Cheating My Way To VICTORY

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Hey Hi Howdy and Hello Friends, Wickedy  here trying out something a little different  Today I’ve given myself a little challenge,   and am going to complete the community center ONLY  using glitches, exploits, and game manipulations. Well, Wickedy, you say, that’s easy! Just buy a  bunch of chickens with item codes in their names!  Okay, yeah, I COULD do that as I play on  PC, but that’d be way too easy. Being that   I’m going to only use items for the community  center found through more questionable means,   I’m throwing down a TON of restrictions for  myself too. This is a challenge after all. With that, I’m not allowing  myself to do almost anything   legitimately unless there is some sort of caveat. So, let’s go over the glitches, exploits,  and game manipulations I’ll be using. First, we have the name glitch with item codes.  I’m only using this on myself and my pet,   for items that will be useful but not  used in the community center. I’m not   allowing myself to sell these things either. Chair Access allows us to access places  we wouldn't be able to without upgrades,   so that’s on the list. Out of bounds. This glitch will be used to let  me access different areas I wouldn’t otherwise,   like the quarry and summit, the train station  before summer, and the mines during days 1-4. Wallpapers! Okay, this has mostly  been patched for specific things,   like using a certain wallpaper for a galaxy sword,  or dinosaur egg. But there are actually quite a   few wallpapers that act as items in the community  center, and they still work so I’ll be using them. Gift Manipulation. There are quite a few items  you can get for the community center as a gift   in the mail from quite a few people, I’ll  be focusing on these 6. When they send me   a gift in the mail and it’s not something  I need, I reset the day until it is. I’m   also going to be gift manipping the gift  I get at the Feast of the Winter Star too. Tuesday Special! I classify this  as a game manipulation where you   can access Robin’s shop when she’s  walking by on Tuesday. I decided   to only be able to sell/buy from her  when I wouldn't normally be able to. And with that, I’m using the Rainy Day  method for Willy’s shop too. He doesn’t   work on Saturdays unless you use a rain  totem the previous day or it’s raining on   Saturday. With that, I decided I’m only  able to sell fish on a rainy Saturday. I’m also going to be doing clay farming for  money, strategic day resets as needed, using   the first fish catch guarantee on a harder fish,  using geode farming to help with museum donations,   collecting resins without tapping any trees,  and assure that I only harvest gold crops.  Now, what am I allowed to do and not do? Well  for one, I can’t ship anything. I can only   sell items directly to a shopkeeper, Robin  on Tuesdays and Willy on rainy Saturdays. I can’t buy anything from any of your standard  shopkeepers apart from items that help me with   my glitches, so chairs, wallpaper catalog,  woodchippers, the telephone, and backpack   upgrades because that’s the one upgrade I don’t  think I can live without. I can buy one sunflower   seed from jojamart on a Wednesday, because it’s  cheaper than Pierre and he’s closed that day,   and I can buy omni geodes and honey from Sandy.  I’m mainly going to be making any purchases from   the traveling merchant, but only items I need for  the community center and nothing else. Same with   the desert trader. Any seeds I get from the museum  are free to use as I can get them as an award for   using items found from glitches and manips, and  I’m allowing myself the free 15 parsnip seeds too. So, that means I can’t buy  any seeds, upgrade any tools,   build any buildings, or buy any chickens  from Marnie to name for more items. I can’t craft anything if it’s going to help  me make money, so no machinery or whatever,   and all resources I use for anything needs  to be found in an area I accessed only by   glitching or using a manipulation. I also  decided I’m not going to allow myself to meet   the wizard unless it’s through the witches'  hut, which I have a method for, and I won’t   be completing any bundles until  everything is ready to go at once. With that being said, this is a seeded run,   I spent a bit of time looking at different  seeded farms I found one that’s going to give   me all of the specific things I need from  the traveling merchant in the first year,   as long as I check the box with the red cabbage  guaranteed option at the start of a new farm. Hi my name is What? My name is  Who? My name is Desert warp totem,   deluxe fertilizer Golden Pumpkin… Okay  that’s a name. You can also use the item   code glitch on the farm name as a few  people will mention it here and there,   but I didn’t think about that at the time.  