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what's going on guys it's Eric Piccione I am going  to the gym right now it is May 14th it's Tuesday   and I uh usually it's like a four or five minute  walk to the the old gym complex right here been   doing not the best job documenting a lot of stuff  I just just get I get into a routine I just don't   feel like recording every moment of my life but  I'll go do a quick workout try to get some videos   and then I'll do a longer form in a second but uh  yeah we'll uh get some updates going in terms of   what we're up to and where we're going what we're  doing all that fun stuff so God bless all right   so just finished the workout apologies if I'm a  little out of breath I just just got done uh it   was a hour and a half roughly and my God it was a  humbling exercise or humbling workout day I used   to do only weights and only until today I started  getting back into more body weight stuff like   calisthenics and holy moly I am done I did uh I am  done I did uh squats was 125 kilos for eight reps   for three sets and then deadlift same weight  125 for8 three sets and then instead of doing   another barbell set I went to a dumbbell Rose  it was like 25 kilos for eight reps I used to   be a big guy on ego lifting where I would just  grab as much weight as I possibly could and just   it would be ugly but I would get the Reps done and  I'm very much done with that where I'm just trying   to get good quality reps every time uh dumbbell  Rose and then I went to flch push-ups so instead   of you doing push-ups right about shoulder width  and chest height you put your your hands by your   waist and your thumbs point up and I mean I could  I could probably get 80 or 100 push-ups in a row   but I could I barely get 10 at once uh with plch  style I mean I could I could probably rep out a   couple more but the importance that I'm trying to  focus on is less on just as many reps as possible   and just getting as many good reps as I can 10  rep seems to be a comfortable range right now and   I went went right into handstand push-ups so super  setting that which is right after you're done with   push-ups you do I did handstand push-ups I haven't  done these in so long and I I think I used to get   like 8 to 10 in a row I believe at one point I  could get like 15 handstand push-ups in a row   if I was really fresh but my goodness I could get  four maybe four and and then the next set I got   three and the next set I got like one and then  did one again so to say I my shoulders are done   this an understatement my shoulders are freaking  gone and next time what I'll do is I'll start with   handstand push-ups after my deadlifts or after my  row my like dumbbell row go right into handstand   push-ups and and then I'll do pull-ups as a uh  or chinups chinups are where you have your palms   facing you and then I'll go into push-ups like PL  push-ups where my hands are pointed to the side   so that way I'm I'm starting my upper body with  the heaviest and hardest exercise and then going   into other exercises that are a little bit more  possible for reps so we'll see and then I finished   with AB wheel roll outs I didn't get it on film  CU I was already in survival mode just trying to   make it through the exercise and then I did F  I would do five reps of ab wheel rollouts and   only focusing on engaging the core the whole time  because if you don't use good form you could do 50   wheels and none of them will be worth your  time cuz you're not actually engaging the the   core and then right after that I did 30 second of  Superman hold so you have your arms you're laying   on your stomach you have your arms up in front  of you and you lift your legs off the ground   as well so I was I was uh done but uh it was a  good workout now I'm just walking in the park   and I will uh I don't know I'll think of something  else to talk about but all good things check back   in so I just wanted to add on to what I was  talking about earlier with like workout stuff   not that it matters maybe someone here will enjoy  this information I I find it interesting and it   was it's kind of crazy because you I I I do  this often where I'll have my mind made up   about something and then I'll just decide against  it eventually in the future so for example I used   to be all just like I'm only going to use weights  when I go to the gym and that's all I'll do and   whatever but the more I the more I lift the less  I want to feel like a gorilla where I can't fit   through doors like that's less and less appealing  to me I'd rather have whatever you want to call it   functional strength where I can pull myself up do  you know muscle ups or hand uh handle my own body   weight instead of just like I don't want to call  it artificial weight but like I feel like it's a   lot more um you have a lot more control when you  do calisthenics and move your body as the weight   versus just weights in general where you know you  lay on a ground on the ground and you strictly   just press it off your chest I don't know if  that's as functional of a strength as being   able to do like awkward pushups where the weight  distribution is off and you have to engage your   core a lot more like I'll tell you right now my  my my core is a lot more sore today than it has   been in months of me doing exercises strictly with  weights in the gym and it's it's a lot harder to   do calisthenics but I think the the benefits are  immensely more helpful than just throwing on some   heavy weight and just getting big and bulky and  not being in good shape but just looking big you   know I'd rather feel good and miss out on a little  bit of extra like muscle growth than be this uh   uh big dude that can't can't do five push-ups in  a row to save his life so I don't know something   that I'm thinking through but I'm uh good news  actually I'll I'll tell you in a second so   nothing's finalized yet so I don't want to  count my chickens