Cheech & Chong Talk Iconic Movies, Legal Cannabis, and Smoking with Celebrities | Interview

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what celebrities have y'all smoked with I know that's probably a long list Arnold schwarzeneger oh yeah young arold arold arold ping of joint he wouldn't do anything but he would smoke weed yeah yeah you know the biggest laugh he ever got us he when showed up to the gym one this I want to be actor oh yeah and all his weight liting right right yeah oh Hol hey Hollywood Big Boy Neighborhood beautiful day in neighborhood ladies and gentlemen yes it is it's legendary up in here bro it's legendary up yeah man you know I don't smoke but for some reason I want to smoke with them right Che and Chong in the neighborhood man Tommy Chong Richard Che Mar in the neighborhood welcome back to the neighborhood fellas so did you order the pepperoni pizza we got no we going to have something come back for you guys okay hey man you got and and y'all hear it man I don't know if you if you hear it so much that it doesn't still like hit you a certain way but just just Legends in the game like people know chich and Chong oh yeah that's amazing and and I'm talking about man like Generations I remember paying to go see chichin Chong movies and now you fast forward to this many years later and it's still a brand it's amazing isn't it yeah is it amazing for you really really amazing for me when these really old guys say that that you know hey I watched you when I was a kid right really yeah dang hey man but you guys were in a position just from you know not just movies but albums and go and you know incorporating music and and of course you know the bud lifestyle yeah that that was when it was you know so-called taboo now you go to somebody house every parent is smoking it teachers can say they're smoking it remember it was like you know in the back I don't do it it was hidden way up in the closet in in the ceiling what have you got seen Tommy what have you seen change from back then to where we are now well not a whole lot cuz I'm losing my eyesight okay so you're not seeing too much what what have you heard heard been diagnosed with CSS can't see [ __ ] right another every every uh no I I I'm enjoying yeah man in fact I'm enjoying my old age really I I tell people I do cameos you know and so people BL up you know and I say hey you know because a lot of people you know they cuss out when they get old you know I can't do this I can't do that I said man you got to enjoy it there's a lot of perks being old right for instance you don't have to carry [ __ ] yeah that's true you know I got it you stand there look at it all right someone else will come along here I got it you want me to get that for you out please I got no no no well if you insist if you ins I learned that from Tommy very a long time ago and so he's like his kids do all all this stuff man you I I don't know how to work this thing I'll just hand it to you and and every I said why do you do that he says well cuz they do it and I don't got to do it all I have to do is play like I'm doing a little struggle yeah or you start looking at it like this and then like Dad I got it I got a two-year-old granddaughter that knows how to work my phone better than I do oh yeah you know I can't figure it out she'll take it and click it a few times hand it back to me yeah three years old okay that's how you get in there my wife does the same thing I hand it to her but her method is just hit every button till something happens right right then you open up the front door you got a couch yeah hey man do you guys watch chichin Chong movies still every something pop on when they're on yeah yeah oh wow see the thing is about being an old Stoner everything's a new day yeah I I was watching a clip from uh um help me woma yeah oh yeah yeah and and Rita Hanks is on it you know and help me one but I can't remember I can't remember any of it oh so it's like a new movie who was the directing remember the yeah John Paragon yeah John Paragon Paragon I forgot all of that and Cassandra was was in there was she one of the woma girls yeah yeah hey man just the I like Jose and I were talking about just the iconic characters from from the movies too and the people that we saw for the first time in chich and Chong movies as well bro and I think everyone like we were just playing like chich and Chong tennis with with each each each movie and you know you don't know if it's chich and Chong you don't know if it's still smoking if it's if it's you know Up in Smoke kind of things but you'll sit there and I'm like man I remember the one where I think you were guys were in Chicago and Che Richard you were in a u in a limousine uhhuh and and a homeless dude got in the back and I remember you told the the police officer when he pulled you over he was like oh I got some some chump in the back seat and he was like yeah you got the champ in the back seat and then he looked back in like oh my God that is a champ and just that's the first time I here with the black s all that you know what I'm saying but just Legendary Classic Movies man Legendary Classic Movies that was all on the fly man oh my God bro okay what what you call was that George Wallace George Wallace it was George Wallace in the back it was yeah man George Wallace was was the the homeless guy in the back yeah man that was that was when we knew he was gay but no one else did who someone else still don't wow that's a Chong hey man I uncovered another Myster hey man what does