Cheaters, RMT, Exploits & 1 Big Pestily Rant - Escape from Tarkov

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let's crack straight into it I'm gonna talk about these things right here because I think it's worth penny more time talking about it and I kind of want your opinion on some of its real money transfers and is against toys and papers is it against the gut the rules to buy rubles off websites right like I don't know if they can legally ban someone for that and if they do if they made it so scary that people were afraid to do it because they're afraid of getting banned that's probably their biggest the biggest prevent I'll stop and cheating hoping actually people cheating on the games it's killing the suppliers it's killing the clients before ok this is this is kind of how it works all right so you'll have cheaters you have cheaters and then they give the money to the RMT web sites and then the R&T websites given to the what's called the players right the place the boy so the easiest way to stop this bit is to either kill this bit or this bit right so either the game doesn't exist because the players are the demand and the cheetahs are the supply right and these guys are just the [ __ ] facilitators so either there's no one playing the game or no one wants to buy it that's pretty much how you killed a player base right so you either have to scare the players into being hey if we if we are too afraid of getting met a band to buy it that's that's that's one way but you can't kill the supply because every time you take out the supply they just they just bind you accounts it's impossible they could burn these accounts within 24 hours and it doesn't matter they've already made enough money to buy another account because the demand is so [ __ ] high in this game this this bit here is actually incredibly high right they're higher than [ __ ] most in other words um and these guys are really hard to take down right so these guys are really hard to take that took the process in taking down a website is really long and then once you take it down they just rename it we're no longer you know why attack off money here calm whereby type of money here here calm like that's literally all they do is rename their company Don so this is the hardest one to stop to stop here or here Blizzard gave up because I couldn't even counter and now so gold lose he can't do it house et well if he was to find a way to detect people selling it like I don't know how but like I suppose this would be the way to do it right this is actually pretty [ __ ] up this would be how I would do it he follows better state games I would I would be PSG account boys money from our MT website gets account name tracks account name I just tracks the next 100 or 200 accounts that that tracks the next 200 accounts that this person doesn't trade with right that bans those 200 accounts that did it right it could be a thousand accounts right and they ban those a thousand those thousand accounts would Fred's oh it just got burnt I just got I just got banned you know and they're telling everyone always got banned for [ __ ] you know boring money right and then and then the fee begins the fee begins and then people goes oh you really people really get banned for buying money it's not entrapment if the [ __ ] said it was entrapment it's not a trap mint BSG is not selling the money to the to the idiots that are buying it I actually feel like if they would have just banned thousand accounts that have bought money that the [ __ ] shitstorm that would go through like Reddit and all these other places and then they just leave it for like a month they live for like a month and then they do let's do it again right and then they do another thousand accounts and then you put the scare in the playerbase that they're like I'm so afraid of getting my account banned because I bought a [ __ ] $3.00 you know 30 million rural package whatever the phone calls or no idea what of course and I just do it like once once a month I just do it I think this has more of an effect than they trying to just ban the cheaters because if you you need it you need to kill the demand you gotta you've got to kill the demand you got to make us know people the to afraid to buy or you've got to cut one of these three are this one is impossible because they make too much money this one is hard because they just rename their accounts but rename their website you keep eft money calm gets changed to money money eft calm like and they just up a whole new business isn't the butterfly only flea market going to restrict the Cheetahs as well it'll restrict the this process right here it's process right here is gonna get slowed down but it's not gonna stop it how do you recognize who bought something because what BSG does is like I said PSG has an account they buy money from a real money transfer website right and then they get that account name and they track that account name and then every time that account name goes into a raid and sells sells money to players or gives money to plays you track with the players and then you ban the players and the account ok that's the first thing if buying money is against ta's they could actually go for the players that are actually buying the money and killing it that way topic over there alright we're gonna we're gonna drop out this one cuz I don't want to get into that headache anymore next one paid Sherpas as that against odds you check can't even decide that what is it should be could be what about if you go to a website it says slay with pesto a hundred