Cheap DIY Router Table Full Build - Final Tool Added To All-In-One Woodworking Station

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everyone and welcome back so often quite a few delays and a whole bunch of messages from you guys it is finally time to make the last addition to my all-in-one woodworking workstation my router tape now the delay was for a number of reasons most notably a calculation error on my part there are two was originating to be installed earlier about the compressing the compressing enclosure but because I didn't consider every single dimension of the compressor I now find myself a bit restricted I can still get there after in but I'm going it's going to be a tight fit so after the last few weeks of reconsidering the design I decided to change the placement of the router in tiny so as a result I'll be moving the placement of the router from next to the table saw over they - oh yeah it's it's not going to be ideal but hopefully I'll be getting very close to the same functionality from the from the - now the easiest way to do this is just cut a hole and fix the route at the bottom but I'm not too fond of of that method so I'm going to be making an insert out of perspex that I can cut into the work top of the work or the bench top and then fix they're all to do that then I can add T slots for my fence that I'm going to be making with a dust collection port and also for feather boards and stuff like that and then I just need to add a on/off control switch on the other side of the bench somewhere where I can reach it when the Virata is installed to the bench so without messing around too much the first thing I'm gonna jump on is making the cutout out of first base okay so to make the insert I'm going to use a piece of 8 millimeter thick Plexiglas perspex and I'm going to be cutting it to size using my router and then I'll just match the size as a cutout in the workbench that it can fit into now first place is very brittle and I've never cut it before using a router so in the hopes of actually doing it properly I got the sharpest but I can find and I'm just going to be reducing the speed on the router but hopefully it turns out right and also as opposed to patting a rectangular or square cut hot I'm going to make it wrong it's just a bit easier for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and that's the disk and I must say caching with our alte actually worked out quite well so now I'm going to cut the same toll and the mounting holes to flipped over out into it and then just finish it off and then I can make the hole in the bench top as well [Music] now if you guys are wondering why I am home mocking my hope like this as opposed to just using this putting it on top and marking the holes well the corresponding holes for these are actually Imperial three but the router does make provision with an additional set of holes that have matrix rates which I'm going to be using instead because it is very hard for me to get hold of countersunk Imperial serrated screws where I'm from [Music] [Applause] okay guys so this is pretty much what I had in mind for the insert all I'm going to do now is taking apart again use a shampoo bit on the outside just to tidy up the birds around the edges here then I can clean up my workbench and cut the hole in the bench top if the insert works as planned I'll get started on the fence [Music] okay guys so with the insert pretty much complete I can clear the bench and make the top part in the bench top there's still one or two holes I need to add to this but that I can do when it's inserted into the mesh alright guys so with the insert prep and the bench cleaned up I can make the cutout in the bench top I'm going to use the circle guide for the router to make a recessed cut into which the insert can fit the most important thing here is obviously that the recess needs to be cut very accurately so that when the insert is inserted into the bench it sets flush with the top of the bench [Music] [Music] [Music] and that's it for the insert guys like I said I'm still after dog why don't you all probably fix it down but that's it for now I must say I am very impressed with the depth stop on their return because it is very close to spot-on so next up is cutting in the T slots into the bench top assembling the fence getting it in place and then I can put the router in and see how the whole thing works [Applause] [Music] [Applause] alright guys so that's it for the d tracks the t tracks installed now I can jump on to the fence but as you may have noticed my dust lit is not working at the moment due to a damaged pipe mostly stupidity on my part so I'm just going to step back to the shop for a few moments a lot of dust to settle on when I get back at him get cracking on assembling the fence okay guys so this is the seven components that's going to be making up my fence I've got the base the actual fence for braces or stiffness and a dust collection port and to prepare them I baste besides the piece of MDF on the table saw and then for the base and the fence and make these cutouts with a also and remove the corners there with a handsaw this will then be a simple like that along the fence to move over the but when there are tears running or what you set it then the braces obviously using Microsoft make 55 cuts will be assembled with two at the ends day and then the other two will be on the inside here the dust collection port once again the bevels was cut using a miter saw and the hole in the center was Pat's on the block press and that will be glued into place like that so the dust collection earth can just attach there so the only thing after assembling this that I still need to do is drill a whole day through the whole day so I can attach my spins to the t-slot and adjusted accordingly when being used [Music] [Applause] okay guys so with the hints assembled the key tracks in place the incident inside it is finally time to add the errata now I have chosen a Triton router specifically for this project because of its height adjustment mechanism which will allow me to adjust the height from above the work surface but there is a whole list of features that make these routers grateful table mounting which I covered in a separate video if you want to check it out the link is down below so did we get on with it now as I mentioned earlier I still have one or two holes to add to the perspex one obviously being for the eye grinder and there may be two or three places to fix the perspex base [Music] [Music] [Music] and that is that pirata is in the height detachment works great the author spindle lock for the single Ridge but change works claim all in all I think it looks pretty cool considering my only real expense was a piece of perspex and a couple of aluminium piece rocks I still do want to add a safety switch which i think is very important somewhere where I can reach it but like I said this was not the original placement for the router so I'm still trying to figure out exactly where I want to put this in the meantime I'll just be switching it on and off they buy the wall so before I can actually properly put a few pieces away to it I'm going to clear up the bench here and then see how it works [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all that's left to do now is invest in some teleports and proper push blocks but with that comes the end of my all-in-one good working workstation there is still one or two things I want to do I want to add a proper things to my table saw and do a power layout for the bench but as far as the original concept goes this is pretty much it one workbench with a router table a thickness planer a miter saw a table saw dust collection compressor power tool storage and organizer advice and just some cavities for general storage now I have already started planning my next big bull series and I don't want to give too much away but it's going to be something completely different than the workbench it's basically going to be reading a bunch of buddies getting together and over space of about a week just building something and having fun doing it so if you guys want to see that remember to subscribe if you want to support the channel you can check out the links to our merch stores in the description of this video where we've got about ten we're working themed t-shirts for sale and with that as always thanks for watching til next time Jeff
Channel: Woodshop Junkies
Views: 240,411
Rating: 4.9529858 out of 5
Keywords: diy router table, router table, router table diy, router table build, router table insert plate, router table lift, triton router, triton router table, triton router table setup, diy router table build, how to router table, how to router table fence, router table fence, table mounted router, router table height adjustment, all in one workbench, woodworking station, making a router table insert, router table insert diy
Id: g77Cp-kNNSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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