the our genre of hip hop or what do you hear most when it comes to chichin Chong like when when someone comes up to you what do they say to you all watch all the movies you know Snoop Dog or Ice Cube or any of those they grew Chris Tucker they grew up on those movies watching them them together and then they made their version of it going and that's a handoff you know and it keeps going Fridays Fridays all those yeah yeah cuz you could definitely look at Fridays and see where that that buddy comedy is what is wrapped around you know and Cube doesn't run from giving that love back yeah you know what you did see in all in both those areas of movies is what those neighborhoods look like you never saw before man Up in Smoke you we went to neighborhoods where you never been before in La you thought you knew everything about bro as a kid I didn't know what verou go high was until you were out there playing in that little Club you like any B those out here from for do go high and it like nobody out there you saying yeah the onee snake Mexican Mexican am song You Know going on tour having to perform oh man yeah well we were a stage act before we were anything else because we started in a strip bar in Vancouver Tommy came back off the road with with you tell him the story with uh Bobby Taylor and the Vancouver Jes Lord that was when I was a black guy right right right right right right no man I got so black I married a white woman and played in the NBA and we're still married right oh go ahead kind of right hey man so how how did y'all meet I uh chich was up in Vancouver uh just he was wasn't dodging the draft right right right he was up there he was a part of a secret army right secret army the secret army that wasn't in the Army yeah we were going to invade us from Canada we just sitting there waiting on the borderline what were you doing in Canada uh I was initially doing Pottery I was a Potter I went there to be a Potter then and you are now you are a Potter I I'm official I was a professional Potter then then he decided to uh try skiing cuz it looked so easy Christ oh man I'd never been in a place where there was snow I never saw snow in my life I was embracing in South Central LA they didn't have a lot of snow there and and I well not the kind you going to put your skis on and that came in the 88s put me on skis and and pushed me down now that was my lesson you know so I I I was I was I was seen as fast as I could go you know without learning how to stop and one day I got launched and broke the hell out of my leg you know so it was that that's how I got back in and got out of the draft when I got back cuz I was part of the draft resistance movement that was another reason I was there got you cuz they were after us and uh so I would we lived in I lived in Canada for 3 years and eventually that's where I met Tommy in Vancouver I I had a strip club and I turned the club into that doesn't sound like you sound it was actually given to me oh yeah in fact I had two clubs an after hours club which was also given to me because I had a band and the guy had an empty Steakhouse in this building and he says would you like a club and I thought yeah yeah yeah that would be nice and so I had a a night after hours Club and then it did so well that the people that own the the dinner Club in Chinatown they they're friends of mine and says would you like another club I said yeah okay and so we turned that went into Vancouver's first strip club and so it was doing really well course but uh yeah I got fired from mtown mtown records mtown records Bobby Taylor in the Vancouver I got I got fired because uh Bobby Taylor went off on his own and and the band that that we had with the Vancouver we were backing up Barry Gordy's Girlfriend Chris Clark and uh and then I in the meantime I was trying to get a green card because we got deported from Jesus Detroit just him and my Gardener man and so so I I told mtown you know the legal people that I needed a a green card and so they set it up for me I had to go I had a leave the gig to to do the meeting you know the immigration meeting and the Johnny Bristo the road manager he told me he says if you miss if you miss a gig you're fired you know because he treated me not like a star more more like a musician you know and so they uh and so I had to miss the gig and I got my green card but when I went back to the gig which I had to do because I had my uh girlfriend and her baby our baby and her baby is St when we were getting on the plane to go go to the gig I the baby is very white baby because like I said I had a white girl and and uh and Barry Barry Gordy's going up he went to see us off went to see Chris GL Chris Chris Clark off and Barry's going who's baby who's baby that who's baby and no one or that answer whose baby is that who whose baby is a white baby you and and so so I had my baby and my girlfriend and her the baby at the at the motel I get fired in Detroit and they weren't going to give me a ticket to go back get my stuff Jesus Christ and so I had to tell Motown you know hey I got to get my stuff I'm fired so I I got everything and then uh then I got to the gig I thought maybe I wouldn't get fired because cuz you know I had the the bass player with me too cuz I thought you know two of us but the band thank God they as soon as I got to the gig the the leader of the band Tom Barett he said you're fired I told you you're fired you're fired get out of here wow and and so I looked at the rest I looked at at all the band you know everybody and