NO BUILD Storage Lockers & Magnetic Options: Simple BUDGET Van Camper Set Up Clutter Free Camping

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foreign [Music] Karen here again with wandering at Yonder on segment number three of our no bill Van series do-it-yourself no build how we came up with the ideas that we came up with how it progressed over what how long have we had the van now yeah about a year and a half and we've gone through quite a few changes with it uh Shannon recently did a post on Facebook that will show you in pictures how we progress through the beginning of it which was really really bad Crossing errors lots of Trials and errors a lot of different ideas that we came up with most of those ideas stemmed from things that we already had around us like we already had the cargo Nets I already had those like hanging shoe things that you can put in your closet so we tried those different ideas it just none of that stuff just worked out for us so anyhow after about a year or so it took us about a year or so to get to this point that I think we're both really happy with the way things are set up and we're going to go into segment number three today and the last segment we talked about the um these lockers that we have here these metal lockers okay so what we're going to do today is we're going to show you how we utilize these lockers and then also showing you with the magnetic items that we have found along the way how we are utilizing those for storage so trying to use every inch of space that we have but having to be thoughtful about everything being magnetic because we did not do you know the insulation and the paneling and all that kind of stuff inside of the van we chose to use the metal as a way of um storing things using magnetic bins and so forth to store items so anyhow and we like the option to be able to change things up which the magnets right so free reign to to keep changing as we need to change all right okay so again guys um like we showed you in the last segment that we have these storage lockers that we found at Hobby Lobby and I think Shannon put a link all right so the next thing we did was started looking for ways um that we could find bins that were magnetic let me show you see all these have magnets some all of them have magnets on the back so we kind of came up with this idea because in the office that Shannon and I work in we had years ago purchased at Staples these wall units that you put these magnetic bins like these on to hold your pens your pencils your notepads all that kind of stuff so we were like wait a second we could utilize that idea here in the van so that's kind of where the idea came from for us so anyhow I'm going to take you through some of the things that we've come up with that have helped us get our things organized and we have everything in here that we need in these bins it's pretty cool so we're going to start with what I call my kitchen right here right now over here is everything that I pretty much need for my kitchen and I have some real basic stuff in here to keep my foil in here and right here I keep a little knife just some other like a can opener that kind of stuff uh some small paring knives just little tiny uh utensils that I might need and then in here I keep Shannon and I always have these plastic table covers for various things that we might need and then I have my little Clips right there and then up in the top that's pretty much it got holders which you know I can figure out other ways to use this one but right now that's where my pot holders are and I always keep some of these handy for keeping things wiped down and clean so those are right there as well like if I need one clean my hands up real good if we have no access to soap and mortar I have them right here so all right but anyhow like I said this is our kitchen and over on the other side over here I'll show you these bins that we're using Shannon yeah this is all stuff to do dishes so that's all in there so I can either grab this and take it out or you can take take the whole thing and take it out and do what you need to do this is our hand soap cleaning stuff this is this these two are my garage yeah um garbage bags garbage bags in this one and this one is uh fire starters yeah so again the nice thing is see it it looks nice and tidy and you can grab and go grab it and go grab and go grab what you need out of here I would pull this one off for you but we actually secured this even a little bit more with some velcro and we don't want to pull it off but these do these are magnetized these are nothing but lint bends yeah okay you see that and you can get these I think Amazon yeah I'll provide I'll provide links to both both that we use yeah but we wanted a stronger magnet on this so all right so we're going to bring you inside the van and show you how we've utilized the magnetic bends and like I said these right here we had originally bought those at Staples um Container Store yeah yeah I got them yeah and then these again well that's a sticker or something yeah that's a sticker but here you see that all right so anyhow what we did is yeah so that's all my socks like my hiking socks my compression socks winter socks summer socks are in there I always keep my pajamas all handy right there okay and this is my uh rainy weather stuff which we wanted quick access to that in case we came across stopping somewhere was pouring down rain and we needed a rain jacket real quick so that's what that's for and then just Basics underwear there's all my hiking Buffs and all that kind of stuff I keep my melee right here so this is another that's another magnetic shelf that we found no again Amazon I think it's a um a spice shelf yeah I think so so but you put like on the side of your refrigerator and then we found these bins at Target and get these little that fit in fabric perfectly so it makes it make sure pocket a little bit deeper and more practical all right again so this is the