee channel so it really does help with the youtube algorithm apparently if you give the video a like and also a big thank you to those of you who share the videos you know it doesn't none of this goes unnoticed and i do appreciate everything you do and if you're not following me over on instagram yet i'm watch for t3 over there and it would be lovely to see and i do have some messages over there that i need to respond to as well which i will be doing today at some point so i'm going to leave you now because i am in danger of rambling i mean i do go and weep so thank you very much for watching if you're still here at this point and i will catch up with you during the week for my wheat shopping haul or even back on sunday four meals of the week and i think next week is going to be that macaroni cheese recipe because so many of you seem to want to see it and i did do a macaroni cheese recipe oh years ago but i do make it different now so as a kind of updated version of my old recipe and it's much nicer as well so hopefully you will join me for that so whenever i see you again guys mind to take care of yourselves and i'll see you offer soon back here on what's for tea bye now
Channel: What's For Tea?
Views: 106,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scottish scones, scones, British scones, plain scones, fruit sones, easy scones, scone recipe, simple scones, scottish recipe, recipe, scotland, scottish, scottish food, scottish cooking, traditional recipe, traditional scones, authentic recipe, authentic scones, Isle of Arran food, food, arran, tea, what's for tea?, what's for dinner?, ayrshire scotland, Isle of Arran, cheese scones, savoury scones, cheese biscuits, cheddar scones, cheese recipe
Id: Z8uZTeg17qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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