they all away and so I I I got my guitar and I went back to the room and Shelby she was in bed she goes oh you're home early yeah yeah I saids I got fired and she said oh that's good that band sucked wow behind every man you know behind every and so then we saw a movie later in it showed the LA it was I love you with Peter sers and I saw LA and I'm thinking what am I doing in cold ass Detroit when I could be in LA on the beach writing songs because I I was a songwriter then and so we uh managed to get up and Barry Gordy phoned up he say you're not fired that was a mistake Tom I said no I said I'm want to stay fired I said uh I want to be a Barry Gordy I heard not work for one and Barry says I can respect that so he gave me a nice severance pay you know and then I went to LA my protege look how far he's going last time the next time we saw him was at the Rock City man Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder was a big fan he became a big fan because we did all the Blind Melon stuff you know hey man were y'all always cheich and Chong yeah it was never any other names or no it was never even Chong and cheich it was always so we so we were we won our the battle of the bands in Vancouver we didn't and we didn't we had a band they were were in back of us they were getting ready to play we started doing our bits and we never got to the band you know and we won so and so and so we stepped off the band band goes up BL player goes up well boss when's our next gig well there ain't going to be no next week for you guys but because we're we're I'll byy so we're trying to think of a name and we're driving home with my dad's car old Plymouth and the windshield wipers quit working and it was raining and so we're taking turns with a coat hanger on the windshield waers leaning outside working the windshield waers driving and we're trying to figure out a name for the for us it was Richard and Tommy n Marin and CH Marin and Chong n and so I said to cheich I said don't you have a nickname and the first time he said he said yeah cheich and I said cheich and Chong I'm outside with do cheich and Chong just like with the windsh ch ch and we go yeah that's it we're we're gonna take over the world soon as we can get these windsheld wipers damn when you first say chi Chin chong does it stick right there like this is it it did uh it yeah yeah because it sound we were musicians and it sounded it stand right you know tongue and chich is not as good when we got to La then we played every venue we could play you know and one time we're playing outside in UCLA on the grass grassy null there were doing a little bit there and some linguist teacher Professor come up and she said you know the interesting part about you guys is your name using a first name and a last name you know the only other group working now that has a first name and a last name in their title who's that you have three seconds oh my gosh The Only Name that's coming to mind right now is Hall and Oats but that's cuz they're in the news right pen and Teller oh oh Jesus tell he told me that yeah say wow I didn't even recognize that now when somebody ask me I'm be like man Che told me that that's it man and do you still go by Che yeah so people still Che and Chong yeah Tommy Chong yeah I I would had that nickname since I was a baby right you know my when I came home from the hospital you know babies are like curled up you know little babies and and my uncle Bono looked in the C says chichon and looks looks like a little chichon you know like a little pork rind you know and and there's the name and that was it the only problem is everybody thinks I'm cheat yeah really y thinks he's Mexican too see the confusion especially when I got out of jail my wife she mistick me she woke me up one night said Che you better get out of bed Chong will be home they let him out I was halfway down the road before realiz hey I'm CH hey man do y'all still smoke today oh yeah well today's early but cuz I had to come do this you not only smoke but I realized that I need my smoke I went to Mexico for Thanksgiving and I didn't bring any smoke with me and the only reason was is that I got a new suitcase want smell like only reason cuz usually I I can find in my suitcase somewhere you know but I got there no don't brand new suitcase and so I went four days without smoking yeah man I lost a lot of weight man you I I couldn't eat I had no appetite damn and then I figured W do I it got to the point I thought do I have Co right cuz I had no appetite you know I'd eat a little bit but like an old guy you know eat a little bit and that's it and then I got back and I smoked up and hey man now you see people say oh you know it's legalized here medicinal what were some of the the trials and tribulations that chichin Chong had back in the days with everybody not being as accepting uh no no no problem at all we just accepted we acted like it was illegal it was legal yes right went on B our business even though I went to jail for 9 months right yeah because some had to pay because of a bomb I remember that and then I never smoked the whole time I was in jail I I I just wanted to make a a statement that you could have though huh that yeah I could have well everybody was trying to yeah does everybody want to get chichin Chong High yeah sure yeah yeah thank God yeah does everyone want to get high with chich and Chong oh that cost more right really no I was doing a charity thing like charity golf tournament with my buddies I was with last night Warr in gillet