same bin as what we use for my melee over here and I keep my blow dryer this is my shower thing that I keep and then we have some extras we have some empty ones that are kind of hanging around that we use for different things these smaller shorter ones depending on the season yeah depending on the season but we keep our anchors up here any of our cords and then down here like um this one we have these kinds of things that we might need you know you always are like where the heck did I put that so that's kind of what those bins are for up here and that's key yeah organization right it's knowing where everything's at being consistent with it right I'm going to take you around to Shannon's side it's pretty much the same thing we've pretty much lined up our bins to look uh to duplicate each side so that it kind of keeps it consistent and um it just helps it to feel a bit more organized for us and we're kind of like organizing freaks um we like everything to have a place and we like it to look nice and neat someone spin you around and show you her side so again utilizing the same types of bins Shannon picked these up I think and yeah Mount Rainier she really liked those kind of keeps her cords and that kind of thing the things that she stores over here and this is one of her Chargers and then again her uh bins that she keeps her clothes there's her pajamas Thomas yeah and like there's her gloves and her Buffs and socks and underwear and see we we've sort of kind of done the same thing she has her hats in a different place but again like we said it keeps everything nice and neat and the thing that was talking to you about as far as keeping it consistent if you look on both sides pretty consistent so it keeps it nice and the feeling organized in here so it's not like jumbled up or anything like that cluttered it doesn't feel cluttered right now some of the other things that we have come across that we like to to use are these kinds of magnets if you look and those things are really powerful they hold quite a bit of weight yeah we have them back there with our jackets hanging up and then these clip style magnets I know you've probably seen these I think we got those maybe even at Walmart or someplace like that and then I have them over here on my side as well you can see where we hang things up that we want to have access to and then I have my spare ones and these are what we use to hang our wet towels up after showering right right so I have my towels back here rolled up we keep them back there rolled up but when we use them and we need to let them dry and it's cold outside or it's raining or bugs or it's like yeah windy and the rains or the wind is full of sand just take them and hang them up like that yeah and they dry inside the van pretty quick actually so there you go all right okay just showing you from this angle that we've mirrored kind of mirrored how we organize our stuff what's important to us to always have in the van and it keeps everything looking and feeling less cluttered and organized and we know exactly where everything's at I know exactly where my melee is Shannon knows where hers is she knows where her hats are I know where my hat so I keep mine in a different spot but that's kind of the idea behind what we've done in here is everything has a place everything stays in its place we don't leave it laying around once we use something if it's something that we don't have to wash or clean it goes right back where it came from so that we don't end up with stuff all over the place in here because that can be real easy to do in such a small space okay something else we wanted to show you guys were these little cute little magnetic tins that Shannon's mother gave to me look at these all right I keep my spices in these as you can see I've marked them but you could use these for all sorts of things I mean yeah uh hair care products or like or even like a cords like if you wanted to put your power cords and stuff in them oh that's a good idea so anyhow see how they stick um so for example when we're out getting ready to go somewhere if I need a certain spice I can just take that with me I keep these in the house but I just grab what I need and bring it out here and throw it in the van but again magnetic yep utilizing space yeah it's not permanent yeah okay so what we kind of wanted to show you too is um when we talked about the space utilizing the space in the band just this small amount of space with adding these magnetic pieces onto the cabinet and then utilizing the top how much we were able to store of things that we felt like we needed to take with us and have with us on our trips and worked out perfectly for us so and I wanted to address some of the questions that were asked like I said earlier in the video when she did her Facebook post that showed the progression of how we started and how we ended up with this setup one of the questions was how do we keep it from rattling yeah because the lockers the lockers and the magnetic stuff was a huge huge hit a lot of people liked like this idea so we decided to elaborate all right all right so and that was an issue it was right off the bat yeah yeah because that's one of the things that we always do whenever we put something new in the van we take it for a ride to see how much rattling it makes because it'll drive you nuts yeah and that was something that did happen these little doors yeah so it drove us nuts so here's what I came up with all right so I'm going to show you how we cut the doors from rattling and making a bunch of Racket and Shannon's going to show you how she came up with her idea on actually the initial putting the cat the Lockers in the van to keep them from banging up against the wall and that sort of thing but I'm going to show you the cabinet door is what I did we found some uh what is this weather what's this weather it's just what we're stripping exactly and I cut it down to size to fit right there that's it it's just a strip you