Installing 3 MASSIVE Trees in Our Garden! 🌳🀩🌲 // Garden Answer

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey guys how's it going can you believe what you just saw i can't and these trees are in our garden three huge beautiful trees and i knew that you know moving you know digging up moving and planting huge mature trees was a thing but i had never really i'd never seen it done in real life i had seen videos i didn't really know about the process so this has been so incredibly fun so this one right here is a red maple aaron how happy are you right now i'm so happy they just finished installing it you guys and they did extra cabling here we did make sure to have our hartley insured it's on our insurance plan now um but they're fairly confident like 100 confident in that well i guess nobody can be 100 confident in their staking method well i think that he normally does four stakes for a tree like this and he put six did he so i mean it's definitely above and beyond what he normally does so that's good he also said like you might notice on this side of the tree that was the side that was leaning on yeah let me just for you guys so you can see the whole thing because you know most most plants have a little bit of a natural back anyway but this end right here they had to do some trimming because when they dug it out and then had it laying up against the truck some of the branches i mean the canopy still has to relax some it's still kind of like it will probably relax down to about here ish um but you know when they are sitting for a field and for quite a long time that would kind of harden so when it's up against a truck for i don't know how many miles is it well i think he also tried to dig it out on like monday or tuesday so it may have been sitting on the truck for a couple days because of all the rain we got which he normally digs things up the night before but we got a bunch of rain and he got stuck so he had to wait for things to dry out yeah before he could actually get it over here so anyway this area right here it's not a big deal they will like eventually things will grow and fill back in but i mean this is right let's see right here was where the pine trees used to be and so you know we had this huge canopy right here and this is kind of taking that spot right i think we also need one more tree right about where you're standing yeah right here so about right here-ish and actually they had the truck backed up because we thought well maybe we should do just one more big tree he was quite he was being quite a salesman actually we like we almost did it yeah he was like you know i got the machine right here let's just dig a hole be super easy we backed it in and we were gonna do it and then we just decided you know what we don't know exactly where the lines are gonna be like the walking paths for the hartley and we just decided you know what we'll just plant something smaller here and if we want to get another big tree down the road from him you know we can do that but it's not something that you really want to rush into no you kind of want to like think about it and make sure that you got the right spot picked out because it's i mean it feels pretty permanent well hopefully that's such a big tree how tall do you think that is oh 30. don't you think 30-ish feet yeah it's got to be got to be over 30 feet tall so this red maple will grow upwards of 60 feet tall sometimes they grow a little taller than that if they really like their space now i expect this year it's going to struggle probably a little bit don't you think it'll probably struggle a little bit we have to deep soak it two to three times a week he kind of went through all of the instructions with us and you know we kind of we know how to take care of smaller things that we plant but we've never planted anything of course this big so two to three times a week fairly deep soaks we're going to be doing a root stimulator every two weeks he put in a whole bunch of mycorrhizae and we used an entire bag of biotone on this tree so hopefully with all of the extra pampering that goes like that we'll provide for it hopefully it won't struggle too much this year i think next year will be the telling year see how it goes through the winter and that sort of thing but the whole area around the hartley is really coming together and we were so excited to show you all of these trees kind of close up so for reference i'm like six one yeah how many of me can you stack on top quite a number yeah so is it do you think it's somewhere between 30 and 40 feet tall probably yeah it's a tall tree it is i do see one branch that we need to like grab a pole pruner and either like i don't know if it's broken or if we need to just kind of fluff it down it's going to relax in fact nathan the owner of the lad tree farm that's where these came from he was like just let the wind work on it a little bit and it will kind of relax down um because yeah they kind of it takes them a minute think about like our locust trees how we are like constantly pruning them every year yeah they keep the canopies keep getting lower and lower and we're just constantly trimming all the stuff that's you know hitting our head i really think that after a year or two the canopy is going to fill out and it's going to get heavy um and we may even need to trim some some low branches as they kind of come down on us yeah and i know it looks kind of weird how it's planted but we actually are putting a step down into this area so we're working