I chose these three items as I can use the   warp totem for easy early access to the desert  and get me out of places when I get stuck, the   fertilizer will help with getting me gold crops,  and the pumpkin is a universal love for gifting. Of course, check this box, I know what days  the merchant is going to sell me things I need,   but still, need to check twice a week until  I find the red cabbage seeds as that isn’t   known in the seed and is different  per file. Now, to get a head start,   we have to watch the cutscene and have Robin and  Lewis say my name when they show me the place. Right away on the first day, I get top clearing  and planting parsnips with the little deluxe   speed gro I have. All resources I gather from  the farm get trashed. I met Caroline and Pierre   as they say my name on our first greeting,  poof over to the desert and chop some trees   for a chest. Here everything is free game. Back  home I head on up to the mines with a chair. By   using the out-of-bounds glitch, I place a chair  on the cliffside and head to the mines for the   first time. Now, anything I get from the mines  from today to day 4 I am free to sell, use,   whatever. Once the mines are officially  open, I’m not allowed in there anymore. The mines are my current source of mixed seeds,   which I’ll need for certain crops over the  next few seasons, so I always keep those. On day two, I pop on down to the ocean real  quick before anything else to get my rod,   head towards the mines again and  collect anything from this side of   the boulder. I focus on making a little  progress and am looking for the crab.   I get to level 25 and hop the elevator a few  times to take out duggies in search of a yam. The third day of spring is a big day because  it is raining, and I’m ready for my first fish,   but until it’s time, I spend some time in the  mines. I’m on the hunt for yams, mixed seeds,   bugs and geodes. I find a few good geode rocks  on level 21 and hop levels until it’s about 3pm,   poof to the desert because that’s the only way  out of here right now, collect some wood and head   to the ocean. I decided that eel would be my first  catch, as the catfish can be found in another way.   Now, getting out of bounds at the ocean is a real  pain. In order to get my cursor in just the right   spot so I don’t end up turning around, I need to  change to windowed mode. Now, the first fish you   catch brings up the fishing tutorial, which won’t  lose progress on the sidebar. It works on any   fish with a lower item code number, so I catch the  eel as my guarantee catch and head on back to the   mines to level 20 to try my hand at catching the  ghostfish, though I do pass out before it bites. The fourth day of spring is also the  last day I can spend in the mines,   as they officially open up tomorrow and I’m not  allowing myself to go back in after that. It’s   a long day of geode farming for me. I catch  the ghost fish, find a yam from a duggie,   search for more mixed seeds and casually find  the living hat. I was planning on resetting   this day if I didn’t find a certain number of  geodes, but that’s not happening now! Oh boy!   I also slay enough bugs to get the insect head  later. At the end of my mines run for the last   few days, I have a few artifacts, a decent amount  of geodes and 16 mixed seeds which is more than   enough. I got the crab, ghost fish, yam and red  mushrooms needed too, and some goodies to sell. The fifth day is my first Friday and I got my  first golden parsnip, fantastic. The traveling   cart doesn't have anything I need yet but still  gotta keep an eye out for red cabbage seeds. I   took a chair to the secret woods, and headed up  to the mines to not get anything there done except   grab some items to donate to Gunther to collect  my cauliflower seeds, and crack open geodes.   I was able to donate enough to get my  melon seeds for next season. I’ve been   giving out golden pumpkins, but  learned that Emily says my name   when giving her something she hates,  so some fiber for you to top me off. Saturday is my day for visiting the tide  pools! I can use the out-of-bounds glitch   to pop a chair on the dock to access  here without fixing the little bridge,   so that’s now part of my Saturday routine  until I find everything I need for the crab   pot bundle. While I’m here, I do some fishing,  leave the extras in a chest for a rainy day,   and use my desert totem to get home, because I  have too much money in my pockets to pass out. Sunday the 7th, I had reset the day to  know which parsnip was going to be gold,   and placed cauliflower seeds in their place.  I have some big purchases coming up soon so I   head to the desert to do some clay farming. This  newer pattern is so much better than the old one,   easier to keep track of, and end up with  a decent amount before I’m out of energy. On Monday, I clear up some space on the farm to  make navigation easier and toss all the bits,   then Tuesday rolls around, and I stare at the  counter in the carpenter's shop until Robin   passes by to sell all my clay and buy a phone and  extra chairs. I’m going to need specific forage   over the next few seasons, and only a certain  amount spawns on the screen at any given time,   so I look at the forage spawn map on the wiki  and start covering all potential forage spots in   areas I personally can’t harvest from. I don’t  know if it makes it more likely that they will   show up over at the quarry when I need it, but I  figured it might help. I also make a ton of prank   calls to Gus to get enough pumpkins for gifts  for the week, which is why we got this phone.   