bucks a game and then you pay it up you know you paid a hundred bucks and I'll play with you for an hour or a game people already do that sub games it's best we go now minnie boy mate there's a website i can't read the name of it but you can actually go i think of these girls not gril eager they change the name of it this ship is a dump for free eeep al that's it I don't know if think this is a very [ __ ] this is a very I don't know I don't know legal the legalities of this [ __ ] but this is where like this is most it's very [ __ ] interesting to me oh I just wish I could understand a better moving on this is one of the biggest issues about aster games runs into right I'm not gonna say his name but an absolute plague of the plague of the taco community would deliberately make youtube videos and spread them like wildfire saying Bell State Games was willing to do nothing on on these [ __ ] on these it exploits right and he goes this is this is but it wasn't actually speeding up the process it was [ __ ] it was slowing down the process and the amount of people that diem means some sort of random exploit that they found or there's a youtuber unlisted YouTube video for and I just him straight to a sim straight in the k-dog because I don't give a [ __ ] about them but Nikita can get him fixed and then get him fixed pretty quick usually within like a week there's a patch of hot fix for it but the problem is when they go full public with with some of them it's [ __ ] brutal it wasn't a rocket gun this can actually really put massive detrimental like things on the game because what happens is like the jumping through the walls in our reserve and then going through the floor and getting master strength that's most of the reason why we all got [ __ ] our strength wiped but it wasn't just one or two people and better stay gains couldn't just reset those specific people it was the entire main tie there was thousands of people that were doing it though and so BSD goes the easy route because they don't spend time [ __ ] like you know two people's whole days going through different accounts and resetting specifics they just go [ __ ] it we'll just wipe every single person strengthen endurance they all exploited it you know what I mean if you find a bug that's like game breaking I don't want to get like smashed with DMS but if you dam me I'll send it to bsj but you should also report it via the launcher all right look I I will directly send him to Nikita but it has to be something pretty massive for me to be like like there was there was specific places on shoreline you could fall through the floor um that was about a couple of months ago and I got them sent to Nikita and they got fixed up pretty quick but no one knew about them the guy that discovered it sent it to me you know like it's it's one of those things there's a discord server with about there's 56 56 streamers in there with battle state games you mean manager indicator right there's a there's about 50 fairly notably side streamers that have the ability to DM Nikita or Dimitri the community bro and if you find a massive bug you know pick up a reputable streamer that you like and just say hey can you forward this to Nikita Prussia's they've been on a BSG podcast before the back there in that discord and do that guys seriously don't don't just make a youtube video and make a public that's good that's what it's good it's gonna [ __ ] her that up I lost my development this is actually this is actually one of those catch-22 is I touched on it in the YouTube video very briefly but but I stay gains is Connie in a shitty spot right now because the game grew so quickly that they've had to deal with server issues you know like mass bugs mass exploits constant cheating and random [ __ ] that the actual and coronavirus as well that they're actually slowed down the process development because they can't actually focus on just making the game its development cycle things actually really brutal and it's it's kind of what kills all alpha games this is actually the biggest issue with alpha games this whole development process so every game that's like an indie game they go hey let's let's get some funding to make this game available and and Nikita touched on it in the podcast right battles taken to escape from tackle has grown too quickly and and this is gonna be the biggest downfall from safer escape from tarkov the next six months of escape from tarkov is gonna either make and break the game in my opinion and the reason behind that is battle state games I wasn't prepared to have the gang get as big as it did as quickly as it did because they're still working on the game it's only a team of 100 people right and they're trying to do the best job they can but when they're distracted by the fact that the servers are dying all the time they're got issues than exploits and bugs and cheaters constantly [ __ ] over the game they spinning like like Nikita said a third of their resources trying to stop that that issue when they they could be putting 95% of their resources in actually making the game and that is the biggest issue would escape from tarkov right now but hopefully they're gonna get it under control very quickly isn't this great for toggle of an a 7 year old game to my understanding it's probably around it before the five-year mark Nikita touched on the podcast and it's it's the issue that a lot of games run into like scum I think ran into it I reckon scum probably sold more copies in the first two weeks know whatever cell game got super hyped more our were probably very