on the contour of the space and we have a garden uh kind of thing planned for around this tree to marry it to this area holy moly did that add a huge amount to this garden space like i cannot even believe it oh and then when we add another one right here the thing is we want to make sure that the trunk is over far enough for the next tree that we add in to where we can still see i really love her placement i love to be able to see the hartley and look past see he be kind of tucked in there so we'll want the next tree to be like right in here but far enough out that it's not going to compete with the canopy of the redbud that's looking absolutely glorious still so pretty it is starting to lose its blooms though so we'll enjoy it for a few more days or until we get a nice stiff windstorm okay i'm just moving around so that i can show you different angles here so here's the versailles garden and if we swing around sorry i go slow so i don't make any of you sick look at that oh it's so pretty and let's go this direction it's just so nice that there's something tall back there and big see the whole area around the hartley has been graded and leveled minus this is the one thing we kept the avatar blue spruce look at that now the canopy so the trunk is straight the canopy lens this way um and that could be because you know a couple of the branches had to come off the back side where the truck was but everything will will write itself over time oh it's so beautiful and i love it in relation to the chicken coop as well i think it looks really good right there everyone was really careful with my pal walkway of all things i told everyone you can just pull it up i'll just build a new one it's cheap but here it is it still exists and they just basically leveled and graded from that point forward we still have things that we have to pick up they actually just finished and loaded up the skid steer earlier today so here's the trunk look at this thing like this trunk i think what did he say 15 inch yeah 15 inch caliper yeah erin can you explain the staking system because i'm not sure that i actually saw that really close up well he said to keep it on for about a year the way that they anchor it is it's kind of like a like a molly anchor where they drive it into the ground about three or four feet or so with a rod so they pound it in then they just pull the rod up but the anchor is still in there and as you pull on it it like it kind of flips and then there's a bunch of surface area pulling against the soil so it can't go anywhere he was like they'll never come out the only way you could get them out is if you dug down three feet and actually pull them out russell hey hey go do that to a different tree that's not tender bud so he was saying after they've been on for a year or two and you feel comfortable with you know the tree being here i feel like for us maybe two years yeah he goes you can get some bolt cutters and just cut it and then just leave the rest of it into the ground because you really don't want to be digging down right you know because the roots hopefully will be around it at that point well i don't know i mean because these are out quite a ways i feel very confident with the way this is anchored into the ground yeah it's not going anywhere no well you can see as we get closer up to the trunk it's just like this is um drip tube this is centennial half inch drip tip oh really yeah so this isn't even like a soft rubber it's just a plastic our drip tube plastic with ropes around it right there look at that tree that is like majestic this is a majestic tree i love it and the fun part about this one too not only you know the size being so amazing but it will provide bright red color in the fall which i'm really looking forward to and it shouldn't produce the little helicopters he said this one never has in his yard so we shouldn't have that to deal with i also have an avalanche birch near it which is bright yellow in the fall so that will be beautiful and then we have an october glory maple very nearby as well so we'll have yellow color with the red bud red with this one yellow with the golden rain tree yellow with the birch and then we have the october glory which is a lot of orange mostly orange a little bit of red which is beautiful okay we're gonna go to the next tree and here it is right there that is a norway spruce isn't it gorgeous ugh so these right here they can grow upwards of 60 feet tall 25 foot spread which honestly 25 foot spread we can handle if it got 60 feet tall i would love it it would be so amazing i'm going to go out here so i can show you the view from the driveway erin wanted me to be sure to show you the boxwoods they're still here they need to come out they need to come out so bad yeah i agree i agree that these need to come out right here those look pretty bad like this run maybe some of those i don't know okay let me run down this way oh okay well this is a pretty view hawthorne royalty crab apple lilac leyland cypress willow got a lot of beautiful things right now okay so we're looking down from the driveway point of view here now we did position it over this way because we kind of anticipated that these will come out and we're going to create a new entrance we're going to keep the arbor so no worries there it just might i don't even know that we'll move it necessarily but anyway around it will probably change a little bit but we wanted to start making a really thick nice border uh so that was what we started with we felt like