With the rest of my clay money, I  got the first backpack upgrade too. I got a cat the next day! This cute kitty  will be used for an item code glitch too,   for items that will be useful for me  later. I’ll name you banana, void mayo,   island warp totem. Now a good way to only harvest  gold quality crops that I’ll be using often,   is to fill your inventory up completely,  with only a gold quality of the crop you are   harvesting. That way, you won’t accidentally pick  any other quality. We got one today, one to go. Okay, on Friday I got another gold parsnip,   so I harvested all the rest to make  space for the cauliflower seeds,   and went fishing for the carp and woodskip in  the secret woods. I brought an emerald I had   saved from my mining days to trade for some  cheese at the desert trader and went to bed. It’s the day of the egg festival,  and I went to the desert to clay   farm again until it was the last  minute. When I won, of course,   Lewis said my name while declaring me the  winner so I got some more goodies, and tried   to visit the tidepools after to gather a bunch  of good things, but I just didn’t have the time. That upcoming Tuesday, did a bit more clay farming  and made a good chunk of change selling to Robin,   and on Wednesday I started buying up omni geodes  from Sandy. I want to be able to access the   sewers, so I’ll need to donate a lot of things.  Man that’s expensive. I sold a bunch of things   to Pierre with zero intention of spending money  at his store, but to collect funds for Sunday   because I have a lot of stuff coming up at the  merchant that day. The Tidepools gave me a mussel   on Saturday which was nice, and the desert had  a palm fossil and golden mask buried today. Sunday the 21st is here! I head straight to the  merchant and buy a lot of expensive goodies,   pomegranates, rabbit’s foot, orange and poppy  seeds! Pricey but worth it. I was feeling great,   so I decided to make it over to the quarry  for the first time, with chairs here and   here. I want to clear up these rocks to make  room for gems, and leave the maple trees for   fall-time hazelnuts. That evening, I picked up  my insect head from the adventurers guild too,   and started working on covering up the beach  to try and force more spawns at the tide pools. That Tuesday was actually a Rainy day, so  Robin doesn’t go to her aerobics class,   so I don’t have as much time to get my clay  farming done. But we made quite a bit of money. Spring is almost over, just got to wrap a few  things up this season. Caught the sandfish while   waiting for Sandy to open on Wednesday, bought  the apple sapling from the merchant on Friday,   covered more beach, and got the maki roll in the  mail from Linus on Saturday! Linus only gives   one item in the mail that I don’t need for the  community center, so I don’t need to reset the   day just yet. The tidepools had a clam for me  that day. Sunday the merchant had a large brown   egg for me and I started planting the mahogany  seeds I’ve been collecting from green slimes   in the secret woods, over at the quarry. I’ll be  popping into the quarry mine quite a bit looking   for certain drops from the haunted skulls, and  got super lucky with a dark sword drop and some   dandy pants too. The rest of the night was spent  fishing at the lake in an unreachable space. First day of summer I plant some mixed seeds,  and reset until I get some that I like. I need   a pepper, corn and 10 wheat from these, so I  can’t plant them all willy-nilly. I got three   of the wheat planted, and decided to save the  seeds for the beginning of a new day to make   it easier with reset, I’ll be doing that until I  have ten planted. Then I plant with fertilizer,   all the melons, poppy and starfruit from  the museum. I have more than 15 seeds,   so a scarecrow was crafted and  placed, I’m not taking any chances.   I prank call Clint about ten times to stock up on  fertilizer and gifts, and it’s fun to annoy him. The second I got another wheat planted, and headed  up to the trainyard. This opens up tomorrow,   so using the out-of-bounds glitch to  get there today means that anything   I can get there is free game to me.  I placed some paths on forage spawn   spots to hopefully force spawns  up on the path to the summit,   as I’ll need to find a sweet pea here. Lucky  me, there was a spice berry here ready to grab. Thursday is a good luck day, so I decided to  try and fish for summer fish and treasure. I   caught the pufferfish, Tuna, and an anchor,  leveling up to 5 in fishing. I still haven’t   had a rainy Saturday, so I’ve just been  hoarding all my fish until I finally do. I got my fiddlehead ferns from the secret woods,  and fished for summer fish at the lake, finding   some good treasure but didn’t get the sturgeon  yet. On Sunday I got my last wheat seed needed   planted, there was an oyster at the tidepools  and I caught the red snapper and found a golden   relic at the desert, and did some clay farming  the next two days, selling to Robin on Tuesday. That gave me enough money to have  Demetrious stop by and set up my   cave which… doesn’t matter I can’t  use it anyways. I went to the Luau,   dropped a gold star cauliflower  in the pot and called it a day. Friday to Sunday there was supposed to  be more shells washing up on the shores,   but nothing needed for the community center sadly.  