Cheerleader - Walk off the Earth
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Channel: Walk off the Earth
Views: 16,654,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Walk Off The Earth (Musical Group), cheerleader cover, omi, wote, walk off the earth cover, rule the world, walk off the earth, walk of the earth, walk the earth, walkofftheearth, gianni luminati nicassio, sarah blackwood, ryan marshall, joel cassady, mike taylor, beard guy, music, acoustic, ukelele, theremin, looping samples, percussion, drums, harmonica, guitar, mandolin, piano, keyboards
Id: DEKFkwVwfS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2015
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This video is dubbed over in a studio, right? Why don't they just record this live? It would be so much more genuine.
Didn't mind that this was overdubbed. I think that your video is awesome and I love your sound.
I thought it was neat, and they're cool. Although it does seem like she's been pregnant for like the last three years straight.