Cheap Generator Upgrades, How To, First Oil Change, Magnetic Dipstick, Oil Drain Hose

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all right guys today we're back on the Gen Max  9000 inverter generator uh we're gonna do its   first oil change today we're about halfway  through its break-in period and real quick   about the break-in period on the Gen Max  website it says that the first five hours   of usage we call the break-in period the  purpose of the break-in period is to seat   the rings of the Piston during the break-in  period stay at or below 50 of the running   watt rating and Vary the load occasionally  to allow stator wanings to heat and cool   as with all new engines the piston  rings and cylinder need to be broken in   this is important for the newly manufactured  cylinder wall and Rings to seat themselves it   is not necessary to run the generator for five  straight hours to do the break-in period the   generator can run for five hours over any period  of time until they reach those five hours however   in the manual of the generator it says break-in  period break in the engine will help to ensure   proper equipment and engine operation the  break-in period will last about 30 hours of   use do not exceed 75 percent of the generator's  running wattage during this period okay so we   got two conflicting break-in periods from the  same company but to me in my mind the five hours   is a good break-in for the engine itself which  brings me to these products that I have here today   uh first they've got this engine break in oil this  particular break in oil is made by Royal Purple   there's many different companies that make it  modern day engine oils do not have the phosphorus   and the zinc additives that they once had and  those are the additives that really help ensure uh   piston rings get broken in correctly the Rings the  cylinder wall and the flat tappet camshafts it's   really important for cam shafts and cylinders  so is the braking oil required absolutely not   or the manufacturer would recommend it this is  something that I do the oil that's in the engine   currently is the same stuff and I'm going to use  it again for another oil change interval just to   make sure the engine's broken real good I've got  a cheap funnel that I thought I'd try that screws   onto the bottle I found that at the store a while  back I'm going to add an oil drain hose onto the   engine so I don't have to make a mess every time  I change it and I purchased a Billet aluminum   magnetic dipstick to help catch any metal shavings  that may be in the engine so anyway I've got this   I've got this kind of this deep dish paper  plate with a rig that I made up for holding   a coffee filter so that we can drain the oil  into that and see what we get out of it if   anything for metal shaving plus like I said in  the original gen Max video this is one of the   maybe the only brand of generator 9000 watt  inverter generator currently on the market   with any form of oil filtration whatsoever this  generator has a an engine oil screen so we'll   check that out when we change the oil also  let me get set up here and we'll get into it   okay just like we did in the original  video we'll take this door off foreign for a closer look okay so I stuck a light down  in here hopefully it doesn't flicker too bad on   camera but you can see the yellow dipstick there  and then just to the right of the dipstick it kind   of looks like a gray dipstick that's a little  down to the right and further in that's the oil   screen okay I took you off the tripod here for a  second you can see the uh drain plug down there   just to the left of the yellow dipstick and then  if you can see the gray dipstick down there to the   right of the filled dipstick and then there is  this rubber plug in the chassis which comes out and there's another rubber plug inside the housing  that you can pull and if you see there's a channel   there's a channel there and there's a channel  over there as you pull that drain plug will direct   the oil down to that rubber plug and that's how  we're going to drain it pull the rubber plug out and then there's the one  down in there for draining come on got that one out   that's the one I was talking about for  the bottom where the oil can drain through okay all that rubber plug that comes out makes it   nice for getting an extension with a  socket in there just loosen that up and just let the oil hit the belly pan of  the generator and let it run out that hole while the oil is draining I'm  going to pull out the dipstick I had to swap out the drain pan and I  don't have a filter holder for this new   one so hopefully the first filter caught  whatever we are going to catch and we'll   look at it here shortly and you get  a needle in those players because   that oil filter screens a little bit  farther down in there than I can reach okay I've got the oil filter out   uh I'm gonna inspect this I'll rotate  it briefly on camera so you can see it I wiped this screen off hopefully that's focused  and the oil must flow in through this end   and then out the screen when it's in the engine  and you can see there were some particles   in that screen not anything I mean more than you'd  like to see but at least the screen was there   and uh like I said I believe  this is the only generator   in this category that has any  filtration whatsoever so it's   obviously and like there's a chunk right there  and there's a few of them in there pretty cool this is the uh plastic dipstick  that came out of the engine and this is the dipstick that I'm going  to put in it magnetic oil dipstick and the tip has a real strong magnet  in there so to demonstrate that so that's what I'm going  to use for an oil dipstick for future oil changes I'm going to permanently  install this oil drain hose and this   end of the hose is the exact same thread as the  oil drain plug and then this end of the hose   has a cap that you unscrew  when you want to change the oil   instead of making your generator  belly pan a liquid mess full of oil   you just run this hose or out this rubber access  hole into a drain pan unscrew the cap and let it   drain into a real drain pan instead of  these paper plates it's not real clear   what size oil drain plug was in this engine and  when you buy these hoses on the internet they're   not real clear what size you're getting but what  I determined is so the part number is 10 12.   