Got the skeletal hand though. The weatherman   said that it was going to rain tomorrow, on a  Saturday FINALLY so I started getting ready. The Melons are ready! So with a full inventory,   I harvest only the gold star ones, Clint sent  me an iron bar, and then I start selling all   my extra fish to Willy and go fishing  and catch the sturgeon and ancient doll. Sunday gave me my last gold star melon, so I  sold a bunch of extra stuff to Pierre. Monday   gave me my first high-quality corn,  the iridium works for our bundles,   and there was a grape over at the quarry!  The haunted skulls gave a solar and void   essence needed for the community center. Friday  Linus sent me some mail, so I reset the day to   get the largemouth bass. I had already caught  one, but decided that the fish from Linus gifts   were going to be the ones I donate. More prank  calls the Pierre today, I bet he just looves me. Another gift from Linus on Sunday, this time I  reset to get the catfish. The merchant had a duck   feather ready and waiting, and my first mahogany  tree was ready to chop down. Monday Clint sent me   a copper bar after a few resets, and on Tuesday  there was a sweet pea up at the trainyard! Yay!   I had enough time to catch a Tilapia at the  ocean, and some fish down at the river. Got   the Iridium Krobus too, and a treasure chest  that I can’t actually sell to anyone. Bummer. Wednesday I picked up some Geodes from  Sandies, and opened up a bunch at Clint's   to donate for Pumpkin seeds, and remembered  to grab my one sunflower seed from Jojamart,   because it’s the only thing cheaper than at  Pierre's, and Pierre is closed today anyways. Friday the 26th and Caroline sent me that  cauliflower that I can use for the spring   crop bundle. The Traveling Cart had a Large Goat  Milk, a green bean and I picked up the cherry.   Saturday was another rainy day! I didn’t  have a whole lot of fish stocked up,   but sold what I could. On the last  day of Summer I just cleared some   space to make it easy to navigate  tomorrow and dumped the resources. The first day of fall, I only need one seed from  these mixed seeds, for the eggplant, so I reset   until I got it, planted my freebie pumpkins with  fertilizer, and got my final high-quality corn   and three apples on the third. Sunflowers were  ready the next day, and my eggplant on Saturday. Monday was blackberry season, and I got a few  from the bushes in the secret woods along with   another common mushroom, and Thursday Emily  sent me a gift in the mail! The priority from   her is wool, so I reset until I got it,  as I had a backup plan for getting cloth. Friday had a duck egg with the cart Sunday the 14th and my pumpkins were ready  so I filled my inventory and harvest only the   gold star ones. On Monday, Demetrious sent  me a nautilus in the mail after one reset,   Tuesday I picked all the other pumpkins  as I now had enough high-quality ones.   Wednesday was a good and rainy day, so it was  a day for fall fishing, catching the shad,   walleye and tiger trout. All I have left for  fish is a cockle for the crab pot bundle and   a bream from Demetrious, but fishing is still  helpful for artifacts and geodes on lucky days. The 19th Demetrious sent me a gift, so I reset  to get that Bream and the Cart had the large   white egg I needed. I checked the tide pools  and there it is! The cockle! The last item   needed for the fish tank bundles! Great. I got  a new top from the haunted skulls, looking fly.   Sunday my chests are getting pretty full, so  I sell off a bunch of extra bits to Pierre. I’ve been shaking my maple trees at the quarry for   hazelnuts every day since the 14th  and finally found one on the 22nd The last day of fall Emily sent me that cloth so  I don’t need to trade aquamarine at the desert   trader for it anymore, but I was scrambling  for a wild plum. I wasn’t able to find one   in an area that I could use for my challenge,  so that’s going to have to wait until next fall   sadly. Getting really close with all the  items I need, only a few more things left. Alright! Winter! Gotta love it. I  do some lite clay farming for winter   roots and snow yams at the quarry, and  continue it on the beach over the next   few days. I had made sure to clear the  paths here last season. This is going   to be our big money maker for getting  the wallpaper catalog and vault bundle. Sunday the 7th Caroline sent me that potato and   the traveling merchant sold me red  cabbage seeds which I can use later The 9th on a Tuesday, I snuck in a purchase  