before they hatch but my   wife and I have potentially found the apartment  that we want like our Dream apartment if you will   it fits within our budget it's the right size it's  close enough to my wife's family it's actually in   the exact same building so it's just down a couple  flights of stairs so it literally couldn't be   closer we can throw a rock and hit their their  play so it's close enough it's spacious enough   the lights the lighting is good even all the way  down to like where the windows are placed and   how the the Sun hits the the the unit you know  light goes all the way through because it rises   and sets all in the path of where the windows  are which is great because a lot of the other   apartments we saw while they were great A lot of  them were already renovated the the it was very   dark or there was it wasn't big enough it was  too expensive or there weren't Windows facing   the park where our water would be playing so it  didn't make a ton of sense for us to be there and   yeah so God willing we can pull the trigger on  this apartment we'll see but uh we're going to   go see it on Thursday so we'll see how that goes  and uh yeah a couple other updates I'll give you   guys in a second here is the the promised lands  it's uh right off the path of where I usually walk   so of course as I finish some exercise I just  cancel it all out by going to grab a bite at   the popular Russian McDonald's or what I would  consider a better version of McDonalds actually   one more big update this is uh probably the  biggest one is we are no longer planning on   keeping our house in Cincinnati because we're  running the numbers and we have to earn quite   a lot from an Airbnb or short-term rental in order  for us to for us to even break even and make $0 so   that plus the fact that I just got an email that  our monthly payment for the house went up another   $300 due to you know increases in property taxes  and insurance which is understandable but given   the fact that in the past 6 or 7 months the total  monthly payment has gone up another $500 5 to $700   uh I think 700 actually all in just makes it not  even feasible to keep or want to keep and I can   only imagine other people how how they're handling  it I know it's not just us it's there's so many   people out there that just got an out ofth blue  increase in payments so to us it just doesn't make   any sense to hold on to it anymore so we're going  to go ahead and just say the hell with it we're   going to sell off our property God willing we can  get rid of it in the next 3 to four months that   would be insane if we're able to do that I would  love that but you know whatever God wants for us   he'll make happen but we're uh we've got like  a week to to get all of our stuff move out and   sell off as much as we can and then it's really  just going to be up in the air in terms of what   our realtor does or what he wants to do with the  the property I think we might have an estate sale   I have no idea but it's um you know it's not an  easy decision because it's a house and you know   you want someone to come somewhere to come back  to in the States and it's not like we're burning   any and all bridges we do have a house in Texas  that we're still keeping that one makes sense   for us to keep but when you look at the overall  investment of both both States uh or properties   rather I just I can't see a reasonable argument  as to keep a property that's going to cost you a   couple hundred or couple thousand dollars a month  versus just get rid of it and then have peace of   mind knowing that you're you're good like you're  in the clear so that's what I would prefer that's   what I would want and that's what I think my wife  and I are going to do just to simplify cuz to me   the the the price to have peace of mind is worth  way more than making potentially making a couple   hundred bucks a month other than that I mean just  bullet point items we've been here a little over   a month and a half now still as happy as can be I  mean all of our needs are met we're we live simple   lives and we we've already gone to a couple shows  some movies got all of our our documents in order   we're just in a in a Groove now I mean it's  simple like usually we'll we'll hang out do   something in the morning go to a park and then  right around the afternoon I'll start working that's pretty much it I mean it's uh it's i'  I'd much rather this schedule right now cuz I   can get some stuff done in the morning and like  tomorrow I'm going to to get a pedicure cuz you   know I've never really done that in the in the uh  States and I've I've played Sports my whole life   so my feet are I'm hoping to save them before  they they get really messed up but yeah I mean   it's it's a nice place I don't I don't have  anything really negative to say about it I think   there's plenty of people that are curious about  how I see this country see Russia and it's you   know it's just any other place to live it's it's  a place that I feel if you have a strong sense of   Traditional Values or if you want something out of  a country that knows knows who they are believes   that everyone has their responsibilities and that  everyone has their their roles in the family then   I think this is a great place for you and I mean  if if I had to pick up something on the more   negative side I mean the only thing I can think  of out of everything for what I find important is   the the buildings aren't extremely uh extravagant  and they're not built with all glass windows all   the way around the the building you know you can  build a modern home and make it look amazing but   your traditional house or apartment isn't going to  look as fancy or spectacular as in the States but   that said the build quality is exceptionally  better where I have I'm not used to having   walls made of pure brick or concrete and it's it's  great for me because I work from home so when my   daughter is