that was a really good centerpiece plant and honestly i actually stood in the house while erin stood out here and then we switched spots and we both kind of just walked around while the other one looked from different windows in the house to decide the best placement for this tree because it's likely that we're not going to probably add more big trees anytime soon so we wanted to get the placement just right so anyway we like it it really provides a really beautiful backdrop to the garden from the windows that we're at the most inside the house and as we go in here you can see that the gravel has been for the most part scraped up we're going to need to bring in some big time compost to work into the soil and we do need to still do a little bit of cleanup on the bottom of the spruce which this this happens when you know they're because they have to get the tree to within eight feet eight feet wide to be road legal so of course the wider branches kind of suffer a little bit more at the bottom which is not a big deal i just love the structure of these so much these just scream christmas lights well yeah we i think we should do the old school like big bulb lights on this one like the charlie brown yes so much yes okay i just wanted to give you kind of a view around the back side of it because remember we used to have gravel all the way up to here this is actually one of the guys trucks that just came and picked up the skid steer so i imagine that'll be gone within the next couple hours or so but you can see right beneath it all the gravel there is gone we've also been working pretty hard back here this is kind of a side note but i'll show real quick what's been going on we're gonna probably i mean we'll save some of these things exactly where they're at but we might shift some things around but paul has actually been working on this back here so this is all compost where we planted all these trees and it's all on top of cardboard so we didn't remove any of the grass what i did is i came along with a paint gun and just painted out a rough line of where the flower beds could be and then paul's coming along and he's just cutting or laying the cardboard to match that line and we're saving all the perennials and stuff along the back we're just keeping everything where it is and then he comes in with a thick layer of compost over the top of all of it it's looking so good but boy it's opened up now that the fence the white fence is gone right here we do plan on giving you a full garden tour here very soon so i'll go into more detail about some of this but let's head up to the third tree do you see it blue spruce to replace the one that fell over and it is so beautiful you know i didn't even realize how much i missed it until this one was here oh i just love it so much this is such a nice tree it is and i was just saying how i didn't realize like when you lose something big like that in the garden you kind of don't want to you know you can't cry over spilled milk right right so you just kind of move on and i was like well i kind of like the open view yeah can you make the best of it right until you put it back and you're like oh yep nope this is better right so much better but you can see on this one uh some pruning went on down on the lower level um because the machine kind of does rough up the bottom a tad but oh it is so gorgeous now this is just a straight up colorado blue spruce this one will get quite large like they can get 30 feet wide maybe even wider in some cases which i would welcome i mean we could just limit up yeah over the garden that's here the other one was planted in roughly the same spot i think i want to say it was just a hair closer to you um yeah like somewhere in this area it's kind of hard to remember but it is i think it was a little bit closer yeah i think you're right but oh i just love that it provides a little bit of privacy because you know our house is right here and as you're driving up the lane you know you just had a clear shot right to the house and to the hartley back there and now it's your view is just stopped a little bit and it's not that i necessarily want to block the view but i do like every garden having its own room like its own space so that it's not just one big giant space that there's a little bit of mystery i mean the garden i grew up in my parents garden if you've seen one one of those tours we've done a few tours there it's all terraced every little space is like a cozy little room and of course their garden is 30 plus years old there's a lot of big mature things which i'm hoping one day we have that kind of feel where we're planting lots of trees and things but um anyway i don't know where i was going with that other than the fact that i like the tree there and it makes it feel like it's more of a room inside instead of just open for all to see grass is looking good erin yes okay so as we approach it just kind of blocks off the front part of that garden i mean you can still see the hartley shining like a beacon back there but this tree just provides so much weight and so much interest and it's going to be so pretty in the winter time and for scale are you standing there for scale oh maybe four of you so 25 feet ish roughly amazing and right next to it we've got a june snow dogwood the uh whatever uh locust trees the one that aaron cabled together that's the second one in is doing great this one's doing well two we've got a very old mulberry right behind me go this way there's a birch and ash just need to do