trip and uh and I I I missed the you know everybody of the celebrities they bring like a sign script or a picture of them you can come and visit us on the set you know blah blah blah and I missed that thing cuz I was I fell asleep and so I didn't have a thing so I got there late I said oh God I got to make up for it was a two-day event so I say tell you what offer smoke a joint with chich chichin Chong that's you could do it in the hot tub or with your friends or whatever you want man $115,000 at raise oh hell yeah D so that became my my offering every time we did one of the celebrity things and that kept going up they would sell four or five of them during the event man so I got high you know a lot those guys yeah and don't give it away for free he was nice he he took my credit card oh really right when when you paid for it when he charge me hey man but what's crazy about that is we've seen this so-called evolution yeah yeah everybody like like now I don't smoke right I'm the rare one yeah when people cuz back in the day everybody was like oh no I don't smoke I don't smoke I don't smoke and now everybody smokes yeah everybody except for the people who do uh Edibles really yeah all the soccer moms all the soccer moms T Edibles uh me too because my throat's a little raw you know and I don't want to kind of keep doing [ __ ] yeah H that too oh my God it's going to have to be Chong you know at some point Chong and gone right yeah you know there it is man what celebrities have y'all smoked with I know that's probably a long list Arnold schwarzeneger oh yeah young arold arold of joint he wouldn't do anything but he would smoke me yeah smoke with Arnold you know the biggest laugh he ever got us he we showed up at the gym one day I want to be actor oh yeah and all his waight right right yeah oh Hol hey Hollywood and then he became an actor the biggest actor I vot to be Governor right he now you want to be Governor I have so much respect and admiration for Arnold Schwarzenegger who we've known since the only thing they had was a t-shirt with a hole in it man that was from those days and now look at him and he's and he's still positive man and what do we have here oh the judge's water the judges you tell them oh it's a bit that we did in uh Up in Smoke yeah and and I we're in court and I needed a drink of water and I reached up and got the judge's water and took a hit yeah VOD he vodam there yes and so we decided or Joy was it Joey your son yeah that designed the the they come up with the idea for the it's a a vodka bottle that can when you finish the vodka vodka yeah it becomes a bong yeah we have a little special drill we got you can drill through this this the bottle wow and the bottle p and hook it up with a with a little pipe and once you finish there it is man A T man oh my God like and as it says right here man perfect for sipping and ripping it's like a it's like a Swiss Army bong you know hey man so this isn't chich and Chong getting into alcohol this is just y'all having some fun and but not really the alol we're most most mostly concerned with it being a bong yeah man and a collector's item yeah each one individually numbered and signed wow yep that is awesome do are are these available to the Public Public like I believe so yes am a limited I think and 300 bucks a piece as they should be and uh we got a a limited amount for now you know it's like when we're on the road I used to sell t-shirts and I found out that if I only have one left you can sell a lot more damn it says get all the details and secure your piece of Stoner history at chichin yeah you can pre-order right now so that's where they are right now that's where they are good Lord have only a limited number of Judges water will be made and each collector box of the bottle will be number with their own unique number each bottle is truly One of a Kind yep damn that's tongue that's [ __ ] amazing it is amazing yeah cuz I still like Tommy you gave me a bong years ago yeah and and man literally every day when I walk out of my office it's right there like it's placed on a mantle because that's when when when you get something from the gods you know what I'm saying this is often imitated but this can never be duplicated and this is very authentic bro now I know that I got to get people for Christmas yeah that's what it's designed for Christmas yeah yeah as it should be as it should be man have y'all smoked with Snoop has Snoop had the honor smoking with Y well I've handed a joint to Snoop never got it back oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's not going to happen yeah I've smoked with snoop snoop in the room right yeah I I've been in a lot of secondhand with him yeah aot what about B real from Cypress Hill oh yeah we taught B real how to smoke we known him that long right Willie Nelson Jesus Christ we were playing golf and he's a golfer I was a golfer too and we and and we were in Hawaii and we and we finished a round and he and he he disappears and he comes back and he I went to my car I want to give you this and a bag and it was like about it was a big bag must been I know 5 o is in it and he says this is a willly weed it's good for golf and I said oh okay you know so that was my golf weed I kept it in my bag and every once in a while I would share it with somebody special right The Wil weed Willy weed it was a perfect golf weed you know just kind of you didn't lose you know coordination you could still see you know where the thing was and do y'all have dispensaries now or yeah we just