burning the house down and having a  tantrum I can barely hear her and my wife is you   know they're in like the next room so it's just  weird to me because all of our houses are built   with like plywood or or um sheetrock there we go  geez so the houses are made the walls are made of   sheetrock and sometimes you might have something  in the middle you know really nice build quality   might have something additional but majority of  the time if they're built quickly it's built with   like basic pieces of wood maybe some plywood  and sheetrock and and that's the the bulk of   your walls and then yeah you might have some brick  on the outside or some siding uh and that's about   it but your modern houses your your standard new  homes in in the states aren't really built that   well I mean I don't I don't know much about the  new quality here either but all the homes built 15   20 years ago in Russia are fantastically built and  I haven't really run into any major noise issues   or challenges the insulation great like my parent  or my my parents my wife's parents country house   is very well insulated and you know it was built  by hand too but it was it it feels great you know   we don't go often in the winter but we just went  this weekend and it was it was perfect so that was   something noticeable the uh the buildings don't  look fantastic on the outside but at the end of   the day I don't really care I mean as long as it's  built well on the inside that's that's really what   matters and then apart from that the the one  thing I would say that's a bit shocking in the   in the beginning is there is a little bit more  trash than I'm used to seeing out in like some   of the streets not all um it's not as perfectly  spotless as as you know Moscow or St Petersburg   might be but I'm not saying from the standpoint  of trash like yeah there are people that throw   trash and litter and stuff which is whatever  but more in the standpoint of it's the weather   conditions are a little bit different since it  snows so often there's just there's more dirt   sand dust laying around and it it might not feel  as squeaky clean so you might not want to walk   around in like perfectly shiny white shoes all the  time um honestly that's I mean that is the bulk of   what I can think of as far as like negatives but  if you can look past that um I and it's whatever   if that's the price you pay to live in a country  that makes you feel much better living here than   so be it but there's right now I can show you  there's got to be 50 people at this park like   exercising and hanging out so it's just fun fun  to be here there's a I'll have to I'll have to   throw my my soccer cleats on one day and uh go  to I hope this lady doesn't think I'm filming her   but I'll throw my soccer cats on and go to this uh  little soccer field let me turn the camera around   so nice little uh soccer pitch it's nothing fancy  like I said just you know sand and little indoor   or covered protected area for playing soccer  should be fun I want to throw on some cat one   day and kick the ball around but uh yeah it's a  nice little place spend couple days a week here   just out out walking around but uh go hang out  with the family and I'll update you guys in a second thank you so imagine that there's a that's the park we  just came from there's the exercise station look   at that there's another Park uh oh look at this  there's a whole Amusement Center amusement park   as well there's like games on every corner there's  a little uh a ferris wheel there's a bouncy house   or slides carousels you name it little sand pit I  mean I I'd love to see cities where there's just   Amusement Parks Galore and just just about every  major or every uh City in other countries I I call   me uncultured they just it's just new to me but uh  I don't know is this common for other countries to   have just amusement parks everywhere like it's  just it's in the middle of the it's not even in   the city it's just it's outside of the the main  city center but there's uh there's a lot of just   cool things you can check out when you're out here  so are there other cities in Russia that has this   does every city in Russia have this I'm curious to  to hear what's going on there's also a little uh   wouldn't call it an obstacle course but little  zipline like area where they can walk on the platforms yeah it's really cool really cool a  little mini zoo petting zoo you got couple uh   couple animals in there never been there but  just just really interesting to have so many   options available there a little uh bumper cars I  believe over there it's really cool and then you   got a nice pretty pretty view a pretty walkway  uh I want to say the entire trail goes for 2 or   3 kmet just every which way it's really really  cool there's there's a lot to do in the city and   this isn't even the main city center so if you  ever get super bored you could always go to the   main square or main city and just you know find  some something else to do but yeah I'll uh show   you a couple other things in a second right over  there that wild berries is the Amazon equivalent   of Russian products you can buy same thing and  they would deliver it to to wild berries there's   also a Zone which is more accessible for us  for us we seem to find more variety through   o on than wild berries and it's also closer but  they're both the same concept where you buy and   then they can deliver it to you but in many cases  I would just send it right to that building and   then you can walk you know it's like a five five  or so minute walk to get to to where you need   to go this is a popular grocery store bka it's  a really nice grocery store it's got all the   essentials there's a couple others that are  closer but that's the sports complex there's   a soccer field and a couple smaller little areas  to play play um Sports outside and then on the   indoor there's a volleyball court basketball court  gym