see that and that was just enough to keep these from rattling back and forth and if they do shake a little bit it's cushioned by this insulation yeah and you don't hear it right see so all of them now um occasionally I do have to change them out like uh over the summer with the extreme heat and so forth it'll cause them to start peeling it off but I just change them out just takes a few minutes right and then that pretty much takes care of all this rattling all right so the other thing that you have to be mindful of um is how you place things inside the cabinet um because things will rattle inside the cabinet as well um we tried this idea right here like this is like that kind of rubbery um shelf liners basically what it is yeah and it's okay it it's kind of a mess for me I don't really like using it as you can see I took it out here I took it out um but I just have to make sure like when I'm stocking the pantry area here I kind of pay attention to that when I'm stocking to keep things from banging against each other and that sort of thing you know if I need to put it in something or whatever the case might be maybe take a towel and wrap some stuff up yeah you've done that haven't you put dish towels dish towels in between the pants yes I have done that and that keeps things from so yeah you just have to be a little bit mindful of of how you're placing things and just making sure things aren't going to bang around too much when you're driving down the road we just wanted to address with you guys some of the questions that we were getting as far as the rattling is concerned and like I said all throughout the van I'm you have to be mindful of that and we are for example I'll show you back here this mirror right here that mirror has really challenged us yeah now I wanted a mirror you know because you brush your hair and stuff like that and you might want to see how you look we had to get it for Frankie's wedding yeah that's right for Karen's sister's wedding we went to Tennessee and we took the van yeah and I needed to fix my hair so I was like I need a mirror well anyhow this Mirror Has drove us crazy this is what we have figured out I just shove it down here and Rattle and but that was one of our biggest rattle problems but we haven't really had too much more of an issue issue than the cabinet doors on the lockers call apart we pretty much have it down I mean we don't have a whole lot of rattling issues in here so Shin's going to talk to you guys about the um putting the cabinets in to begin with these lockers because it was a little bit of a challenge and right because um well you can see it wasn't a perfect fit so we had to raise it a little bit with a piece of wood and we we did a video and I'll put the link we did a video on how we installed these lockers yeah but this is just a cover we took Fabric and covered a piece of wood right so um storage area every inch of storage but this this is actually a yoga mat that we cut up and we put that down so that would take care of any kind of rattle this way or movement right and there is a strip of this behind the locker between the locker and the van itself to prevent um the banging and more importantly I was concerned about it scratching the metal because scratching the metal scratching the paint is eventually going to mean rust so there is some yoga mat behind the wall and the locker and you can see it I'll bring you up here and show it to you but you can see it back in here right right there this is where we have it yep and we have it kind of turned in the corner so that the corner grabs it as well all right so up in here is actually where we had to drill holes in the back of the locker these are gigantic zip ties that we put in and pulled it tight to pull it back up against the wall but in between here and the wall there are there's a large section of that yoga mat so there's rubber in between the metal and the metal right so that also helped prevent the rattling and also secured it safely yeah it's not going nowhere it's in there all right so Shannon was talking to you about those giant zeptizing again guys what we utilized if back behind the uh Locker or a lot of these types of uh pre-cut holes that were already in the van that we we just utilized those holes to secure the locker too okay everybody so again um due to Shannon's Facebook post that she put up um and some of the questions that we were getting mostly on these lockers and how we keep things from rattling in the van uh we thought we would do a little video um to explain how we came up with the ideas that we did to prevent the rattling to secure things and so forth and so on but the magnetic you use all of the metal that's available to us right and we like the questions we like the questions we like sharing what our trials and errors what has worked and what hasn't worked and yeah because there is a lot of trial and error with it and again we didn't want to do the build never been out in our plan so again what we've come up with we're really happy with and if you guys like this idea then great I say go for it right absolutely so if there's any more questions just let us know but we did want to address that one with you right yeah yeah so I guess next we'll be working on some other storage in the van yeah we'll talk to you about we're going to do another segment uh later on maybe next week or this week um on our other Storage Solutions and so forth so another segment coming up soon I hope all right so again check out the other video the um the one we did a while back where we show you how we put these Lockers in that might be helpful if you're considering the lockers so all right we'll see you guys later bye [Music]
Channel: Wandering Out Yonder
Views: 10,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wandering, out, yonder, no, build, camper, van, storage, car, camping
Id: ZnLwW2nhJcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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