at Robins for some woodchippers to help me   get maple syrup from chipping hardwood  and on the 17th I farmed some winter   forage while waiting for the night  market to open where I bought a tomato Sunday the 21st held the last item I need  from the traveling cart, the truffle! Hurray! The feast of the winter star, I  need Wine for my gift received,   so I reset the day and arrive at  different times to get it from Pierre. The 27th finally has a crocus for  me at the summit path and I get a   bunch more winter forage from the beach. The last day of Winter and the first year,   I sell off a bunch of stuff to Pierre to buy the  wallpaper catalog and the last backpack upgrade,   crack open a ton of geodes to  donate and get kinda sad that   I didn’t find a crystal fruit out  in the wild. Next year I guess. Year two time to get serious I guess. I started  moving everything collected for the community   center over to boxes in the community  center and keep fishing for more geodes. On the 18th, I have enough to crack  open and donate to the museum,   just one artifact shy of getting the rusty key,  catch that in a treasure chest on the 21st. Monday the 22nd Gunther finally gives me  the rusty key so I head to the sewers with   that void mayo I got from my cat’s  name and buy a void egg from Krobus.   With my handy dandy chair I hope over the  magic barrier and collect the dark talisman,   open up the doorway at the trainyard  and give the may to the Goblin. I kinda   forgot that I can fish this out from here  during this quest, but whatever, it’s fine.   Snag that magic ink and meet the wizard for the  first time, before even checking the tablet in the   community center. I’m wanting a purple mushroom  from ol razzy razz, so now I have a chance. Thursday the 25th I gather everything I might  need for my fun new trip and poof on over to   the island with that warp totem also from my  cat’s name. With this banana and searching   around using my walnut guide, I unlock the  island farmhouse that night. Here I plant   some mixed seeds the next day for a melon  and blueberries, plus my red cabbage seed.   I use the kitchen here to cook up that void  egg for the fried egg dish and explore the   volcano for some fun while I’m waiting for  everything to grow and got the prismatic shard   at the top and I can finally can upgrade  those red sneakers to something better. The last day of spring and the hardwood chippers  give me that maple I needed, so that’s done. Summer the 11th gave me all the other things I  need, the blueberries, melon and red cabbage, so   I went to the luau with a magma cap to hopefully  boost up the wizard a bit more and called it good. Now that we’re back home I bring that  prismatic shard to the desert for a new sword. And that Monday I trade some omni  geodes for some hay with the trader Now that we’re nearing the end, I’ll be  sleeping through a lot of time. On Fall 6th,   Razzy razz sent me a purple mushroom and I  finally get an oak resin from the haunted skulls. I got my wild plum from the quarry on  the 20th so it’s sleep through winter   until I find a crystal fruit  and that’s the very last thing! I didn’t have to wait too long, Saturday the 6th  has what I was looking for at the quarry too. Oh wait, forgot I need some more money, so off to  the beach to clay farm for winter forage to sell   to Pierre, and collect the 13 wallpaper items I  need for bundle to put in their respective boxes. FINALLY! Everything I need has been  gathered, so off to the community   center to FINALLY read the tablet on the  ground, and now we wait for tomorrow.  Got the letter from the wizard so it’s off to the   tower to learn junimoish and complete the  community center all in one go on the 9th,   to come by and collect the hero  trophy on Winter the 10th in year two! And that is how I did it!  Would I ever try this again?   Absolutely not, but it was fun to challenge  myself to play the game in a way it wasn’t   really meant to be played. How about  you, is this something you’d ever try? So what was your favorite glitch or manipulation  that I used on this run? The most frustrating   was getting to the tidepools for sure. Let  me know in the comments! And remember to   subscribe to keep up with fun challenges  like this, I have a few more in the works. Well friends, I’m Wickedy, hey,  thanks so much for hanging out in the  Valley with me and I’ll see you next time. Byyee!!
Channel: Wickedy
Views: 92,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wickedy, stardew valley, stardew valley gameplay, stardew valley tips, stardew valley 100 days, stardew valley cheats, item code, stardew valley glitches, stardew valley glitches 2022, stardew valley glitches that still work in 2022, stardew valley exploit, stardew valley exploits 2022, stardew valley challenge, stardew valley challenge run, stardew valley challenge playthrough, stardew valley chair, stardew valley out of bounds glitch, wickedychickady, stardew clay farming
Id: HsepWVeA224
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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