similar very hyped and then it will never regain so I think tackles better than the majority of games but unfortunately they had to constantly keep raising the bar of what they do otherwise they're gonna struggle and the issue they're gonna run into is the fact that most people gonna be burnt out on the skate for taco before the games released it's true fact it's just gonna happen there's going to be people that right now there would be thousands if not tens of thousands of people right now said [ __ ] that game I'm not playing about better state games this games anymore because of bugs exploits desync cheaters you know and they'll never give it another girl something why come back good morning but the fact the talk of GRU is cookies - did they weren't expecting and it's actually a hindrance having that many people come to the game so quickly the I think what could work out and they're favored better I do it with my stream a lot I invest money I make from my stream back into my stream I did it a lot very early on like every single dollar I made for my stream in my first year I put all back into the stream new computers better gear you know like evil ways doesn't matter what it is but I'll state games could do something similar I don't know if this is the option but like potentially because they said they want to keep all the all the work in-house they could technically just go hey let's get let's get every one and move them to another country because it's so hard to bring people into Russia to work let's move this whole development to insert country into a country name and we'll recruit everyone to come to that country and we'll do the entire development from there like that is they have enough money to do that it wouldn't be cheap but they could do that and they could make the development team go from you know whatever it is now a hundred people to a thousand people the issue with that though is also more people doesn't always mean more productivity when I was in the Army is a perfect example when you're in the army like don't be like alright guys we need to fill up this truck you know get all your gear on the truck you'll have like six people working and the other 94 people just sit there go like [ __ ] hurry up this is just a [ __ ] you know so it doesn't more people doesn't always mean better productivity I'm not sure how easy is to move your Russian corporation to a new location - I'm I'm using an extreme example but what I'm saying is they actually do have the money now to do pretty crazy out there ideas it's just a matter of if they want to took it's a business it's a risk versus reward system right there are they're gonna have to go how much are we willing to invest or the potential of how much profit right because at the end of the day it's a business right they could literally go all right we're gonna develop just as we are now in three years time whatever the game is we're releasing it and that's our cutoff date and then we're gonna move on a future present products you know what I mean if people don't realize that these are things that business actually do it's legit the other option is they sell the game and I don't think that indicator would ever do that no I'm women can't make a baby in one month it's true he used to embedder than trouble a company's and to be fair to spot all this guys I'm not trying to rag on battle state games I'm just trying to talk real like I'm trying to be legit like these are the issues that battle state games would be sitting down at the table but when Nikita he sits down with his boss the investors because that's who's boss would be and they would be this is how it is this is where we see the product going this is see where our investment will be and this is where we our return because they can't be like you get you get the point right choice look I love this game they're very passion about the game and they do an amazing job of it but there's gonna be a point where they've got to be like hey this is how much we can risk this is how much we can and do how about let's talk more play how about you never come back well the game ever be released on consoles no this game will never be on console I'm still slightly confused on how that the new market is going to work and Ian rate on any item you see in the game at the moment has a little tick next to it they found in right that's it I think their main downfall is the size of the game what the legit this game is huge competitor play titles it's a great thing but I'm sure it go it goes against the guys working hard at this [ __ ] they don't they don't stop working like they work week and they non-stop may be completely honest I would not want to work for Bell state games like if they were like you could be a you could be a coder and you can work for better state games I would be like [ __ ] that they work every day they get paid [ __ ] all or they probably get paid good for a Russian pay but they wouldn't be like how much they could make in America for coding or in in Europe in the rest of Europe wishing to say this coat mr. Nonya bidness this this goes back into that circle right so you've got you want to make a game you want to make a game but you don't have enough money to employ the people to make it what do you do you made the you make an you look for investors right investors go here's a million dollars make a game and you go okay we've paid for 10 people for us it will pay for 20 people for you you get one year's work done you go this is how much we've got and we need more money from investors right investors