that means it's a 12 millimeter thread down here  on the engine oil plug end if it was a 10 10   that'd be 10 millimeter so the smaller generators  like The Hondas and the and the Harbor Freight   2000s and whatnot would be the 10 millimeter and  the larger ones are the 12 millimeter foreign but I'll show you what I come up with  at the end here for metal shavings   okay got the new dipstick ready to go I'm going  to thread that in oh hold on I'll put it in the uh   filter first I sprayed this clean with brake  clean blew it out with light air pressure   I didn't want to hurt the screen I don't know  if you can see that got it as clean as I could   which is I don't see any spots in it so it's  clean enough for me I get this installed all right now I'll put in the the new uh  dipstick make sure that fits but I got to   take it back out because of course  I need to fill the engine with oil okay well that newfangled funnel  thing that I found at the store   doesn't fit my bottle so I'm going to end up  using the funnel that came with the generator   which is fine because it works perfectly I found when I filled this generator last time  that it took exactly one quart even though   it specifies just over a quart in the  manual I tried to put in a touch more   after the first Court it just poured right  back out so to me one quart is perfect okay first we're going to use the old dipstick  put it in there we'll just get a reading and you can see that it's right  at the very top it's full so now we're going to use the new Billet aluminum  dipstick with strong magnet in the end   O-rings got its own o-ring  on it thread that in there okay so now the last thing to deal  with is this hose that I put on I was hoping I was hoping I could push it back in   and obviously if I just Loop it around like  that it's going to be in the way of the   side panel and it's got this little rubber strap  on there for holding the other end of the hose   but I'm gonna have to modify this right  here to get the hose inside the housing   I absolutely hate modifying anything to the  point where you can't put it back to 100 original   like I don't mind modifying anything as long as  when I remove it there's no Trace left behind but   in this particular case I'm going to have to make  an exception otherwise that hose isn't going to   work so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going  to take my side cutter and make one angled cut   right there and that way I can get the hose get the hose back inside of it probably have it hanged just like that this light  would be out of here and this thing could just   sit right inside there perfect okay I think we're  all buttoned back up I got that bottom oval rubber   plug back in I've got this front round rubber plug  back in that's why I didn't cut this piece out   completely just made the one slit so the rubber  plug would still hold in there you've got the hose   tucked away inside here I've got my metal  clip back on here that fell off got the new   dipstick in got the screen put back in we're  ready to go to finish out this break-in period   let's take a look at the oil drain and see if  there's any metal shavings in that okay you're   looking at the bottom of that's not a coffee  filter anymore that's just a white paper towel   that I formed into a large old old metal  funnel and I took those two little paper   plate drain pens I had and dumped them into this  along with those coffee filters that kind of   it just fell apart on me so I may have missed  something but I did the best I could to catch it   so I'm going to shine this light in here and uh I don't see anything major no major chunks a couple little chunks  there's a couple little sparklies I see three   sparklies see if I can get a pointer  I see three sparklies in there   at the end of the needle nose right  there right there and right there other than that I don't see anything terribly  major maybe another little smaller piece right   there but this looks pretty good I've seen  some small gas engines that you know come   from the factory and after the first oil  change there's just debris everywhere   this makes me feel really good about this one I  mean it's going to be normal to see some debris   on the first oil change probably on pretty much  any engine um but of course you know the the the   less you see the better you feel and this makes me  feel pretty good so okay let's get her buttoned up all right guys that's all I have for now be  sure to stick around and see what all that extra   craziness is all about all right be sure to like  share and subscribe for more thanks for watching
Channel: brianok100
Views: 10,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GENMAX, inverter, generator, 240 volts, 30 amp, 50 amp, break-in, oil, oil change, oil drain hose, hose, magnetic dipstick, oil filtration, oil filter, break-in period, hours, brianok100, upgrades, affordable, cheap, budget friendly, products, how to
Id: 4THhjUSfQoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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