Tour of Solo Woman Living in a Super Cheap Cargo Van

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and okay my van is a 1999 chevy express 3500 um it when i bought it it had 95 000 miles on it i bought it from a gentleman who actually his uncle owned it and used it for some antiquing businesses and then he passed away and he left it to his nephew and his nephew built it out to camp in but they had three children and the children kept them so busy that they decided that they didn't the camping thing wasn't for them so he wanted to sell it to somebody who was into the camping thing and so when um he and i met up and i just fell in love with it and all of that he let me have it for twenty nine hundred dollars and i was explored yeah that's an incredible deal incredible deal the mileage was low and pretty much everything's built out i've done a few um different things to it since i've um had it to kind of make it more to my style but otherwise yeah yeah to get to get a built out van for 2900 is pretty pretty darn amazing well why don't we take a look inside okay so the one of the first things you did was uh heating or did he turn the seat no i put the um the mechanism in to turn the seat because i wanted to have a comfortable place to sit when i work i have like a little tv tray and i can sit there with my tv tray and my laptop and i can work real comfortably of course i did the curtains just to black out at night and i sewed you know pretty fabric on the other side make it a little more girly like um i put in this this cabinet and these um light switches so that i could easily have switches to turn my lights off and on he already had the bed he had the air conditioner in which i you know i've kind of been back and forth about the air conditioner i'm not sure if it's something that i wanted to keep because i think it looks kind of conspicuous it does a bit yeah but after camping at the end of the summer in mississippi i decided i'm going to keep it yeah it's hot it is and i i don't have it with me today but i have a generator that i can use to run the air conditioner i don't have soul or anything yet hopefully that's something i'll come in the next year um but yeah and right now i just have a cooler and interesting thing about the cooler it's a very old let me just show it to you it's a very old coleman cooler that my um dad used when we used to camp as kids i bet that cooler is probably 35 years old yeah coleman makes good stuff but you know i just i couldn't i couldn't um part with it and i felt like he's on the camping trip with me because it was something that you know we had used when we were kids and we used to go camping all the time so yeah and then the dresser it just has you know i use a couple of drawers for my food and a couple for my clothes and then some over here for kitchen supplies and pans and that sort of thing um i have a television and i have a dvd player so i have a good supply of movies but this was in very inexpensive build other than the absolutely and even the walls and ceiling i think it's just paneling yeah these are just paneling um this is paneling too and he said he just bought this dresser yeah off of um but it fit in here perfectly it sure did you just made some little locks you know kind of goes along with the woodwork this is barn wood that he's salvaged and this just looks like a filing cabinet this is just one of those cube storage things at target and i've just kind of oh i see you know put made it so that you know it works for me with the different things that i need hopefully someday soon i'm going to do the whole big battery thing and all of that because i um i do think that i need to have more power and i would like to eventually have a fridge too this thing here he put in it's screwed down but it makes it easy to access little things that i like to keep handy probably the most important thing and i guess obvious is the bed you got a great big comfortable bed he actually i think he put in too much bed that's a lot of bed he he got this 10-inch mattress oh my goodness and to me i would i would not kind of i wouldn't have gone that way no but it's like a spring mattress and all of that and so he you know he really did it's very comfortable very comfortable and i have a little space heater that i use when i have shore power and i have a little um little buddy mr buddy and then i just keep my shower bag there i do have a plant fitness membership and then i also do what i call a monkey bath you know like the little little wash tub here and i just do a monkey bath when i need to yeah and how are you going to bathroom i have my little little bucket behind that seat that you're setting yeah that's pretty much it is pretty simple build but it's very pleasant yeah it's you you you like being in here yeah it's very comfortable and i like to try to keep things stashed away so i don't have a lot of clutter and everything um i did also put in a um plug for shore power yeah that's a very useful thing that i would recommend to anybody that wants to do this that's pretty much it nice it's yeah super simple super and cheap really oh yeah a really cheap build but absolutely very very pleasant very comfortable yeah it works for me i'm very happy with it yeah all right let's check the back out okay okay so this is the back i just you know carry my extra water and i have my printer for work and then i just have these little bins where i carry tools and um different things you need for camping and that sort of thing and you have a camp set up so your chair and your table oh my chair and all of that's over there at the camp where that plug comes in and it has the two cords so there's no wiring you just cut the hole you put this thing in and uh really simple very simple and it's wonderful and your extension cord just it's a male and a female extension cord on each side yeah that's all you have no no wiring no wire that makes it really really great and the fridge uh i mean the ac he did this did a nice job he said he had somebody that built this plate and everything um for it and um it's just a regular household air conditioner my i have a friend with does the exact same thing metal plate just like that and uh cut it and screw it in and works great uh should we cover your youtube channel it's rudo on the road um currently i just have one video up right now when i went skydiving so ruda on the road on the road well ruda thank you so much for sharing your your home with us and your adventure it's it's really really wonderful and amazing super cheap you had nothing to lose by trying this absolutely yeah absolutely and and like i said i i don't know why anybody wouldn't want to give it a try maybe it's for you maybe it's not for you but you'll never know if you don't give it a try absolutely so much to see out here is so beautiful yeah yeah live your best life that's my motto that's a good one that's a very good one well folks there you have it i hope you got something out of this video if you did like us on youtube subscribe to the channel hit that thumbs up button and we'll talk to you later you
Channel: CheapRVliving
Views: 110,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live, living, car, van, RV, Full-time, nomad, gypsy, camper, camp, boondock, travel, snowbird, caravan, tiny, house, tribe, RTR, adventure, Bob Wells, Nomadland, CheapRVLiving, Cheap RV Living, vanlife, van life, how to live in a van
Id: hHv88ExJaMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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