it's a nice little complex there's um I'll get   to it in a second but there's a schw the place  if you can see that little chicken sign that's   uh I think they're 24 hours or very close to 24  hours I go there very frequently if the other   scha place is closed so here we are that's one  chicken Stop store we got 13 seconds this is my   other actually favorite TR in the place in Russia  and then there's a pharmacy there's what's called   magnet which is your basic grocery store as well  open 24 hours go to another one down the corner   but there's another PKA over there which we'll H  to in a second there's a uh little open produce   section by the way just wanted to show that but  there's a pharmacy there's a believe a massuse   that lives upstairs and they give massagers and  all that good stuff there's a little Cosmetics   store over there uh if you want tobacco products  you go to The Bu so yeah little bit of everything   there's a little water station if you wanted to  get some like purified water but usually you can   get uh believe a water filtration system set up on  your in your own FL here's the other Toka there's   it's like a supermarket if you will where there's  just a lot of different stores that you can go   to there's a Zone that's inside this building  and you can grab your products that you order   they'll have it set up in the in the shop usually  it's like a 1 to 3 day delivery to get it from   from when you order another Pharmacy there's  a flower shop I believe if I'm not uh mistaken   hopefully the the the Russian viewers will correct  me here but I believe that's what that would be   there's another flower shop over there spiy uh  another grocery store right there and let's see   this is the bake B that I like this this Bakery is  fantastic they have something called Chi which is   the greatest product of food I've ever seen uh I  don't think I can see it in there no I don't see   it they've got like little pizzas and burgers  and there's a there's like the the Savory side   and then the sweet side over here but it's um  was a bit loud but chori is or chori is a pastry   or some some light fried bread with meat on the  inside like a thin layer of beef oh my gosh it is   oh it is it is fantastic ftic there's um there's  a handful of items that I genuine I I love and   that is one of them so I could I could probably  eat eight to 10 of those a day um but it's it's   very filling and they have these um not there  but in in some grocery stores there's this it's a   cottage cheese bar I believe it's Alexander vorig  some it's like the brand name name is Alexander   something um I forget the exact brand I'll have  to pull it up but it's this cottage cheese filling   with usually chocolate on the outside some brands  or some some of their versions will have like a   thin cookie like a Biscoff cookie almost with  raspberry or strawberry filling on top and it's   all covered in chocolate oh my gosh and the thing  here that's really nice is the cottage cheese is   actually filling and it tastes it's it's it's like  a natural taste so you actually you know you're   it doesn't feel like you're just eating water  with like a little piece of cottage cheese you   it's like a very dense thick um product or dairy  product same with the milk and the cheese it's   it's got a very completely different taste like  the milk here is actually natural and genuinely   organic um which is it's it's crazy to say but  I was over I'd gone over 20 years of my life   without actually tasting genuine milk and all the  versions I've had before were just watered down   versions of milk um and they also last a lot less  like the shelf life is shorter because they're not   put a they don't put a bunch of preservatives  into it so instead of the milk lasting like two   to three weeks you can have milk that lasts you  know a couple days but the also the quantity or   the volume of the milk isn't as big so you go to  the grocery store more often and you know you'll   make more frequent trips as uh as you buy products  from the grocery store and it's very common to to   walk from the grocery store so you'll very often  be grabbing like one or two grocery bags and one   thing that's really nice with that is they're  they're actually strong so when you make a trip   from the grocery store to your house the bags are  actually meant to last so they're a lot more like   tough material which I appreciate and by the way  here's another grocery store pharmacy area so if   there wasn't enough for you there's an abundant of  them but uh yeah that is those are all the major   updates I can think of at this current point in  time maybe I'll think of one or two others but I   appreciate you watch my rambling walk walk around  my neighborhood I tried to give you guys some of   the the highlights but if you have any questions  let me know happy to answer in the comments thank   you for watching um hit some hit some buttons  subscribe like comment all that fun stuff   that that definitely helps me out tremendously  maybe share it with someone that's open to the   concept of moving to Russia or considering it you  know it's not nearly as bad as people make it out   to see in the media and maybe if I can help  one person just get a different perspective   then my my goal has been hit and I'm also making  this channel to document my Pro process through   life just so I have something to look back on  with my family and I'm trying to film as many   things as that I find interesting as possible and  you know that's the core mission of this channel   there's no one wi direction that I want to take  it it's more just things that I find interesting   and hopefully you guys find it interesting too  so thank you so much God bless and stay tuned
Channel: Eric Piccione
Views: 35,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sDdGloDqCaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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