a tree tour around here one of these days as far as it goes for the moving process on something like this now i don't know if it is true for every single variety that they grow but i showed you when we were there at malad tree farm that they go in in the spring and root prune a lot of things and they go out like four feet from the trunk and they just kind of cut in a circle and what that does is kind of stuns the tree a little bit keeps it in check and then also makes it a little bit more move-ready should that tree sell and they need to move it and then when a tree sells so like when we were out there and we picked out the three that are now in our garden he said he was going to go back out that very day and prune them again and then he lets them sit for a little bit like he started to install the trees the following week so they were then pruned again and then the day before like this is the first one that came they came out with their truck and they dug the hole so that was all they did on that day they came dug the hole they actually had to call digline prior to that and they also kind of sized up the other two areas where we wanted the other trees then they went back they prepped this tree which he said it took about five hours three guys to get everything tied up because they hand tie all the branches and then they go out in the morning the next morning dig it bring it right over here and then they plop it down in the hole and they're all out there with shovels around it because you know while the digger digs the exact same thing you know the hole is the same size as the root ball that then comes to fill it there's still loose soil around it they pack it in really well they water it in they add a bunch of like liquid mycorrhizae and he does a drench with that then he deep waters it then they do all the cabling all the staking it's really quite an amazing process so when they were done planting this one they went and dug the hole that day for the next one which was the norway spruce and then they went out prepped that tree and brought that one the next day so i mean it was quite a bit of driving for them because they were coming from you know 45 minutes away anyway it was just quite a fascinating thing to see done and something i never even knew was possible really he did say the maple tree was probably one of the hardest ones he's ever had to move and he was saying that we should probably be extra diligent with our deep watering and our root stimulator so we're going to be as diligent as we can be and we'll be able to show you through tours um how things are going this summer i mean it's pretty harsh here but he's he's done this for 35 years and he's pretty confident in the whole process so that always makes you feel good too i mean especially when you're putting something so large in your space but oh just i'm looking around here like oh i can't even believe that uh it looks like it's that's just here like it's been here forever also right after they installed this blue spruce how high of winds did we get that night the gusts well was that the same one that knocked down the the trees in the centuries in the cemetery yeah so it was enough to knock down trees in town like big ones i don't know what yeah they were old i'm sure but um i don't know like 40 50 mile an hour gusts yeah somewhere around there i lost sleep that night but the tree looked exactly the same in the morning so staking worked the tree seems happy where it's at i'm pretty confident after watching how those cam locks go in like i'm pretty confident these trees aren't aren't going anywhere so anyway that is pretty much it for this video we just wanted to show you what we were able to capture of the process and then show you where they ended up in the garden and just kind of talk about it because it's such an exciting thing if you guys have questions please leave them in the comment section below and we will do our best to answer them in the recap video and the recap videos for the next little while you know we put out it's kind of like a question and answer video we put those out once a week on sundays on our garden answer highlights channel it'll be a little hit and miss probably for the next month or so because we've had such a weird spring and so much rain that a lot of our projects have been pushed out and we're going to have to squeeze a lot into a shorter time frame so it's likely our recaps may not come out on the same day or maybe at all some of the weeks so anyway we'll do our best so to answer questions we have a really nice relationship with the owner owner of malad tree farm so we can ask him questions anytime and he's very good about answering and kind of explaining everything so anyway thank you guys so much for watching this is just such an exciting day such an exciting thing for our garden and it's huge i mean yeah we just right here i don't know how many years of growth right here that just went into the garden but a tremendous amount and it just it changes the landscape so i couldn't be more thrilled and i know aaron is super duper excited because trees are his thing trees and the grass they are kind of two of his passions so it's really fun to see him during this whole process and watch him with the guys and anyway yeah that's it see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 257,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: wkaAJbOZTjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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