go we're not giving you more money what do you do you make your game public all right so you have a limited and trying get more investors than that right where the investors you were no I playing this game by the investors so we buy into this game as a tester a beta tester this is where it gets [ __ ] or of course this is where it gets [ __ ] because then they'll say games goes okay now we have ten million dollars we can pay for the game for a couple more years and they keep lay booked for other investors and they keep making their game and then all of a sudden they go oh let's do this cool drops event right they go let's let's see this cool drops event we'll do it two days before New Year's and we'll see how we go BAM drops event happens they sell a million copies or maybe more it could potentially be two three million copies and then they're like probably [ __ ] we just made a hundred and twenty million dollars investors go payday all right and then and then they're like okay we can make this game now we can afford to pay our hundred staff because they've been increase it up to one hundred staff they go we can afford to make the scape for five more years before we feel like we're not gonna get any more money back all right or any more good return on investment and each cheese gonna start making a loss and then they go okay so what can we do in three years but this is a business at the end of the day it's a [ __ ] epic game but it's gonna be some point and I hate I hate to talk about it like that but it's gonna be some point where it's just gonna be like they're gonna go alright this is the end of the product and that all the DLCs will come boy why the VEX log keeps going they got microtransactions path of Exile makes [ __ ] loads every single season every time they go oh we got a new tab for the I don't know insert a new insert new mechanicing game you know I've probably spent $300 on path of Exile on a game that would normally cost you like $80 at BSU ever considered the game transactions they've already said no I said they're never going to do market transaction they're gonna do DLCs so that's where buying is buying Edge of Darkness now will hopefully save you money in the future because when they start releasing the DLCs to my understanding I really want to show you this because it's a B it's about me fun this will make me laugh a little bit aha I'm limited edition so eventually Edge of Darkness will stop and the main reason why it's going to be a limited edition free access to also squint some screenshots of skins sub sent subsequent AHA free access to all subsequent DLCs all right me speak good English so eventually they'll go no more no more eventually they'll go what he call it no more a OD this will get taken away you won't be able to buy ear D anymore I believe they'll make another edition this would be my understanding that would make another edition similar to Edge of Darkness but it won't have this part so you'll be able to get the gamma container right you'll get access to the gamma container but you won't get this I so you won't get this that's what I reckon will happen I take away I mean you won't be able to purchase it anymore so what educators give us access to all the substantial microwaves crew subsequent much likewise yes so my theory will be they'll make a new addition it'll be like somewhere it'll be called something like I don't know cool kids edition and you'll get everything here and I'll you won't get this one and then you'll have to buy the DLC from that point onwards and that's where I think what will happen and that's how they'll keep funding the game I say who knows how much these will cost they've said they've got 7 planned so far and I know I think I know the names of four of them all of the names I know what's in four of them they've got sized skyscrapers I were just gonna be expansion to Sri to tarkov they've got the snow the snow map 1 so they're gonna be I think most of the maps that W snow it was Gavin I've which will be you can go at power as a scab boss but you also get extra stuff for being a scab and they did touch from it somewhere there's a there's another DLC the spoken about it's even one of my podcast videos I've Rena's another DLC Iranians gonna be part of the storyline cold doesn't know the DLC White House is not a DLC I remember but yeah that's where I see you don't hunting that that's how they're going to fund the game in the future but once the DLCs don't make money or isn't covering the cost of development / servers cuz you got to remember there also got to pay battle why servers and staff now so I don't know how much that cost but that's a lot hundred staff I don't know what the average wage be in Russia over a hundred staff from Russia 170 yard servers or whatever the [ __ ] they've got and then I think paddle is not cheap either I think battle was like a hundred grand a year 1.4 million a year for servers they're probably there costs probably somewhere you know obviously they're still renting on that don't forget for all to see unity I think that goes the other way he is Unity's working with better state games I think I think they would have a deal there is no way there is no way battle state games are not in cahoots with unity because if they're working together if all better state gains I'd be like all right you want to showcase battle state gains as escape from tarkov as your as your flagship game for unity and what people should be using unity for the games in the future then you pay us it has to be some royalties going the other way there is