open three right now in uh outside of Boston yeah oh my God oh yeah they're kicking oh I can imagine man an official chich and Chong dispensary but nothing in California yet not yet but uh we plan to have maybe over a hundred this next year Well chicha is married to a Russian so we got an N there it is there it is hey man let me tell you it's once again it is a pleasure to sit with you gentlemen man and and thank you so much for the judge's water and you can grab your judge's water as well at cheich and ch .c you can also find locations of where the dispensaries are at at teaching as well man and happy holidays to y'all too bro can you do Stallone's voice too yeah uh where let me see you know I think I uh I used to do a Stallone I used to back in the days you know what I'm saying I'm almost there I'm I'm like my thing is like I can do a word of certain ones know where your soft where your spot is at like come on man that's my Chris that's my Chris Rock you know what I'm saying uh what was my other ones that oh yeah Michael Jackson M this is Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson All right this is Michael hi this is Michael see what I'm saying Janet is hi this is Janet you see what I'm saying uncanny uncanny but listen to me hi this is Michael Michael hi this is Janet there it is right there thank you guys readily app thank you so much man what I'll do is I'll also insert something into each of the judge's Waters that you guys get I put like a little uh like a little jump drive or something in there with some of my Impressions okay thank you very much oh your people said it's too late to get in the Box all right I was going to try it it's too late to get in the Box yeah and what is this that I have in my hand here this is a seler with a different bus chin chongs magic mule all kinds of different FL flored selers high and Dr with the little CBD and no calories and no calories because you definitely want the calories get in the way of your CB get and you get a little buzz I'm pretty sure if I drunk this I get a lot of buzz but if you want a lot of Buzz try the chichada you know it's like a a Mada but but chiching it the chichada and that's SC has has a re reusable flip topper so you can you know so cuz you don't want drink the whole thing at the same time oh okay yeah all right cuz everybody you know everybody want to sue everybody now so take your time with you've been warn this chich which my my daughter Jasmine who's on her team design this label get everything that's coming to you cannabis infused Jesus Christ that does that say 50 milligrams y dude I'm getting buzzed from holding a [ __ ] can it comes right through the can you take a sip reeal it with that that flip top and the thing is resalable put it back in the refrigerator and when you want to do it again and is this available on teaching as well we can find where these are at as well all righty cuz y'all bought me a box so I'm definitely going to start selling these downstairs they they start in the neighborhood first that tastes great too cheich and Chong thank you so much man Tommy Chong Richard cheich Marin thank you for coming into the neighborhood it is a pleasure to see you gentlemen once again man in 2024 get everything that's owed to you I'm I'm I'm looking forward to it also if you're in Riverside California go down to your art Che Center for Cho art and culture in Riverside hey man I called them do a story on that why is that so close to you like anything that you could have done why Cho art as well I've been collecting Cho art for almost 50 years and I've and I traveled around the country and and found it all and and you know and and and I was it was a great joy to do that you know cuz I was kind of giving voice to this new school that hadn't been recognized kept out of museums and big Collections and so I I after I put the collection together I decided I'm going to make an effort to show this in big museums and we did so we've been doing that for like almost 40 years it's crazy when you want something done sometimes you got to do it yourself you know it has to come to you I you know it's what I learned in the process is there's nothing more expensive than a free gift yeah that is true that is true because the that free gift has all kinds of cousins that need something you know yeah oh that like to say there's nothing and there's also nothing called uh no such thing as free no there is yeah you're definitely going to pay uh probably 10x but if you get to Riverside California go down and see it is well worth your and and stay tuned for a couple big announcements coming all right brother man the door's not open it's off the hinges so let us know whenever you need to come back bro all right thank except on Saturday and Sundays I try not to real te and Chong in the neighborhood big boys [Music] neighborhood
Channel: BigBoyTV
Views: 168,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheech and chong, cheech and chong interview, cheech and chong movie, cheech and chong movies, cheech and chong scenes, cheech and chong best scenes, cheech and chong full interview, cheech and chong arnold, Arnold Schwarzenegger, up in smoke, Cheech and Chong’s Next Movie, movie scenes, cheech marin, tommy chong, comedy.comedy movies, cheech and chong big boy, cheech and chong best moments, cheech and chong song, interview, full interviewcheech and chong 2023, movies, bigboytv
Id: tf2jVbhBxnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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