Check-Check! 3 Ways to Make the Most Popular Fried Rice in Ghana @bezalea

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hello everyone a warm welcome back to my channel I hope everybody is doing well by God's grace I'm going to be sharing with you today this delicious delicious street food in Ghana we call it cck check okay so cze Che is basically Fried Rice Street fried rice in Ghana and it is made like C Che I don't know why it's called check check but yeah if you know why it's actually called check check let me know down in the the comment below but I think it's because of the way they put the things together the ingredients are few they are not as many so join me and I'll show you how I'm going to start by steaming my chicken okay so I have some onion garlic ginger and some an and rosemary that I've Blended and I'm going to use that to steam this chicken right so what I'm going to be doing today is to be making all the element of check check cuz when you buy check check it comes with fried chicken and then you buy other things so the other things that you would normally buy that is what I'll be making right so whilst our chicken is steaming we're going to be cutting our salad which is another component of check check okay so I'm cutting here some lettuce I'll grade some carrots and cut some eggs at this point the eggs were still boiling so they were not ready to be cut right so once that is done I'll start cutting my other ingredients for the fried rice itself or for the check check itself the ingredients are few the vegetables are very few so we are going authentic fried rice we not adding a lot of vegetables beer just carrots and spring onions okay so cutting carrots into small cubes or dicing them can be a bit tricky so I'm just showing you how you can easily cut them okay so a few cuts and you know what I how you know things are going on right okay so once that is done we'll cut the spring onions okay so there spring onions I'll just cut them anyway you can slice them you can just cut them as I'm doing it right now I cut off the head and what I'm going to be doing to to separate the white bit of the spring onions from the green bit of the spring onions the green baits will be used as some sort of garnishing okay so at the end I'll sprinkle a few and the white baits will go in with the carrots okay so sausage is an additional ingredient that you can buy on top of the standard check check okay so I'm cutting some here and you can cut them in small cubes just like the carrot or you can cut them as I'm doing that this today this how I want it okay so I'll set that aside and then another um ingredient will be your corn beef an additional one you have to buy okay so I have some soy sauce that I'll be using I have garlic and ginger that I have Blended together or grated actually I have some chili flakes just in case anybody want it salad cream I have some ketchup and then I have some mayonnaise for the salad okay so now my eggs are ready and I'm going to just slice them into nice circles that's all I'm going to be doing and then I'll add it to my salad as you see me do now okay I also have some old rice okay this was spiled the day before okay and then I have some eggs for the fried rice okay for eggs KRA fra okay all right so next let's move on to Preparing the chicken um for frying okay so I have some here some cornflour and then corn starch or corn flour I'm adding it some black pepper ground black pepper garlic powder or garlic Gran some chicken seasoning and salt to it I'll mix that together and then I'll use it to coat my chicken so I'm going to coat my chicken lightly okay not a lot at all right I nearly forgot my salt but I remembered thank God anyway so yeah mix everything together and then um you're going to be sort of coating all the chicken with it before frying make sure it's already coated so that once you start frying you just go so here I tell to mix mix it thoroughly with my fingers okay because that small spoon was not doing the trick for me right so coat all the chicken and then we go on to Fred after frying then we fry our fried rice okay then we fry our rice to make it fried rice and so my oil has been heating for a bit and then I'm dropping my chicken I'm trying not to overcrowd the chicken and once you drop your chicken in don't stir it leave it to fry for about 10 minutes before you put your your your spoon inside okay so it took me about I don't know how long it took me to fry but you know when it's you see that it's nice and golden like this then you take it out because the chicken has already been steamed I steamed the chicken for 15 minutes before frying so so it's not like we are now cooking the chicken it's already been cooked we just making it look crunchy and nice okay so I'm dropping the last batch in and then we'll move on to Frying our rice to make fried rice so I'm adding vegetable oil to my walk okay and and we're going to be frying so here goes in my carrot just a little bit of carrot Che the commercial check check they don't add a lot of carrots they don't make it po like the way we do we add peas we add green pepper we add red pepper no it's just just two ingredients simple I just added my ginger and garlic paste a minute ago and I'm now adding my eggs okay the ginger and garlic paste does the trick your food will be yumilicious delicious forever so so please don't omit that I don't I'm not sure the commercial people add it but then if they do fine if they don't please add it to your own at home okay I've added my rice okay and the reason why I'm using a laddle or a little is to punch the rice and break the rice Char let's let's learn properly we are learning from the Chinese people who do fried rice and they use a ladle so please let's use Ladle to punch the rice properly so that it can break apart right and you fry it and you need hot you need heat not hot heat actually hot heat some heat hot some heat you can touch it with your fingers so hot heat it means that let your flame be high and you fry the rice we are not steaming the rice we are frying rice okay um my bre anyway let's continue so this is the second one the same ingredients and here I'm adding my sausages right so this today we are doing it three ways okay three ways the simple way is what I've just done the standard one is what I we just did and this is when you who is K you have a little money you want to buy sausages okay so once you you stir fry the vegetables and the Sausages you just push it aside and then you add your egg one egg po only one egg unless the customer want to buy an additional egg then you you add two I just drop in my ginger and garlic paste right and now my rice goes in you see how the rice has all become one then you this is where your the back of your Ladle becomes very useful okay you use it to punch punch punch and break it and it breaks easily and when your your heat or your fire is hot it's high it just fries nicely and you smell it the smell the aroma that comes out of this fried rice and you love it okay just added my soy sauce and then look at it nice and ready very beautiful it's just incredible nice so number three we're going on to fry the corn beef okay so the same ingredients I've just added it right trying to reduce the length of this video and here I've added the egg to the corn beef okay so this is where I'm going to fry that gently I was trying not to break it I wanted to see chunks of the corn beef in the fried rice at the end okay but then it got to some points my brother my sister I was punching remember that punching yes I was punching and I think I forgot myself I got carried away with the punching and then everything mixed up and it all broke so doesn't matter the corn beef will still be there so no problem right so I've added the um spring onions for garnishing as I said and that is it it is all done it's very easy and very simple and this is it that I've now served nicely with our chicken and then with our all the com ninis that come with the salad right so this was very enjoyable my kids loved it it was amazing I ate the chicken and the salad because they didn't like it and then of course don't forget your sh okay so everybody I'm very grateful to you all for coming don't forget to like this video If you do actually like the video and share it if you think it will be useful to somebody I'm grateful to you all God bless you and I definitely definitely see you in the next one by the way the plate you know the way the rice was saved I saw it somewhere and I copied it copy and paste is always good so please copy all right bye
Channel: Bezalea:God&Food
Views: 28,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cu96hg7qZeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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