no game on unity that comes close to escape from tarkov that I know of ly is a percentage profit percentage contract how do you know that you know see if anything goes and this is the other [ __ ] up thing rust your gun rust looks better than escape from tarkov the rust is huge it's good it's a big game I was gonna say it was rust has got no stutters I watch the Kois you play rust and AD stutters don't lie to me chat I hate it when you lie to me I think we've benefit and if everyone if they added weapon skins you could buy mm-hmm no oh that's what I'm gonna talk about employing battle line to ban accounts at this this is a [ __ ] up thing and I'm almost hesitant to talk about it because I think I don't want to say like there is no evidence that this is happening and there is no evidence that better state games would ever do this but the fact that real money transfer websites exist and people are buying currency from real money transfer websites is and then better although I picked up the cheating accounts that fund these account they're the websites the web sites fund the cheaters the cheers blind new accounts I said that really weirdly but the short of it is the fact that there's so many accounts getting banned for cheating each other's accounts get bought usually buy stolen credit card and better see games I'm making money for every stolen account so if better say games been I think they said the last was 15,000 in a month or was it fifty thousand beef that's quick Matt if he times 40 make it two million dollars a month just doesn't stolen accounts all right 50,000 on $40 million dollars a month on stolen accounts on our cheating account sorry chargebacks even is it charged backed with a half a million dollars on the stolen credit cards they're still making 1.5 million a month they no no no they said more than 1,500 dude it was either fifteen thousand or fifty thousand yeah I think it was 1,500 to 2,000 a day fifty thousand in March like when you look at it like that they actually have profit to make by allowing people to cheat as long as it doesn't kill the game what happens when the bank get their money back after clients because she has to refund the money correct oh I don't know I'm a gamer but like I'm saying like if all the accounts works like if they're not all done on stolen credit cards because the real money transfer websites are actually making money right Larry they say they make it would make [ __ ] loads honestly those real money transfer websites will be making a million dollars a month Oh guys and I want I want to be completely honest here I don't look down on people that have bought from these websites all right I don't look bad on down on people that have bought money from these websites because of this one reason if you are working a [ __ ] shitty job that pays well and and you have no you have no time to play the game and all you want to do is check out some of the cool gear and and and buy some good items and and have some fun you know I get it I totally get it you know like you might get paid $40 an hour in your job and you work 40 to 60 hour weeks and you've got a wife and kids and you get three hours to play the game you're never gonna get to play and use an m4 and and all the you know the could get orders of the game all right but you've got you know a couple of thousand dollars a week coming in and you could easily go to a website and pay 50 bucks and you get yourself a hundred million rubles then you'd have to worry about it look I'm not saying it's right but I can understand it I can totally understand it I don't I I don't think they're bad people I don't think that you know you know they don't understand the damages they're doing I respectfully disagree that's fine I don't want people to do it don't get me wrong I don't think it's a good thing to do and I don't think you should be doing it but and it does have repercussions that actually is kind of brutal in all seriousness tom is like this is why I thought when I talked to you guys I say the most valuable thing you guys can give me is your time and I'm being serious about that like that eighty eight hundred people in the chat talking right now with me and and you guys are spending your time hanging out here talking with me and and that's that's really cool of you guys to do that and I'll never take it for granted giving these people power ready to cut them down a little bit do I what if B is G sell rubles for money they don't want to do micro transactions and I totally get that it also puts the issue is BSG selling money guys is it also puts a cash injection into the economy constantly as well so even if they I know they don't want to do micro transactions but if they were to put if you were like I you could buy a hundred dollars for a hundred million rubles then day one of the what's gonna happen someone's gonna go I want a hundred billion rubles BAM it's really a hundred million instantly BAM like that into someone's pocket and it also who's pay to win but you get the point about their games I want to that I've bought on the EA store NBA 2k 20 or whatever it is legitimately like I got the game and the first thing I did was I spent 20 bucks on like points to level up my character on the EA store first thing I did the game is pay to win it is and I get it because I didn't want to sit there for [ __ ] 400 hours just to get the same amount of points is that's obviously what it would have taken how long do you expect type of the last four with all that's going on I think this game will be good for at least in our three years I think there's going to be a point where the player base will start to dwindle in quite quickly but the thing is it's like a drug this game is so much like a drug it players will come and go they'll like it's kind of let part of XO like I still play part of X all the time you'll go away you'll be like I'm gonna sit up and this is why this is why better say games a couple of them yeah ranting for so long this is what that state game should actually do scheduled wipes right better state games should go we're gonna wipe the next what will be on you know say in a week's time and then after that it should be four months they should be like in four months time whatever stable patch we have were and then one major reason for this is the what he caught when players retain ability we're retaining the player base so what happens is summer goes alright these ones for months I'm not gonna play for four months retention that's the word play retention so people go for four months I'm gonna go play other games and in four months time I'm gonna come back to the next why and I do it was a path of excel all the time this like alright next Liga path of Exile doesn't sound like it's for me I'm gonna skip that League I'll come back in three months time because I know the next path of Exile about the Exile League easy in three months time and and they could they could use those four month periods like testing phases to test different like mechanics within the game they could change they could change different things within the art within the the flea market all the economy there's so many things they could do what should be longer than four months though that gives the slower players time to endgame status see that's another thing about your mat your macho is they can actually mix it up so for example this next wipe they could say passing skills are going to be three hundred percent faster to level right and they check it out and they go out the three months they get off four months ago it was a little bit too quick we could just dial it down just a touch and they can try and find that good balance or the casual player and also a hardcore player because you don't want to make it if even four months time there's planes that are like so and nuts and a large portion of the player base is like super pimped out with everything passives was you know it's too far and they could find that balance and they could use that much data from that period if I severely disagree if they can't make the game good without wipes it doesn't deserve to be played that's true when the games complete it's a cool the problem is right now battle state games doesn't have a completed game it doesn't have an end game and it doesn't have the capability yet to do DLCs when they can do all three of those things then you're right it won't need more wipes but at the moment there's no endgame so there's nothing to actually do at the end you kind of just play because you like the game there's no there's no events there's no reasons to keep playing and the DLC is not coming yet you know I mean so the game needs to be complete for that to be a true statement but it is true I'm not saying you're wrong it's just it needs time but up until then the game definitely needs white for two reasons to reset the economy because it just gets way too inflated there's not enough money sinks in the game end game wise the world of warcraft does it they have things to make you blow cash like crazy eventually and then uh the economy needs to be reset and the play base needs to be reset good there's nothing else to do it's why path fixed like particles could have really soared in game but if everyone was all at max level what else would you do we power the vex all you don't I mean um and that's why the season seemed positive x all work really well they get they're gonna do a pvp sort of things for what's-his-name I've been ranting for ages probably been my biggest rent ever I don't even know how long ago I started it but it's been a big rant I feel like Devin - you're right here's what I like to watch your conv was Devin was great it was fun talking him I think him you know I could actually have a really good conversation like a long conversation well we just I don't know we'd started talking about gaming and next minute would be talking about how the politics of something from some other country that we've never even heard about doesn't make any [ __ ] sense and I don't know let's just go into some weird tangent about some random [ __ ] about I don't know the kidneys you know hijacking Australia's like flora and fauna or some [ __ ] so guys thanks for watching another video if you liked it give it a thumbs up subscribe for future content I do stream which which every day the weeks are good a link below give me over there goodie tarkoff questions feel free to hit my my live stream or down the comments below and lastly I'll see you next time
Channel: Pestily
Views: 236,793
Rating: 4.8882499 out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, guide, pestily, thisispestily, pestilys, wipe, wipes, full play through series, playthrough, play through, walkthrough, hideout, hide out, inventory, teach, teaching, raid, raids, commentary, run-through, runthrough, explanation, explain, letsplay, lets-play, beginners guide, gameplay, 0.12, .12, review, cheaters, rmt, cheater, exploit, exploits, future of EFT, future of, of, future, BSG, battlestategames, battlestate games, nikita
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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